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Rules clarifications & questions answered by Gav Thorpe

This section of the Annual contains an up-to-date list of questions, clarifications and corrections for Warhammer, accurate
at time of print. These are official amendments to the Warhammer rules and Army books, and replace any answers and
corrections previously published (we change our minds now and then!). White Dwarf and our web page regularly run
articles on Q&As and corrections and, unless otherwise noted, these are in addition to those listed here, not instead of!


Q. If the Initiative value is equal WHEN IS
MOVEMENT between the two models and the roll CAVALRY NOT CAVALRY?
Q. If a character joins a war machine, off is also a tie, do you actually strike The rule that models on a 25 mm x
and has a missile weapon, could he 50 mm base are classed as cavalry has
simultaneously or roll again till you
stand & fire with that weapon? thrown up some points regarding
beasts such as Chaos Hounds and
A. Unless specifically acting as crew A. Roll off until you have a winner. Dire Wolves, and creatures like Bull
(ie, an Engineer who used his ability
Centaurs. To clarify this:
the previous turn) a character who Q. Can a unit lap around to its
joins a unit is not considered crew flank? All models on a 25 mm x 50 mm base
and so may stand & shoot. A. Yes, as long as there are unengaged have a Unit Strength of 2.

Q. Who strikes first when two units models in its rear rank. Models on a 25 mm x 50 mm base
are charging? For example, when you which consist of a rider on a steed
pursue into fresh combat and then in PSYCHOLOGY with a single wound are classed as
Q. Concerning the Fear test, what if cavalry and follow all of the rules as
the enemy’s turn the pursuing unit is
your Unit Strength is equal to the such.
enemy when you fail the test? Models on a 25 mm x 50 mm base
A. They strike in charging order (see
A. Change “higher” to ‘equal to or which do not consist of a separate
page 16 for a fuller explanation)
higher” in the section on being rider and steed are classed as cavalry
charged by a fear-causing enemy. with the following exceptions:
Q. A throwing axe has two different Q. If charged by more than one fear- They do not gain +1 armour save.
ranges listed. I assume that 6" is causing unit, do you test once per They use the weapon rules as if they
correct (from pages 93 & 94 of the unit, or once only and add up the were foot models (so may use two
Warhammer rulebook) rather than 4" total number of charging models? hand weapons, and gain +1 save for
(from page 58). A. Test once per unit, as each is found hand weapon and shield, for
A. Yes, 6" is correct. example).
to be in range.

Q. If a unit has only one model left

in the turn that it is destroyed in
combat, does a friendly unit nearby
have to make a Panic test (ie, does
the last model remaining in the unit
count as being a single model or
A. This is determined at the start of
each phase – if it’s a single model at
that point, then its destruction won’t
cause panic.
Q. Concerning panic from flank and
rear charges, the rules say that you
use the Unit Strength (5 or more) to
require the check, but then say at the
end that no test is required if the
charging unit numbers less than 5
A. Delete the last sentence. Unit
Strength 5 is the only requirement
needed to determine whether a test is
Stalwart defenders of the Empire attempt to fend off an onslaught by followers of Chaos. required or not.


