Carbide Precipitation in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo Bainitic Steel: Effect of Heating and Isothermal Tempering Conditions

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Carbide Precipitation in 2.

25 Cr-1 Mo Bainitic Steel:

Effect of Heating and Isothermal Tempering

The effect of the tempering heat treatment, including heating prior to the isothermal step, on
carbide precipitation has been determined in a 2.25 Cr-1 Mo bainitic steel for thick-walled
applications. The carbides were identified using their amount of metallic elements, morphology,
nucleation sites, and diffraction patterns. The evolution of carbide phase fraction, morphology,
and composition was investigated using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, as
well as thermodynamic calculations. Upon heating, retained austenite into the as-quenched
material decomposes into ferrite and cementite. M7C3 carbides then nucleate at the interface
between the cementite and the matrix, triggering the dissolution of cementite. M2C carbides
precipitate separately within the bainitic laths during slow heating. M23C6 carbides precipitate at
the interfaces (lath boundaries or prior austenite grain boundaries) and grow by attracting
nearby chromium atoms, which results in the dissolution of M7C3 and, depending on the
temperature, coarsening, or dissolution of M2C carbides, respectively.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-017-4045-6
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2017

I. INTRODUCTION importance. Various types of carbides with different

thermal stabilities can be found depending on the
LIGHT water reactors are representing 80 pct of the tempering time and temperature, namely, M3C, M2C,
world nuclear power plants. On an international level, M7C3, M23C6, and M6C.[3] The size, nature, and phase
the renewal of second-generation nuclear power plants is fraction of carbides have a direct influence on the
still to be provided by light water reactors until at least mechanical properties of the material, for instance by
the middle of the century. Safety and technological improving creep strength[4] and by inducing secondary
improvements of light water reactors will thus represent hardening.[5] Thus, tight control of carbide precipitation
key issues for the next decades. In this framework, a 2.25 through manufacturing heat treatments is a key point
Cr-1 Mo steel is being considered as potential candidate for the targeted industrial application.
pressure vessel material for future light water reactors. Pioneering work on carbide precipitation in 2.25 Cr-1
The two main reasons are its good mechanical proper- Mo steel was published by Baker & Nutting in 1959,[3]
ties in the quenched and tempered condition[1] and its and can be summarized as follows. Upon tempering, the
good resistance to radiation-induced embrittlement cementite M3C is the first type of carbide that precip-
compared to usual pressure vessel steels.[2] itates, followed by metastable carbides M2C and M7C3.
In such material, the precipitation of carbides in the With further tempering, these three metastable carbides
bainitic matrix during its formation due to quenching are replaced by the equilibrium carbides M23C6 and
and during the subsequent tempering is of primary M6C. This precipitation sequence has been widely
confirmed since then[5–8] for martensitic and bainitic
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steels, with the exception of Vyrostokova
SYLVAIN DÉPINOY is with the DEN-Service de Recherches et al.[9] and Janovec et al.[10] who reported that M23C6
Métallurgiques Appliquées, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191, Gif
sur Yvette, France, and also with the MINES ParisTech, Centre des carbides dissolve to the benefit of M7C3 carbides in
Matériaux, PSL Research University, UMR CNRS 7633, BP 87, vanadium-bearing 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steels. However, the
91003, Evry Cedex, France. Contact e-mail: domain of stability of carbides is highly dependent
CAROLINE TOFFOLON-MASCLET, STÉPHANE URVOY, on the steel composition: for instance, Mn was reported
DEN-Service de Recherches Métallurgiques Appliquées, CEA, Université
to accelerate M7C3 carbide precipitation, whereas Si
Paris-Saclay. FRANÇOIS ROCH is with AREVA, 1 place Jean Millier, was reported to accelerate the precipitation of M2C and
92084, Paris La Défense Cedex, France. ERNST KOZESCHNIK is with to stabilize M6C carbides.[11] While the mechanisms
the Institute of Materials Science and Technology, TU Wien, Getreide- governing the effects of Mn on M7C3 carbides and of
markt 9,Vienna 1060, Austria. ANNE-FRANÇOISE GOURGUES- Si on M2C remain unclear, it is assumed that Si
LORENZON is with the MINES ParisTech, Centre des Matériaux, PSL
Research University, UMR CNRS 7633. increases the driving force for the formation of M6C
Manuscript submitted November 22, 2016. carbides.[12,13] Increase in the material carbon content
Article published online March 9, 2017


