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1. Assessment should be on real-world application and not out-of-context drill.

Research on
GRASP of G. Wiggins and Jay Mc Tighe. Construct real-world performance assessment
Performance Assessment: GRASPS
When constructing performance assessment tasks, it helps to use the acronym
GRASPS: G Real-world, Goal R Real-world, Role A Real-world , Audience S Real-world ,
Situation P Real-world, Products or Performances S Standards
GOAL Provide a statement of the task. Establish the goal, problem, challenge, or obstacle in the
Define the role of the students in the task. State the job of the students for the task.
Identify the target audience within the context of the scenario. Example audiences might include
a client or committee.
Set the context of the scenario. Explain the situation.
Clarify what the students will create and why they will create it.
Provide students with a clear picture of success. Identify specific standards for success. Issue
rubrics to the students or develop them with the students.

Constructing a Performance Task Scenario Using GRASPS

Consider the following set of stem statements as you construct a scenario for a performance task.
Refer to the tables above to help you brainstorm possible scenarios.
Note: These are idea starters. Resist the urge to fill in all of the blanks!
 Your task is to solve the given problem through reading a short story.
 Your goal is to analyze properly the scenario from the short story.
 The problem or challenge is you have to find each character important role.
 The obstacle to overcome is the conflict of the story and how they overcome it.
 You are the investigator.
 You have been asked to show all their belongings.
 Your job is to find the prime suspect from the incident happened.

 Your clients are students of a particular campus.
 The target audience is adults.
 You need to convince them to actively participate in their school activity.

 The context you find yourself in is making effective learning strategies.
 The challenge involves dealing with learning development.

Product, Performance, and Purpose:

 You will create a group activity in order to show the importance collaborative learning.
 You need to develop their social skills and creativity so that they could gain self-confidence,
trust and better outcomes.

Standards and Criteria for Success:

 Your performance needs to be precise and unique among others.
 Your work will be judged by the teacher.
 Your product must meet the following standard (quality) creativity, uniqueness, relevance to
the theme and whole content.
 A successful result will show after their presentation and give feedback base on their

2. Here is an intended learning outcome: “the student must be able to apply the basic assessment
principles in the teaching-learning process.
Assess the attainment of that objective outcome by way of 2 multiple choice test items.
In order to attain a better learning out comes the student must be able to?
a. Spend enough time to their studies.
b. Make better reference of their output.
c. Have initiative to do their assignments.
d. Know different factors that affect their learnings.

In order to determine their learning out comes the student must be able to?
a. Know what they are going to do.
b. Give ideas on how to determine learning outcomes.
c. Pursue their study in a different level.
d. Be responsible enough.

3. Research on how to assess higher-order thinking skills. Give2 examples of test items that
measure applying and analyzing.

Determines what the student already knows;

Determines readiness

A process during learning

Formative Assessments
As the learning is forming

Benchmark – An event after learning

Sums up learning
1. Directions: Read a short story about life and success, then analyze the different scenario from
the story and make your own version or concept of ending.
The ending must be composed of the following:
●At least five sentence Test #1
●Precise ending. Following Directions
●Unique ideas.
LastName: _________________ 1stName:_____ __ Date: _________
Period: ___
2. Test sample
INSTRUCTIONS Read very carefully. Read over and understand this entire paper before
doing any of it. You may ask for clarifications.

1. Stand up from your chair and stand behind it. Stay that way until a teacher initials
this line.

2. Sit down on your chair, facing its desk top.

3. Count the number of students in the room and write the number here ____.

4. Put this paper on top of your head and leave it there until the teacher initials this line.

5. On the line below, write in the next two numbers in the series of numbers.

1, 3, 5, 7,

6. At the bottom of the paper, write and solve this math problem: 1/2 + 3/8 = ?

7. How many male humans in this room? ____.

8. In the blank space below question 6, draw a stick-figure of a person.

9. Add up the number of teachers plus the number of female students in this room.
Write your answer here .

10. Sit on your chair with your legs to the side, and the right side of your body towards
the your desk’s top. Stay that way until a teacher initials this line.

INSTRUCTIONS Do not do any of the numbered questions. Instead, fill in the blanks at
the top of the paper (just below the title). Next, turn your paper over. Sit and watch the
fun. If a student asks you why you are not doing it, just say “I don’t want to look foolish.”

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