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Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones.

1/ The coins are believed to have been buried for safe-keeping. (IT)

2/ Someone punched Sam in the face at a football match. (GOT)

3/ John’s school is making him sit his exams again. (MADE)

4/ I’m going to the dentist’s for a filling tomorrow. (FILLED)

5/ Everyone thinks that Mary has not accepted the job. (THOUGHT)

6/ Two weeks passed before the letter arrived. (DID)

7/ I expect this film will be good. (SHOULD)

8/ She was so popular that everyone voted for her. (SUCH)

9/ It was very kind of you to bring me chocolates! (SHOULDN’T)

10/ It may seem strange but I like stale cake! (AS)

11/ It was not necessary for you to wear uniform.
 You
12/ The hotel was as comfortable as possible.
 The hotel could not
13/ I stay there on your recommendation. (SINCE)
14/ Why didn’t you tell me you were ill?
 You should
15/ I remembered I had forgotten to buy any eggs after I arrived home.
 Only after
16/ Luckily it was not necessary for Jim to take the exam again. (NEED)
 Luckily
17/ The management has decided to reduce the workforce by 10%.
 The workforce
18/ They have no idea what caused the accident.
 The
19/ As soon as the police officer left, the neighbors started shouting again.
 No sooner
20/ It’s possible that Mary and Helen have not heard from the bank yet.
 Mary and Helen
21/ It’s a common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
 He is known
22/ ‘I hate to be criticized by non-professionals.’, the film star said.
 The film star objected
23/ She cannot get into the habit of studying every evening.
 She can’t get
24/ I regret not paying much attention to the lecture.
 I wish
25/ Perhaps I did not get a better job because I did not study hard enough.
 I might
26/ Please don’t mention it again.
 I’d rather
27/ Quyen began teaching Chinese ten years ago. (BEEN)
 Quyen
28/ We have not visited the museum before.
 This is

29/ Peter missed the train because he woke up too late.

 Had
30/ The robber forced the cashier to hand over the money.
 The cashier
31/ What’s the price of the tickets, Jimmy? (MUCH)

32/ Are these your trainers? (DO)

33/ Sasha is not keen on team sports at all. (LIKES)

34/ It is only her second time in a recording studio. (ONLY BEEN)
……………………………………………………..once before.
35/ We got here 3 hours ago. (HAVE)

36/ I started writing this hours ago and it’s still not right.

37/ This is my first experience of flying alone.
38/ Sharon is in the bath at the moment. (A)
 Sharon
39/ Paul enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday. (DOES)
 Paul………………………………………on his birthday
40/ Their trip lasted three days. (DAY)
 They
41/ As soon as we got on the plane, the pilot told us to get off again. (JUST)
 We have
42/ I visited Paris once before. (VISITED)
 This is
43/ I find it hard to go at the same speed as my husband on walking holidays. (UP)
 I find it hard to
44/ John has always been very fond of travelling and has been everywhere. (ON)
 John has always
45/ We drove away as fast as we could, ready to begin our adventure. (FULL)
 We drove away
46/ I’m sorry I didn’t look at the hotel room before I booked it. (REGRET)
47/ Living in a foreign country is not strange to me now. (HAVE GOT)
48/ Taking a risk does not frighten me. (AFRAID)
49/ Sadie is talented at telling jokes. (TALENT)
 Sadie
50/ I ran fifteen miles, and then my trainer told me to do fifty push-ups! (ALREADY)
 When my trainer told me
51/ Our tennis match started at one o’clock and we were still playing at four. (HAVE)
 At four o’clock,
52/ Terry never used to spend so much time playing on his computer. (NOT)
 Terry
53/ I spend a lot of my time on my hobbies. (UP)
 My hobbies
54/ It is very important to remember to tip the waiter. (USING MODAL VERB)
 You
55/ For the time being, planes cannot land as it is too foggy at the airport. (THERE)
 For the time being, planes
56/ I have finally started sorting out my postcard collection. (ROUND)
 I have finally got
57/ No matter how strong he is, he still could not open the window. (AS)
 Strong
58/ If he had not given us his book, we couldn’t have got the useful information. (GET)
 Thanks
59/ She finds it easy to express herself in English. (NO)
 She has
60/ Roger was defeated once again by Novak in the Dubai tournament. (MORE)
 Roger lost
61/ We will get home and then we will have something to eat. (GOT)
 We will have something to eat
62/ I will finish making the exams and then I will tell you yours results. (SOON)
 I will tell you yours results
63/ You will be travelling across the Sahara next week so remember to wear lots of sunscreen! (WHILE)
 Remember to wear lots of sunscreen
64/ They will show “Titan” at the cinema and then they will release the DVD. (BEFORE)
 They won’t
65/ My science exam starts at ten tomorrow morning. (BE)
 At ten past ten tomorrow
66/ Let’s watch the space documentary before we have supper. (HAVE)
 Let’s have supper
67/ I will send out all the invitations before lunchtime. (HAVE)
 By lunchtime, all
68/ Do some revision and then I’ll give you a test. (UNTIL)
 I won’t
69/ When you visit us, we will have moved into our new house. (BY)
 We will
70/ We will get some more information and then we will decide. (ONCE)
 Let’s make
71/ We had just started the picnic and then the rain began pouring down.
 Hardly
 No sooner