CHARACTERS Q. If a Wizard mounted on something Q. It says that you can’t shoot or fight
Q. If two characters are with a unit (monster, chariot, Screaming Bell, etc) and can’t do any other movement in
that captures an enemy standard, Miscasts and is blown D6", what the Movement phase on the turn that
what happens to the captured banner happens? you rally, but via magic you could
if they are the only survivors? A. The model does not move and relocate the unit into contact with the
A. They still have it (and still count as counts as if it had been knocked into enemy. If so, would they actually fight
a unit of two models). If they decide another model. If it is on a normal in the Close Combat phase?
to split up then you can choose which steed (not a monster) it gets blown A. They would fight as any other unit.
of the characters retains the captured about as normal.
standard. Q. The rules for the Comet of MAGIC ITEMS
Casandora state that it remains in Q. The rules for magic items state that
MONSTERS play, but the standard statement “stays a character with a magic item cannot
Q. When a template weapon hits in play until Wizards wants to cancel use other close combat weapons. What
dead on a rider of a large monster it, or he dies” is not included. Is it so is the affect of the Law of Gold once a
(or chariot) does the ‘big hit’ for powerful that it must be actively magic weapon cannot be used? Can
being directly under the hole of the dispelled to stop it, and survives even the character attack at all?
template affect them both, or just the if the caster dies? A. Characters come equipped with a
character? A. Once the comet is on its way, that’s hand weapon, so they’ll have to use
A. It only affects the character. your lot – you can jump up and down that instead.
on the wizard all you like, it ain’t
Q. Can you use breath weapons when Q. Can a unit of Knights led by a
gonna stop fifty tons of star iron
a unit march moves? Templar Grand Master (making them
slapping into the battlefield. You can
A. No. attempt to dispel it in subsequent turns Immune to Psychology) carry and get
as usual. the benefit of having the Banner of
SPECIAL RULES Sigismund (making them stubborn)?
Q. For the Bane of Forged Steel spell it
Q. Regeneration – can a model slain says that an affected unit would now A. There is no magic versus mundane
by another model with Killing Blow, be considered to be using hand trump anymore. In the example you
that rolls a 6 on the roll to wound weapons. Does this improve the give, the banner would have no effect
regenerate? armour save of a unit with shields and – Immune to Psychology is Immune to
A. You cannot regenerate a wound what is the effect, if any, on a unit Psychology. If it were otherwise, you’d
caused by a Killing Blow. Note that for already equipped with hand weapons. get situations where a player could say
combat resolution purposes, use the “My Dread Banner is a magical fear
A. Affected units are assumed to use
remaining wounds of a model slain by their fists/claws, etc, rather than hand and so therefore overrules your
Killing Blow. weapons, so cannot benefit from the mundane immunity,” which of course
rules for using a hand weapon and is not the case.
WAR ENGINES shield. See the errata on page 137. Q. Can you use a Dispel Scroll to
Q. Can a victorious war machine dispel a spell cast in a previous turn
crew pursue a broken enemy Q. Looking at the Rain Lord spell.
Am I correct in thinking that you and has remained in play?
(unlikely as that may be!)?
always needs to roll 4+ every turn to A. No. It says in the description of the
A. They cannot voluntarily abandon shoot and cannot remove the effect of item that it needs to be used “as soon
their machine except to crew another, the spell in the normal way. as a spell has been cast.” Obviously if
and so must test to restrain pursuit.
A. That’s exactly how it works, once the spell was cast in the previous turn
you’re wet, you stay wet. this won’t be the case.
Q. In the battle report in White Dwarf
255, the stated tactic of the Orcs was ROOLZ BOYZ CONTACT LIST.
to use Mork Save Uz to generate re- If you have any rules queries not covered in this section, get in touch with our
rolls that would then allow them to Roolz Boyz at the Mail Order contacts listed below,
so that we may include them in future publications.
re-roll bad casting dice to prevent a
Miscast, and once even helped UK
Phone: 0115 91 40000
generate an Irresistible Force. But in
the Magic section of the Warhammer
book, it states that re-rolls cannot be
Phone: 1-800-394-GAME
used to prevent Miscasts or to E-mail:
generate Irresistible Force. Canada
A. Unless specifically stated in the Phone: 1-888-GW-TROLL
item/spell description, a re-roll will E-mail:
not ignore a Miscast nor cause Australia
Irresistible Force – Space got it wrong, Phone: (02) 9829 6111
basically. Bad Space! Bad me, for not
RAVENING HORDES ORC & GOBLIN ARMY BOOK Q. Do ethereal units suffer from
Q. If a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Q. Hand of Gork – it says it can attacking over a defended obstacle?
Slaanesh (making him Unbreakable) move any Orc or Goblin unit of any A. The rules say they ignore
rides a Chaos Dragon or joins a unit, type. Does this mean any unit in the movement penalties, that’s all. This
will he also become Unbreakable or army (Trolls, Giants, etc), or does it includes marching in difficult terrain.
will the Chaos Lord lose this ability? mean just Orc/Goblin units (units of
A. A normal unit does not become that race, including Snotlings)?
Unbreakable (as pointed out on A. The spell affects any Greenskin Q. How does the ability Hand of
page 5). The Dragon is a trickier one. units – Orcs of all types, Gobbos of all Khaine affect Giants and other
Strictly speaking the models count as types, Snotlings, but not Trolls, Giants models with special attacks?
a single unit rather than as a character or non-Orc and Gobbo Dogs of War.
This does include chariots and pump A. Hand of Khaine reduces a model’s
joining another unit. However, a
terror or fear-causing mount conveys wagons. The same is true of the Attacks characteristic by -1. If the
its immunity to the rider, but is this Waaagh! spell. model attacks some other way, as
reciprocated? Since basically the unit’s Giants or Fanatics do, it has no effect.
Q. If a Night Goblin Fanatic hits a
psychology takes precedence over the ridden monster, who are the hits Q. If you are wounded by Black Lotus
character’s, and since the terror/fear worked out against: the rider or the poison, do you lose 2 Wounds in total
liability thing affects the rider, I’d say monster? (one from the wound, and one from
the mount’s breakability also affects reducing all characteristics by 1)?
the rider. A. Fanatic hits should be randomised
in the same way as shooting. A. You only lose one Wound.
So, the Dragon is not Unbreakable.
Q. How do you work out the
DWARF ARMY BOOK combined effects of Dark Venom
Q. Are Undead immune to poison,
Q. It has been brought to our (Poisoned Attacks) and Touch of
since it does not say this anywhere?
attention that Dwarf handguns are Death (Killing Blow)?
A. Undead are no longer immune to
not listed as ‘move or fire’ weapons. poison. The reference to unliving A. Poisoned hits (ie, 6s rolled to hit)
Is this correct? targets in the poison description have no chance of causing a Killing
A. It is correct, Dwarf handguns may means chariots, war engines, Blow, as no roll to wound is made.
move and fire. buildings, and such like. Q. For the Dark Elf War Hydra, which
Q. If an Engineer crews a bolt Q. Can a Banshee shout into close head breathes fire? Can any one of
thrower, does it fire with his BS? combat she isn’t participating in? them be the source?
A. No, you get the re-roll to hit A. She can target any one unit in A. A Hydra has one breath attack, so
detailed in his special rules. range, no exceptions are listed. choose which head breathes fire.

