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Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 1 of 46 PageID #: 220




3G LICENSING S.A. and SISVEL S.p.A., C.A. No. 1:21‐cv‐01745‐MN

Plaintiffs, PATENT CASE






Defendant Ford Motor Company (“Ford”) answers the Complaint of Plaintiffs Sisvel

International S.A., 3G Licensing S.A. and Sisvel S.p.A. (“Sisvel and/or Plaintiffs”).


1. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the Patent Laws of the United

States, 35 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.

ANSWER: Ford denies that it has committed any acts of patent infringement.


2. Sisvel International S.A. (“Sisvel”) is an entity organized under the laws of

Luxembourg with a place of business at 6, Avenue Marie Thérèse, 2132 Luxembourg, Grand

Duchy of Luxembourg.
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ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

3. 3G Licensing S.A. (“3G Licensing”) is also an entity organized under the laws of

Luxembourg with a place of business at 6, Avenue Marie Thérèse, 2132 Luxembourg, Grand

Duchy of Luxembourg.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

4. Sisvel S.p.A. (“Sisvel S.p.A.”) is an entity organized under the laws of Italy with a

place of business at Via Sestriere 100, 10060 None (TO) Italy. “Sisvel” is an acronym for “Società

Italiana per lo Sviluppo Dell’Elettronica.”

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

5. Founded in Italy in 1982, Sisvel is a world leader in fostering innovation and

managing intellectual property. Sisvel works with its partners offering a comprehensive approach

to patent licensing: from issuing initial calls for essential patents; facilitating discussions among

stakeholders; developing multiparty license agreements; executing and administering licenses; to

collecting and distributing royalties. At the same time, Sisvel actively promotes a culture of respect

and understanding of the intellectual property and innovation ecosystem through, for example, its

regular presence at the key consumer electronics trade fairs and intellectual property events,

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 3 of 46 PageID #: 222

participation in policy discussions and conferences, as well as open dialogues with a number of

government bodies, standard-setting organizations and industry associations.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

6. In early 2016, Sisvel initiated licensing activities in North America via its U.S.

subsidiary, Sisvel US Inc.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

7. A subsidiary of Sisvel founded in 2015, 3G Licensing, is an intellectual property

company operating in the consumer electronics and telecommunications industry. The company is

composed of specialists with an extensive experience in administering licensing programs on

behalf of third-party companies and organizations.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

8. A subsidiary of Sisvel founded in 1982, Sisvel S.p.A., is an intellectual property

company operating primarily in areas of wireless communication, audio/video coding/decoding,

digital video display, and broadband technology. The company is composed of specialists with

extensive experience to support Sisvel’s efforts in licensing programs and patent pools, primarily

on behalf of third-party companies and organizations.

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ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

9. Upon information and belief, Defendant Ford is a Delaware company having its

principal place of business at 1 American Road, Ford World Headquarters, Dearborn, Michigan


ANSWER: Admitted.

10. Defendant maintains a registered agent for service of process in Delaware at

Corporation Trust Company, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington,

Delaware 19801. Upon information and belief, Defendant sells and offers to sell products and

services throughout the United States, including in this judicial district, and introduces products

and services that enter into the stream of commerce and that incorporate infringing technology

knowing that they would be sold in this judicial district and elsewhere in the United States.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that its registered agent for service of process in

the State of Delaware is The Corporation Trust Company, having an address Corporation Trust

Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. Ford sells vehicles to independent

dealerships, who sell their Ford vehicles to the public. Ford denies that it incorporates infringing



11. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter jurisdiction of this case under 28

U.S.C. §§ 1331 (federal question) and 1338(a) (patent law – 35 U.S.C. § 101, et seq.).

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ANSWER: Ford admits that this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over disputes arising

under the patent laws of the United States and that the alleged claims arise under the patent laws,

but Ford denies that it has committed any acts of patent infringement.

12. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant, because Defendant has

sufficient minimum contacts within the State of Delaware and this District, pursuant to due process

and/or the Del. Code. Ann. Tit. 3, § 3104, as Defendant has purposefully availed itself of the

privileges of conducting business in the State of Delaware by regularly conducting and soliciting

business within the State of Delaware and within this District, and because Plaintiffs’ causes of

action arise directly from Defendant’s business contacts and other activities in the State of

Delaware and this District. Further, this Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant, because

it is incorporated in the State of Delaware and has purposely availed itself of the privileges and

benefits of the laws of the State of Delaware.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that this Court has personal jurisdiction over Ford.

13. Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) because

Defendant has committed acts of infringement in this District as Defendant is incorporated in the

State of Delaware.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that venue is proper.


14. Defendant makes, uses, sells and offers for sale, provides, and causes to be used,

now and within the past six years, SYNC® Connect, FordPass SmartLink and FordPass Connect

among other such products. (Collectively “Accused Instrumentalities”.)

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ANSWER: Ford admits that Ford, or independently owned and operated Ford dealerships,

made, used, sold or offered for sale within the past six years, SYNC® Connect, FordPass

SmartLink and FordPass Connect. Ford denies the remaining allegations of this paragraph,

including the implication that these technologies infringe the Asserted Patents.

15. Defendant advertises the SYNC® Connect product is compliant with the 4G

cellular network standards. (See, e.g., product information for the SYNC® Connect, attached

hereto as Exhibit 1.)

ANSWER: Denied.

16. Defendant advertises the FordPass SmartLink product is compliant with the 4G

cellular network standards. (See e.g., product information for the FordPass SmartLink, attached

hereto as Exhibit 2.)

ANSWER: Denied.

17. Defendant advertises the FordPass Connect product is compliant with the 4G

cellular network standards. (See e.g., product information for the FordPass Connect, attached

hereto as Exhibit 3.)

ANSWER: Denied.

18. Each of the Accused Instrumentalities are incorporated into one or more of the

vehicles Defendant manufactures, offers for sale and sells.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits it incorporates SYNC® Connect, FordPass

Connect, and FordPass SmartLink into one or more vehicles.

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19. Plaintiffs is the owner by assignment of a portfolio of patents, including the patents

described in detail in the counts below (collectively, the “Asserted Patents”), that relate to

technology for cellular communications networks, including variations or generations of cellular

communication network technology such as, but not limited to 3G, and 4G.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

20. Cellular communication network technology is used to provide data transmission

across mobile cellular networks.

