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1.Silver plated quartz wristwatch.
Input: Batteries, strap, hands for time, minute hand, second hand.
Output: Used to watch the time.
process: the batteries are related to the parts of the watch to allow its operation.
2. System of a BMX bicycle
Input: Tires (rims), drive system (chain), rudder, brake, pedals, frame.
Output: Serves as a means of transportation for human beings.
Process: It has a relationship with the human force because it is the one that allows its
each part is related to each other to form the bicycle. form the bicycle

3.System of a computer hp brand, with a hard disk of 500 Gb, unamemoria Ram of 2Gb, with Windows 7
operating system and a processor with a speed of 64 bits (hardware).
Input: Monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, case, speakers, webcam, Ram memory, hard disk, cd.
Process: The computer processes and stores data and information.
Output: through vision, can communicate through touch by key typing, vision and auditory through a video call.

4.Library system of the faculty

Elements: Books, magazines, videos, newspapers, chairs, tables, auxiliary, consultation rooms, reading rooms,
librarians, computers.
Input: reason for reading, interest, personal taste.
Process: It is related to the students, who are going to look for information. information Audiovisual, tactile.
Output: Work completion, reading.

5.Canon camera
Inputs: Lens, focusing screen, mirror, viewfinder, film, rewind button, flash holder, film slider. rewind button, flash
bracket, film slider.
Output: Used for capturing images, recording videos
Process: Visual, touch

1. a bath
2. a classroom
3. a cafeteria
4. a supermarket
5. a gymnasium

EVENT: gymnasium

PATTERNS: routine

SYSTEMATIC STRUCTURE: user improvement study, cleaning times, coordination of training classes, routines
with follow-up.

A daily event could be a routine life, such as going to the gym, usually takes a routine that makes it a pattern, for
example every Monday to work a body part (shoulders) and Tuesday another part (legs) and so on with the other
days. but we can notice that every Monday are the same exercises and the same with the rest of the days of the
week, all this together to meet the goal that has the user that creates a tendency to perform these exercises.

the gym has the purpose of facilitating the workouts for the user to meet their goals, either with training classes,
functional machines, staff prepared to guide the training, etc. In addition, one of the systematic structures that are
most noticeable in these times of covid is that there is constant coordination for cleaning and disinfection of the
gym and machines to avoid contagions in the facilities. Also, to be in constant attention to the state of the user to
enter the facilities there is a sequence of steps to enter as temperature taking, sanitization of footwear and hands.
With all these elements creates a system thinking of the user and even studying the user to know schedules for
better use of the gym.

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