Outnumbered by the shambling Undead, Dwarf warriors stand in defiance, unshaken by the unholy horrors that surround them.


These diagrams replace those on page 116 of the
UNIT STRENGTH rulebook. You may photocopy them so you can cut
AND SINGLE MODEL’S MOVEMENT. out and paste the diagrams in the relevant position.
The Warhammer rulebook and a series of articles in White
Dwarf have tried to clarify different Unit Strengths and the
many subtle ways in which different single models relate
Skirmishers charging (a)
to the Movement rules when they are moving on their CHARGE! Most of the charging models
own. Where models are ranked into units they follow the are in the enemy’s front arc.
This is a frontal charge.
normal rules for unit movement given in the Warhammer
rulebook, except for skirmishers and fast cavalry which
follow the rules detailed in their own sections.
The following chart and the notes below are the
Warhammer team’s last and final decision on such matters.
They officially replace everything else that has been said
on it and, we hope, will settle all discussions and become All the skirmishers
are within charge
a most useful gaming aid.
Roughly man-sized.
Square 20/25 mm base. As skirmishers 1
On foot.
Skirmishers charging (b)
Up to & including Ogre-sized.*
Square 40/50 mm base. As monsters 3 CHARGE!
Most of the charging models are in
On foot. the enemy’s front arc. This is a
frontal charge, even if the closest
Starting models are in the flank arc of the
Monster (larger than Ogre-sized).** As monsters
target unit.
Any base/no base. Wounds

Cavalry.*** As monsters 2
25 x 50 mm base.

