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UNIT 4: Extreme perception and intelligence
1. Apparently (adverb): it is used to say something that appears to be true on
what is known.
 I ate six mangos which apparently is too much for some people.
 Apparently, the weather is warm, but it’s hot for me.
 Source: Merriam Wesbter

2. Cognition (noun): Is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge

through experience and the senses.
 Creative cognition is an inherent aspect that some people have.
 Some researchers still have little idea of how brain signals connect to
cognition and feeling.
 Source: Cambridge dictionary.

3. Obvious (adjective): its easy to understand or see.

 Some students stopped studying for obvious reasons.
 It was obvious that animals were developing new abilities to help people.
 Source: Merriam Wesbter

4. Sensory (adjective): Connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste,
hearing, and sight.
 When you try to listen to music while watching the TV and eating dinner
caused a sort of sensory overload.
 The whiskers on a cat act in a sensory manner and allow the animal to
detect motion
 Source: Cambridge dictionary

5. Trait (noun): It’s a quality that makes one person or thing different from
 My friend has a very unattractive personality trait. For examples, he is an
 Honesty is a trait that most parents greatly value in their children, as
nothing is more troublesome than someone who lies to their parents.
 Source: Merriam Wesbter
Writing 1 (feedback)
This article called “Extreme perception and animal intelligence” wrote by Temple Grandin
describes animals’ perceptive abilities and their intelligence. According to this article, many
animals can help people by using their own abilities such as extreme perception. One main
example is the training of seizure-response dogs who can even develop an even more complex
skill such as perceiving signs of seizure ahead of time. This leads the writer to firmly believe in
their intelligence. It manifests not through a hidden and special skill that the dogs have, but
through their ability to identify and question to specific clues in a certain context.
First, the Granding introduces the topic of animal’s perceptive abilities and presents the case of
the seizure responding dogs. This type of assistance dog is trained to respond with helpful
behaviors in the event that their owners have a seizure. Furthermore, there are dogs that utilize
their cognitive abilities to even acquire a further complex skill, the faculty to predict its owner
oncoming seizure. For instance, the writer quotes a New York Times article about the case of
Connie Standley who has two dogs that could predict a seizure thirty minutes ahead of time.
There is an ongoing controversy about how this type of seizure-predicting dogs can acquire
such apparently impossible ability. However, it all comes down to their intelligence and extreme
Second, the writer continues to expand on the topic by presenting the case of the German horse
Clever Hans, a horse recognized in Germany for its mathematical ability to count. He also adds
that, later, a psychologist called Oskar Pfungst showed that Hans wasn't counting. To quote the
writer, Pfungst discovered that “Hans could answer the question only when the people who
asked were in plain view”. The horse was actually observing unconscious clues that humans
were giving without noticing, and then acted accordingly. The writer compares this to the case
of the dogs that predicted seizures: some of them learned to perceive subtle signs from their
owners that gave them clues of an oncoming seizure, to then behave in a helpful way.
To finish with, the writer states that the horse and the assistance dog’s ability is an example of
high intelligence and product of their high perceptive skills. These animals can learn to read
human behavior and also comprehend how to act with the information acquired. What is more,
all of this happens without human help. Here resides the key to their intelligence. In other
words, to cite the author: “intelligence is people using their built-in perceptual and cognitive
skills to achieve useful and sometimes remarkable goals”.


1. Vigorous (adjective): It’s a description for something who has a full
of physical or mental strength or active force.
 My boyfriend is a vigorous person because he works with a lot
of mental effort.
 I bought a plant that is vigorous, productive and has a good
 Source: Merriam Wesbter.

2. Utterly (adverb): It’s used to emphasize how bad someone or

something is.
 The presidential vacancy seems utterly unsuitable and
unreasonable because the parliamentarians want to benefit
from that.
 Our country is utterly dominated by the force of media.
 Source: Macmillan dictionary

3. Loveless (adjective): A loveless relationship or situation is one

where there is no love.
 There are some people who live in a loveless and cold
 Zansu doesn’t love her and he doesn’t want to live in a
loveless marriage.
 Source: Collins dictionary

4. Worrisome (adjective): it’s a feeling that causes people to worry.

 The researchers explain the economic situation in our country
which is still worrisome.
 Especially, the situation of her husband was especially
worrisome to her.
 Source: Collins dictionary

5. Impetuous (adjective): Its someone who is impetuous does things

quickly without thinking about what will happen as a result.
 My cousin can be very impetuous, last month he bought a
bicycle with the money that his mother gave him to pay his
 My friend is an inconsequential, impetuous boy who does not
understand peaceful solutions.
Prepare to write-using an idea web

since 2003
and now
im 175
years old
Live in a
I had 1 big
career MY housepous
LIFE IN floating

I have Family
been none of
marriage children,
for 8 years only cats.

This is the year 2175 where life has advanced to the point that people have achieved
near immortality and they found immeasurably discoveries that change their life. Life
changed from the way that people used to live in the early 2000´ and the technology has
advanced in different ways to figure out things that now we have. Now I’m in the year
175, In spite of everything that's happened, I feel good.
First, living in 2175 year is awesome because I live in a housepod floating in a 500-
story long skyscraper caused by overpopulation, it´s nice and quiet up here with
relatively low air pollution and noise, I also have many robots that can move well while
executing a specific predesigned task. Moreover, I have worked and studied hard to
move up the career ladder, eventually becoming a doctor of veterinary medicine on
Mars, it’s a job I really enjoyed. I could study many careers because it seems to me so
repetitive and boring, because most of the work that I was hired to perform has become
automated, there are artificially intelligent systems that assist me in making a decision
and handle most of the few tasks that were left remaining for me to do. About marriage
and family, I married a man whom I greatly admire and whom I consider to be the
greatest economist, and I don’t have kids or anything because I don’t like newborn
children, though my friend told me: It's a blessing to have children because there will be
a great generation of family¨. And in my 175 years I´m still alive, I also feel good with
my new life because I was able to save any kind of animals. Besides, I have known
many people who have done interesting projects related to new species. And then, I
decided to work in my housepoud and made my own shelter.

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