also tends to favor M23C6 carbides at the expense of lath width of about 500 nm.[15] The as-quenched
M6C carbides.[14] microstructure, presented in Figure 1, is free from
All reported studies on carbide precipitation during carbides but contains a non-negligible amount of
tempering focus on the isothermal soakings. However, retained austenite, which is consistent with the reports
in the studied framework of thick components, heating of granular bainite microstructure for 2.25 Cr-1 Mo
is an important step of the tempering heat treatment and steels.[17–19]
can actually take several hours. Anisothermal precipi- Tempering was conducted in a Pyrox furnace at four
tation of carbides might occur during slow heating and, different temperatures: 923 K, 948 K, 973 K, and 998 K
thus, influence the full precipitation sequence. In this (650 C, 675 C, 700 C, and 725 C), for times ranging
work, carbide precipitation in a 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel has from so-called 0 hour (as-heated states) to 24 hours,
been studied both during the heating stage and during with a heating rate set to 0.03 K/s (2 K/min). Samples
the soaking stage of tempering. The effects of time and were water quenched after tempering.
temperature of the soaking step on the carbide phase
fraction, spatial location in the microstructure, chemical
composition, and size were investigated. Based on these B. Experimental Microstructural Characterization
observations and on a thermodynamic assessment of
Observations were made on carbon extraction repli-
stability of each carbide, the physical mechanisms
cas, prepared as follows. After polishing, samples were
underlying the carbide precipitation sequence are then
slightly etched with a 2 pct Nital solution. A carbon
layer was deposited on the surface of the sample using
an Edwards AUTO 306 thermal evaporator. An elec-
trolytic dissolution of the matrix was then conducted.
II. MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL The chemical composition of the solution was 100 mL
PROCEDURES acetylacetone, 10 g tetramethylammonium chloride in
900 mL of methanol, and the potential was set to 1.3 V
A. Material
at room temperature. Thin films of carbon were then
The material, which chemical composition is given in retrieved on 3-mm-diameter copper grids.
Table I, was taken from quarter-thickness of a Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations
280-mm-thick forged ring, fabricated from a hollow were done on a JEOL JSM7001F SEM, and transmis-
ingot cast by bottom pouring. The ring had been sion electron microscopy (TEM) observations were done
austenitized, water quenched, and tempered. The mate- on a FEI Tecnai F20 TEM with a 200 kV acceleration
rial was then cut into blanks. To get a homogeneous, voltage. Images were acquired with an Orius camera
fully bainitic starting microstructure for tempering, the with a 1-second exposure time using DigitalMicrograph
blanks were further austenitized at 1243 K (970 C) for software. TEM X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry
1 hour, then cooled at 0.7 K/s using an induction (EDX) analyses were performed with an a-tilt of 12 deg
furnace.[15] This heat treatment results in a mean prior and a counting time of 15 seconds. Spectra were
austenite grain diameter of 30 lm,[16] bainitic packets processed using TIA software; only Fe, Cr, and Mo
with a mean equivalent diameter of 5 lm, and bainitic elements were taken into account for the quantitative
analyses, using their K energy levels. Elemental quan-
tifications were performed using the Cliff-Lorimer ratio
approach, with k-factors for Fe, Cr, and Mo of 1.421,
1.320, and 4.447, respectively. No thickness correction
was applied.
Electro-etching extraction was performed on
100-mm-long rods with a diameter of 10 mm, dipped
in a solution of 90 pct methanol—10 pct HCl under
Argon sparging and electric current. The typical dura-
tion for electro-etching extraction was 24 hours per rod.
Once the matrix was dissolved, the remaining solution
was filtrated using a Buchner funnel with filters with a
maximum hole size of 220 nm. Several filtrations were
necessary for each experiment. Once the precipitates
Fig. 1—Microstructure of the material before tempering (Optical
were separated from the solution containing the dis-
microscopy, etchant: 2 pct Nital solution). solved matrix, filters were dried for half a day at 333 K

Table I. Chemical Composition of the Studied Material (Wt Pct)

C S P Si Mn Ni Cr Mo V
0.15 0.003 0.006 0.24 0.51 0.17 2.47 1.11 —
All chemical elements were quantified by optical emission spectrometry, with the exceptions of carbon and sulfur which were analyzed by
combustion infrared absorption.


(60 C). The resulting powder was then analyzed by The stability diagram of the considered system is
X-ray diffraction using a Brüker D8 Advance in the presented in Figure 2. In addition to the ferrite and
Bragg-Benato mode, using a h2h configuration, a austenite phases, the equilibrium carbides, M6C and
Cu-Ka radiation (k = 1.540598 Å), a voltage of 40 kV, M23C6, are represented in full lines. Once these carbides
and a current intensity of 40 mA. A LynxEye detector are suspended, it is possible to calculate metastable di-
with a 3 deg opening was used, with discrimination in agrams to get an insight about the relative stability of all
energy ranging from 0.19 to 0.25 V. X-ray diffraction carbides. The first one, in dashed lines, shows M7C3 and
(XRD) spectra were acquired over an angular domain M2C precipitates. At last, once these carbides are also
(for 2h) ranging from 13 to 140 deg with a step of suspended, the metastable diagram only displays M3C
0.02 deg and a counting time of 10 seconds per angular carbides (dotted lines).
step. Finally, quantitative phase fractions were obtained This approach allows defining the relative stability of
by Rietveld refinements performed with the FullProf each carbide compared to the others: these predictions
software using crystal structures for carbides that are are consistent with the carbide precipitation sequence
gathered in Table II. It should be pointed out that, while reported earlier. Furthermore, it is shown that M2C
M2C are usually described with an hexagonal struc- carbides are not stable at temperatures higher than
ture,[7,20] it has been proved and confirmed within this ~973 K (700 C) and that M6C carbides are not
study that this type of carbide is more accurately expected to be observed, as they are only stable at
described by an orthorhombic cell.[21] Thus, the temperatures below ~900 K (625 C).
orthorhombic cell was used for Rietveld refinements.
However, for practicality reasons, the hexagonal cell
B. Identification of Carbides
was used to characterize M2C by diffraction pattern
indexing in the TEM. In order to characterize the evolution of carbides with
Potential biases in results induced by the electro- time and temperature on a statistically significant basis,
etching extraction protocol can be due to (1) loss of one had to find a convenient means to readily identify
precipitates during the electro-etching extraction, (2) them. Based on the literature, it appears that each type
incomplete filtration of the solution, (3) carbides too of carbide exhibits a particular crystal structure as well
small to be resolved in XRD, and (4) deviations induced as a characteristic amount of metallic elements, mor-
by the Rietveld refinements. Among these potential phology, and nucleation site, as summarized in
errors, only point (4) can be quantitatively assessed, Table III.
with a relative error between the calculated and the
experimental diffractograms of about 2 pct. The exper-
imental protocol used in this study is known to give
consistent results for carbides phase fraction in 2.25
Cr-1 Mo steels,[12,22,23] with a good agreement with
TEM observations on extraction replicas for M7C3,
M23C6, and M6C carbides which size ranging from
100 nm to 1 lm.[6] In the present study, the evolution of
phase fractions as characterized by XRD measurements
was qualitatively in good agreement with the TEM
observations on carbon extraction replicas. Thus the
quantitative phase fractions were considered in the good
order of magnitude, i.e., an uncertainty of ±0.05 wt pct.