Chariots. As monsters 4
(no marching)
Only three models position
Ridden monsters/chariots. As monsters/ As monster/
chariots chariot +1 are within charge
distance of the
enemy’s front.
Move as Monsters: No need to turn or wheel, can pivot TARGET
on the spot with no penalty, but behave like units in all
other respects (90º arc of sight, pay penalties for difficult
terrain/obstacles, cannot march if within 8" of enemies at
the beginning of the turn & have clear front/flanks/rear). Enemy charging skirmishers
Move as Skirmishers: No need to turn or wheel, can
pivot on the spot with no penalty, 360º arc of sight for
charges, etc, no penalties for difficult terrain/obstacles, can
march even if within 8" of enemies at the beginning of the
turn, will line up to formed units charging them and not
vice versa, & don’t have front/flanks/rear until engaged in
close combat.
Unit of Flyers: Always counts as skirmishers and always
have a Unit Strength of 1 per model, regardless of size, TARGET
wounds, etc. Can’t fly in woods even if they move as
skirmishers. Final position

Single flying models follow the rules for their type in the
War Machines: have a Unit Strength equal to the number CHARGE!
of crew left. Move as skirmishers, with the exceptions
noted in their rules.
* Includes Swarms, Chaos Spawn, etc.
** Includes Pegasi, Stegadon, Giants, etc.
All the skirmishers are within double pace distance of the
*** inc. Flesh Hounds, Dire Wolves, Chaos Hounds, etc. front line of the enemy.
The corrections printed here are designed to replace the relevant section in the first impression of the Warhammer rulebook
and the relevant Armies books. You have permission to photocopy these pages so you can cut out the corrections and paste
them directly into your books. This will save you from having to cross-reference between this book and the other


Page 81 (1. IF CHARGED BY A FEAR-CAUSING Page 116 (CLOSE COMBAT rules) – replace
ENEMY) – replace 3rd paragraph with: 4th paragraph with:

If the unit fails its test but its Unit Strength is equal to If the skirmishers are charged, the enemy is brought
or higher than the charging enemy’s, it will fight on as into base contact with the closest skirmisher and then
normal but must roll 6s to score hits in the first turn the enemy unit is halted. The enemy is not aligned
of close combat. against the skirmishing model. The skirmishers form
up as explained above and the enemy will proceed
with further charges. Charging enemy models attack
Page 91 (HAND WEAPON rules) – replace first in the ensuing Close Combat phase as normal.
1st paragraph with:

HAND WEAPON (Sword, axe, etc) Page 116 – replace CHARACTERS paragraph with:
Unless specifically noted otherwise, all models are
assumed to be carrying a hand weapon of some kind.
A roughly man-sized character on foot can join a
The term ‘hand weapon’ is used to describe any weapon
skirmishing unit. No other characters (mounted,
held in one hand and not otherwise covered by the rules.
riding in chariots, etc) can join skirmishing units.
As such it includes swords, axes, clubs, maces, etc.

UNITS) – replace 1st paragraph with: FREE REFORM paragraph with:

Independent characters can move and fight on their FREE REFORM

own. In effect, a character counts as an individual Unless it charges, the fast cavalry
unit comprising of only one model. However, during unit can reform as many times as
the course of a battle, a character is allowed to join you wish during its Movement phase
a friendly unit of ordinary troops, in which case without incurring any penalties to
he becomes part of that unit until he decides to leave its Move distance. See the rules for
it. reforming (p.49). Note that no
model in the fast cavalry unit can
move more than its maximum Move
Page 109 (CHAMPIONS) – replace 2nd paragraph distance despite the free reform.

Although they can be powerful in combat, Champions

are not characters but members of their regiment and
always fight as part of it, moving, attacking, fleeing
and pursuing alongside the unit as a whole. If the unit Page 122 (CANNONS) 1st column – replace
has any special rules which apply to it, such as being 2nd paragraph with:
stubborn or subject to frenzy, then these also apply to
the Champion. Unlike characters, a Champion is not Cannons are fired in the Shooting phase. To fire a
permitted to move and fight on his own, and can cannon, it must first be turned on the spot so it points
never leave his unit or join another one. They are in the direction of the target which must be within
effectively another model in the unit, the only line of sight but otherwise is not limited by targeting
difference being that they are blessed with enhanced restrictions. Then the player must declare how far the
characteristics. cannon is going to shoot – eg, 24", 30", 32", etc.