72/ It is not until several years after a war has ended that many of its veterans begin to feel the severe
psychological damage it can cause.
 Not
73/ If Matt were ever to find out that you borrowed his car, he would be angry.
 Were
74/ A vacant lot is at the end of the street.
 At
75/ This professor has rarely cancelled classes, even when the weather is bad. (RARELY)

76/ He had no idea that the treasure had been hidden in his garden. (KNOW)

77/ It was only when I got home that I realized I’d forgotten my bag.
 Not until
78/ We didn’t realize how serious the situation was.
 Little
79/ The trees were beautiful in their autumn colors.

80/ He speaks so clearly that even beginners understand most of what he says.
 So
 Such
81/ He had little success, but he was a tireless worker.
 Little
82/ A modern power plant stands near the old bridge.
 Near
83/ He rarely comes to see me now. (COME)

84/ It was only when the office phoned me that I found out about the meeting.
 Not

85/ The facts were not made public at the time.

 Only
86/ Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
 Not
 Not
87/ He had never heard of such a thing.
 Never
88/ The President jumped up, his face burning.
 Up
89/ He was not very angry, either.
 Neither
90/ You are not to leave the hospital under any circumstances.
 Under
91/ From its tiny cage the bird flew out.
 Out
92/ Industrialization has reached the high levels of western countries only in Japan.
 Only in Japan
93/ This door, which is an emergency exit, must never be locked for any reason.
 On
94/ Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date. (BEFOREHAND)
 Had you told me
95/ Without his help, we would all have died. (FOR)
 Had it not
96/ If she hadn’t insisted on kissing everyone goodbye, she would have caught the train.
 Had she not
 Had it not been for
97/ Thanks to his aunt’s legacy of $10,000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.
 Had his aunt

98/ The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
 Had the Prime Minister
 Had it not
99/ It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
 Had he been more
100/ She was so charming that every boy in the class ran after her.
 So
 Such
101/ Photographs are not permitted under any circumstances.
 Under
102/ We have not faced such a serious problem like this.
 Never
103/ I only realized it was Vanessa when she removed her hat.
 Only
104/ The audience didn’t laugh during the show.
 At
105/ As soon as Patrick had finished the e-mail, he sent it.
 Hardly
 No
106/ It was not clear who was going to win the match until the last few minutes.

107/ I have seldom met such a rude person!

