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Frequency of abnormalities in wildlife species: is

there a relation with their ecology?

Christos Sokos, Nikos Kollaris, Konstantinos G. Papaspyropoulos,

Konstantinos Poirazidis & Periklis Birtsas

To cite this article: Christos Sokos, Nikos Kollaris, Konstantinos G. Papaspyropoulos,

Konstantinos Poirazidis & Periklis Birtsas (2018): Frequency of abnormalities in wildlife species: is
there a relation with their ecology?, Zoology and Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/21658005.2018.1537905

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Published online: 29 Oct 2018.

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Frequency of abnormalities in wildlife species: is there a relation with their

Christos Sokosa, Nikos Kollarisb, Konstantinos G. Papaspyropoulosb, Konstantinos Poirazidisc
and Periklis Birtsasb,d
Department of Wildlife and Hunting Management, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Athens, Greece; bResearch Division, Hunting
Federation of Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaloniki, Greece; cLaboratory of Environmental Management and Ecology, Department of
Environmental Technology, Technological Education Institute of Ionian Islands, Zakinthos, Greece; dWildlife Laboratory, Department of
Forestry and Management of Natural Environment, Technological Education Institute of Thessaly, Karditsa, Greece


One phenomenon that could generate interest of the public and puzzle scientists is mor- Received 17 May 2018
phological abnormalities appearing in wildlife species. Morphological abnormalities in wild Accepted 16 October 2018
animals have been recorded in Hellas (Greece) and Cyprus over the last 83 years. A total of 61 KEYWORDS
cases were recorded, 47 of which (77%) are color abnormalities and 14 (23%) represent other Albinism; leucism; melanism;
abnormalities. Among hunted species, abnormalities are more frequently observed in reared malformation; deformity;
and released wild galliforms, in species that live in small and isolated populations, and species gigantism
that live in low-sunlight conditions. The frequency of abnormalities identified in wildlife could
be a key factor in detecting mutations and thus contribute to the monitoring of environ-
mental impacts induced by pollution and other factors.

Introduction throughout the body yielding a pale color, which is

not entirely white. Xanthic animals, which produce
Occurrence frequency of various abnormalities in phe-
only a yellow pigment, can be included in this cate-
notypes of organisms is low (Sage 1963; Steen and
gory (Hiller 1983). 2) Partial leucism, wherein melanin
Sonerud 2012; Abreu et al. 2013). Such abnormalities
is absent from certain sections thereby creating white
include unnatural coloration and other morphological
patches (Jehl 1985; Berdeen and Otis 2011). Leucism is
anomalies. In this article, the term ‘color abnormal-
characterized by the maintenance of the eyes and feet
ities’ is referred to albinism, leucism, melanism and
color (Forrest and Naveen 2000).
other types of color anomalies (Sage 1963; Van Grouw
Melanism is the opposite of albinism and is caused
2006). Albinism is defined as a peculiarity of animal
by the excessive presence of melanin pigment. It is
color due to the total lack of melanin pigment in the
rarer than albinism, with individuals characterized by
skin, hair and feathers as a result of the inherited
dark color (Petersen and Williamson 1949; Sage 1963;
absence of tyrosinase (Hiller 1983; Van Grouw 2006).
Nedyalkov et al. 2014). Also, there is partial melanism,
The main distinctive feature of albino animals is pink
which is sometimes caused not genetically but by
eyes because without melanin in the body, it is the
such factors as disease, malnutrition or lack of expo-
only color that comes from blood vessels behind the
sure to sunlight (Van Grouw 2006). If the influence of
eyes (Sandoval-Castillo, Mariano-Melendez, and
these factors is stopped, normal color reappears (Sage
Villavicencio-Garayzar 2006; Rosenberg et al. 2013).
1963; Caro 2005; Van Grouw 2006).
Leucism (or partial albinism or piebaldism) is con-
Apart from color abnormalities, animals may exhi-
fused with albinism but it differs from it. Leucism is
bit various morphological anomalies such as skeletal,
caused by a recessive allele, which usually affects all
dental and abnormal bills (Pourlis 2007, 2011). An
colors, not only melanin (Owen and Shimmings 1992),
epizootic disease, referred to as an avian keratin dis-
while albinism is caused by several genes (Summers
order, has been documented in Black-capped
2009). In leucistic birds, the enzyme tyrosinase exists
Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). On average, this dis-
and the production of melanin is normal. However,
ease affects 6.5% of the adult population every year,
the deposition of melanin in some feathers does not
causing bill elongation (Hemert and Handel 2010).
occur due to the inherited disturbance disorder. As a
Besides various diseases, causes of animal abnorm-
result, plumage turns more or less white (Van Grouw
alities include many other environmental factors.
2006). Leucism occurs in two major forms: 1) Pale
Animals living in caves or in areas usually covered
leucism, wherein melanin is uniformly reduced
with snow, often exhibit color abnormalities. Light is