Page 144 (WALL OF FIRE) – replace 1st 2nd & 3rd Page 154 – replace DISPEL SCROLL paragraph
paragraphs with: with:
Remains in Play Cast on 12+ A Dispel Scroll is inscribed with a powerful anti-magical
This spell has a range of 24" and can be cast on an invocation. When it is read out by a Wizard, the effect is to
enemy unit visible to the caster which has no models drain away magical power and weaken a spell that has been
(friend or foe) within 1" of its front rank (walls, cast. As soon as a spell has been cast, any Wizard who has a
hedges and other scenic features don’t matter). The Dispel Scroll can read it. This automatically dispels the cast
spell cannot be cast on units with a 360º line of sight. spell, no dice roll is required.

A searing wall of flame suddenly rises in front of the Reading a Dispel Scroll will bring any spell cast by the Wizard
unit. To represent this take some cotton wool or reading it to an end. To put it another way, a Wizard who has
paper and place this in a line up to 1" thick in front of a spell in play will automatically cancel it by reading a Dispel
the unit.
The unit suffers 1 automatic hit for each model As with all scrolls, Dispel Scrolls are not unique items – they
(including characters) in its front rank. Each hit is are prepared by a Wizard prior to battle and it is quite
possible for several Wizards to carry Dispel Scrolls, and for a
resolved with a Strength of 4.
Wizard to carry more than one. However, only one can be
used at a time.
Page 145 – replace BANE OF FORGED STEEL
Note that a Dispel Scroll will not help if the spell has been
paragraph with: cast with Irresistible Force. Any spell that is successfully cast
with two or more 6s is Irresistible and no Dispel roll is
BANE OF FORGED STEEL Cast on 11+ permitted.
This spell has a range of 12" and can be cast on an
enemy unit which is visible to the caster. If
successfully cast, the enemy’s weapons begin to Page 197 – replace SCENARIO CHART
crumble and rust away. No weapon bonuses or with:
penalties apply to the affected unit for the
remainder of the battle. For example, a unit
wielding Great Swords will not get their
Scenario chart
+2 Strength bonus in combat for the rest of the
battle, but will now not have to strike last. A unit 1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitched Battle
with missile weapons may not shoot for the 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breakthrough
duration of the entire battle. Affected units are 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meeting Engagement
assumed to use their fist/claws, etc, and so cannot 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flank Attack.
benefit from the rules for using two hand weapons 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capture
or a hand weapon and shield. War machines and
magic weapons cannot be affected by the Bane of
Forged Steel – only ordinary weaponry carried by Page 253 (DAMAGE CHARTS) – Replace ‘2D6 Effect’
troops. at the top of the charts with ‘Damage/Effect’:

Damage/Effect Damage/Effect Damage/Effect

Page 273 (5. CLOSE COMBAT) – Damage/Effect
replace ‘Roll to hit’ entry with:
Page 269 (FAST CAVALRY) –
Roll to hit replace 3rd paragraph with:
Check on the To Hit table on the next Page 208 (DEPLOYMENT)
page to find the score needed on a D6 3) If a unit of fast cavalry rallies the 2nd column – replace
to hit. When attacking cavalry, use the turn after it voluntarily flees, it will 5th paragraph with:
rider’s WS. For ridden monsters, both be able to move normally during
rider and mount use their own WS. the Movement phase of that same Victory conditions: The army
A roll of a 1 always misses and a 6 turn. with the unit closest to the
always hits regardless of the relative objective at the end of the battle
Weapon Skills. wins. Fleeing units, monsters
Page 239 – replace SELECTING
TROOPS chart with: and characters can’t capture the
objective. If both players have a
NOTE: The appendix for UNITS
unit equidistant from the
accidental charges on p.262 Army Value Core Special Rare
objective, one player wins if
of the Warhammer rulebook Less than 2,000 2+ 0-3 0-1 their unit is worth more than
has led to some dubious 2,000 or more 3+ 0-4 0-2
3,000 or more 4+ 0-5 0-3
double the points value of the
tactics and confusion, and closest enemy unit to the
4,000 or more 5+ 0-6 0-4
should therefore be ignored. Each +1,000 +1 +0-1 +0-1 objective. Otherwise it is a draw.
Page 268 – replace
fig. 2b, fig. 3 & fig. 5
Fig. 2b with the new figures
provided here:



Page 16 – replace ‘Loss of crew’ paragraph with:

Loss of crew
The Organ Gun requires a full crew of three Dwarfs to
NO! work it properly. If one crewman is slain the other
two can just about get by and the gun may fire as
normal. If two crewmen are slain, the remaining
crewman won’t be able to operate the weapon
properly – the gun can only be fired every other turn.
Fig. 3 Should all the crew be slain, the gun is useless.

