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The Blind Men and the Elephant Jocelyn Solis Constantino

a) What is the story?

It is about 6 blind men who shared the same curiosity to know what an elephant
looked like and were constantly arguing about their ideas of what it would be like, so
a friend tired of their arguments took them to the palace garden so they could
resolve their intrigue and touch a real elephant. As they all touched different parts of
the elephant, they had different perspectives and points of view and were again
arguing about who was right. Their argument was so loud that they woke up the ruler
of the palace, who told them to put their ideas together to agree on their definition of
what an elephant is.
This makes us reflect on the importance of always listening and taking into account
the opinions of others, since we can only be seeing one part of the situation and
ignoring another, and that with the opinion of others we can broaden our vision of

b) What can you identify about the situation presented and extend it to systems in
I could identify in the story the blind men had different points of view and they had
practically no experience and each one spoke from the part they had touched of the
elephant. And each one was right but they did not know how to make their ideas
take them to a conclusion until someone proposed it to them, and they did not have
the right idea but here we can also see the importance of having a leader in a team.

c) Provide an example of how this situation can be applied. The case must be real.
I believe that a clear and present example is the one we are living now. On the
subject of academic training being face-to-face or online.
The academic team of the university and we students have different points of view
and our joint objective is to make the most of the learning by the professors. The
members of the academic formation of course think about what is best for us,
academically and also for our health because of the contingency. And sometimes
they may be more inclined towards the academic with the fact of being present
every day, since sometimes at the university there are several contagions and we
continue to expose ourselves to contagion.
For our part students also seek to learn, but without taking risks, and we also believe
that online training does not prepare us as well as face-to-face, for a thousand
reasons such as difficulty in understanding, connection problems, demotivation to
feel that we do not advance, etc. But also arriving home after being exposed not only
at the university but also in public transport is a risk, we take every day.
So, this is where two points of view come into play and may not be taken into

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