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THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of March 22, 2016, between Jennifer

Hudson, of 123 Main Street, Brooklyn, New York (“Actress”) and The Alpha's Films, doing

business at 987 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California (“Studio”).

WHEREAS, The Studio has purchased the motion picture rights to a Broadway play

known as "The Girl from Ohio" (the "Movie) and Studio desires Actress to perform the leading

feminine role therein; and

WHEREAS, Actress wishes to perform in the Movie;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual promises contained

herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

1. Territory. This Agreement and all provisions hereunder shall be applicable worldwide.

Studio may release the Movie in all territories with no restrictions ("Territory").

2. Term.

a. Pre-Production. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Studio shall begin

preparation for production of the Movie, which shall last for a maximum of six

(6) months ("Pre-Production"). Actress agrees to be available five (5) times

during Pre-Production to travel to Los Angeles, California and participate in any

activities Studio determines, in Studio's sole discretion, Studio requires Actress

to perform during Pre-Production (e.g. rehearsals with the cast, fittings for

costumes, etc.). Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary herein,

Actress shall not be Exclusive (as defined below) during Pre-Production.

b. Principal Photography. Upon completion of Pre-Production, the Studio will

begin filming the Movie, and all activities related to producing the Movie, for a

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
maximum of three (3) months ("Principal Photography"). During Principal

Photography, Actress shall perform exclusively for the Studio (i.e. Actress shall

not perform services for any studio other than the Studio) ("Exclusive").

c. Post-Production. Upon completion of Principal Photography, Studio shall

finalize the Movie for a maximum of two (2) months ("Post-Production"). If

Studio requires Actress for any additional scenes, changes or sound recordings

for the Movie, or any re-takes of any portion thereof, Actress shall return for

such purpose to any place Studio may designate, at such times as the Studio may

specify, during the entirety of Post-Production. Actress shall not be Exclusive to

the Studio during the Post-Production. However, Actress shall consider the needs

of the Studio as the Actress' first priority at all times during Post-Production.

d. Promotion. Upon completion of Post-Production, Studio shall promote the

release of the Movie for a period of one (1) month ("Promotion"). During

Promotion, Actress' first priority shall be to attend any public events Studio

arranges to promote the Movie, however Actress shall not be Exclusive to Studio

during the Promotion period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Actress agrees to

be Exclusive for public releases of the Movie Studio arranges in the following

cities: (i) Los Angeles, California; (ii) Chicago, Illinois; (iii) Miami, Florida; (iv)

New York, New York; and (v) two (2) cities located outside the United States.

e. Term. The Pre-Production, Principal Photography, Post-Production and

Promotion periods shall collectively be known as the "Term". The Term will

conclude within twelve (12) months of the execution of this Agreement.

f. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary herein, if the

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
Studio's business is materially interrupted, or if the production of the Movie is

interrupted at any time during the Term, by reason of any local, state or federal

law, or by reason of death or illness of the director or a principal member of the

cast; by reason of an act of God, or any other cause beyond Studio's control, the

Studio may suspend the Term for so long as such interruption continues; and no

compensation shall become due to the Actress for the period of the suspension.

3. Grant of Rights. Throughout the Territory, Studio shall have the unfettered right, in the

Studio's sole discretion, to use Actress' name, voice, pictures, photographs and other

likeness, for the purpose of advertising, publicizing and exploiting the Movie hereunder.

This right shall continue as a non-exclusive right after the expiration of the Term.

4. Terms of Service.

a. Actress. The Actress shall promptly and faithfully comply with all reasonable

requests, rules and regulations made by the Studio in connection with Actress'

services hereunder. Actress shall perform and render Actress' services

conscientiously and to the full limit of Actress' ability, and in such manner and at

such times and places as may be required or desired by the Studio.

Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary herein, the Actress shall not

be entitled to any compensation hereunder for or during any period that Actress

shall, whether because of illness, accident, or otherwise, fail or refuse to perform

Actress' services hereunder; and for the purpose of computing the Term

hereunder, such period shall not be taken into account and, at the option of the

Studio, an equivalent period shall be added to the Term hereof.

b. Studio. If the Actress' services are required in any place other than the city of

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
Los Angeles, California or its environs throughout the Term, the Studio shall

provide first-class transportation for the Actress to and from any such other

destination and pay all other first-class traveling and living expenses, including a

five-star equivalent hotel room at such destination. Studio shall provide Actress

with a trailer on all sets used in the Movie, which shall a shower system. While

Actress is performing services on set, Studio will provide three (3) meals per

day, to be delivered to the Actress in such trailer Studio provides.