ANSWER: This allegation is so broad that Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to

admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

21. U.S. Patent Nos. 7,751,803 (“the ’803 patent”) and 7,894,443 (“the ’443 patent”)

were assigned to Nokia Corporation either directly from the inventors or through mergers. In 2011

the ’803 and the ’443 patents were assigned to a trust by Nokia Corporation. On April 10, 2012,

Sisvel obtained ownership of the ’803 and the ’443 patents.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

22. U.S. Patent No. 7,979,070 (“the ’070 patent”) was assigned to Nokia Corporation

either directly from the inventors or through mergers. In 2011 the ʼ070 patent was assigned to a

trust by Nokia Corporation. On April 10, 2012, Sisvel obtained ownership of the ʼ070 patent.

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ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

23. U.S. Patent No. 8,600,383 (“the ʼ383 patent”) was assigned to Research in Motion

Ltd. from the inventors. Research in Motion Ltd. changed its name to Blackberry, Ltd. in 2013.

On November 16, 2018, the ʼ383 patents were assigned to Provenance Asset Group LLC from

Blackberry, Ltd. On April 5, 2019, Sisvel obtained ownership of the ʼ383 patents from Provenance

Asset Group LLC. On July 11, 2019, Sisvel assigned the ʼ383 patents to 3G Licensing.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the ʼ383 patent was assigned to Research in Motion Ltd. from the

inventors. Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the remaining

allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

24. U.S. Patent No. 8,971,279 (“the ʼ279 patent”) was assigned to LG Electronics Inc.

from the inventors. On March 28, 2014, the ʼ279 patents was assigned to Thomson Licensing SAS

from LG Electronics. On September 23, 2019, Sisvel S.p.A. obtained ownership of the ʼ279 patent

from Thomson Licensing SAS.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the ʼ279 patent was assigned to LG Electronics Inc. from the

inventors. Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the remaining

allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

25. Sisvel, 3G Licensing and Sisvel S.p.A. are the rightful owners of the Asserted

Patents and hold the entire right, title and interest in the Asserted Patents.

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ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

26. Sisvel sent its first correspondence to Ford on January 6, 2017, offering a license

for patents owned and/or managed by Sisvel that are essential to cellular standards including 3G

technology. The January 6, 2017, letter included a link to materials on Sisvel’s website which

identified its 3G standard patents.

ANSWER: After a reasonably diligent investigation, Ford lacks sufficient information or

knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

27. Sisvel and Ford engaged in additional correspondence through October 31, 2018.

On October 31, 2018, Sisvel sent Ford an email again offering to license Sisvel’s 3G and 4G

patents. Attached to the email was a letter introducing the 3G and 4G patents to be license. The

letter contained links to brochures which listed information about the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and

’279 patents. The email also included a description of the Sisvel’s license program for its 3G and

4G standard essential patents, and a draft non-disclosure agreement.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that it received a letter from Sisvel on October 31,

2018 that included a description of the Sisvel’s license program for its alleged 3G and 4G standard

essential patents, and a draft non-disclosure agreement. Ford denies that the letter “contained links

to brochures which listed information about the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents.” For

example, and without limitation, Sisvel did not own the ‘383 or ‘279 patents until at least April 5,

2019 and September 23, 2019, respectively. (See Complaint ¶¶ 23-34.)

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28. On June 26, 2019, Sisvel sent another correspondence introducing additional patent

portfolios to be licensed. The correspondence listed again directed Ford to the 3G and 4G

brochures which listed information about the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents as well as

specifically listing the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents in the correspondence. The

correspondence also discussed that the FordPass Smartlink and FordPass Connect are infringing

the offered patents.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that it received correspondence from Sisvel on

June 26, 2019 concerning Sisvel’s patent portfolios. Ford denies that the correspondence “again

directed Ford to the 3G and 4G brochures which listed information about the ’803, ’443, ’070,

’383, and ’279 patents as well as specifically listing the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents

in the correspondence.” For example, and without limitation, Sisvel did not own the ‘279 patent

until at least September 23, 2019. (See Complaint ¶24.) Ford denies that the correspondence

asserted that FordPass Smartlink and FordPass Connect infringe the Asserted Patents.

29. After additional attempts to enter into a license, Sisvel sent another correspondence

on June 21, 2021 which included a copy of Sisvel’s Master Agreement which listed, among others,

the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents. The correspondence also included Sisvel’s 3G and

4G brochures listing the ’803, ’443, ’070, ’383, and ’279 patents.

ANSWER: Sisvel’s allegation of “additional attempts to enter into a license” is so vague that

Ford cannot answer and therefore denies the allegation. Ford admits the remainder of the


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30. Following the June 21, 2021 letter, Sisvel and Ford exchanged additional

correspondence regarding Sisvel’s patent portfolio. Despite Sisvel’s continuous efforts over more

than one year and numerous demonstrations of infringement, Ford refused to take a license to

Sisvel’s patents.

ANSWER: Ford admits that Sisvel and Ford exchanged additional correspondence regarding

Sisvel’s patents following June 21, 2021. Ford denies that Sisvel demonstrated infringement of

the Asserted Patents and Ford denies that it refused to take a license to Sisvel’s patents.


31. The allegations set forth in the foregoing paragraphs 1 through 30 are incorporated

into this First Claim for Relief.

ANSWER: Ford incorporates its answers to the previous allegations.

32. On July 6, 2010, the ’803 patent, entitled “Method and Arrangement For

Optimizing the Re-Establishment of Connections In a Cellular Radio System Supporting Real

Time and Non-Real Time Communications” was duly and legally issued by the United States

Patent and Trademark Office from a patent application filed on February 22, 2001, and claims

priority to foreign patent applications filed on February 24, 2000 and March 24, 2000. A true and

correct copy of the ’803 patent is attached as Exhibit 4.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

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33. Plaintiff Sisvel is the assignee and owner of the right, title and interest in and to the

ʼ803 patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under said patents and the right

to any remedies for infringement of them.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

34. The ’803 patent relates to a system and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential

under the 3G cellular standard as explained in attached Exhibit 5. Thus, Defendant’s Accused

Instrumentalities necessarily infringing the ʼ803 patent.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them. Ford denies that its Accused Instrumentalities

necessarily infringing the ʼ803 patent.

35. Defendant was made aware of the ʼ803 patent and its infringement thereof by

correspondence from Plaintiffs as late as October 31, 2018, as discussed in paragraph 26 above.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that Sisvel’s October 31, 2018 letter mentioned the

‘803 patent. Ford denies that the letter demonstrated Ford’s infringement of the ‘803 patent.

36. Defendant was further made aware of the ʼ803 patent and its infringement thereof

at least as early as the date of filing of this Complaint.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the complaint identifies the ‘803 patent. Ford denies that the

complaint demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘803 patent.

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37. Upon information and belief, Defendant has and continue to directly infringe at

least claim 17 of the ʼ803 patent by making, using, selling, importing, offering for sale, providing,

practicing, and causing the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods.

