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Elementary Department
TOPIC / LESSON NAME Lesson 1: Counting by 1,000s and 10,000s
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100,000.
2. Demonstrates understanding of multiplication and division of whole
numbers including money.
The learners should be able to:
1. Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100,000 in
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS various forms and contexts.
2. Is able to apply multiplication and division of whole numbers including
money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
The learners should be able to:
1. Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on numbers 10
001 – 100 000.
2. Gives the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 100 000.
3. Reads and writes numbers up to hundred thousand in symbols and
in words.
SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
OUTCOMES 1. Skip count by 10,000s till 100,000

Introduction/Review: (5 minutes)
 Ask: How do we skip count by 100 starting from 100? What happens after 900?
 How can we skip count by 1,000? What happens after we reach 9,000?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: We skip count by 100 by increasing the digit at the hundreds
place by 1 each time. We get 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900. After 900, we get 10 hundreds
( 9+1 ) = 1 thousand ( 1,000 ). Similarly, we add 1 to the digit at the thousands place each time we skip
count by 1,000. We get 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000. After 9,000, we
reach the next place, that is, ten thousands or 10,000.
 Demonstrate how to skip count by 1,000s on a number line.
 Brief: Today, we will learn to skip count by 10,000s up to the next/higher place, that is, 100,000.
Motivation: (10 minutes)
 Distribute the sheets to each student. Write on the board: Skip count by 10,000s starting from
A. 10,000 B. 30,000
 Instruct: Skip count as given until you reach the next/higher place: Show it on a number line.
*Teacher Tip: Demonstrate skip counting by 10,000s starting from 50,000 till 100,000 on the board.
Instruction/Delivery: (15 minutes)
Part 1: Activity Discussion
 Ask: What numbers did you get on skip counting by 10,000s starting from 10,000?30,000? What higher
place did you reach?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: Starting from 10,000; we skip counted as 10,000; 20,000;
30,000; 40,000; 50,000; 60,000; 70,000; 80,000; 90,000; 100,000. Starting from 30,000; we skip counted
as 30,000; 40,000; 50,000; 60,000; 70,000; 80,000; 90,000; 100,000. After 90,000, we reached 1
hundred thousand ( 100,000 ), which is the next/ higher place after the ten thousands ( 10,000s ) place.
Part 2: Generalized Discussion
 Ask: How can we count by 10,000s? How many 10,000s make the next place value? Why do we put a
comma in numbers?
 Summarize: student responses. Explain: To count by 10,000s; we add 1 to the digit at the 10,000s place
each time. Counting by 10,000s ten times gives us the next/higher place value, that is, hundred
thousand ( 100,000 ). We put commas after thousands to separate the two periods in a number, that is,
the thousands and ones.
Part 3: Higher Order Thinking
 Ask: How do we skip count by 2,000s starting from 4,000 until the ten thousands place?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: Counting by 2,000 from 4,000 we got 6,000; 8,000; and 10,000.
As there are 2 thousands by which we skip counted, we added 2 to the digit at the thousands place
each time.
XSEED Content Book (Recommended): Read Counting by 1,000s and 10,000s.
Practice: (10 minutes)
Practice Questions
1. Count by 1,000s until you reach 10,000 ( K&U)
A. starting from 4,000 B. starting from 5,000
2. What are the next 3 numbers when we count by 10,000s starting from 65,000? (A)
3. What will the next number be if I count by 3,000s starting from 4,500? (HOTS)
Enrichment: (10 minutes)
Class work (Workbook): Finish S1
 Differentiation Tips:
Those who need more help: Instruct students to add 1 to the digit at the 10,000s place each time they
skip count.
Those who need extra challenge: Instruct: Skip count 5 steps by 3,000s starting from 2,000.
 Check S1 with the rubric below to assess if students have achieved the aim:
Approaching Meeting Exceeding
Student can skip count by Student can skip count by 10,000s Additionally, student can skip count
1,000s till they reach 10,000. till 100,000. by multiples of 1,000.

