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Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.

harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as
volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or
runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and

What Is Water Pollution?

Water pollution is defined as the presence in groundwater of toxic

chemicals and biological agents that exceed what is naturally found in the
water and may pose a threat to human health and/or the environment.
Additionally, water pollution may consist of chemicals introduced into the
water bodies as a result of various human activities. Any amount of those
chemicals pollutes the water, regardless of the harm they may pose to
human health and the environment.
Any kind of water can become polluted, regardless of its size or location.
This includes lakes from remote areas or huge water bodies
Causes of water pollution

Water pollution has damaging effects on the environment, humans, plants

and animals.

Key causes of pollution include:

 Sewage or wastewater
 Dumping
 Oil pollution
 Acid rain
 Industrial waste
 spills of food products
 Improper Sewage Disposal
 Fertilizer Run-Off
 Chemical Waste Dumping
 Radioactive Waste Discharge
Sources of Water Pollution

The main sources of pollution are all resulted from the disposal of chemical substances coming
from medical, industrial and household waste, chaotic agricultural fertilizers disposal and
accidental oil spills that pollute the water to a large extent.

the main sources are these three:

I) Biological II) Radiological III) Chemical

However, the most specific are:

 Sewage (Waste Water)

 Agricultural Pollution

 Oil Pollution

 Radioactive Substances

 River dumping

 Marine Dumping

How Does Water Pollution Affect Us?

First, the disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems. Also the

human being is very harmed due to the alteration in the food chain and
contracts diseases when drinking or using contaminated water.

-Lack of drinking water.

-Infectious diseases.

-Destruction of ecosystems and desertification.

-Crops irrigated with polluted waters.

-Destruction of vegetation and animals.

You can prevent diffuse water pollution by:

1. Keep out oils, fat, or grease from the sink.

2. Abstain from flushing contaminated liquids, pills, drugs, or
medications down the drain. 
3. Desist from using the toilet as a bin.
4. Ensure minimal use of bleach or detergents. 
5. Reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. 
6. Dispose trash properly. 
7. Avoid direct dumping into water systems. 
8. Practice tree planting.
9. Insist on using environmentally safe products.
10. Skip the use of plastics. 

The planet continually reminds us, with increasingly extreme droughts,

that without water there is no life.

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