ANSWER: Denied.

38. Upon information and belief, these Accused Instrumentality are used, marketed,

provided to, and/or used by or for the Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers and end

users across the country and in this District.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

39. Upon information and belief, Defendant has induced and continues to induce others

to infringe at least claim 17 of the ʼ803 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by, among other things,

and with specific intent or willful blindness, actively aiding and abetting others to infringe,

including, but not limited to Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end users,

whose use of the Accused Instrumentality constitutes direct infringement of at least one claim of

the ’803 patent.

ANSWER: Denied.

40. In particular, the Defendant’s actions that aid and abet others such as its partners,

customers/subscribers, clients, and end users to infringe include advertising and distributing the

Accused Instrumentality and providing instruction materials, training, and services regarding the

Accused Instrumentality.

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ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

41. Any party, including Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, using the Accused Instrumentalities necessarily infringes the ʼ803 patent because the

invention of the ʼ803 patent is required to comply with the relevant cellular standard. Defendant

advertises its Accused Instrumentalities as compliant with the relevant cellular standard, which

induces others to infringe the ʼ803 patent. Defendant has knowingly induced infringement since at

least October 31, 2018, when Defendant was first made aware of the ʼ803 patent during extensive

correspondence with Plaintiffs as discussed in paragraphs 25-29 above.

ANSWER: Denied.

42. Upon information and belief, the Defendant are liable as a contributory infringer of

the ʼ803 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by offering to sell, selling and importing into the United

States the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods, to be especially made or

adapted for use in an infringement of the ʼ803 patent. Each of the Accused Instrumentality is a

material component for use in practicing the ʼ803 patent and is specifically made and are not a

staple article of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. In particular, each Accused

Instrumentality is advertised to be compliant with the relevant standard and primarily used in

compliance with that standard.

ANSWER: Denied.

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[sic – no para number] Plaintiffs have been harmed by Defendant’s infringing


ANSWER: Denied.


43. The allegations set forth in the foregoing paragraphs 1 through 42 are incorporated

into this Second Claim for Relief.

ANSWER: Ford incorporates its answers to the previous allegations.

44. On February 22, 2011, the ’443 patent, entitled “Radio Link Control

Unacknowledged Mode Header Optimization” was duly and legally issued by the United States

Patent and Trademark Office from a patent application filed on August 23, 2006, and claims

priority to provisional patent application No. 60/710,193 filed on August 23, 2005. A true and

correct copy of the ’443 patent is attached as Exhibit 6.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

45. Plaintiff Sisvel is the assignee and owner of the right, title and interest in and to the

ʼ443 patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under said patents and the right

to any remedies for infringement of them.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

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46. The ’443 patent relates to a system and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential

under the 3G cellular standard as explained in attached Exhibit 7. Thus, Defendant’s Accused

Instrumentalities necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them. Ford denies that its Accused Instrumentalities

necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

47. Defendant was made aware of the ʼ443 patent and its infringement thereof by

correspondence from Plaintiffs on October 31, 2018, as discussed in paragraph 26 above.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that Sisvel’s October 31, 2018 letter mentioned the

‘443 patent. Ford denies that the letter demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘443 patent.

48. Defendant was further made aware of the ʼ803 patent and its infringement thereof

at least as early as the date of filing of this Complaint.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the complaint identifies the ʼ803 patent. Ford denies that the

complaint demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ʼ803 patent.

49. Upon information and belief, Defendant has and continue to directly infringe at

least claim 16 of the ʼ443 patent by making, using, selling, importing, offering for sale, providing,

practicing, and causing the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods.

ANSWER: Denied.

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50. Upon information and belief, these Accused Instrumentality are used, marketed,

provided to, and/or used by or for the Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers and end

users across the country and in this District.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

51. Upon information and belief, Defendant has induced and continues to induce others

to infringe at least claim 16 of the ʼ443 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by, among other things,

and with specific intent or willful blindness, actively aiding and abetting others to infringe,

including, but not limited to Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end users,

whose use of the Accused Instrumentality constitutes direct infringement of at least one claim of

the ’443 patent.

ANSWER: Denied.

52. In particular, the Defendant’s actions that aid and abet others such as its partners,

customers/subscribers, clients, and end users to infringe include advertising and distributing the

Accused Instrumentality and providing instruction materials, training, and services regarding the

Accused Instrumentality.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

53. Any party, including Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, using the Accused Instrumentalities necessarily infringes the ʼ443 patent because the

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invention of the ʼ443 patent is required to comply with the relevant cellular standard. Defendant

advertises its Accused Instrumentalities as compliant with the relevant cellular standard, which

induces others to infringe the ʼ443 patent. Defendant has knowingly induced infringement since at

least October 31, 2018, when Defendant was first made aware of the ʼ443 patent during extensive

correspondence with Plaintiffs as discussed in paragraphs 25-29 above.

ANSWER: Denied.

54. Upon information and belief, the Defendant are liable as a contributory infringer of

the ʼ443 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by offering to sell, selling and importing into the United

States the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods, to be especially made or

adapted for use in an infringement of the ʼ443 patent. Each of the Accused Instrumentality is a

material component for use in practicing the ʼ443 patent and is specifically made and are not a

staple article of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. In particular, each Accused

Instrumentality is advertised to be compliant with the relevant standard and primarily used in

compliance with that standard.

ANSWER: Denied.

55. Plaintiffs have been harmed by Defendant’s infringing activities.

ANSWER: Denied.


56. The allegations set forth in the foregoing paragraphs 1 through 55 are incorporated

into this Third Claim for Relief.

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ANSWER: Ford incorporates its answers to the previous allegations.

57. On July 12, 2011, the ’070 patent, entitled “Mobile Equipment for Sending an

Attach Request to a Network” was duly and legally issued the United States Patent and Trademark

Office from Patent Application No. 12/232,724 filed on September 23, 2008. The ʼ070 patent

claims priority to U.S. Patent No. 7,035,621 filed on October 13, 2000. A true and correct copy of

the ʼ070 patent is attached as Exhibit 8.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

58. Plaintiff Sisvel is the assignee and owner of the right, title and interest in and to the

ʼ070 patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under said patents and the right

to any remedies for infringement of them.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

59. The ’070 patent relates to a system and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential

under the 4G cellular standard as explained in attached Exhibit 9. Thus, Defendant’s Accused

Instrumentalities necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them. Ford denies that its Accused Instrumentalities

necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

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60. Defendant was made aware of the ʼ070 patent and its infringement thereof by

correspondence from Plaintiffs on October 31, 2018, as discussed in paragraph 26 above.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that the Sisvel’s October 31, 2018 letter mentions

the ‘070 patent. Ford denies that the letter demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘070 patent.

