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A Position Paper of student of Grade 11-ABM A

Ester A. Francisco

Legalization of Same Sex Marriage in the Philippines

Same-sex marriages the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender, entered
into in a civil or religious ceremony. Marriage is a sacred thing that we need to give importance.
Same-sex marriage became a controversy. God created a woman only for a man. Eve was
created for Adam, to be his partner. Philippines is a Christian country, Roman Catholic is the
leading religion in the Philippines and same sex marriage contradicts the teaching and doctrines
of the church. And it is also a sin according to the Lord’s commandments.
Nowadays, same sex marriage is available in 28 countries around the world. Here in
Philippines it is not common to see same sex marriage. First of all, this wasn’t happen in the time
of Christ, or in old times. And this is against the word of God or the Bible. Woman was created
only for man and it is written in Bible book of Genesis 2:18-25. The verses stating “And Lord
God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an helpmeet for him.” And
another verse saying, “And the rib, which the Lord had taken from man, made he a woman, and
brought her unto the man.” This clearly states that woman was created not for also a woman but
for man, and woman should married a man as it the Lord’s law and it is stated in verse 24 saying,
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall
be one flesh.” And another reason that same sex marriage contradicts God’s Law (written in the
Bible: The Word of God) or the doctrine of the church. In 1 Corinthians 6:9 there are lines
saying “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?...”, “…nor
abusers of themselves with mankind”. In Filipino word, “…ni ang mga nakikiapid sa kapwa
lalake”. In another proof that was written in the bible in book of Leviticus 18:22 stating “Thou
shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Legalizing same sex marriage
is disobeying and disregarding the word of God and the doctrines of the church. Letting them to
commit sin.
I disagree in legalizing same sex marriage because it’s a sin and against to the
Lord’s command and word. As a Christian this is not a good thing to do. Disobeying God is not
in me. Though same sex marriage shows respect, equality and freedom to love for LGBT , I’m
still not favor for same sex marriage. In terms of respect it wasn’t demanded. You won’t need to
demand it, you can be respected if you really deserve to be respected. "Do not impose on others
what you do not wish for yourself."(Huwag mong gawin sa iba ang ayaw mong gawin nila sayo)
this is Confucius’ Golden rule that Jesus also stated in Luke 6:31 saying, “And as ye would that
men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” This also seems like what our values saying
“kung gusto mo irespeto ka ng iba, matuto kang irespeto ang sarili mo” (if you want to be
respected then learn to respect yourself). So did they respect their self? Did they respect what
God gives to them? And in terms of freedom to love , its right that we have the freedom to love
to whom we want and to love has no gender because it is also God’s commandment that was
stated in John 13:34,13:25,15:12 and 15:17, emphasizing “That ye love one another, as I have
loved you”. In terms of Family, marriage wasn’t only the way to make family because same sex
can’t provide family. The concept of family is a mother, father and a child so how a man and a
man can have child? There’s no mother though there’s two fathers. But how can they have child?
Even surrogate mothers and adoption they can’t be called full-fledged family. Even we say that
family wasn’t about by blood related or its not biologically. Family can be form by what we
show them love, care and other feelings, and how do we feel and do to each other.
In conclusion, same sex marriage wasn’t the way to have family or for respect nor
equality nor for freedom. Disobeying God’s word and commandments for equality and for
freedom is not right. It is a sin. It contradicts the teachings, values, and doctrines of the church
and it is also disregarding God’s Law. By this disagreement we hope that LGBT won’t feel they
were discriminated, not respected and they don’t have freedom to love and have family to whom
they love and want.
Forsaking all and follow Jesus, to have a wonderful and happy life. Follow God’s
word for a better life.

1.Same-sex marriagemeaning: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia retrieved from

2.Alternatives to Marriage Project 2007. Retrieved July 12, 2007 from

3.American Medical Association 2007. AMA policy regarding sexual orientation. Retrieved
November 20, 2007 from

4.Confucius Golden rule F.Clément and R.Freedman :retrieved from

5.Same-Sex Marriage: Global Comparisons C. Felter and D. Renwick (2019) retrieved from

6.Bible chapters and verses get from King James Version of Bible

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