A. Assessment of Thermodynamic Stability of Carbides
Thermodynamic calculations were performed on
MatCalc software using the mc_fe_v2.022 database.[24]
The nominal chemical composition considered for the Fig. 2—Carbide stability diagrams as predicted by MatCalc using
the steel composition reported in Table I.
calculations is the one reported in Table I.

Table II. Crystallographic Structure Used for Rietveld Refinements in XRD Analyses

Carbide Space Group a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) Pearson Data Sheet No.
M3C Pnma (62) 5.07 6.74 4.52 1720152
M2C Pbcn (60) 4.75 6.02 5.20 1715923
M7C3 Pnma (62) 4.52 6.97 12.07 1413617
M23C6 Fm-3m (225) 10.60 10.60 10.60 1901808


Table III. Carbide Characteristics From Available Literature Data[3,6,8,14,20,25–32]

Carbide Morphology Metallic Elements Nucleation Site

M3C lenticular, globular Fe-rich with Cr interfaces
M2C needle-like Mo-rich with Cr laths
M7C3 rhombus-shaped, rod-like Cr-rich with Fe interfaces
M23C6 rod-like Fe-rich with Cr interfaces/laths
M6C globular Mo-rich with Fe interfaces
‘‘Interfaces’’ stands for prior austenite grain boundaries and lath boundaries, while ‘‘laths’’ stands for the matrix or dislocations.

Fig. 3—Ternary representation of the chemical amount in metallic elements in carbides after tempering at 948 K (675 C) along with bright-field
TEM observations on carbon extraction replica of the corresponding carbides. Calculations were performed with the MatCalc database. Chemi-
cal composition of M7C3 and M2C carbides were calculated by suspending M23C6 and M6C carbides.

Experimentally analyzed carbides could be catego- is taken into account.[33] Good agreement was found with
rized into four different groups according to their EDX characterizations: needles were orthorhombic
metallic element content and their morphologies as M2C, diffraction pattern of rhombus-like particles exhib-
shown in the example of Figure 3: lenticular iron-rich ited streaks associated to stacking faults that are char-
carbides, rod-like iron-rich carbides with some chro- acteristic of orthorhombic M7C3,[14,34] and rod-like
mium, rhombus-shaped or globular chromium-rich particles were cubic M23C6. No pattern was taken from
carbides with some iron, and molybdenum-rich carbides M3C due to their rarity. Each one of these carbides was
that were mostly needle-like but can also be encountered encountered at specific microstructural sites: cementite,
as globules. M23C6, and globular M7C3 were mostly found at
When comparing these compositions and morpholo- interfaces, whereas M2C and rhombus-shaped M7C3
gies with the typical composition determined by Moss & were encountered in the matrix. Gope et al. determined
Kelly,[27] thermodynamic calculations for the given that the M23C6 carbides follow a Nishiyama–Wassermann
temperature [in this case, 948 K (675 C)] and literature orientation relationship with the bainitic matrix, where
data as reported in Table III, it appears clearly that these (001)a // (011)M23C6 and ð120Þa//ð211ÞM23C6, and
four groups represent M3C, M23C6, M7C3, and M2C that M2C carbides and the bainitic matrix follow a
carbides, respectively. To confirm these observations, (101)a ~5 deg from ð11:1ÞM2C and (233)a ~5 deg
electron diffraction patterns were obtained for different from (11.0)M2C orientation relationship, assuming a
carbide morphologies, as shown in Figure 4. Due to the pseudo-hexagonal structure for the carbide.[30] No orien-
small size of M2C carbides, conventional electron tation relationships between the carbides and the matrix
diffraction patterns were difficult to obtain. Thus, index- were determined in this study, since all TEM observations
ation of the crystal structure for these carbides was were made on carbon extraction replicas. However, the
performed on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) images carbides identified as M2C clearly followed the regular
from HRTEM images, which contains similar informa- Windmanstätten pattern in the matrix already outlined by
tion to electron diffraction patterns when a single crystal other authors.[8,28]


Fig. 4—(a) Bright-field High-Resolution TEM image of an M2C carbide, (b) corresponding FFT image, (c) Bright-field TEM image of an M7C3
carbide, (d) corresponding diffraction pattern, (e) Bright-field TEM image of an M23C6 carbide, (f) corresponding diffraction pattern. Observa-
tions on carbon extraction replica, tempering: 948 K (675 C)—5.5 h. M7C3 and M2C are identified here using their hexagonal unit cells.