61. Defendant was further made aware of the ʼ070 patent and its infringement thereof

at least as early as the date of filing of this Complaint.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the complaint identifies the ‘070 patent. Ford denies that the

complaint demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘070 patent.

62. Upon information and belief, Defendant has and continue to directly infringe at

least claims 1, 2 and/or 5 of the ʼ070 patent by making, using, selling, importing, offering for sale,

providing, practicing, and causing the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods.

ANSWER: Denied.

63. Upon information and belief, these Accused Instrumentality are used, marketed,

provided to, and/or used by or for the Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers and end

users across the country and in this District.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

64. Upon information and belief, Defendant has induced and continues to induce others

to infringe at least claims 1, 2 and/or 5 of the ʼ070 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by, among

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other things, and with specific intent or willful blindness, actively aiding and abetting others to

infringe, including, but not limited to Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, whose use of the Accused Instrumentality constitutes direct infringement of at least one

claim of the ’070 patent.

ANSWER: Denied.

65. In particular, the Defendant’s actions that aid and abet others such as its partners,

customers/subscribers, clients, and end users to infringe include advertising and distributing the

Accused Instrumentality and providing instruction materials, training, and services regarding the

Accused Instrumentality.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

66. Any party, including Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, using the Accused Instrumentalities necessarily infringes the ʼ070 patent because the

invention of the ʼ070 patent is required to comply with the relevant cellular standard. Defendant

advertises its Accused Instrumentalities as compliant with the relevant cellular standard, which

induces others to infringe the ʼ070 patent. Defendant has knowingly induced infringement since at

least October 31, 2018, when Defendant was first made aware of the ʼ070 patent during extensive

correspondence with Plaintiffs as discussed in paragraphs 25-29 above.

ANSWER: Denied.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 22 of 46 PageID #: 241

67. Upon information and belief, the Defendant are liable as a contributory infringer of

the ʼ070 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by offering to sell, selling and importing into the United

States the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods, to be especially made or

adapted for use in an infringement of the ʼ070 patent. Each of the Accused Instrumentality is a

material component for use in practicing the ʼ070 patent and is specifically made and are not a

staple article of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. In particular, each Accused

Instrumentality is advertised to be compliant with the relevant standard and primarily used in

compliance with that standard.

ANSWER: Denied.

68. Plaintiffs have been harmed by Defendant’s infringing activities.

ANSWER: Denied.


69. The allegations set forth in the foregoing paragraphs 1 through 68 are incorporated

into this Fourth Claim for Relief.

ANSWER: Ford incorporates its answers to the previous allegations.

70. On December 3, 2013, the ’383 patent, entitled “Apparatus and Method for Making

Measurements in Mobile Telecommunications System User Equipment” was duly and legally

issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office from Patent Application No. 13/617,241

filed on September 24, 2012. The ʼ383 patent claims priority to U.S. Patent No. 7,463,887 filed on

August 18, 2004. A true and correct copy of the ʼ383 patent is attached as Exhibit 10.

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ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

71. Plaintiff 3G Licensing is the assignee and owner of the right, title and interest in

and to the ʼ383 patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under said patents

and the right to any remedies for infringement of them.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

72. The ’070 patent relates to a system and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential

under the 4G cellular standard as explained in attached Exhibit 11. Thus, Defendant’s Accused

Instrumentalities necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them. Ford denies that its Accused Instrumentalities

necessarily infringing the ʼ443 patent.

73. Defendant was made aware of the ʼ383 patent and its infringement thereof by

correspondence from Plaintiffs on October 31, 2018, as discussed in paragraph 26 above.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that Sisvel’s October 31, 2018 letter mentions the

‘383 patent. Ford denies that the letter demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘383 patent.

74. Defendant was further made aware of the ʼ383 patent and its infringement thereof

at least as early as the date of filing of this Complaint.

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ANSWER: Ford admits that the complaint identifies the ‘383 patent. Ford denies that the

complaint demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘383 patent.

75. Upon information and belief, Defendant has and continue to directly infringe at

least claims 1, 9, 17, 25, 49, 58, 66, 74, 82, and/or 90 of the ʼ383 patent by making, using, selling,

importing, offering for sale, providing, practicing, and causing the Accused Instrumentality that

infringe the patented methods.

ANSWER: Denied.

76. Upon information and belief, these Accused Instrumentality are used, marketed,

provided to, and/or used by or for the Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers and end

users across the country and in this District.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

77. Upon information and belief, Defendant has induced and continues to induce others

to infringe at least claims 1, 9, 17, 25, 49, 58, 66, 74, 82, and/or 90 of the ʼ383 patent under 35

U.S.C. § 271(b) by, among other things, and with specific intent or willful blindness, actively

aiding and abetting others to infringe, including, but not limited to Defendant’s partners, clients,

customers/subscribers, and end users, whose use of the Accused Instrumentality constitutes direct

infringement of at least one claim of the ’383 patent.

ANSWER: Denied.

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78. In particular, the Defendant’s actions that aid and abet others such as its partners,

customers/subscribers, clients, and end users to infringe include advertising and distributing the

Accused Instrumentality and providing instruction materials, training, and services regarding the

Accused Instrumentality.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

79. Any party, including Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, using the Accused Instrumentalities necessarily infringes the ʼ383 patent because the

invention of the ʼ383 patent is required to comply with the relevant cellular standard. Defendant

advertises its Accused Instrumentalities as compliant with the relevant cellular standard, which

induces others to infringe the ʼ383 patent. Defendant has knowingly induced infringement since at

least October 31, 2018, when Defendant was first made aware of the ʼ383 patent during extensive

correspondence with Plaintiffs as discussed in paragraphs 25-29 above.

ANSWER: Denied.

80. Upon information and belief, the Defendant are liable as a contributory infringer of

the ʼ383 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by offering to sell, selling and importing into the United

States the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods, to be especially made or

adapted for use in an infringement of the ʼ383 patent. Each of the Accused Instrumentality is a

material component for use in practicing the ʼ383 patent and is specifically made and are not a

staple article of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. In particular, each Accused

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 26 of 46 PageID #: 245

Instrumentality is advertised to be compliant with the relevant standard and primarily used in

compliance with that standard.

ANSWER: Denied.

81. Plaintiffs have been harmed by Defendant’s infringing activities.

ANSWER: Denied.


82. The allegations set forth in the foregoing paragraphs 1 through 81 are incorporated

into this Fourth Claim for Relief.

ANSWER: Ford incorporates its answers to the previous allegations.

