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Challenges faced by Mnc's regarding Intellectual Properties

Counterfeit products selling in similar names: A lot of the

products sell in similar names which consumers
mistake for a well
known brand. Thus, many companies face other counterfeit products
stealing customers
from there or taking advantage of their brand
names, logos or other trademarks. For example: Starbucks
Sardarbuksh, the latter was forced to change their name and logo
due to similarities with the
Starbucks name and logo.
The unavailability of traditional knowledge for IP: Many
countries refuse to give mncs IPs over traditional
knowledge. The
governments of different countries have even gone far in making it
illegal to do so.
Manipulation through loopholes: There are various loopholes
that firms can use inorder to gain a
seemingly unfair advantage as
far as mncs are concerned. It can be legal restrictions placed by
countries. Also, it can be technical such as a company
having a product patent, but not a process
patent.Some countries
encourage product patenting over process patenting. So, the company
would lose
out thanks to a lack of process patent.
Lack of laws and rules in countries: Some countries will not
have a strict licensing and property protection
process. This
means, the government or the laws of the country does little to
make sure that there are
enough safeguards against practices like
selling counterfeit products, intellectual property theft and so
Problems regarding extension of patents: Some countries may not
allow mncs to extend the duration of
their patents because of legal
or other reasons. This may prove to be an obstacle.

Environmental Challenges faced by MNCs:

Cleaning up: Companies face it difficult to clean up the mess

they have made as a result of operating their
business. This could
be the pollution caused by them in the surrounding areas or within
the premises of
their plants.

Restrictions on using natural resources: The companies often

face a challenge in minimizing the usage of
their resources such as
trees, water, oil and so on. Companies are hit with sanctions and
penalties if they
fail to comply with such restrictions as a
result, and will have to adhere to them if they are to exist. There
are also limits on the use of such natural resources imposed by
local governments.

Competition: Companies face competition from competitors who

maintain high standards in preventing
environmental pollution and
degradation. They use equipment and processes that prevent or
environmental damage.

Expectations from Customers: Customers expect the firms to be

ethical in nature and they expect them to
maintain standards and
values. Companies who use recyclable materials and eco-friendly
processes are
more appealing to customers than those who don't.

Legal and compliance issues: There are legal issues that

companies face in this regard. Companies are only
given licenses
and permits if they adhere to ethical and eco-friendly practices.
The permits and licenses
can be revoked if they are found to be
breaking such rules and restrictions. Penalties and prison
are also given in some instances.

Information technology can assist with counterfeit items and

logistics in the following ways:

Special marks, labels and codes: A company can put marks,

labels and codes over the products in
preventing counterfeit
products. These can be verified manually or through the use of
technologies like
scanners. There are some online tools that helps
in identifying if these are authentic or not.
Applications to authenticate products: There are apps that
helps customers identify and authenticate the
products they use.
This is seen in the mobile and healthcare industries. Customers can
verify the products
through online websites or apps.
Data management technologies: Technologies like block-chain and
other crypto technologies comes to the
aid in protecting
counterfeit products in the logistics chain. These technologies
helps in tracking and in
maintaining the information securely.
'Reporting malpractices: Many companies have setup special
windows that helps people in reporting
counterfeit products or any
such malpractices. Thanks to information technology, there exists
various apps
and websites that play this role.

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Q: An efficient and effective supply chain plays a major role in

the success of a multinational corporation (MNC). MNCs deal
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A: See answer 100% (2 ratings)

Q: 1.  What are some of the challenges that MNCs face as far
as intellectual properties are concerned?
2.  How information
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Must be 150 words per question. Thank you.

A: See answer 100% (4 ratings)

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