These observations are consistent with the data In the present study, these four types of carbide were
reported in literature; hence, TEM-EDX analysis on found for almost each tempering condition, and the
carbon extraction replicas was chosen as a fast and specific case of M3C morphology will be discussed later.
efficient way to characterize the nature, size, and No M6C carbide was ever observed, consistently with
chemical composition in metallic amount as a function thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, and with lit-
of tempering conditions. erature data: the occurrence of M6C in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo


carbides were also found within the laths for all four
states, in an increasing number as the temperature
Many carbide clusters appeared to be iron-rich and
depleted in molybdenum. With increasing temperature,
they tended to get enriched in chromium. On the whole,
these clusters remained within the composition range for
cementite, and got enriched in chromium with increas-
ing time. Such occurrence of ‘‘branch-like’’ cementite
resulting from the decomposition of retained austenite
has already been reported.[3,8,28]
Isolated carbides were either iron-rich (cementite) or
molybdenum-rich (M2C) or iron-rich with some chro-
mium enrichment, depending on the temperature
(a) (b) (c) reached before quenching. Cementite was predomi-
nantly found at temperatures lower than 998 K
Fig. 5—XRD spectra on bulk samples showing the austenitic {111} (725 C). No EDX chemical composition measurement
planes and the ferritic {110} planes: (a) as-quenched sample, (b) he- was made on M2C at 923 K and 948 K (650 C and
ated up to 673 K (400 C) then water quenched, (c) heated up to 675 C) due to their too small dimensions; moreover,
873 K (600 C) then water quenched. they were rarely seen at 923 K (650 C). It is also
was usually reported after aging or after long-time interesting to notice that M2C were mostly chromium-
service, namely, for temperatures below 923 K (650 C) rich at 973 K (700 C). M7C3 and M23C6 carbides were
and for time durations up to more than present in all four conditions; however, their composi-
20 years,[6,25,29,30,32] while they were not reported for tion could only be determined with certainty at 998 K
short times (<20 hours) at higher temperatures.[26,30] (725 C) where they were iron-richer than expected. At
lower temperatures, a whole set of analyzed carbides
were too rich in chromium to be M23C6, but not rich
C. Carbide Precipitation Upon Heating enough to be characterized as M7C3. Thus, their nature
X-ray diffraction on the as-quenched sample prior to remained uncertain at that stage and will be discussed
tempering shows that the material contained a certain later.
amount of retained austenite, which is consistent with
the typical granular bainite microstructure observed for
D. Carbide Evolution Upon Tempering: Effect of Time
2.25 Cr-1 Mo steels.[17–19] Decomposition of this
and Temperature
retained austenite during heating was studied by X-ray
diffraction on bulk samples. Partial XRD spectra 1. Evolution of phase fractions
obtained on samples heated at 0.03 K/s up to 673 K In order to quantify the evolution of the different
and 873 K (400 C and 600 C), respectively, and then carbides for isothermal and isochronous tempering
water quenched are presented in Figure 5. They show conditions, respectively at 948 K (675 C) and for
that austenite had started to decompose at 673 K 5.5 hours, the powder extraction residues obtained by
(400 C) and that the transformation was complete at electro-etching were systematically analyzed by XRD.
873 K (600 C), for the (slow) heating rate used here. The amounts of phases were determined by Rietveld
Observations by TEM of carbon extraction replicas did refinements of the spectra. Results are shown in
not reveal the presence of carbides for the sample heated Figure 7. M3C carbides were predominant at the end
up to 673 K (400 C). Either precipitated carbides were of the heating up to 948 K (675 C), in good agreement
too small to be observed or they were too coherent with with the TEM observations made in the previous
the matrix to be successfully transferred to the carbon section. With further tempering time, they dissolved
replica. No observation was made for the sample heated gradually (Figure 7(a)). The M7C3 phase fraction
up to 873 K (600 C). increased during the first 5.5 hours of tempering and
Figure 6 shows SEM observations of carbon extrac- slightly decreased for longer times. On the other hand,
tion replicas of samples heated up to 923 K, 948 K, the fraction of M23C6 carbides kept increasing with
973 K, and 998 K (650 C, 675 C, 700 C and 725 C). time, particularly during the first 3 hours. The M2C
Samples were immediately water quenched as soon as carbide phase fraction tended to remain stable.
they reached the targeted temperature. At 923 K After tempering for 5.5 hours, the weight fraction of
(650 C), large clusters of carbides were observed at cementite was the same at 923 K, and 948 K (650C and
the interfaces such as prior austenite grain boundaries 675C), while cementite was fully dissolved at 973 K and
and lath boundaries. These clusters densified at 948 K 998 K (700 C and 725 C). M7C3 carbide weight
(675 C), then started to disappear at 973 K (700 C) fraction did not seem to be directly correlated with the
and were almost fully dissolved at 998 K (725 C). At holding temperature. On the other hand, the M23C6
this temperature, prior austenite grain boundaries were fraction increased with the holding temperature, and
mostly decorated with globular M7C3 carbides and few stabilized at 973 K (700 C). The weight fraction of
rod-like M23C6. Along with these clusters, some isolated M2C decreased with temperature.


