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er as
eH w
rs e
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FICHA 1749854
aC s
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ed d
ar stu
sh is



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Supply and Demand”, que se encuentra en el objeto de aprendizaje de la Actividad de
Proyecto 4, y conteste:

1. Match the Word with the corresponding meaning:

a. Supply _C_Expensive
b. Demand __B__Desire to buy any product
c. High price __D__All people
d. Mass market __E__The lifetime of goods and services.
e. Life cycle __A__Disposition to offer products

2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to

er as
determine the demand.

eH w
The measure of the demand for a product or service will be the number of people who

buy it or make use of it.
rs e
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This means that, when a product is made or a service is provided and placed on the
market, the product must meet the characteristics that users seek, in terms of volume,

price, packaging, quality, and seasonal supply, among other factors.

aC s
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If this is achieved, the product or service is sold and the money generated is used to
continue operations and to cover the costs of the investment.
ed d
ar stu

3. Write F for false or T for true

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a. Production cost depends on Technology F ( ) V (X)

b. As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from the companies.

F (X) V ( )
c. One of the four Ps of marketing mix is Package F (X) V ( )
d. Price is the amount a customer pays for the product F ( ) V (X)
e. Planning is to transform and develop marketing objectives to marketing strategies
F (X) V ( )

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4. Answer the following questions a. What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a process of measuring the performance of a company’s products,

services, or processes against those of another business. The point of benchmarking
is to identify internal opportunities for improvement. By studying companies with
Superior performance, breaking down what makes such superior performance
possible, and then comparing those processes to how your business operates, you
can implement changes that will yield significant improvements.

b. What is the process of Benchmarking?

Benchmarking identifies areas of weak performance where changes need to be made

to the way things are done, while process benchmarking is a vehicle for achieving this

er as
Advantages: Such detailed benchmarking includes comparisons of engineering

practices, data collection procedures, office routines and performance indicators for

eH w
each of the processes under study. Flow diagrams can capture key relationships and

assist managers in identifying areas for improvement.
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Disadvantages: The focus on specific procedures is very management-oriented, which
means that an external monitor must depend on the information provided by utilities.

Comparisons across utilities can be problematic due to particularities between the

aC s

different utilities.
v i y re

Application: benchmarking to identify and isolate areas for improvement.

ed d

c. Number the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking:

ar stu

● 1. Focus on the key business drivers.

● 2. Decide who to benchmark against.
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● 3. Compare strategic objectives.

● 4. Assess the efficiency of your processes.

● 5. Analyse your allocation of resources.

● 6. Weigh your costs against industry norms.
● 7. Calculate sales per employee.
● 8. Work out your profit margins.
● 9. Measure your customer service standards.
● 10. Obtain benchmark information without approaching an external
benchmarking partner.

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5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the reading, and make a Glossary:
Organize the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of each word.

1. ADVERTS: it is a visual, auditory or audiovisual medium of short duration that

transmits a message, usually centered on an idea or a specific event, for
advertising purposes.

2. BUSINESS: It consists of a method of forming or obtaining money in exchange

for products, services, or any activity that you want to develop.

3. CUSTOMER: Is the person or company receiving a good, service, product or

idea, a change of money or other item of value.

4. CHEAP: Which has a low price or costs little money.

er as
5. COMPANY: Entity in which capital and labor are involved as factors of

production as factors of production of industrial or commercial activities or

eH w
for the provision of services.

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6. DEMAND: the quantity of goods and services that are acquired by consumers
at different prices, at a specific time unit since without a temporary parameter
we can not say if a quantity of demand grows or decreases
aC s

7. GOODS: they refer to anything, tangible or intangible, that is useful to man and
v i y re

that satisfies, directly or indirectly, some individual or collective desire or need,

or that contributes to the welfare of individuals.
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8. MARKETING: It is about the discipline dedicated to analyzing the behavior of

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markets and consumers.

9. NEW: That just appeared, to be formed or manufactured.

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10. PRICE: Amount of money that allows the acquisition or use of a good or


11. PRODUCT: It is an eligible, viable and repeatable option that the offer makes
available to the demand, to satisfy a need or meet a desire through its use or

12. PROMOTION: It consists of short-term incentives, to consumers, to members

of the distribution channel or to sales teams, who seek to increase the purchase
or sale of a product or service.

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13. RESEARCH: it is considered an activity oriented to the obtaining of new
knowledge and its application for the solution to problems or scientific

14. STRATEGY: It is a high level plan to achieve one or more objectives in

conditions of uncertainty.

15. SELL: It is changing products and services for money. From the legal point of
view, it is about the transfer of the right of possession of a good, in exchange
for money.

16. SERVICES: they are functions exercised by people towards other people in
order that they comply with the satisfaction of receiving them.

17. STORE: it is a type of commercial, physical or virtual establishment, where the

er as
buyer can acquire both goods and services in exchange for money.

eH w
18. TARGET: It is a desired result and it answers the question: What do we want to

achieve in an "x" period of time?
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19. TECHNOLOGY: a set of scientifically ordered knowledge that allows the design
and creation of goods or services that facilitate adaptation to the environment

and the satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of humanity.

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20. UTILITIES: It is the profit or benefit that can be obtained from something.
ed d

6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity.
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Product: the product that was chosen are the surprise breakfasts, where the client will
be offered a variety of breakfasts for that special person, these have the possibility of
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being accompanied by a serenade and the choice of products that he wants at

Breakfast, through of a virtual platform.

Price: according to the demand curve, the breakfasts are at a balance point of 70,000
each and the monthly sales of 40 units

Distribution: breakfasts will be available for your request at strategic points of candy
stores, rose shops and teddy shops. of the consumer, and do it at the same time in a
way that stimulates your purchase.

Promotion: the main source of publicity will be through a post on social networks and
love pages framed by an audience of 16 to 35 years old.

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