CONTACT Christos Sokos Department of Wildlife and Hunting Management, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Terma
Alkmanos, Ilisia, Athens 11528, Greece
© 2018 Nature Research Centre

Published online 29 Oct 2018


necessary for the creation and activity of coloring of abnormalities. Thus the aims of this study are: 1) to
(Bensch et al. 2000). Black individuals of the jaguar record abnormalities in wild animals, 2) to report
(Panthera onca) are more abundant in dark tropical some anomalies for the first time in literature, 3) to
forests (Caro 2005). A low protein diet has also been compare the frequency of abnormalities among the
associated with whitened plumage in the Blackbird hunted species taking into account the relative har-
Turdus merula (Rollin 1959). A specimen with leucism vest, and 4) to identify the plausible reasons of a
more often occurs in small and isolated populations higher frequency among these species in relation to
(Holyoak 1978; Bensch et al. 2000; Łopucki and Mróz their ecology and management.
2010). That may be anticipated, because in such con-
ditions the loss of genetic variability and homozygos-
Materials and methods
ity are more likely and thus the appearance of
recessive alleles that cause abnormalities is favored Collection and registration of abnormality cases in
(Łopucki and Mróz 2010). wild mammals and birds was carried out employing
Ecologists consider albinism as a disadvantage for the content analysis methodology (Riffe, Lacy, and
wild animals for various reasons, the most obvious of Fico 2008). Thus, hunting magazines in Hellas and
which is their higher visibility to predators (Simpson Cyprus, where the Hellenic language is used, were
1994; Ellegren et al. 1997; Sandoval-Castillo, Mariano- investigated. Content analysis is a detailed scientific
Melendez, and Villavicencio-Garayzar 2006; Acevedo, method that allows the analyst to encode communi-
Aguayo-Lobo, and Torres 2009). However, in the opi- cation symbols of the test material and reach conclu-
nion of other researchers, survival of albinos does not sions about it (Riffe, Lacy, and Fico 2008). This method
differ from that of non-albinos of cryptic or nocturnal has been used in particular for the investigation of
species and of those that have few predators (Abreu characteristics associated with the physical environ-
et al. 2013). Buckley (1982) states that leucism may be ment (Hovardas and Korfiatis 2008).
responsible for the white colors seen in polymorphic The method was applied as follows: Firstly, the data-
species and also may be the reason for the creation of base of certain parameters making it possible to record
white monomorphic species such as egrets. abnormality cases and their features was created. In addi-
Another disadvantage of wild animals with albin- tion, hunting magazines (‘Kynigetika Nea’, ‘Kynigesia and
ism is their poor vision. The lack of pigment in the Kynofilia’ and the newspaper ‘Kynigetikes Eidiseis’) issued
eyes affects vision, making it difficult for animals to since the beginning of the last century and thus repre-
find food or avoid danger (Miller 2005). Vision pro- senting the oldest source of reports of animal abnormal-
blems differ depending on wild animal species. Vision ities in Hellas and Cyprus, were examined. The study
is a sense of primary importance for raptors for period covered a total of 83 years, from February 1932
detecting and capturing prey; however, adult raptors to August 2015. A total of 1371 issues were reviewed.
with albinism have been detected in the wild Moreover, based on relevant keywords, internet searches
(Harmata and Montopoli 1998; Tinajero and were conducted. The basic information to be entered in
Rodriguez-Estrella 2010), which leads to the conclu- the database included:
sion that birds or perhaps only raptors, may not suffer a) type of abnormality (albinism, leucism or other
from vision problems as other species with albinism type), b) relevant species, c) date and location of the
do. Finally, specimens with albinism are not so attrac- observation.
tive for breeding or are treated as foreigners by their Furthermore, in some cases we communicated
conspecifics (Sage 1962; Van Grouw 2006). with editors of the magazines and hunters for more
Morphological deformities in wildlife are reported information about the observation.
rarely. According to Fertl et al. (2004), researchers Secondly, the incidence of abnormalities among
should be encouraged to report abnormalities in wild- hunted species was examined, which was possible
life in order to better understand this phenomenon due to hunters’ reports about the abnormalities they
and its insights into the ecological factors behind this have observed among their harvested quarries. Thus
condition. Bensch et al. (2000) suggests that monitor- the relative number of abnormalities in each quarry
ing of abnormalities in large-scale geographic studies species could be estimated. Consequently, this pro-
may contribute to the identification of the popula- vided a unique chance to compare albinism among
tions exposed to stress or inbreeding. Therefore, in species, which is not an easy task (Sage 1963). Thus,
order to better understand abnormalities in birds and firstly the percentage of harvested specimens per
mammals, it is essential to know the kind and fre- species was estimated based on the harvest surveys
quency of these phenomena and the most suscepti- (Thomaides et al. 2011) and opinion of two experts
ble species. Their systematic recording can be (first and fourth authors). Over the last decades, the
extended to historical data, can be a reference for hunting legislation and, by analogy, the harvest rate
future comparison and allow the identification of pro- among animal species have not changed significantly,
blems or phenomena causing an increasing frequency so it was possible to compare the rate of specimens