Fig. 6—Secondary electrons SEM observations on carbon extraction replicas of samples heated at 0.03 C/s then water quenched. (a) 923 K
(650 C), (b) 948 K (675 C), (c) 973 K (700 C), (d) 998 K (725 C), (e) detail of (b) showing a massive cluster, (f) detail of (d) showing M7C3 at
the prior austenite grain boundaries and M2C and M23C6 carbides in the matrix.

2. Evolution of size and morphology 5.5 hours at these temperatures. For longer durations and
Figure 8 shows typical TEM micrographs taken from higher temperatures, these clusters had spheroidized and
carbon extraction replicas after tempering at different all observed cementite was globular. Moreover, they
temperatures for 3 and 24 hours. became rarer with increasing time and temperature. After
Cementite clusters remained in the material after tempering for 24 hours, no cementite was ever observed.
3 hours at 923 K and 948 K (650 C and 675 C), and M7C3 carbides had a fairly constant size, with an
remnants of these clusters could still be found after equivalent diameter of around 100 nm. No M7C3 was


(a) (b)

Fig. 7—Evolution of carbide weight fraction during tempering (a) with time at 948 K (675 C), (b) at different temperatures after tempering for
5.5 h.

Table IV. Summary of Available Literature Data on the Amount of Chromium and Molybdenum in Solid Solution in 2.25 Cr-1
Mo Steels

Ref. Heat Treatment C in Steel (Wt Pct) Cr in Solid Solution Mo in Solid Solution
7 923 K (700 C)—24 h 0.12 73 pct (1.55 wt pct) 74 pct (0.74 wt pct)
35 tempered and aged for up to 30,000 h at 700 K, 0.15 73 pct (1.80 wt pct) 60 pct (0.65 wt pct)
727 K and 755 K (respectively 427 C, 454 C,
and 482 C)
36 923 K (650 C)—10 h 0.2 62 pct (1.60 wt pct) 50 pct (0.50 wt pct)
37 1003K (730C)—1 h 0.08 90 pct (1.93 wt pct) 77 pct (0.77 wt pct)
Similar percentages (normalized by the total amount in the material) result in different amounts depending on the reference, due to differences in
the chromium and molybdenum content in the steels.

observed after tempering at 998 K (725 C) for precipitate-free zone sized fairly 500 nm, regardless of
24 hours. tempering time.
M23C6 carbides were hardly found after 3 hours at
923 K (650 C), whereas they were readily observed in 3. Evolution of the chemical composition of carbides
all other tempered states. They tended to grow after The relative amount of metallic elements, i.e., the
longer tempering times and at higher temperatures. weight percentage of iron, chromium, and molybdenum
Interestingly, they seemed to lengthen with increasing in the M constituent of M7C3, M23C6, and M2C carbides
temperature, and to lengthen and widen with increasing were analyzed after all 20 heat treatments. Figure 9
time. shows the evolution of metallic amounts with time at
M2C carbides were predominantly found as needles 923 K and 998 K (650 C and 725 C) for M7C3,
for shorter times and at lower temperatures, even if M23C6, and M2C carbides along with their pseudo-equi-
globular M2C were also found. At 923 K (650 C), their librium composition as predicted by MatCalc. For
number fraction tended to increase with time, while at better clarity, chemical compositions are represented
948 K (675 C) it seemed to slowly decrease and needles by the two major metallic elements in each considered
seemed to widen. The same phenomenon was observed carbide. Molybdenum content for M7C3 and M23C6 and
at 973 K and 998 K (700 C and 725 C) for time iron content for M2C remained relatively constant with
durations shorter than 12 hours. For longer times, time and temperature, respectively ranging between 9
needles were rarely seen while globules were still found, and 13 pct, 13 and 17 pct; and 2 and 5 pct in weight.
and, after 24 hours, only globules were observed. The Initial chemical compositions for M7C3, M23C6, and
maximal length of needles remained around 100 nm. M2C are only shown at 973 K and 998 K (700 C and
Moreover, an M2C-free zone was observed in the 725C) for the reasons previously explained.
vicinity of M23C6 carbides located at interfaces, regard- Analyses for cementite are not represented due to the
less of tempering conditions. At 948 K (675 C), this low number of analyzed precipitates for temperatures


Fig. 8—Bright-field TEM observations on carbon extraction replicas after tempering under various conditions. White, light gray, dark gray, and
black arrows show examples of M3C, M2C, M7C3, and M23C6 carbides, respectively.

higher than 948 K (675 C) and time durations longer composition closer to pseudo-equilibrium, which was,
than 12 hours. After three hours of tempering, their however, never reached. This was particularly obvious at
chemical composition remained stable with time and 923 K and 973 K (650 C and 700 C). Moreover, stabi-
temperature, typically 70 pct Fe, 25 pct Cr, and 5 pct lization seemed to occur for shorter times at higher
Mo, in wt pct. At 923 K and 948 K (650 C and temperature: not before 24 hours at 923 K (650 C), and
675 C), enrichment by 12 and 5 pct in chromium, between 3 and 5.5 hours at 998 K (725 C). After further
respectively, at the expense of iron took place upon the tempering up to 12 hours at 998 K (725 C), M7C3 carbides
first 3 hours of tempering. were enriched in iron at the expense of chromium, thus
At all temperatures, M7C3 carbides became enriched in moving away from their pseudo-equilibrium composition,
chromium and depleted in iron with increasing time before and they were even absent after 24 hours of tempering at
stabilizing, which tended to evolve their chemical this temperature, as already stated in the previous section.