83. On March 3, 2015, the ’279 patent, entitled “Method and Apparatus for Indicating

Deactivation of Semi-Persistent Scheduling” was duly and legally issued by the United States

Patent and Trademark Office from Patent Application No. 13/791,421 filed on March 8, 2013. The

ʼ279 patent claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Nos. 61/114,440 filed on

November 13, 2008, and 61/119,375 filed on December 3, 2008. A true and correct copy of the

ʼ279 patent is attached as Exhibit 12.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

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84. Plaintiff Sisvel S.p.A. is the assignee and owner of the right, title and interest in and

to the ʼ279 patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under said patents and

the right to any remedies for infringement of them.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

85. The ’279 patent relates to a system and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential

under the 4G cellular standard as explained in attached Exhibit 13. Thus, Defendant’s Accused

Instrumentalities necessarily infringing the ʼ279 patent.

ANSWER: Ford lacks sufficient information or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in

this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them. Ford denies that its Accused Instrumentalities

necessarily infringing the ʼ279 patent.

86. Defendant was made aware of the ʼ279 patent and its infringement thereof by

correspondence from Plaintiffs on October 31, 2018, as discussed in paragraph 26 above.

ANSWER: Denied, except that Ford admits that Sisvel’s October 31, 2018 letter mentions the

‘279 patent. Ford denies that the letter demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ‘279 patent.

87. Defendant was further made aware of the ʼ383 patent and its infringement thereof

at least as early as the date of filing of this Complaint.

ANSWER: Ford admits that the complaint identifies the ʼ383 patent. Ford denies that the

complaint demonstrates Ford’s infringement of the ʼ383 patent.

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88. Upon information and belief, Defendant has and continue to directly infringe at

least claims 1 and/or 11 of the ’279 patent by making, using, selling, importing, offering for sale,

providing, practicing, and causing the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods.

ANSWER: Denied.

89. Upon information and belief, these Accused Instrumentality are used, marketed,

provided to, and/or used by or for the Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers and end

users across the country and in this District.

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

90. Upon information and belief, Defendant has induced and continues to induce others

to infringe at least claims 1 and/or 11 of the ’279 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by, among other

things, and with specific intent or willful blindness, actively aiding and abetting others to infringe,

including, but not limited to Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end users,

whose use of the Accused Instrumentality constitutes direct infringement of at least one claim of

the ’279 patent.

ANSWER: Denied.

91. In particular, the Defendant’s actions that aid and abet others such as its partners,

customers/subscribers, clients, and end users to infringe include advertising and distributing the

Accused Instrumentality and providing instruction materials, training, and services regarding the

Accused Instrumentality.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 29 of 46 PageID #: 248

ANSWER: The allegations in this paragraph are so vague that Ford lacks sufficient information

or knowledge to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph, and on that basis, denies them.

92. Any party, including Defendant’s partners, clients, customers/subscribers, and end

users, using the Accused Instrumentalities necessarily infringes the ʼ279 patent because the

invention of the ʼ279 patent is required to comply with the relevant cellular standard. Defendant

advertises its Accused Instrumentalities as compliant with the relevant cellular standard, which

induces others to infringe the ʼ279 patent. Defendant has knowingly induced infringement since at

least October 31, 2018, when Defendant was first made aware of the ʼ279 patent during extensive

correspondence with Plaintiffs as discussed in paragraphs 25-29 above.

ANSWER: Denied.

93. Upon information and belief, the Defendant are liable as a contributory infringer of

the ʼ279 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by offering to sell, selling and importing into the United

States the Accused Instrumentality that infringe the patented methods, to be especially made or

adapted for use in an infringement of the ʼ279 patent. Each of the Accused Instrumentality is a

material component for use in practicing the ʼ279 patent and is specifically made and are not a

staple article of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. In particular, each Accused

Instrumentality is advertised to be compliant with the relevant standard and primarily used in

compliance with that standard.

ANSWER: Denied.

94. Plaintiffs have been harmed by Defendant’s infringing activities.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 30 of 46 PageID #: 249

ANSWER: Denied.


Ford asserts the following affirmative defenses, without assuming the burden of proof

when the law places such burden on Sisvel:

1. Ford has not infringed any valid and enforceable claims of the patents asserted

above by Sisvel (“the Patents in Suit”).

2. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to state a sufficient basis for alleging that Ford infringes

the Patents in Suit because Sisvel fails to point to anything within the modem chipsets supplied to

Ford that infringe the Patents in Suit. Sisvel instead relies solely on 3GPP specifications without

any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific sections of the standard

on which Sisvel relies on for its infringement allegations.

3. The asserted claims of the Patents in Suit are unpatentable for failure to meet the

requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 101.

4. The asserted claims of the Patents in Suit are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of 35 U.S.C. §§ 102, 103, and 112.

5. Sisvel is barred from recovering damages for infringement of any valid asserted

claims of the Patents in Suit until at least the date Sisvel provided proper notice to Ford under 35

U.S.C. § 287.

6. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 286, Sisvel’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, for all

events occurring more than six years prior to the filing of the Complaint.

7. Some or all of Sisvel’s claims against Ford are barred, in whole or in part, by the

doctrines of waiver, exhaustion, license, acquiescence, estoppel, shop rights and/or unclean hands.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 31 of 46 PageID #: 250

8. Sisvel is barred from recovering costs associated with this action under 35 U.S.C.

§ 288.

9. To the extent that Sisvel is not the legal assignee of the Patents in Suit, Sisvel lacks

standing to bring suit for infringement of the Patents in Suit.

10. Sisvel has not made a “Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory” offer to license

the Patents in Suit to Ford in violation of its and/or its predecessors’ FRAND commitments.

11. Ford may assert other defenses, including, without limitation, defenses identified

under Rule 8(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and/or defenses identified under the patent

laws of the United States, that may now or in the future be available on discovery, any other factual

investigation, or any other development relating to this case or any other action.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 32 of 46 PageID #: 251


1. Ford is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at One American

Road, Dearborn, Michigan.

2. On information and belief, Sisvel International S.A. (“Sisvel”) is an entity

organized under the laws of Luxembourg with a place of business at 6, Avenue Marie Thérèse,

2132 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

3. On information and belief, 3G Licensing S.A. (“3G Licensing”) is also an entity

organized under the laws of Luxembourg with a place of business at 6, Avenue Marie Thérèse,

2132 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

4. On information and belief, Sisvel S.p.A. (“Sisvel S.p.A.”) is an entity organized

under the laws of Italy with a place of business at Via Sestriere 100, 10060 None (TO) Italy.

“Sisvel” is an acronym for “Società Italiana per lo Sviluppo Dell’Elettronica.”


5. This Court has jurisdiction over these claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§1331, 1338,

and 2201.

