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Ir. H. Isnugroho, CES

( 9)

A rubble mound breakwater made from quarry stone, rough surface,
randomly dumped randomly with the side-slope is 1 V : 1,60 H ;
Armor layer is formed by 2 lines of stones.
Mass density of stone is 2,60 ; sea water density is 1,045.
Designed wave height in this location is 2,20 m.
Assuming that the structure is placed in the non-breaking wave.
Wave period 10 seconds.
g= 10 m/dt2.
Please Define:
1. Wave length in deep water
2. Irribaren Value
3. Wave Run-up
4. The weight of stone in the middle (Ind: lengan) of structure based
on Hudson
5. Crest width of the breakwater
gT 2 10.102
1. L0 159,155m
2 2
tg 1,6
2. 1 Ir 5,3159
1,6 ( H ) 0,5 (2,2 ) 0,5
L0 159,155

3. Ir 5,32
Quarry stone
fig 5.9
Bilangan Irribaren:


gT 2 10.102
1. L0 159,155m
2 2
tg 1,6
2. 1 Ir 5,3159
1,6 ( H ) 0,5 (2,2 ) 0,5
L0 159,155

3. Ir 5,32
Quarry stone 1,26 Ru 2,77m
fig 5.9 H

4. .H 3 2,6.2,23
W W = 1,3129 ton
K D .(S r 1)3 .ctg 4.(
1)3 .1,6

W 13 1,31 13
5. B n.k .( ) 3.1,15.( ) B = 2,75 m
r 2,60
In the Rubble Mound Breakwater, wave energy is absorbed
1. Wave Run-up in the side slope.
2. Surface friction
3. Flow turbulence caused by surface irregularity

Source: Breakwater, PND Engineers, Inc.

Vertical Wall Break Water

Vertical Wall Breakwater (Breakwater Construction Method) Source: Breakwater, PND Engineers, Inc.

Condition in Vertical wall Breakwater:

1. Usually is built in water depth d > H
2. Vertical wall will reflect almost
100% of wave and its energy.
3. Superposition incoming and
reflected wave may produce
Incoming wave (red)
stationary wave called clapotis reflected wave (blue),
wave (its wave height may reach Superposition/clapotis wave(black).

double of incoming wave) Source: Wikipedia

In the designing of Vertical Wall Breakwater, should be taken into
account the following matters:
1. Crest elevation > 1 1/3 max wave height (Hmax)above HWL
2. Optimal water depth d ≈ 2 H (calculated bellow LWL)
3. Maximum water depth dmax = 20 m (if d > 20 m → composite type
break water)
4. For the mass vertical break water, B ≥ 3/4 height of vertical wall
5. Bottom soil should be strong enough and resist against the erosion.
6. Structural stability ( settling, sliding, tilting, overturning, etc.)
7. Vertical wall should be strong enough against clapotis wave attack.

Structure material for Vertical Wall Breakwater:

1. Mass concrete blocks compiled vertically
2. Concrete pile.
3. Steel pile
4. Caisson
5. etc.
Sumber :
Mass concrete blocks Breakwater Piled breakwater

Caisson breakwater construction method

Caisson breakwater
Sumber: Bambang Triatmodjo
Composite type Breakwater
Composite type breakwater is a combination of vertical wall breakwater
and rubble mound breakwater.
This type is applied if the sea is quite deep and have a weak sea bed soil
Several types of composite breakwater:
1. Rock embankment up to HWL, vertical wall just for covering.
2. Rock embankment up to LWL, vertical wall should protect hide tide.
3. Rock embankment use for spreading the load compression to the
sea bed soil.

Sumber: Bambang Triatmodjo

Wave pressure diagram in vertical wall breakwater

water depth in front of breakwater

water depth above the crest of armor layer
distance between designed water level and the bottom of vertical wall breakwater
distance between designed water level and the crest of vertical wall breakwater
maximum elevation from the wave force distribution to the water level

maximum pressure in designed water level

pressure in sea bed soil
pressure in the bottom of vertical wall
uplift pressure in the bottom of vertical wall
Wave pressures in the vertical wall are calculated with Goda (1985)
Formula as follows:

Water depth in the distance of 5 Hs

from break water toward to the sea.

choice the small one

parameter of K from table in

Maximum elevation 0,75(1 cos ) H max
Maximum designed wave height Hmax=1,8 Hs
Maximum wave period = Significant wave period
pu (1 cos ) 1 3 0 H max
1 1
P ( p1 p3 )d ' ( p1 p4 )d c*
2 2
1 1 1
MP (2 p1 p3 )d '2 ( p1 p4 )d ' d c* ( p1 2 p4 )d c*2
6 2 6

U pu B
3 Pressure Force Uplift Force

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