108/ The accused showed no emotion at any time during the trial. (NO)

109/ I didn’t think of a good answer to the interviewer’s question until later.
 Only
110/ It was so boring a job that no one wanted to do it. (WAS)
 So
 Such
111/ I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. (WHEN)
 Only
112/ The phone rang again as soon as I put it down.
 Hardly
113/ The Watsons moved to London and very soon after they decided to get divorced. (THAN)
 No
114/ I had no idea the manager wanted to see me to fire me. (REALISE)
 Little
115/ Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible. (TO)
 Rarely
116/ They did not ask me anything about my plans for the summer. (QUESTION)
 Not
117/ There is no situation in which we will allow the management to lower wages. (NO)
 Under
118/ I’d like to remind you that there are no circumstances in which employees are allowed to leave
early. (UNDER)
 I’d like
119/ Passengers can only board the plane when all bags have been checked.
 Only
120/ She won the prize because she was passionately fond of music. (FONDNESS)
 Were
121/ ‘Don’t forget to sign the contract.’, he said.
 He
122/ ‘I didn’t sign the contract.’, he said.
 He
123/ ‘Go on, sign the contract. It’s really a good idea.’, he said.
 He
124/ ‘If I were you, I would sign the contract.’, he said.
 He
125/ ‘No, I will not sign this contract under no circumstances.’, he said.
 He
126/ ‘I am so sorry I signed the contract.’, he said.
 He
127/ ‘Yes, I am afraid to say that it was me who sign the contract.’, he said.
 He
128/ ‘I will sign the contract if you like.’, he said.
 He
129/ ‘Sign the contract NOW!’, he said.
 He
130/ ‘I really wouldn’t sign the contract. You have not read it. It could be a disaster.’, he said.
 He
131/ We want to find out where they are hiding.
 It’s where
132/ Italy didn’t get to the quarter last year. France didn’t, either. (NOR)

133/ A greater dramatist has never lived.
 There
134/ Does anyone not understand?
 Is there
135/ Suddenly on the horizon a small figure appeared.
 Suddenly there
136/ I would not mind if only I could talk to someone. (THERE)
 I would not mind if only
137/ Our favorite is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. (ARE)

138/ That he was old was acceptable, but that he was old and poor was sad. (Using introductory ‘IT’)

139/ For Winston to be seen in public without a cigar was unusual. (Using introductory ‘IT’)

140/ To arrive five minutes late will be regarded as polite. (BE)
 It
141/ The mistake by scientists caused a massive explosion. (RESULTED)

142/ Dr Atherton finally succeeded in discovering the secret formula. (TO)
 Dr Atherton
143/ Another name for iron oxide is ‘fool’s gold’ (AS)
 Iron oxide
144/ Many local residents are going to protest about the nuclear power plant. (TO)
 Many local residents
145/ We are thinking of appointing Dr Knight to the position of Professor. (FOR)
 We are considering
146/ We cannot live in outer space without special equipment. (US)
 It
147/ I can’t wait until we do some experiments in the science lab. (TO)
 I am really
148/ Einstein eventually realised that he was wrong. (CONCLUSION)
 Einstein
149/ Our physics teacher tried to explain the Theory of Relativity. (ATTEMPT)
 Our physics teacher made
150/ They think that someone started the fire on purpose. (TO)
 The fire is
151/ Although he is young, there are several ministers even younger than him. (MEANS)
 Although
152/ Nobody told me about her sick mother. (IGNORANT)
 I was totally
153/ Tony doesn’t have free time, so he can’t play football with his friends.
 If

154/ What a pity! I can’t speak English fluently.

 I wish that
155/ The temple was built in the 14th century. We visited it two weeks ago.
 The temple, which
156/ People have domesticated cats for thousands of years.
 Cats
157/ “If I were you, Mr. Black, I would cut down on your smoking and attend a yoga class,” Dr. Camron
 Dr. Cameron advised
158/ Emily is sick today, so she can’t go to school.
 If Emily were not
159/ “Are you having a wonderful time here?”, the teacher asked me.
 The teacher asked me if
160/ It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it.
 The exercise was
161/ He is sorry he is not able to speak English well.
 He wishes
162/ Tom passed the test easily.
 Tom had
163/ The news was very informative. I listened to it last night.
 The news
164/ The last time we saw the film was ten years ago.
 It has been
165/ A lot of children and old people have to go to hospitals these days because of the hot weather.
 Because the weather
166/ She feels unhealthy because she doesn’t sleep enough.
 If
167/ The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow. My grandma is watching it.
 The weather forecast which

