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1|Global Citizens hip

Global Citizenship

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this lesson, the student is expected to:
1. Articulate a personal definition of global citizenship;
2. Appreciate the ethical obligations of global citizenship; and
3. Equip the students with 21st century learning and develop higher order thinking skills that will lead
towards a deeper understanding of the concepts involving Global Citizenship and apply these
learnings within the greater construct of oneself in particular and the Philippines in general.

What is Global Citizenship?

• Citizen – a person who, by either birth or
naturalization, is a member of a political
community, owing allegiance to the
community and being entitled to enjoy all
its civil rights and protection.
▪ This definition denotes the
existence of a legal relationship
between the individual and the
▪ The country’s government is expected to provide its citizens protection from physical
harm within its national borders and protection in the exercise of his human rights, while
the citizen is bound to show allegiance to the country and obey its laws.
▪ Clearly, the relationship referred to here is limited to an individual and a country. It does
not extend this relationship to another entity like the global society.
• Considering the above concept of a citizen, is there really such a person as a global citizen?
• At first glance, the term global citizen strikes us as an oxymoron because of the combination of
two words with contradictory meanings.
• However, as a concept, the term global citizen possesses a clear and definite meaning. Consider
the various definitions of global citizen found below:
▪ “Being a global citizen means thinking about more than yourself, realizing that we are all
connected to one another in this emerging global community, protecting the
environment, uplifting the vulnerable and advocating for equality.” (Joe McCarthy)
▪ “A global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world
community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and
practices.” (Ronald Israel)
▪ “A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and
their place in it. They take an active role in their community, and work with others to
make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable.” (Oxfam Education)
2|Global Citizens hip

• All these definitions convey the idea that the

individual who considers himself a global citizen
has transcended the geographical limitations
imposed by being a citizen of a certain state and
that he thinks of himself as a member of a larger
community, that is, the global community,
whose values he is willing to uphold and whose
interests he is willing to promote.
• In sum, global citizenship is a way of living that
recognizes that our world is an increasingly
complex web of connections and
interdependencies. One in which our choices
and actions may affect people and communities
locally, nationally, or internationally.
• Global citizenship nurtures personal respect and respect for others wherever they live. It
encourages individuals to think deeply and critically about what is equitable and just, and what
will minimize harm to our planet.
• A global citizen is someone who:
▪ is aware of the wider world and has a
sense of their own role as a world citizen;
▪ respects and values diversity;
▪ has an understanding of how the world
▪ is outraged by social injustices;
▪ participates in the community at a range
of levels from the local to the global;
▪ is willing to act to make the world a more
equitable and sustainable place; and
▪ takes responsibility for their actions.

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