with abnormalities for each hunted species. Statistics number of reported abnormality cases has signifi-
were extracted using the IBM SPSS 22.0 software (Gray cantly increased. Moreover, after the study area divi-
and Kinnear 2012). sion into three almost equal parts (Figure 2(b)), the
majority of cases were reported from Central Hellas.

A total of 61 specific cases were recorded (i.e. the
same case was not recorded in two different informa- The majority of abnormalities that have been sur-
tion sources), nine of which were detected on the veyed in the present study refer to the cases that
Internet and 52 in journals. One or more photos are were observed by hunters and other amateurs who
available for 81% of cases. Table 1 shows abnormality are not scientists, so it is likely that small deviations
types and prevalence, while Figure 1 contains photos from the normal phenotype were not recorded.
of some abnormality cases. However, hunters tend to refer to abnormalities and,
As is seen in Table 1, 47 cases (77%) of the reported in most cases, photos are available. Consequently,
abnormalities belong to color abnormalities and 14 hunters are an important source of information on
cases (23%) to other abnormalities. Forty specimens wildlife abnormalities, and they should be encour-
of color abnormalities represent albinism and leucism aged and informed about where to report these cases.
(mainly leucism), 6 melanism, one specimen of color The majority of abnormalities were recorded in the
abnormality being represented by a woodcock with woodcock. Leucism and less frequently melanism in
reddish plumage. About 44.2% of color abnormality the woodcock had been already reported by other
cases were recorded in the woodcock, the main authors (Cramp, Simmons, and Perrins 1977–1994).
abnormalities being leucism and a short bill. Low frequency of these abnormalities was recorded
In the second stage of the study, we analyzed the in the study of Jasso (2006), which may be explained
incidence of abnormalities. Proportionally, the great- by the fact that his information was obtained not
est number of color abnormalities was recorded in the from hunters, but from museums. The case of one
woodcock (50.94%), followed by that in the thrush, woodcock with more reddish plumage may be a var-
turtle dove, hare and the chukar partridge. The most iation in the tone of color and polymorphism in plu-
harvested species was the thrush (50.43%), followed mage (Cramp, Simmons, and Perrins 1977–1994).
by the quail and woodcock (Table 2). Taking into Moreover, woodcocks with short bills had been
account the reported abnormalities and harvest, the already reported too (Cramp, Simmons, and Perrins
higher abnormality rate was established in the phea- 1977–1994). Similarly, there are reports on abnormal-
sant, wild rabbit and the chukar partridge. ities in other species such as partridges, thrushes and
Figure 2(a) shows the historical distribution of hares (MacNamara 1940; Sage 1962, 1963; Jasso 2006;
cases. Cases of abnormality are usually recorded in Mihalache et al. 2014).
the press immediately, with a relatively short delay. However, some abnormalities, as is evident from
The only exception is the case of the leucistic wood- the review of literature, are recorded for the first time.
cock, which was found in Central Hellas in May 1890 Examples of such cases include the woodcock with a
and was reported in March issue of the magazine 2 cm crest on the head, which was recorded in central
Kynigetika Nea in 1933. Figure 2 includes only the Hellas in January 1970, and the melanistic turtle dove
cases with the known year of abnormality detection (Figure 1(h)) found in September 2013 in north Hellas.
(50 cases). After 2000 and especially since 2005, the Moreover, a juvenile turtle dove with an abnormally

