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professional nurse is who has acquired the art and science of nursing through her basic education, who

interprets her role in nursing in terms of social ends for which it exist-the health and welfare of society and
who continues to add her knowledge, skills, and attitudes through continuing education and scientific
inquiry or the use of the results of such inquiry. In this assignment, I want you to answer the following

1. As a student nurse how will you develop virtue and core values?
I believe one of the most important roles of a nurse to develop the virtue and core values is to assist
patients and their families with receiving information necessary for maintaining a patient’s optimal
health. having a good communication skill, speech, signals, writing, and behavior—during patient
assessment, as well as the planning, implementing, and evaluating of nursing care. think critically
and make decisions when patients present problems for which there may not be clear, textbook
solutions. As a Nursing we would be able to have the protection, promotion, and optimization of
health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering
through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals,
families, groups, communities, and populations. Carefully integrated values education ensures that
the legacy of caring behavior embodied by nurses is strengthened for the future nursing workforce
Personal values are values internalized from the society or culture in which one lives. People need
societal values to feel accepted, and they need personal values to have a sense of individuality.
Nurses often care for clients whose value systems conflict with their own. Ethics and values which
are closely related which both enlightens and complicates the nurse's balancing the ethical
principles of the client with those of the health care profession. Nurses must understand their own
values to practice ethically.
2. What are your virtues and core values?
The virtues and core values that I have is empathy, justice, respect for human dignity and a desire to
serve the people who are sick and require help for treatment and in performing self-care activities of
day-to-day life. The reasons why these values are important to me as a nurse and these values help
me in delivering an evidence-based practice that is patient centered.

3. List down and briefly explain core values and virtues expected of a professional nurse.

Professional nursing values are defined as important professional nursing principles of human
dignity, integrity, altruism, and justice that serve as a framework for standards, professional practice,
and evaluation Caring and compassion remain the core virtue ethics of the nursing profession and
their relevance remains obvious. The essence of caring as a nurse is that you recognize the value and
worth of those you care for and that the patient and his or her experience MATTERS to you

 Compassion. Awareness of the woman's whole being paired with a strong

desire to relieve suffering.
 Courage. In all situations, remaining committed to your beliefs and being
confident enough to act in accordance with them.
 Engagement. Striving to connect with a woman and her family at the personal
level and encouraging shared decision-making in health care matters.
 Humility. Having a balanced sense of one's worth and the capacity to learn
from colleagues.
 Integrity. Standing up for what is right even at the risk of being criticized.
 Wisdom. Applying expert clinical knowledge and judgment to the needs of each
particular woman or situation.

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