6. As detailed in Sisvel’s Complaint, Ford’s Answer, and Ford’s Counterclaims, an

actual case and controversy exists concerning Ford’s alleged infringement of, and Sisvel’s FRAND

licensing obligation for, the Patents in Suit.


7. In its Complaint, Sisvel alleges infringement and ownership of five patents: U.S.

Patent Nos. 7,751,803 (“the ’803 patent”), 7,894,443 (“the ’443 patent”), 7,979,070 (“the ’070

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 33 of 46 PageID #: 252

patent”), 8,600,383 (“the ʼ383 patent”), and 8,971,279 (“the ʼ279 patent”). Collectively, Ford

refers to these patents as “the Patents in Suit.”

8. In its Complaint, Sisvel alleges the ’803 patent, the ’070 patent, and the ’443 patent

were assigned to Nokia Corporation.

9. In its Complaint, Sisvel alleges the ʼ383 patent was assigned to Research in Motion

Ltd., which changed its name to Blackberry, Ltd. in 2013.

10. In its Complaint, Sisvel alleges the ʼ279 patent was assigned to LG Electronics Inc.


Breach of FRAND Obligations

11. Ford incorporates the allegations in the foregoing paragraphs.

12. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Sisvel has breached its obligation to license

the Patents in Suit on FRAND terms.

13. On information and belief, Sisvel’s predecessors in interest, Nokia Corporation,

Research in Motion Ltd., and LG Electronics Inc., made a FRAND declaration in accordance with

Clause 6.1 of the ETSI Intellectual Property Right Policy, which declaration is binding on Sisvel

under Clause 6.1bis.

14. Sisvel asserts, in Paragraphs 34, 46, 59, 72, and 85 of its Complaint against Ford,

that the Patents in Suit are essential patents to the 3G or 4G cellular standard.

15. As members of the public that would potentially implement the standards and

specifications set forth by ETSI, Ford, its suppliers, and its customers, are intended third-party

beneficiaries of the contractual FRAND licensing commitments and obligations made to ETSI

with respect to the Patents in Suit.

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16. To the extent suppliers to Ford of any accused (i) baseband chipset, (ii) Network

Access Device incorporating a baseband chipset, or (iii) Telematics Control Unit (“TCU”)

incorporating a Network Access Device make or sell products conforming to the applicable

cellular standards, the ETSI IPR Policy requires a license be made available to those makers and

sellers, i.e., the supply chain.

17. Contrary to the obligations expressed in the FRAND commitments by which it is

bound, Sisvel did not make an offer to Ford to license the Patents in Suit on FRAND terms, or

otherwise attempt to negotiate a FRAND license in good faith, before filing its Complaint against

Ford and, to date, has continued to breach its obligation to license the Patents in Suit on FRAND


18. On January 10, 2019, Ford became a licensee under Sisvel’s Wi-Fi Joint Licensing

Program comprising over 500 patents.

19. In a letter to Sisvel dated November 4, 2019, Ford stated that Ford is “also willing

to negotiate a FRAND license with Sisvel directly” for Sisvel’s cellular SEPs. In that

communication, Ford requested relevant information from Sisvel regarding its patent portfolio, its

related licenses, its proposed license terms, and other relevant information.

20. In an email dated June 21, 2021, Sisvel stated: “any patent owned by Sisvel and its

affiliates are available under a bilateral license” and “if Ford wishes to engage on the Sisvel

bilateral license instead of the joint MCP agreement, please let us know.”

21. In an email dated July 20, 2021, Ford again reiterated its “willingness to negotiate

a license directly with Sisvel, but on truly FRAND terms.” Ford repeated its request for

information Ford previously requested on November 2, 2019.

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22. In an email dated July 21, 2021, Sisvel stated it “will focus on finding resolution

under the patents that are owned by Sisvel and its affiliates.” Sisvel requested “Ford’s sales

information relating to sales of products enabled with 3G and 4G communication technology.”

23. In an email dated August 26, 2021, Ford provided Sisvel with its revisions to

Sisvel’s proposed NDA.

24. In an email dated September 21, 2021, Sisvel provided details concerning its

“Mobile Communication Program,” which includes many patents Sisvel and its affiliates do not

own. Sisvel did not provide terms for a bilateral license with Ford for alleged SEPs Sisvel owns.

25. In an email dated October 1, 2021, Sisvel executed the NDA Ford previously

provided on August 26, 2021 stating “We look forward to the countersigned NDA and the

information regarding your relevant sales data we requested.”

26. On October 6, 2021, Ford counter-signed the NDA Sisvel signed on October 1,


27. On October 11, 2021, Ford and Sisvel engaged in a telephone conversation

regarding Sisvel’s SEP licensing program(s), and Ford’s request for a bilateral license offer for

patents owned by Sisvel and its affiliates.

28. In an email dated October 18, 2021, Sisvel provided Ford with Sisvel’s “Patent

Brochure” for “Sisvel Bilateral Offer” listing 1013 patents including among them the Patents in


29. Sisvel’s October 18, 2021 email stated “We look forward to receive [sic] Ford’s

sales information we discussed, including indication between the sales of 3G multimode and 4G

multimode enabled products. This would allow us to make the next necessary steps in formulating

our license offer.”

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30. On December 8, 2021, subject to the parties’ NDA, Ford provided Sisvel with

Ford’s confidential TCU volumes as Sisvel had requested on October 18, 2021 “to make the next

necessary steps in formulating [Sisvel’s] license offer.”

31. Just five days later, instead of providing Ford with terms of a bilateral license offer

to the SEPs Sisvel and its affiliates own, as Ford had requested and as Sisvel had promised, Sisvel

sued Ford for infringement of the Patents in Suit.

32. For at least these reasons, Sisvel has breached its obligation to license the Patents

in Suit on FRAND terms.


Non-Infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 7,751,803

33. Ford realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in the foregoing


34. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Ford does not and has not infringed,

contributed to the infringement of, or induced infringement of any claim of the ’803 Patent either

literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully, or in any other manner.

35. Sisvel’s Complaint alleges that Ford infringes claim 17 of the ’803 Patent. Sisvel

has not supplied infringement claim charts or other analysis for other claims in the patent and

therefore has not properly plead infringement of any other claims as required by Bell Atlantic Corp.

v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 678 (2009).

36. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to articulate a sufficient basis for alleging that the accused

modem chipsets supplied to Ford infringe the asserted claims. Instead, Sisvel relies solely on 3GPP

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specifications without any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific

sections of the standard on which Sisvel relies on to allege infringement by those modem products.

37. In paragraph 34 of the Complaint, Sisvel alleges the “’803 patent relates to a system

and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential under the 3G cellular standard.”