Fig. 9—Relative iron content as a function of the relative chromium content in the M constituent of M7C3 and M23C6, and relative chromium
content as a function of the relative molybdenum content in the M constituent of M2C for various tempering times at 923 K and 998 K (650 C
and 725 C). EDX analyses on carbon extraction replicas. Equilibrium values predicted with MatCalc. Chemical composition of M7C3 and M2C
carbides were calculated by suspending M23C6 and M6C carbides.


(a) (b)
Fig. 10—Evolution of the percentage of chromium, molybdenum, and carbon in solid solution (normalized by their total amount in the mate-
rial) (a) during tempering at 948 K (675 C) and (b) after 5.5 h at several temperatures.

Unlike that of M7C3, the chemical composition of

M23C6 appeared more stable with time at all tempera-
tures, with the exception of the first 5.5 hours at 923 K
(650 C), where a clear enrichment in chromium
occurred at the expense of iron. However, at all
temperatures, a slight average enrichment in chromium
seemed to take place between 3 hours and 24 hours.
Their chemical composition was always close to the
equilibrium one, and became closer as the holding
temperature was higher. After 24 hours of tempering at
998 K (725 C), M23C6 carbides had clearly reached
their equilibrium composition.
The amount of chromium evolved linearly with the
amount of molybdenum for M2C carbides for all
conditions (Figure 9). This was due to the very low
iron content (<5 wt pct) in these carbides, which only
changed very slightly with tempering time and temper- Fig. 11—Ternary representation of the evolution of carbide chem-
ature. The M2C composition was rather scattered for istry at the end of heating. The center circle shows the unidentified
short times and low temperatures. For instance, after carbides formed at 973 K (700 C), the bottom circle highlights the
5.5 hours of tempering at 973 K (700 C), it ranged M7C3 carbides formed at 998 K (725 C) and the top circle M23C6
carbides formed at 998K (725 C). The arrows pointing upward and
from 50 pct Mo-45 pct Cr to 90 pct Mo-7 pct Cr. A downward, respectively, represent potential enrichment in iron and
clear correlation was found between the composition chromium.
and the morphology of M2C carbides: needles were
mostly chromium-richer, while globules were molybde-
num-richer. However, needles tended to enrich in and isochronous soakings for 5.5 hours. Errors were
molybdenum with increasing time and temperature, calculated by taking into account standard deviations in
too. Like M23C6 carbides, M2C carbides approached the relative amount in metallic elements as determined
their pseudo-equilibrium composition, and reached it by TEM-EDX, the experimental error associated with
for shorter times as the tempering temperature increases. the electro-etching extraction protocol and the uncer-
tainties associated with the chemical analysis reported in
4. Elements in solid solution Table I (respectively 0.005 wt pct for carbon and 0.03
By combining the chemical content in carbides wt pct for chromium and molybdenum).
obtained by EDX measurements and the phase fraction The fraction of chromium and molybdenum in solid
as determined by Rietveld refinements, one can calculate solution seems to be time and temperature independent,
the amount of iron, chromium, and molybdenum at least for tempering times longer than 3 hours. About
contained in carbides and therefore the amount con- 70 pct of the total chromium and molybdenum atoms
tained within the bainitic matrix. By assuming that are in solid solution, that is, respectively 1.8 and
carbides are stoichiometric, the amount of carbon can 0.7 wt pct. These results are in good agreement with
also be determined. Figure 10 shows the percentage of the ones reported in the literature, gathered in Table IV.
chromium, molybdenum, and carbon atoms in solid The lower amount of molybdenum in solid solution in
solution based on the chemical composition given in Reference 35 can be explained by the precipitation of
Table I for an isothermal tempering at 948 K (675 C) molybdenum-rich M6C carbides during aging. The


Fig. 12—Schematic drawing of the carbide precipitation sequence in a prior austenite grain during tempering. Time or/and temperature increases
from (a) to (d), (a) being the end of the heating step and (d) the thermodynamic equilibrium. (a) Extensive precipitation of M3C carbides and
nucleation of M2C, M7C3, and M23C6 carbides. (b) Dissolution of M3C due to the nucleation and growth of M7C3 carbides. End of the nucle-
ation step for M2C and M23C6 carbides, growth of M23C6 carbides begins. (c) Partial dissolution of metastable carbides M7C3 and M2C due to
continued growth of M23C6 carbides. Potential coarsening of the remaining M2C carbides. (d) Full dissolution of M7C3 and M2C carbides, only
M23C6 carbides remain in the material. Black lines delineate lath/packet/austenite grain boundaries.

overall lower and higher amounts of elements in The fraction of carbon remaining in solid solution
References 36 and 37, respectively, are likely related to ranges from 5 to 20 pct of the total carbon in the
the amount of carbon in the steels, which has a direct material, that is, between 0.008 and 0.025 wt pct. It was
effect on the phase fractions of carbides. While it is not first assumed that once the precipitation of carbides
shown in Figure 10, it must be pointed out that the starts, all of the carbon is contained within these
amount of iron in the precipitates decreases with carbides, and no more carbon is found in the matrix.
increasing time and increases with increasing tempera- The obtained values are in good agreement with such
ture. This is easily explained by the enrichment in assumption, considering the experimental uncertainties,
chromium of M23C6 with increasing time, and by the the fact that a very low amount of carbon may still be
shift toward higher iron content in the equilibrium trapped in dislocations and potential freezing of diffus-
composition of M23C6 carbides with increasing temper- ing carbons in the matrix during the water quench that
ature (Figure 9). follows the tempering.