168/ He takes part in all of his school activities. His health is poor.
 In spite
169/ They will send an ambulance to the school in 10 minutes.
 An ambulance
170/ I have never met this strange man before.
 This is the first time
171/ “Don’t make too much noise, children” he said.
 He told
172/ “Let’s help the homeless in the neighborhood.” Maria said.
 Maria suggested
173/ I last talked to him five months ago.
 I haven’t
174/ Nowadays young people pay more attention to traditional festivals than they did some years ago.
 Some years back young
175/ This is the first time they have experienced the wonderful feeling in space.
 They have never
176/ We should teach young children to care for the environment.
 I suggest young children
177/ Drivers and passengers must fasten the seat belt when travelling in cars.
 It is compulsory for
178/ His motorcycle is more expensive than mine.
 My
179/ This robot can do the housework.
 The housework
180/ It is too hot now, so we consume a lot of electricity.
 If
181/ The test was too difficult for us to do.
 The test was not

182/ “I learn hard so that my parents will feel happy,” said the boy.
 The boy said
183/ “Where are you spending your holidays?” Janet asked us.
 Janet asked
184/ He couldn’t repair the broken vase.
 The broken vase
185/ The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.
 It took
186/ I am sure it wasn’t Jim who did it. (HAVE)
 It
187/ Smoking on buses is not allowed. (BANNED)
 You are
188/ Shall I do the washing up?
 Would
189/ He promised me he would be back before midnight. (WORD)
 He
190/ It was not necessary for her to get up early as it was Sunday. (NEED)/(NEEDN’T)
 She did
191/ They made the girl take her medicine.
 The girl
192/ I will try as hard as I can to finish in time. (MY)
193/ I suppose they are ready to go now. (BE)
 They
194/ He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. (NAME)
 He is
195/ You can call me any time you want. (GIVE)
 You

196/ They sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)

 He
197/ Critics are hoping the new director can bring some positive changes into the French film industry.
 Critics are hoping the new director can
198/ He is very good at cooking spaghetti. (DAB)
 He is a
199/ We all want to make him realize that he is not as important as he thinks. (SIZE)
 We all
200/ We were late for school because of the heavy rain.
 Because it
201/ Lan doesn’t have enough money, so she can’t buy a new dictionary.
 Because Lan
202/ What a pity! I cannot join you now
 I wish I
203/ They boy about whom I told you is very good at tennis.
 I told you about the boy
204/ “Why don’t we spend money on research into solar energy?” Nga said.
 Nga suggested
205/ People produce champagne in France.
 Champagne
206/ “I want to be a doctor”, she said.
 She said that
207/ He went to bed early because of his sickness.
 Because he
208/ She doesn’t know the answer, so she cannot tell you.
 If she
209/ I’m sorry I missed Professor Baker’s lecture.
 I’m sorry not

210/ People speak English all over the world.

 English
211/ Five boys on a motorbike at the speed of 60mph are very likely to end up in hospital. (RECIPE)
 Five boys on a motorbike at the speed of 60mph are
212/ The police ended the fighting between the two gangs by arresting the leader. (STOP)
 The police put
213/ ‘That’s a lovely new dress, Jean’, said her mother.
 Jean’s mother complimented
214/ He died, having nothing of his own. (NOTHING)
 He died with
215/ Detectives had stopped working on the Horsley murders three years previously. (BOOK)
 Detectives had
216/ Have a look at this picture. It may help you to remember something. (JOG)
 Have a look at this picture. It may help you to
217/ Many trees died because of the bad weather.
 Because the weather
218/ He has been studying English for six years.
 He started
219/ I don’t have the key, so I cannot get into the house
 If I
220/ Japan will give 200 cherry trees to Hanoi in March 2016.
 200 cherry trees
221/ I started working in this factory 5 years ago.
 I have
222/ The weather was bad, but we went to school on time.
 Although
223/ They last visited their home village five years ago.
 They haven’t

224/ They must complete this test on time.

