Reaction Paper STS Subject

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Science, Technology, and Society

Reaction Paper

According to Elin Nordegren, “Education is one thing no one can take away from you.” It
cannot be robbed from you because it is all in your mind. It is the greatest asset and investment
from yourself. It is the key to open and discover opportunities that will lead you to success. It
will be the instrument to lift you up from knowing nothing to everything. Being an educated
person means you will contribute something intellectually to you, your family, people around
you, and the economy. It will benefit all. You have the mind full of knowledge to do something
that will change the world. You will be able to search for new discoveries that will solve a
certain problem that was being experienced few years ago.

As I am reading the article given for this reaction paper, the sentence that marked to me
is “The dynamic knowledge economy requires information to be shared and for knowledge to
be pooled in order to promote innovation and the creation of new products and services.” This
means that the information you gained must be shared to others so that other people might be
able to come up or generate new ideas together with yours. This helps us to make something
innovative that enhances the result of what we are thinking. It is about developing an idea to be
able to generate a possible outcome.

Knowledge is powerful. Ideas from knowledge that was being applied to reality are the
main source of all the things we can see, feel, touch, hear, and taste. As years go by, a lot of
people are to create uniquely from different sectors. Just like newly graduated students, they
are considered as assets who has the power and knowledge to do something creatively that will
help us all in the end. They will offer us a lot of things from what they learned in schools and
universities. Having knowledge and being able to transform it into a harmless significant
invention will only show how important education is in this time of high technology society.

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