Evaluation: (10 minutes)

Additional Practice Questions
1. A. Count by 1,000s starting from 23,000 until the next ten thousand. ( A)
B. Count by 10,000s starting from 20,000 until the next higher place
2. Count by 6,000 starting from 12,000 until 30,000 ( HOTS)

- Content book, Student’s Workbook, & Teacher’s Manual

MATERIAL - Resources (Materials)
- PowerPoint Presentation (Laptop and Speaker)
Teacher’s Manual: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 1, page 14
RESOURCES Content Book: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 1, page 14
Student’s Workbook: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 1, page 5

REMARKS Values Integration

Prepared by: Nelson T. Manalo, LPT

TOPIC / LESSON NAME Lesson 2: Place Value and Value of a Digit
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100,000
2. Demonstrates understanding of multiplication and division of whole
numbers including money.
The learners should be able to:
3. Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100,000 in
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS various forms and contexts.
4. Is able to apply multiplication and division of whole numbers including
money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
The learners should be able to:
4. Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on numbers 10
001 – 100 000.
5. Gives the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 100 000.
6. Reads and writes numbers up to hundred thousand in symbols and
in words.
SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
OUTCOMES 1. Write the place value and the value of digits in numbers up to 100,000.

Introduction/Review: (5 minutes)
 Write on the board : A. 5833 B. 50444. Ask: Why do we use commas in numbers? Where should
we place commas in the given numbers?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: 5-digit numbers have two periods, that is, thousands and ones.
We separate them by putting a comma between them. Periods help us to read a number by grouping
the digits. In the given numbers, the comma will be placed between the two periods, that is, the
thousands and ones. Hence, 5,833 and 50,444.
 Brief: Today, we will learn to write the place value and value of 2 in each number.
Motivation: (10 minutes)
 Write on the board: A. 92, 535 B. 23, 008 C. 15, 216
 Instruct: Write the place, place value, and value of 2 in each number.
*Teacher Tip: Draw a place value chart on the board and tell students to use a place value chart to identify the
place value and the value of a digit.
Instruction/Delivery: (15 minutes)
Part 1: Activity Discussion
 Ask: What is the place, place value, and value of the digit 2 in the given numbers? Are they the same or
different in both numbers? Why?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: In 92,535; place of 2= thousands, place value = 2 thousands and
value = 2 x 1,000 = 2,000. In 20,000. In 15, 216, place of 2 = hundreds, place value = 2 hundred and value
= 2 x 100 = 200. The place value and value of 2 in the numbers are different because the digit 2 is at a
different place in each number.
Part 2: Generalized Discussion
 Ask: What do we multiply each place by to get the next place in numbers? What is the place value of a
digit in a given number? Value of a digit? How are they different?
 Summarize: student responses. Explain: We multiply each place by 10 to get the next higher place.
Place value is the value of a digit because of its position in a number, whereas value is the actual
numerical value of a digit in the number. The value of a digit depends on its place value in the number.
Part 3: Higher Order Thinking
 Ask: If we change the place of 7 from the 1,000s place to the 10,000s place in the number 87,351, what
will its new place value be? Will the value of the digit be the same or different? How?
 Summarize student responses. Explain: The place value of 7 will become 7 ten thousands. The value of
the digit will also be different, that is 7 x 10,000 = 70,000, instead of 7,000.
XSEED Content Book (Recommended): Read Place Value and Value of a Digit.
Practice: (10 minutes)
Practice Questions
1. Place commas at the right places in the given numbers ( K&U)
A. 7125 B. 38042
2. Write the place value and the value of the digits 6 and 7 in each number. ( A)
A. 69,072 B. 76,541 C. 48,067
3. How does the place value of the digit 5 change in 25,177 when it moves? (HOTS)
A. one place to the left B. one place to the right
Enrichment: (10 minutes)
Class work (Workbook): Finish S2
 Differentiation Tips:
Those who need more help: Ask students to draw a place value chart to find the place value.
Those who need extra challenge: Instruct: Change the place of 9 from 100s to 10,000s in 78,906. What
is the new place value? Value of the digit?
 Check S1 with the rubric below to assess if students have achieved the aim:
Approaching Meeting Exceeding
Student can place commas at appropriate Student can write the place value and value Additionally, student can identify the
places in numbers up to 5-digits. of a digit in numbers up to 100,000. changed place value and value of a digit.

Evaluation: (10 minutes)

Additional Practice Questions
1. Write the place value and the value of the underlined digits. ( A)
A. 6,189 B. 79,200 C. 24,178 D. 80,317

2. If the place of 6 is changed from 10,000s to 1,000s in 63,800, what will the ( HOTS)
new value of the digit 6 be?

- Content book, Student’s Workbook, & Teacher’s Manual

MATERIAL - Resources (Materials)
- PowerPoint Presentation (Laptop and Speaker)
Teacher’s Manual: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 2, page 15
RESOURCES Content Book: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 2, page 15
Student’s Workbook: XSEED Math 4 – Quarter 1, Lesson 2, page 6

REMARKS Values Integration

Prepared by: Nelson T. Manalo, LPT

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