Crim Law 2 Review

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Breach of allegiance to the government by a person who owes

    allegiance it.
        A. Espionage
        B. Rebellion
        C. Sedition
        D. Treason
2. Treason can be proven by Judicial Confession of the accused
    or testimony of at least how many witness?
        A. At Least 1 Witness
        B. At Least 2 Witness
        C. At Least 3 Witness
        D. At Least 4 Witness
3. The Offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing information
    respecting the national defense with intent or reason to
    believe that the information is to be used to the injury of
    the Republic of thre Philippines or the advantage of a
    foreign nation.
        A. Treason
        B. Espionage
        C. Sedition
        D. Rebellion
4. One of the following felonies may be committed not only
    during war but also during peace time.
        A. Treason
        B. Misprision of Treason
        C. Espionage
        D. Piracy
5. An Act to punish Espionage and other offenses against
    national security.
        A. C.A. No. 616
        B. C.A. No. 716
        C. C.A. No. 816
        D. C.A. No. 916
6. It is robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas, without
    lawful authority and done with animo furandi and in the
    spirit and intention of universal hostility.
        A. Piracy
        B. Mutiny
        C. High Jacking
        D. Robbery on the the High Seas
7. The Unlawful Resistance to a superior or the raising of
    commotions and disturbances on board a ship against the
    authority of its commander.
        A. Piracy
        B. Mutiny
        C. High Jacking
        D. Rebellion
8. Anti-Hijacking Law is known as
        A. R.A. No. 6553
        B. R.A. No. 6523
        C. R.A. No. 6253
        D. R.A. No. 6235
9. The Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974 is
    known as
        A. P.D. No. 532
        B. P.D. No. 523
        C. P.D. No. 253
        D. P.D. No. 235
10. The deprivation by a public officer of the liberty of a person
      without any legal ground.
        A. Arbitrary Detention
        B. Illegal Detention
        C. Kidnapping
        D. None of the Above
11. One of the following is not a crime against the law of nation.
        A. Treason
        B. Qualified Piracy
        C. Flight to Enemy's Country
        D. Arbitrary Detention
12. One of the following is not a crime against the Fundamental
    Laws of the State.
        A. Qualified Piracy
        B. Arbitrary Detention
        C. Delaying Release
        D. Expulsion
13. It is the offense committed by expelling a person from the
    Philippines or by compelling a person to change his residence.
        A. Light Threats
        B. light Coercion
        C. Expulsion
        D. Grave Threats
14. The term used where the object of the movement is
    completely to overthrow and supersede the existing
        A. Insurrection
        B. Rebellion
        C. Sedition
        D. None of the Above
15. The term refers to a movement which seeks merely to effect
    some change of minor importance to prevent the exercise
    of governmental authority with respect to particular matters
    or subjects.
        A. Insurrection
        B. Rebellion
        C. Sedition
        D. None of the Above
16. R.A. No. 6235 is known as
        A. Anti-Hijacking Law
        B. Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974
        C. An Act To Punish Espionage
        D. None of the Above
17. All of the following except one are crimes against public order.
        A. Coup D' Etat
        B. Sedition
        C. Treason
        D. Rebellion
18. This felony involves the raising of commotions or disturbances
    in the State. Its ultimate object is a violation of the public
    peace or at least such a course of measures as evidently
    engenders it.
        A. Coup D' Etat
        B. Rebellion
        C. Sedition
        D. Treason
19. Committed by a person who being under oath and required to
    testify as to the truth of a certain matter at a hearing before a
    competent authority, shall deny the truth or say something
    contrary to it.
        A. Slander
        B. Perjury
        C. Libel
        D. False testimony
20. Lax, Unrestrained, immoral, maintainer of house of
        A. Dissolute
        B. Prostitutes
        C. Ruffians
        D. Vagrants

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