 This test must
225/ “What kind of books do you like best, Linda?” asked Peter.
 Peter asked Linda what
226/ Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
 Betty is devoted
227/ The planet is Venus. The planet is closest to the Earth.
 The planet which
228/ They have just sent an ambulance to the school.
 An ambulance
229/ "What aspect of learning English do you find most difficult?" she asked me.
 She asked
230/ Minh last wrote to his pen pal ten months ago.
 Minh hasn't
231/ Lan said, “why don’t you ask the teacher to explain the question again?”
 Lan asked me
232/ He can hardly read at all (VIRTUALLY).
 He is
233/ They will finish their work tomorrow.
 Their work
234/ It’s a pity. I can’t play the piano.
 I wish
235/ Your bike is more expensive than mine.
 My bike isn’t
236/ It takes Minh two hours to do his homework every day.
 Minh spends
237/ The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.
 In all

238/ "I'm working in a restaurant." she said

 She said
239/ It’s two years since I last spoke to her.
 I haven’t
240/ It is very difficult to learn English.
 Learning English
241/ The impression most people have of him is that he is a good singer. (REPUTATION)
 He has a
242/ There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. (BOUND)
 That young man
243/ “I must do all the housework now.” said Nam.
 Nam
244/ Can you type the letter right now?
 You can
245/ Don’t wait to be asked if you want a sandwich! (HELP)
 Help
246/ It’s two years since I last spoke to her.
 I haven’t
247/ Helen plays the piano better than Elizabeth.
 Elizabeth doesn’t
248/ Do you remember your first visit to Ho Chi Minh City?
 You remember
249/ Why don’t we use banana leaves instead of plastics bags to save energy?
 What about
250/ They clean this room every day.
 This room
251/ You will eventually appreciate what I am getting at.
 In

252/ Why don’t we watch a film now?

 What about
253/ “Would you like to have some coffee?”, said Tom to Mary.
 Tom invited Mary
254/ I cannot remember the man’s name. He phoned me last night.
 The man whose
255/ People don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly
 If
256/ Although he didn’t want to pay such a high price, he had no choice. (WAS)
 Reluctant
257/ He often went swimming when he was a boy.
 He used
258/ The test was not easy enough for her to do.
 The test was too
259/ It's common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
 He is known
260/ The remark was so unexpected that she didn’t know what to say
 It was
261/ It was a waste of time writing that letter.
 I needn’t
262/ “Let’s check everything once more,” said the man in chief.
 The man in chief suggested
263/ Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangerous.
 Contrary
264/ The students really appreciate the teacher’s sense of humor.
 What
265/ It is acknowledged that Vietnam had a complete control over SARS from a very early stage of the
 Vietnam is

266/ He didn’t remember anything about it, and neither did she.
 He forgot
267/ We couldn’t have managed it if our father hadn’t encouraged us.
 If it
268/ I wish I had applied for that job.
 It is a
269/ What particularly impressed me was her knowledge of world history.
 It was her
270/ “Shall I carry the suitcase for you, Pauline?” said John.
 John offered
271/ I’m sorry now that I didn’t tell you the truth.
 I wish
272/ I feel uncomfortable to be in a room where everybody is shouting.
 I can’t stand
273/ Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
 Minerals
274/ She never seems to succeed even though she works hard.
 However
275/ The Picasso painting was so expensive that nobody could buy it.
 So
276/ “Where is the head waiter? I must speak to him.”
 The customer insisted
277/ These old men can’t be made to change.
 It is
278/ When she heard the news, she broke down.
 On
279/ The mother to her son: "Don't forget to take your passport with you."

280/ Anne to Susan: "Would you like to stay for dinner with us?"