As a direct consequence of these observations, the carbides are observable by means of SEM and TEM,
amount of metallic elements in carbides measured by although their chemical composition could only be
TEM-EDX and the quantitative phase fraction of determined at 998 K (725 C), and is iron-richer than
carbides determined by the electro-etching extraction expected. To solve the issue of the origin and chemistry
coupled with XRD measurements can be considered as of M7C3 carbides, one must recall that at lower
reliable. temperatures, unidentified carbides were observed to
have a chemical composition within the range of both
M23C6 and M7C3 (see the central circle in Figure 11).
IV. DISCUSSION These carbides are unlikely to be chromium-rich M23C6
since this would imply a further enrichment in iron that
A. Interactions Between Different Types of Carbide would move carbides away from their equilibrium
1. M3C carbides composition (the upward pointing arrow in Figure 11).
M3C carbides precipitate upon heating in the form of More likely, these carbides are M7C3, suggesting that
large clusters stemming from the decomposition of they nucleated with a composition far from equilibrium
retained austenite between 673 K and 873 K (400 C and then enriched in chromium with further heating
and 600 C). They are thus intimately related to the (downward pointing arrow in Figure 11). This increase
starting bainite microstructure. For cementite clusters in chromium content was also observed during the first
being discretely distributed at the interfaces, one can steps of the isothermal holding stages [for instance, after
safely assume that retained austenite was located there, 5.5 hours at 923 K (650 C) and after 3 hours at 973 K
too. No TEM observations on thin foils on the (700 C)].
as-quenched sample were made to validate this hypoth- Moreover, the appearance of observable M7C3 and
esis. However, such spatial distribution of retained their enrichment in chromium seem to coincide with the
austenite is consistent with the granular bainite spheroidization of M3C clusters, and both carbides are
microstructure usually reported for bainitic 2.25 Cr-1 found at the same location (mostly at interfaces). Thus,
Mo steel grades.[17–19] the clusters observed at 948 K (675 C) could actually
Clusters rapidly spheroidize upon further heating, and consist of a mixture between cementite and iron-rich
completely disappear at 998 K (725 C). Some of them M7C3 in their first stages of growth. Once nucleated,
can still be found after 3 hours of tempering at M7C3 particles would then grow by attracting chromium
temperatures lower than 973 K (700 C). Then, they atoms contained in the bainitic ferrite and neighboring
progressively dissolve. cementite, triggering its dissolution. Such in situ trans-
formation of cementite into M7C3 was already reported
2. M2C carbides in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steels[13,38]; particularly, Biss & Wada
M2C carbides have already precipitated during heat- experimentally detected irregular films of M7C3 carbides
ing up to 923 K (650 C) and then grow upon further in the clusters of cementite after 20 years at 797 K
heating. They appear to nucleate homogeneously in the (524 C) in 1 Cr–0.5 Mo steel.[20] More generally, in
matrix, as suggested by their fine distribution and their Cr-Mo steels, Inoue & Masumoto reported experimen-
particular orientation relationship with the matrix. tal evidence that M7C3 carbides nucleate at the interface
At 973 K and 998 K (700 C and 725 C), M2C are between matrix and cementite while maintaining crystal
thermodynamically unstable. Their phase fraction orientation relationship with cementite before growing
decreases with increasing tempering time, and only rare rapidly towards the cementite crystal.[39] This in situ
globular M2C are found after 12 hours. The higher transformation can be explained by the higher content
stability of globular M2C might be due to their in chromium at the interface between the matrix and the
particular shape, resulting in a better surface/volume cementite compared to the one in the matrix. Indeed, the
ratio compared to needles. chromium-richer clusters analyzed by EDX after heat-
At lower temperatures, their phase fraction remains ing up to 948 K (675 C) contained around 20 wt pct
constant although their number fraction seems to Cr, which is almost ten times higher than the weight
decrease and M2C needles are widening. This suggests fraction of the matrix (2.47 wt pct in average without
that coarsening takes place, together with enrichment in any precipitation). Thus, when accounting for a single
molybdenum and depletion in chromium. cementite particle and its surrounding matrix, nucle-
ation of M7C3 at this interface appears to be likely.
3. M7C3 carbides During isothermal holding at 948 K and 998 K
The evolution of M7C3 carbides can be described in (675 C and 725 C), the phase fraction of M7C3
three distinct steps: nucleation and growth upon heat- carbides reaches a maximum, and then slowly decreases.
ing, further increase in phase fraction during the first 5.5 This evolution accelerates with increasing the holding
hours of tempering and dissolution for longer tempering temperature, as final dissolution occurs between 12 and
times. 24 hours at 998 K (725 C). At all temperatures, no
After heating up to 948 K (675 C), M7C3 carbides growth or coarsening seems to occur, their equivalent
are detected by XRD in the dissolution residues, but circle diameter remaining at ~100 nm. Unlike cementite,
none of the carbides analyzed by TEM-EDX could be while not being equilibrium carbide, M7C3 is expected to
identified as M7C3 based on their chemical composition. be present in the studied 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel for
At 973 K and 998 K (700 C and 725 C), M7C3 practically reasonable tempering conditions.


