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S no. Topic Date

1 Cell 8th April
2 Cell 18th April
3 Cell 25th April
4 Cell 20th June

A cell is a mass of cytoplasm that is bound externally by a cell membrane.
Usually microscopic in size, cells are the smallest structural units of living
matter and compose all living things. Most cells have one or more nuclei and
other organelles that carry out a variety of tasks. Some single cells are
complete organisms, such as a bacterium or yeast. Others are specialized
building blocks of multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals.
These were first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665.

Animal cells
Eukaryotic Well defined
cells nucleus
Plant cells

Prokaryotic Not so well Bracterial

Cell cells defined cell

Unicellular Amoeba

Multicellular Multicelled Humans

Structure of Cell

Nucleus Cytoplasm Organelles

Main Features of a Plant cell are: -

1) It has a rigid cell wall which

performs a very important
function of giving plant cell
2) It’ s 70 – 90% of body is covered
by a vacuole which helps in
storage of various substances.
3) They lack centrioles.
4) They have chloroplast (plastids)
which are semi-autonomous in

Transport through Plasma Membrane Main Features of a Plant cell are: -

1) It lacks cell wall. So, it could change

it shape easily.
2) It generally has small sized
Processes vacuoles
3) They have centrioles which help it
to divide.
4) They lacks plastids.
5) Unlike plant cell lysosomes are
Physical present. Biological
6) Nucleus is generally is in centre
and often round.

Diffusion Osmosis Endocytosis Exocytosis

Endosmosis Exosmosis Pinocytosis Phagocytosis

Osmosis Diffusion
Osmosis happens from a higher Diffusion happens from a higher
concentration of solvent to a concentration of solvent to a
lower concentration. But it only lower concentration. It could
happens when the solvent is happen with all states and it
water and through a semi- does not require any semi-
permeable membrane permeable membrane

A Golgi body, also known as a Golgi apparatus, is

a cell organelle that helps process and package
Organelles are suspended substances in the cytoplasm these
proteins and lipid molecules, especially proteins
perform various functions inside the cell.
destined to be exported from the cell. Named
after its discoverer, Camillo Golgi, the Golgi body
appears as a series of stacked membranes.

Ribosomes are specialized cell organelles and found in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Every living cell requires
ribosomes for the production of proteins.

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous

membrane system that forms a series of
flattened sacs within the cytoplasm of
eukaryotic cells and serves multiple
functions, being important particularly in
the synthesis, folding, modification, and
transport of proteins

A lysosome is a membrane-bound cell organelle

that contains digestive enzymes. Lysosomes are
involved with various cell processes. They may
Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell
organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that
generate most of the chemical energy needed to
power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical
energy produced by the mitochondria is stored
A chloroplast is an organelle within the cells of
in a small molecule called adenosine
plants and certain algae that is the site of
triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondria contain their
photosynthesis, which is the process by which
energy from the Sun is converted into chemical
energy for growth.

A centrosome is a cellular structure involved in the

process of cell division. Before cell division, the
centrosome duplicates and then, as division
begins, the two centrosomes move to opposite
ends of the cell. Proteins called microtubules
assemble into a spindle between the two
centrosomes and help separate the replicated
chromosomes into the daughter cells.

A vacuole is a membrane-bound cell organelle.

In animal cells, vacuoles are generally small
and help sequester waste products. In plant
cells, vacuoles help maintain water balance.
Sometimes a single vacuole can take up most
of the interior space of the plant cell.
Cell Division
Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two
or more daughter cells. Cell division usually occurs as part of a
larger cell cycle. Cell division in eukaryote is much more
complicated than prokaryote. Depending upon chromosomal
Cell Theory
number reduced or not; Eukaryotic cell divisions can be classified
as Mitosis (equational division) and Meiosis (reductional division).
A primitive form of cell division is also found which is called


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