281/ Pete to his sister: "I wouldn't tell anyone the story if I were you."

282/ The robber to the old lady: "Give me all your money or I'll kill you."

283/ Bob to his brother: "I'll help you with your homework."

284/ I used a calculator; otherwise, it would have taken much longer. (IF)

285/ I don't believe anything that he says. (WHATEVER)

286/ He prefers plain water to coffee. (RATHER)

287/ I've never read such a sarcastic essay before. (EVER)

288/ She not only passed the exam but also got a prize. (Begin with ‘NOT ONLY’)

289/ You should take the train instead of the bus.
 If
290/ I'm sure that someone forgot to lock the door.
 Someone must
291/ They bought this house ten years ago.
 They have
292/ The course finished with a big party.
 At the end
293/ We invited a pop star onto the chat show, but he didn't turn up.
 The pop star
294/ Although she said that she would come, I don't think she ever will.
 Despite
295/ The plane had hardly left the airport when the accident happened.
 No sooner
296/ You feel tired now because you didn't sleep very well last night.
 Had
297/ No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship.
 It’s a foregone
298/ Their wedding will be held in a lovely church.
 The church
299/ My father used to play football when he was young.
 My father doesn't
300/ Jane gave me a present on my last birthday.
 I was
301/ We got lost in the jungle because we didn't have a map.
 If we had
302/ I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.
 I haven't seen
303/ It is a three-hour drive from Hanoi to Nam Dinh.
 It takes
304/ It's a pity you didn't tell us about this.
 I wish
305/ They think the owner of the house is abroad.
 The owner
306/ The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was very rough.
 The sea was too
307/ When did you first know him?
 How
308/ Their trip lasted three days.
 They had
309/ It may rain hard this afternoon, so take the raincoat with you.
 In case

310/ She had to do the washing up but she didn't.

 She forgot
311/ He didn’t hesitate to help me. (NO)
 He made
312/ Don't leave the lights on all night, you will waste electricity.
 If
313/ The furniture was too old to keep.
 It was
314/ Gary is the best guitarist in her class.
 No one else
315/ Since the invention of computer, people have saved a lot of time.
 Since the computer
316/ It's necessary for everybody to clean up their neighborhood once a week.
 Everybody
317/ His wife keeps telling him that he should get a better job. (HIM)
 His wife is
318/ Those pictures are beautiful.
 How
319/ It was an interesting film.
 What
320/ What is the weight of your suitcase?
 How
321/ How tall is Peter's father?
 What
322/ He can't afford to buy the car.
 The car
323/ Shirley didn't begin to read until she was eight.
 It wasn't

324/ Mrs. Taylor regretted buying the second hand washing machine.
 Mrs. Taylor wished
325/ Jane is the tallest girl in her class.
 Nobody
326/ Their teacher is making them study hard.
 They
327/ As I get older, I want to travel less.
 The older
328/ I have never been to Liverpool in my life.
 Never
329/ This mobile phone is not as cheap as I thought it would be.
 This mobile phone is
330/ My brother likes to go swimming better than to play computer games.
 My brother would
331/ John could not find the way to the hotel.
 John was not
332/ My motorbike is going to be checked next Sunday.
 I'm
333/ I intend to come over to pick you up.
 I'm
334/ Nam has difficulty in studying English.
 It is
335/ The boy threw the ball through the window.
 The ball
336/ The stamps are so beautiful that all of us want to buy them.
 They are such
337/ I don't clean up the apartment today. I'm busy.
 I'm too

338/ Although he is intelligent, he doesn't do well at school.

 In spite of
339/ The window was broken by a cricket ball.
 It
340/ I will never forget the day I heard I'd got into my chosen university.
 The day on
341/ Glynn became a social worker to help people less fortune than himself.
 The reason
342/ The driver didn't see the motorcyclist.
 What happened
343/ Christopher Columbus discovered America.
 The person
344/ Seeing Patricia cry like that made me feel guilty.
 What

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