4. M23C6 carbides composition, the overall carbide precipitation sequence in
M23C6 were originally thought to form by in situ the studied material can be considered as the result of several
nucleation, either within the cementite particles or at the precipitation sub-sequences. These sub-sequences seem to
interface between cementite and matrix.[3] However, occur simultaneously, in a rather independent manner for
Nutting later considered that these carbides nucleate shorter tempering times (or lower temperatures), and
separately despite the fact that they are chromium interact with each other for longer tempering times and/or
carbides, since their crystal structure allows them to higher tempering temperatures. For the particular granular
readily dissolve more iron than M7C3 and, thus, they need bainite starting microstructure and for the low heating rate
less chromium to precipitate.[38] This assumption could considered here, these can be described as follows:
explain why M23C6 in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steels are iron-rich
despite being chromium-based carbides. An additional  Retained austenite, located at the interfaces, decom-
reason could be that the interfacial energy of precipitates poses into ferrite and M3C clusters during heating
that have compositions closer to the one of the surround- and disappears before the temperature reaches
ing matrix, have lower interface energy, which is approx- 873 K (600 C), resulting in the microstructure
imately quadratically dependent on the composition schematized in Figure 12(a). When heating up to
difference between precipitate and matrix.[40] 998 K (725 C), or during the isothermal step at
M23C6 are equilibrium carbides, since they grow with lower temperatures, cementite clusters then dissolve
increasing tempering time and temperature, while their due to nucleation and growth of M7C3 carbides at
chemical composition remains stable and close to that the same location (Figure 12(b)).
calculated at equilibrium. While iron atoms are readily  M2C carbides nucleate separately from the matrix
available from the matrix, it is interesting to notice that during the heating step, likely due to the carbon
the amount of chromium in solid solution remains atoms in solid solution or trapped at dislocations
constant during the growth of M23C6 carbides, while within the bainitic laths (Figure 12(a)). Then, they
simultaneously the chromium amount in M2C decreases reach a maximum in their number fraction due to
and the M7C3 carbides are dissolving. This indicates that both nucleation and growth (Figure 12(b)). For
diffusion of chromium atoms from the less stable car- longer times at 973 K and 998 K (700 C and
bides toward M23C6 carbides takes place, leading to the 725 C), they start to dissolve due to their thermo-
dissolution of those less stable carbides. dynamic instability.
The correlation between growth of M23C6 and disso-  M23C6 carbides also nucleate separately but between
lution of M7C3 is obvious. However, the constant size of bainitic laths (Figure 12(a)) and quickly start to
M7C3 particles suggests that their decrease in volume grow, likely by extracting chromium atoms from the
fraction is due to a decrease in their number density. In solid solution (Figure 12(b)). For longer tempering
other words, dissolution of M7C3 is localized. TEM times, the growth of M23C6 leads to a continuous
observations showed that none or few of these carbides dissolution of M7C3, and to coarsening of M2C
were found near M23C6 carbides for long durations/high carbides (Figure 12(c)). For isothermal holding
temperatures, suggesting that dissolution of M7C3 takes times higher than a critical value, only M23C6
place in the vicinity of M23C6 carbides only, and carbides remain in the material (Figure 12(d)). This
supporting the above-mentioned mechanism. critical holding time is 24 hours at 998 K (725 C),
When considering M2C carbides, a precipitate-free zone and longer at lower holding temperatures.
was sometimes observed in the vicinity of M23C6 particles.
Dissolution of these M2C carbides releases molybdenum
into the matrix, however, the amount of molybdenum in
solid solution remains constant, at least at 948 K (675 C). V. CONCLUSIONS
Thus, some of the released molybdenum probably diffuse
into M23C6 carbides, since their molybdenum content The four different carbides precipitating in the inves-
remains constant during growth, and some of it may diffuse tigated fully bainitic 2.25 Cr-1 Mo steel with 0.15 wt pct
toward other M2C particles, leading to their coarsening of C have been identified using literature data, experi-
and increasing their molybdenum content. mental measurements, and thermodynamic calculations.
This evolution of carbide population during tempering Each type of carbide exhibits unique characteristics, such
is in good agreement with the carbide precipitation as, the amount of metallic elements, morphology, crystal
sequence from Baker & Nutting’s results and thermody- structure, nucleation site, and nucleation conditions.
namic equilibrium predictions for the considered holding M3C cementite is the least stable carbide, M7C3 and
times and temperatures. M3C is the least stable carbide, M2C are metastable carbides and M23C6 is the equilib-
M7C3 and M2C are metastable and M23C6 is the equilib- rium carbide. No M6C was ever observed.
rium carbide. An increase in holding temperature accel- Precipitation of carbides starts during the heating
erates the precipitation sequence, as metastable carbides step, due to the low heating rate to be experienced by
disappear more rapidly and M23C6 growth is favored. thick-walled components. It is important to take this
step into account when considering the carbide precip-
itation, since all carbides have already precipitated
B. Precipitation Sequence before the isothermal holding begins.
From identification of individual precipitates, of their From experimental observations, the overall precip-
location in the bainitic microstructure and their chemical itation sequence was defined as the result of three


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