Table 1. Recorded abnormalities in wild birds and mammals (1932–2015) in Hellas and Cyprus.
Albinism and leucism Other abnormalities
Species Number Species Number
Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 12 Woodcock with short bill 12
Chukar partridge Alectoris chukar 5 Crested woodcock 1
Grey partridge Perdix perdix 3 Reddish woodcock 1
Rock partridge Alectoris graeca 3 Melanistic woodcock 1
Song thrush Turdus philomelos 3 Melanistic Cretan wild goat Capra aegagrus 1
Blackbird Turdus merula 3 Melanistic European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 1
Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur 3 Melanistic European hare 2
Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1 Melanistic Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur 1
Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos 1 Turtle dove twice the natural size 1
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica 1
European hare Lepus europaeus 3
Wolf Canis lupus 1
Wildboar Sus scrofa* 1
Total 40 Total 21
Note: * Possible genetic introgression of hybridization with domestic pigs (Šprem, Salajpal, and Safner 2014).

Figure 2. Time (a) and geographical (b) distribution of

recorded abnormalities in Ηellas and Cyprus.

Figure 3. A juvenille turtle dove on the left with an abnor-

Figure 1. Cases of abnormalities in Ηellas and Cyprus. (a), (b)
mally big body size. Turtle doves with a normal body size are
Hare with albinism, (c) Hare with melanism, (d) woodcock
on the left (
with a short bill, (e) rock partridge with leucism, (f) woodcock
with leucism, (g) golden eagle with leucism and (h) turtle
dove with melanism (photos from the journals Kynigetikes woodpigeon, and waterbirds, abnormalities were not
Eidiseis and Kynigetika Nea).
detected at all. However, except for the European
quail, specimens of these species have been found
big body size, which can be characterized as gigantic, with abnormalities (Sage 1962; Jasso 2006). Such spe-
was recorded in north Hellas (Figure 3). cies as moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) and coots
It is remarkable that in the most abundantly har- (Fulica atra), skylarks, foxes, starlings, corvids are not
vested species such as the European quail, popular quarry species among Hellenic hunters, and

Table 2. Incidence of abnormality between the main wildlife species that were hunted in Hellas and Cyprus, taking into account
the percentage distribution of abnormalities and harvested individuals. Wild boar is not included due to the intensive
Species % individuals with abnormalities (1) % harvested individuals (2) incidence of abnormality (1)/(2)
Thrushes Turdus spp. 11.32 50.43 0.22
Quail Coturnix coturnix 0 17.75 0
Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 50.94 10.53 4.84
Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur 9.43 6.55 1.44
Woodpigeon Columba palumbus 0 5.94 0
Hare Lepus europaeus 9.43 2.11 4.46
Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca 5.66 1.98 2.86
Waterfowls-waterbirds 0 1.81 0
Chukar Partridge Alectoris chukar 9.43 1.75 5.39
European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 1.88 0.25 7.52
Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis 0 0.25 0
Fox Vulpes vulpes 0 0.21 0
Rock dove Columba livia 0 0.2 0
Pheasant hybrids Phasianus colchicus 1.88 0.12 15.67
Starling Sturnus vulgaris 0 0.1 0
Corvids 0 0.02 0
Total 100 100

they are probably not interested in reporting their it is estimated that mobile phone masts have
‘strange quarry’. increased the incidence of albinism in the species
On the other hand, pheasant hybrids, the European nesting in close proximity to them (Balmori 2009).
rabbit and the chukar partridge exhibit a higher inci- Also, the increase of partial albinism in the Barn swal-
dence of abnormalities. Pheasant hybrids are mainly low has been attributed to the release of radioactivity
reared in captivity and are released to wild areas for after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 (Møller and
hunting purposes; this seems to be the reason why Mousseau 2006).
high incidence of abnormalities has been observed in In conclusion, abnormalities are more frequently
pheasants, which had been also observed in Britain by observed in reared and released wild galliforms, in
Sage (1963). Similarly, the chukar partridge is reared species that live in small and isolated populations,
and released in Hellas and Cyprus. The incidence of and species that live in low sunlight conditions.
abnormalities found in the reared chukar partridge Future records and studies of abnormalities should
was higher than in the rock partridge that is not be combined with biotic and abiotic parameters on
reared. These findings indicate that intensive rearing a systematic basis.
of galliforms may cause genetic degradation and
abnormalities (Sokos, Birtsas, and Tsachalidis 2008).
The European rabbit is a species which in some Disclosure statement
cases maintains small and isolated populations on No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
Mediterranean islands, which in combination with authors.
inbreeding is probably the reason for a higher inci-
dence of abnormality in this species (Łopucki and
Mróz 2010). References
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