5. Compensation. Studio shall pay Actress, in full consideration of Actress' services

rendered the following compensation:

a. Guaranteed Salary. The Actress shall receive Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000)

(the "Salary"). The Salary shall be paid to in the following manner:

i. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) immediately.

ii. Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) upon the commencement of the

Principal Photography period.

iii. The balance of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars

($2,500,000) shall be paid to the Actress in ten (10) weekly installments,

beginning with second week of the Principal Photography period.

b. Proceeds compensation. In addition to the Salary, Studio shall pay Actress ten

percent (10%) of all gross ticket sale proceeds received from the Movie's box

office income in the Territory (the "Ticket Share"). Notwithstanding the

foregoing, the Ticket Share shall only apply to proceeds from ticket sales

exceeding One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000).

c. Award bonus. If Actress receives an Academy Award for Actress' performance

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
in the Movie, the Studio agrees that Actress will receive additional

compensation of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) (the "Oscar

Bonus"). The Oscar Bonus shall only apply if the Actress receives an Academy

Award specifically for Actress' performance and shall not apply if the Movie

receives awards for matters unrelated to the Actress' performance.

6. Credit.

a. Advertising materials. The Actress will receive credit for Actress' role in the

Movie on advertising materials produced for the Movie (e.g. movie posters,

television commercial advertisements, billboards, etc.) on terms no less

favorable than those accorded to any other person involved in the production of

the Movie (the "Credit Restriction").

b. Movie credits. Actress will receive credit during the "opening sequence" of the

Movie, and the "rolling credits" at the conclusion of the Movie, pursuant to the

Credit Restriction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the main actor's credit shall

immediately precede the Actress' credit in the rolling credits.

c. Failure to Credit. No inadvertent failure of the Studio to comply with provisions

of this clause shall constitute a breach of this Agreement by the Studio.

7. Creative Control.

a. Generally. Studio shall retain exclusive control over all artistic and creative

decisions in the production, marketing and distribution of the Movie.

b. Sex Scene. Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, any scene during which

the Actress' character performs sexual acts with the main male character shall (i)

not exceed a duration of thirty (30) seconds; (ii) not expose the Actress' body

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
below the shoulders, Studio shall employ another actress to complete the scene

("Body Double"); (iii) the Body Double shall receive credit in the Movie's

rolling credits noting the Body Double's role in the Movie; and (iv) the Movie

scene shall be materially equivalent to the source material in the Broadway play.

8. Indemnification.

a. Limits of Indemnification. Actress agrees to indemnify and hold the Studio

harmless against any and all losses, damages, costs, expenses or fees (including

reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by the Studio in any claim or proceeding

instituted by a third party against Studio in which any assertion is made which

is inconsistent with any representation made in this Agreement by the Actress;

provided, that the foregoing indemnity shall be limited to claims which are

reduced to final judgment or which are settled with the consent of the Actress.

b. Control of any proceedings. The Studio shall control the defense of any claim,

suit or proceeding, provided that the Actress may, at Actress' sole cost and

expense, participate in the defense thereof with counsel of Actress' choosing.

c. Suspension of the Term and payments. While a claim, suit or proceeding is

ongoing, Studio shall have the option to suspend the Term of this Agreement, as

well as suspend any payments the Studio is required to pay to the Actress under

this Agreement, until such a time that the claim, suit or proceeding is resolved.

9. Assignment of Rights.

a. Assignment by Actress. This Agreement may only be assigned by Actress upon

written consent by the Studio.

b. Assignment by Studio. Studio may assign this Agreement to any corporation or

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio
other entity of which Studio is an officer, partner, employee or consultant; or to

any person, firm or corporation acquiring all or substantially all of the assets

or stock of Studio, provided, however, that such assignment shall not relieve

Studio of Studio’s obligations hereunder.

10. Representations and Warranties. Actress hereby represents and warrants that Actress

has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement, to fully perform Actress’s

obligations and to grant the rights granted.

11. Notice and Cure.

a. Notice. All notice to Studio under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be

given by either (i) personal delivery; or (ii) overnight delivery through an

established overnight delivery service (e.g. Federal Express, UPS, etc.); or (iii)

by certified mail (return receipt requested) at Studio's address hereinabove, or at

a substitute address designated by Studio ("Notice").

b. Cure. Actress shall not be entitled to recover damages or to terminate the Term

due to any breach by Studio of Studio's material obligations, nor shall Studio

otherwise be deemed in default or breach of this agreement by reason of any

such breach, unless Studio is given Notice of said breach and said breach is not

cured within ninety (90) days after receipt of Notice.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Actress and Studio have executed this agreement as of the
date above,

Studio Actress

The Alpha's Films

By: ______________________ Date: ___________________ Date:

Shady McShade, President Jennifer Hudson

Thomas Tietz- Attorney for Studio

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