38. The ’803 patent is not essential to the 3G cellular standard, and therefore Ford does

not infringe the patent, because, on information and belief, the “means plus function” limitations

in asserted claim 17 require circuit switching, which is not used in the current 3G cellular networks.

39. Ford also does not infringe the ’803 patent standard because the “means for

determining” in asserted claim 17 cannot be a zero-value timer and, on information and belief, at

least some network equipment, e.g., Nokia, set the timer T314, which Sisvel identifies in its claim

charts, to zero.

40. Ford also does not infringe the ‘803 patent because that patent is exhausted as to

TCUs on Ford production vehicles, all of which use Qualcomm baseband modem chipsets and

associated binaries. In July 2008, Nokia and Qualcomm entered a “15-year agreement” in which

“Nokia has agreed not to use any of its patents directly against Qualcomm, enabling Qualcomm to

integrate Nokia's technology into Qualcomm's chipsets.” (See

Nokia’s authorization of Qualcomm’s manufacture and sale of its baseband modem chipsets

practicing Nokia’s ‘803 patent exhausted Nokia’s patent rights to the ‘803 patent under Quanta

Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008) and Impression Products v. Lexmark

Intern., 581 U.S. 3 (2017). On information and belief, and subject to further discovery, the

assignment of the ‘803 patent to Sisvel in 2012 was subject to the July 2008 agreement between

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 38 of 46 PageID #: 257

Nokia and Qualcomm exhausting Sisvel’s right to sue for infringement of the ‘803 patent arising

from a Qualcomm baseband modem chipset installed in a Ford vehicle.

41. Absent a declaration of non-infringement, Sisvel will continue to wrongfully assert

the ’803 Patent against Ford and will continue to cause Ford injury and damage.


Non-Infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 7,894,443

42. Ford realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in the foregoing


43. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Ford does not and has not infringed,

contributed to the infringement of, or induced infringement of any claim of the ’443 Patent either

literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully, or in any other manner.

44. Sisvel’s Complaint alleges that Ford infringes claim 16 of the ’443 Patent. Sisvel

has not supplied infringement claim charts or other analysis for other claims in the patent and

therefore has not properly plead infringement of any other claims as required by Bell Atlantic Corp.

v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 678 (2009).

45. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to articulate a sufficient basis for alleging that the accused

modem chipsets supplied to Ford infringe the asserted claims. Instead, Sisvel relies solely on 3GPP

specifications without any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific

sections of the standard on which Sisvel relies on to alleged infringement by those modem


46. In paragraph 46 of the Complaint, Sisvel alleges the “’443 patent relates to a system

and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential under the 3G cellular standard.” In the claim chart

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 39 of 46 PageID #: 258

accompanying the Complaint (Exhibit 7), Sisvel alleges claim 16 reads on the 3G standard because

“The Framing Info (FI) field meets the requirements of ‘indicat[ing] that a first data octet of the

protocol data unit is a first octet of a first service data unit and at least one other octet of the

protocol data unit is the last octet of another service data unit’” and because “at least one indicator

including a length indicator in the previous claim element is represented in the standard by the

couple LI and FI.”

47. The ’443 patent is not essential to the 3G cellular standard, and therefore does not

infringe the patent.

48. The ’443 patent was involved in an Inter Partes Review (“IPR”) in the U.S. Patent

and Trademark Office (“PTO”), Case No. IPR2020-01102.

49. The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) issued a Final Written Decision on

January 18, 2022, finding claim 16 of the ’443 patent unpatentable.

50. In the IPR, Sisvel filed both a Patent Owner Preliminary Response (Paper 10) and

a Patent Owner Response (Paper 25), in which it requested the following construction of the phrase

“length indicator” (used in claim 16): “a single length indicator that provides two pieces of

information: (1) that a first data octet of the protocol data unit is a first octet of a first service data

unit; and (2) that at least one other octet of the protocol data unit is the last octet of another service

data unit.”

51. In the Final Written Decision, the PTAB agreed with Sisvel and held the phrase

“length indicator” means “a single length indicator that provides two pieces of information: (1)

that a first data octet of the protocol data unit is a first octet of a first service data unit; and (2) that

at least one other octet of the protocol data unit is the last octet of another service data unit.”

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 40 of 46 PageID #: 259

52. In its Patent Owner Response, Sisvel stated that a system that uses an LI and another

field does not meet the “length indicator” limitation: “Petitioner’s imagining of a one bit ‘field’

and a separate six bit ‘LI’ fails to meet the requirement of a single LI indicating both that ‘a first

data octet of the protocol data unit is a first octet of a first service data unit’ and that ‘at least one

other octet of the protocol data unit is the last octet of another service data unit.’”

53. Because Sisvel relies on a combination of the FI and LI fields of the 3G standard

for its claim of infringement, which cannot be a “single length indicator” as Sisvel says the claim

requires, claim 16 does not cover the standard and Sisvel has not established infringement.

54. Ford also does not infringe the ‘443 patent because that patent is exhausted as to

TCUs on Ford production vehicles, all of which use Qualcomm baseband modem chipsets and

associated binary files. In July 2008, Nokia and Qualcomm entered a “15-year agreement” in

which “Nokia has agreed not to use any of its patents directly against Qualcomm, enabling

Qualcomm to integrate Nokia's technology into Qualcomm's chipsets.” (See

Nokia’s authorization of Qualcomm’s manufacture and sale of its baseband modem chipsets

practicing Nokia’s ‘443 patent exhausted Nokia’s patent rights to the ‘443 patent under Quanta

Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008) and Impression Products v. Lexmark

Intern., 581 U.S. 3 (2017). On information and belief, and subject to further discovery, the

assignment of the ‘443 patent to Sisvel in 2012 was subject to the July 2008 agreement between

Nokia and Qualcomm thereby exhausting Sisvel’s right to sue for infringement of the ‘443 patent

arising from a Qualcomm baseband modem chipset installed in a Ford vehicle.

55. Absent a declaration of non-infringement, Sisvel will continue to wrongfully assert

the ’443 Patent against Ford and will continue to cause Ford injury and damage.

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 41 of 46 PageID #: 260


Non-Infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 7,979,070

56. Ford realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in the foregoing


57. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Ford does not and has not infringed,

contributed to the infringement of, or induced infringement of any claim of the ’070 Patent either

literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully, or in any other manner.

58. Sisvel’s Complaint alleges that Ford infringes claims 1, 2 and 5 of the ’070 Patent.

Sisvel has not supplied infringement claim charts or other analysis for other claims in the patent

and therefore has not properly plead infringement of any other claims as required by Bell Atlantic

Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 678 (2009).

59. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to articulate a sufficient basis for alleging that the accused

modem chipsets supplied to Ford infringe the asserted claims. Instead, Sisvel relies solely on 3GPP

specifications without any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific

sections of the standard on which Sisvel relies on to alleged infringement by those modem


60. The ’070 patent expired November 5, 2020.

61. On information and belief, Sisvel and its licensees failed to mark products Sisvel

asserts are covered by the Patents in Suit as required by 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

62. Prior to the expiration of the ’070 patent, Sisvel did not give Ford actual notice of

alleged infringement as required by 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

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63. Ford is not liable for any alleged infringement of a patent that has expired and for

which no notice was given as required by 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

64. Ford also does not infringe the ‘070 patent because that patent is exhausted as to

TCUs on Ford production vehicles, all of which use Qualcomm baseband modem chipsets and

associated binary files. In July 2008, Nokia and Qualcomm entered a “15-year agreement” in

which “Nokia has agreed not to use any of its patents directly against Qualcomm, enabling

Qualcomm to integrate Nokia's technology into Qualcomm's chipsets.” (See

Nokia’s authorization of Qualcomm’s manufacture and sale of its baseband modem chipsets

practicing Nokia’s ‘070 patent exhausted Nokia’s patent rights to the ‘070 patent under Quanta

Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008) and Impression Products v. Lexmark

Intern., 581 U.S. 3 (2017). On information and belief, and subject to further discovery, the

assignment of the ‘070 patent to Sisvel in 2012 was subject to the July 2008 agreement between

Nokia and Qualcomm thereby exhausting Sisvel’s right to sue for infringement of the ‘070 patent

arising from a Qualcomm baseband modem chipset installed in a Ford vehicle.

65. Absent a declaration of non-infringement, Sisvel will continue to wrongfully assert

the ’070 Patent against Ford and will continue to cause Ford injury and damage.


Non-Infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 8,600,383

66. Ford realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in the foregoing


67. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Ford does not and has not infringed,

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contributed to the infringement of, or induced infringement of any claim of the ’383 Patent either

literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully, or in any other manner.

68. Sisvel’s Complaint alleges that Ford infringes claims 1, 9, 17, 25, 49, 58, 66, 74,

82, and 90 of the ’383 Patent. Sisvel has not supplied infringement claim charts or other analysis

for other claims in the patent and therefore has not properly plead infringement of any other claims

as required by Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556

U.S. 678 (2009).

69. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to articulate a sufficient basis for alleging that the accused

modem chipsets supplied to Ford infringe the asserted claims. Instead, Sisvel relies solely on 3GPP

specifications without any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific

sections of the standard on which Sisvel relies on to alleged infringement by those modem


70. Ford does not infringe the ’383 patent because Ford is licensed under that patent

pursuant to an October 24, 2016 Patent Cross License Agreement between Ford and Blackberry.

71. Absent a declaration of non-infringement, Sisvel will continue to wrongfully assert

the ’383 Patent against Ford and will continue to cause Ford injury and damage.


Non-Infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 8,971,279

72. Ford realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations in the foregoing


73. Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., Ford

requests a judicial determination and declaration that Ford does not and has not infringed,

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contributed to the infringement of, or induced infringement of any claim of the ’279 Patent either

literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, willfully, or in any other manner.

74. Sisvel’s Complaint alleges that Ford infringes claims 1 and 11 of the ’279 Patent.

Sisvel has not supplied infringement claim charts or other analysis for other claims in the patent

and therefore has not properly plead infringement of any other claims as required by Bell Atlantic

Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 678 (2009).

75. Sisvel’s Complaint fails to articulate a sufficient basis for alleging that the accused

modem chipsets supplied to Ford infringe the asserted claims. Instead, Sisvel relies solely on 3GPP

specifications without any substantiation that the accused modem chipsets practice the specific

sections of the standard on which Sisvel relies on to alleged infringement by those modem


76. In paragraph 85 of the Complaint, Sisvel alleges the “’279 patent relates to a system

and method that Plaintiffs believe is essential under the 4G cellular standard.”

77. Claims 1 and 11 each include a limitation that requires receiving “a Physical

Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) signal with a Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI),

wherein the PDCCH signal includes a first field related to a resource allocation.”

78. In the 4G standard, no RNTI exists in the PDCCH signal, so the 4G standard does

not include a PDCCH signal with an RNTI as the asserted claims require. Because the asserted

claims do not read on the standard, Sisvel has not established infringement by Ford.

79. On information and belief, and subject to further discovery, the ‘279 patent is

exhausted as to Ford TCUs including a Network Access Device (“NAD”) manufactured and sold

by LG Innotek. On information and belief, and subject to further discovery, LG Innotek holds a

license or other authorization from LG Electronics, Inc. permitting LG Innotek to manufacture and

Case 1:21-cv-01745-MN Document 8 Filed 02/03/22 Page 45 of 46 PageID #: 264

sell NADs practicing the ‘279 patent. On information and belief, and subject to further discovery,

the transfer of the ‘279 patent to Sisvel is subject to the license or authorization from LG

Electronics, Inc to LG Innotek.

80. Absent a declaration of non-infringement, Sisvel will continue to wrongfully assert

the ’279 Patent against Ford and will continue to cause Ford injury and damage.


For these reasons, Ford prays for the following relief:

a. that the Court dismiss Sisvel’s claims in its Complaint against Ford with prejudice,

and enter judgment on the Complaint in favor of Ford and against Sisvel;

b. that the Court deny all relief requested by Sisvel in its Complaint;

c. that the Court enter judgment in favor of Ford and against Sisvel on Ford’s


d. that the Court declare that Ford does not and has not infringed, contributed to the

infringement of, or induced infringement of any valid and enforceable claim of the

Patents in Suit;

e. that the Court find Sisvel has breached its contractual obligations under the ETSI

IPR policy to license the Patents in Suit, on FRAND terms;

f. that the Court award of the amount of damages that Ford proves at trial and, as

appropriate, exemplary damages;

g. that the Court grant Ford all reasonable attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, and costs; and

h. that the Court grant Ford such further relief as the Court deems proper and just.

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Ford Motor Company demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable.

Dated: February 3, 2022

/s/ Kenneth L. Dorsney
BROOKS KUSHMAN P.C. Kenneth L. Dorsney (#3726)
John S. LeRoy Cortlan S. Hitch (#6720)
Christopher C. Smith 500 Delaware Ave., Ste. 1500
Reza Roghani Esfahani Wilmington, DE 19801-1494
1000 Town Center, 22nd Floor (302) 888-6800
Southfield, Michigan 48075-1238
(248) 358-4400 Attorneys for Defendant Ford Motor Company


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