CHARGE! Page 19 – replace RULE OF THE RUNES 2 & 3 with:

2. Weapon runes can only be inscribed on weapons,

Armour runes can only be inscribed on armour, Runic
Standards can only be inscribed on standards, Engineering
runes can only be inscribed on war machines, and
Talismanic runes can only be inscribed on talismans (of
which more later). This is called the Rule of Form by
Runesmiths. You cannot inscribe Armour runes on a
cannon nor can you place Engineering runes on an axe.
TARGET 3. No more than one item may carry the same
combination of magic runes. You could not have a
rune-hammer and a rune-axe both engraved with a Rune
of Speed and a Rune of Fire, for example. This restriction
also applies to the use of single runes, so you could not

Page 20 (MASTER RUNE OF BREAKING) – replace

EMPIRE ARMIES BOOK 2nd paragraph with:

Page 14 – Replace Master Engineer profile with: If the Dwarf character scores a hit against an enemy with a
magic weapon, the enemy’s magic weapon is destroyed
M WS BS S T W I A Ld immediately.
Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 7
Page 22 (RUNE OF RELOADING) – replace with:
Page 26 (CHARACTERS’ STEEDS) – After a war machine has proved its reliability, a
Replace Runesmith may deem it worthy of this rune.
Warhorse profile: The war machine can shoot every turn, as long as there is at
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5
least one crewman left, even if it has rolled a 2-3 on the
Misfire table in the previous turn. Multiples have no effect.


Page 23 (FLAKKSON’S RUNE OF SEEKING) – replace
Page 67 (GRIMGOR IRONHIDE) – replace 1st line 2nd paragraph with:
Bolt throwers only. Each rune adds +1 to the bolt thrower’s
Ignore Greenskin Panic; Quell Animosity. to hit rolls against targets with the Fly special ability.

Page 29 (SHADES) – Unit Size: 5-15 Page 52 (BLOOD DRAGON) – replace 3rd paragraph:
replace Unit Size entry:
• The Blood Dragon with the highest Leadership in a
Page 18 (WEB OF SHADOWS) – replace 2nd combat must always issue challenges and must
paragraph with: always accept enemy challenges if possible.

A Web of Shadows can only be used once per game

against a single enemy model. The character uses the
Web of Shadows instead of making any normal attacks
that round. When used, one model in base contact
Page 10 (LORDS) – replace Special Rules entry
with the character automatically takes 2D6 Strength 3
hits. A character with a Web of Shadows may also use
another ordinary close combat weapon (but not Special rules: A Sorcerer Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. This may be
another magic weapon). increased to Level 4 at a cost of +35 points. A character riding
a Chaos Dragon or a Chimera counts as 1 Lord choice and
1 Hero choice. A Chimera can fly, is a large target and
Page 19 (BANNER OF NAGARYTHE) – replace 2nd
and breathes S3 fire. A Chaos Dragon can fly, causes terror, is a
paragraph with: large target and has a 3+ armour save. Also, the Chaos Dragon
has two heads and may breathe with both of them in the same
This standard adds +1 to the combat resolution of all
friendly Dark Elf units within 6" and the unit carrying
the banner is Unbreakable. Page 13 (CHAOS TROLLS) – replace Special Rules
entry with:
Page 80 (DARK MAGIC summary) – replace Special rules: Regenerate, cause fear, stupid. Instead of normal
Chillwind & Doombolt entries:

Page 25 (GREAT EAGLES) – replace Unit Size entry
Magic missile; range 24"; D6 Strength 3 hits. Units taking casualties may not
shoot in the next Shooting phase. with:
DOOMBOLT 6+ Unit Size: 1. You may take up to 2 Great Eagles as a single Rare
Magic missile; range 18"; D6 Strength 5 hits.

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