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Kenneth Jay V.

Unabia, 19
A Reflection on the Tridentine Latin Mass
(With the Aid of the First Episode of the Mass of the Ages:
The Latin Mass Trilogy)
Months had already passed and my resolve for the
Traditional Catholicism is slowly taking shape. Honestly, I
am still at the point where I would sometimes get lost in
thought, wondering what really is happening in the present
time. It’s just confusing at some point.
First weeks into the discovery of how the Church used
to be, I was not thinking much about it and I was not
asking myself at all if this is something far more serious.
That it might just be a to-die-for thing. This whole concept
still feels strange because I actually have something at last
to fight for and that I sincerely want to pass down to my
present and future family. Until recently, I found myself
loving it, rebuilding my relationship to God and ultimately
defending the tradition, this supposed asset of all the
humanity that is powerful, moving and rich.
I have to say that the video made me cry. I was in the
room, the outside already becoming dim. A family member
would get inside and I tried hiding my face. I was in an
immense feeling of gratitude. For I get to discover the
beauty, sacredness and blessedness of a mass which I
want greatly to be discovered too by my parents, my
grandparents, my siblings and possibly everyone who
would find it life-changing.
As a teenager who grew up in a family circle where
lukewarm faithfulness is normal, where religiosity and
pretty much everything that has something to do with the
faith are strange to the hearing. Life to me had always felt
the same say as rowing against the rapids. I could not
seem to swim away from the state I was in. People called
me smart but it was only me who knew I was nothing more
than a faithful street kid. It’s a glimpse to my silent but
hellish life until the turning point.
Everything literally changed. My way of thought, my
perception of God and the world, sometimes I find myself
doing things that I had always hesitated to make full
commitment. And it was all because of the Latin rite of the
Mass as well as the teachings which I rarely hear of in the
present. Right now, I always ask for His guidance that I
may be with Him in everything I do. I see my surrounding
trying to discourage me. I still cannot defend the faith
wholly but I am sure of one thing—that this is what God
wants me to do.

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