Form - CWTS101 Essay #2

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How does knowing one’s self help in performing your duties as a CWTS student?

The training of this course within the course of CWTS under the NSTP program involves the
mixing of values that may be found from mentors to students, from students to their peers, and
from those students to the people, they might meet within the communities. except for that,
students would learn transformational leadership and civic consciousness. In this, we will all see
how all of the characteristics mentioned above are for one's own betterment and improvement.

Before beginning the CWTS course, an individual must first understand themself. this is often
because if one is conversant in oneself, they know what one desires and what characteristics one
should work on. Implementing projects for the community would be easier if you're accustomed
to yourself because you recognize what issues or problems have to be addressed. you'd
recognize this because you understand that being tuned in to issues in one's own country may be
a personal responsibility. Furthermore, if one is conversant in oneself, one would understand
how it's every individual's responsibility to be socially aware, be responsible individual members,
and help community members. If this can be instilled in one's mind, projects to be completed in
specific communities won't be viewed as a burden but rather as a social responsibility for his or
her fellow countrymen. whether or not one considers themself to be a decent citizen who
understands and performs their duties, taking this course will open one's eyes to the actual fact
that there are still many things or areas in oneself which will be improved. If you recognize
yourself, it'll be easier to boost on these items because you may be hospitable the thought of
improving and bettering yourself because within the end. At the identical time, every experience
during this course can help you; you're the one liable for your development whether you select
to be hospitable it or not.

Finally, knowing and being acquainted with oneself is critical for this course and therefore the life
you reside daily. If you recognize yourself, you'll quickly recognize the areas within which you
would like to boost and also the responsibilities you've got to your fellow citizens and therefore
the country. Knowing oneself is critical for the continual growth and improvement that we all
strive for.

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