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Action by the vendee against the vendor to nullify the sale due to some vices or

defects which render the object of sale unfit for the use intended or knowledge of
which the vendee should not have bought the thing
Accion quanti minoris
Accion reinvidicatoria
Accion pauliana
Redhibitory action

Action to seek a corresponding reduction in price by reason of some vices or

defects in the thing purchased
Accion quanti minoris
Accion reinvidicatoria
Accion pauliana
Redhibitory action

The redhibitory action based on the faults or defects of animals must be brought
30 days from delivery to the vendee
40 days from delivery to the vendee
45 days from delivery to the vendee
6 months from delivery to the vendee

Voluntary renunciation made by the buyer of his right to warranty against eviction
where in case the buyer is evicted, the seller is liable to the value of the thing at
the time of eviction.
Waiver intentionada
Waiver consciente
Waiver cursunada
Waiver inocente

Voluntary renunciation made by the buyer of his right to warranty against eviction
where in case the buyer is evicted, where the seller is no longer liable
Waiver intentionada
Waiver consciente
Waiver cursunada
Waiver inocente

A contract of sale whereby the seller acquires the right to redeem or repurchase
the object of the sale from the buyer within a certain period agreed upon
Equitable mortgage
Absolute sale
On sale or return
Pacto de retro sale

Not an implied warranty in a contract of sale

Right to sell the thing at the time of perfection of the contract
Reasonably fit for the purpose they are acquired
Merchantable in quality
Free from charges or encumbrances not declared or known to the buyer

After the death of C, A, C’s son, sold his inheritance though its amount has not
yet been determined to B for a consideration of P1,000,000. Which is correct?
The contract is valid if the value of inheritance is at least equal to P1,000,000
The contract is valid even though the inheritance to be turned over to B is less
than P1M
The contract is void as future inheritance cannot be the object of sale
The contract is unenforceable

Vi imported radios from Taiwan and asked for 220 volts radios. The radios
arrived clearly labeled 220 volts and Vi sold them to the public as such. Later the
customer complained that the radios have been mislabeled by the manufacturer
and that they were good only for 110 volts. As a consequence
Vi is liable to the vendees for any hidden defects even though he is not aware.
Vi is not liable because he is in good faith
Vi is not liable under the principle of “caveat emptor” or let the buyer beware
The vendees may hold the manufacturer liable but not Vi because Vi specifically
asked for 220 volts

If the redemption is to be made by the seller, one of the following need not be
given to the Buyer
Expenses of the contract
Interest on the price of the sale
Necessary expenses on the thing sold
Price of the sale

A, B and C are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land, A sold his 1/ 3 interest

to B absolutely. Which is correct?
C may exercise his right of redemption of the interest sold by A to B
C cannot exercise the right of redemption because the sale was made in favor of
a co-owner
The sale made by A to B is void because it was not made in favor of a stranger
C may redeem only 1 /2 of the interest sold by A to B

A, B and C are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land, A sold his 1/ 3 interest

to D absolutely, a stranger, who can exercise the right of redemption?
Both B and C
B but not C
C but not B
A, B and C

Which of the following cannot be the object of a contract of sale?

Sale of credit
Young animal not yet conceived at the time of perfection
Land which the seller expects to buy
Future inheritance

There may be a contract of sale of goods, whose acquisition by the seller

depends upon a contingency which may or may not happen. (TRUE)

Any stipulation exempting the vendor from the obligation to answer for eviction
shall be void. (f)
The vendor is responsible to the vendee for any hidden faults or defects in the
thing sold only if he was aware thereof. (F)

If the animal sold should die within three (3) days after its delivery, the vendor
shall be liable to the vendee. (F- Purchase)

If two or more animals are sold together, whether for lump sum or for a separate
price for each of them, the redhibitory defect of one shall give rise to the
redhibition of the others. (F)

There is no warranty against hidden defects of animals sold at fairs or at public

auctions or of livestock sold as condemned. (T)

A vendor is not liable for breach of warranty even if an apparent easement is not
recorded in the Registry of Property. (T)

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