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Group 5 Research
Leader: Menard G. Rosal
- Christian M. Costillas
- Anjelyn Sumarca Lolo
- Armando Reas Jr.
- Frankie Duarte Binongo
- Khaleed Galo Verano
- Lenjohn Gutierrez
- Nesthor Costillas Monsanto Jr.
Chapter 1

Research Title: “The Effects of Augmented Reality Industry Challenges and its Solution”

Practical Solution Theory Experiment not feasible

Due to:
Integrating Synthetic Interactive Rendering -Costly Virtual Experiment
Objects into Background with Real World -Safety Reasons (Computer Lab)
Photographs Illumination -Limited Resources Practice – prior to actual
at Interactive Rates etc. Revision

Augmented Reality (AR) Model I

AR Concepts Technology Industry D Problems
Advancements Practical Solution S AR
Industrial Adoption I Applications

Computer Vision Technology Industry Software Industry

Sensing Technologies
High-Level Understanding -Hardware -Operating Systems
-Data Storage From Digital Image -Software -Platforms
-Displays Or Video -Information Security
-Cloud Service
-Internet -Industry Verticals

Software Technologies
-Artificial Intelligence
-Multimedia Software
Conceptual Framework

The Study focuses on the list of information about Technology Industry, Practical Solution
Theory, Industrial Adoption in Augmented Reality Model. There are concepts of Augmented
Reality and Advancements one of those are the Sensing Technologies is a technology that uses
sensors to acquire information by detecting the physical, chemical, or biological property
quantities and convert them into readable signals. These sensors offer real-time monitoring,
including detection and reporting, as needed by a process. It also includes Data Storage that
consist of computer components and records gestures and sensors that are used in order to
display and retain digital data.
The next concept is the Computer Visions it has a high-level understanding from Digital Image,
Video, and even actual Gestures. Computer Visions is the main purpose of sensors because it can
understand and automate task that the human visual system can do.
There are several concepts of Technology Industry and also includes in Software Industry but the
Augmented Reality model has compatible list for it. The first one is the Hardware includes the
physical parts of a computer, such as the case, central processing unit, monitor, mouse, keyboard,
computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers and motherboard. By contrast,
software is the set of instructions that can be stored and run by hardware. After setting up the
Hardware the next one will be the Software a collection of data or computer instructions that tell
the computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is
built and actually performs the work. After the final setup of the Software the third one is to add
a Cloud Service, the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data
storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is
generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet.
Inside of the Software Technologies, AR Model have (AI) Artificial Intelligence refers to the
simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and
mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated
with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving. The next one is the Macro, a rule or
pattern that specifies how a certain input should be mapped to a replacement output. Applying a
macro to an input is macro expansion. The input and output may be a sequence of lexical tokens
or characters, or a syntax tree. AR Model have also a Multimedia Software, capable of playing or
recording audio files or playing or recording video files like VLC Player, Windows Media
Player, etc. The last one is the RPA or called as Robotic Process Automation, a form of business
process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots or on artificial
intelligence /digital workers. It is sometimes referred to as software robotics.
The Industrial Adoption, problems, and applications. There are Virtual Experimentation
happening in Computer laboratories while setting up the Augmented Reality applications, the
first one that happen is to practice and prioritize to actual that exist now and revision, literally
means to “see again,” to look at something from a fresh, critical perspective. It is an ongoing
process of rethinking the paper: reconsidering your arguments, reviewing your evidence, refining
your purpose, reorganizing your presentation, reviving stale prose. But there are situations that
occur while Virtual Experimentation, experiment not feasible due to costly which means some
materials and hardware are too expensive that cause suffering, lost, and disadvantage while
doing the experiment, Safety reasons causes injury, corporate financial loss, the service or
quality of the product improves, and the last one is Limited Resources means that the quantities
of productive resources available to the economy are finite.
Learning the Practical Solution and Theory about Augmented Reality Model features and
experience. “Interactive Rendering with Real World Illumination” the statement of this theory is
one that I’ve learned and it has a main definition, Integrating Synthetic objects into background
photograph at interactive rates which means to integrate or to form synthetic objects transform
into a background photograph or a desire background that person must experience like an actual
background in Augmented Reality program which having an effect or inactively satisfied.
(The source of each concepts is credited only in Wikipedia)


Theoretical Framework Regarding the “The Effects of Augmented Reality Industry

Challenges and its Solution”
Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) systems require the use of new and unique
technological mediums, and are strengthened this way. Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative
medium which is defined as enriching objects and locations in the physical world using artificial
elements. AR, which is applied through various hardware and software components, can also be
used in ODL mediums, however there has not been much research into the usability of this
medium. Within this context, benefitting from dimensions of the Universal Design Principles
(UDP) and ODL, a theoretical framework would be a useful guide. In this study, the term AR is
first defined and its usage areas are investigated. Then we look at studies in which AR and ODL
systems are associated. And in the last section, we provide an explanation of UDP and construct
the theoretical framework of the study.
AR is implemented with the physical world objects onto digital additions which were derived
computer systems. AR can be used in various fields from an games to museums and also used in
traditional learning environment. However, this may not apply in the same way for ODL
environments. ODL environments include very different approaches in terms of philosophy,
design, theory and practice according to the traditional learning activities (Aydın, 2011; Eby,
2013). ODL as a new way of life, should not be considered as the integration of
advanced technology applications into the learning activities (Eby, 2013). Therefore, while the
theoretical framework of the study is created, the dimension of the ODL environments will not
only "Technology" are discussed, but also the "Learning" and "Communication" aspects of
relationships will be taken into consideration. In this context, theoretical basis of this study will
include "Learning", "Communication" and "Technology" which are the dimensions of ODL and
UDP are used primarily in the areas of architecture and engineering, these principles have proven
to be adaptable to a wide variety of disciplines. These principles aim to offer accessibility to
everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, status, disability and learning style. There are
quite limited numbers of studies in terms of AR with UDP in ODL whereas there is no research
directly focusing on usability issue in the related literature. Therefore, this study will be the first
one in the related literature. This is the original value of the study, and also brings a new vision
to ODL to build accessible milieus. The main purpose of the study is aimed at achieving the
following results in the framework:
To help to design/build an approach for interactive, efficient, rich and innovative ODL
experiences with AR, to prepare a roadmap for integrating an exist structure with AR in ODL
environments, and to design/build the main guidelines for establishing the necessary
infrastructure for the future use of AR in ODL environments.
What is Augmented Reality?
AR is a variation of a virtual reality (VR) as it is more commonly called (Kipper & Rampolla,
2012). VR attempts to create an artificial world that a person can experience interactively,
predominantly through his or her sense of vision, but also via audio, tactile, and other senses
(Höllerer & Feiner, 2004). In contrast, AR is taking digital or computer generated information,
whether it be images, audio, video, and touch or haptic sensations and overlaying them over in a
real time environment (Kipper & Rampolla, 2012). AR also brings about an interactive
experience, but aims to supplement the real world, rather than creating an entirely
artificial/synthetic environment (Höllerer & Feiner, 2004). Instead of a technological novelty,
AR should be considered as a medium (Craig, 2013).
AR has three basic features (Azuma, 1997):
1. AR combines real and virtual.
2. AR is interactive in real time.
3. AR is registered in 3D environment.
AR aims at simplifying the user’s life by bringing virtual information not only to his immediate
surroundings, but also to any indirect view of the real-world environment (Carmigniani & Furth,
2011). Although

AR has been used in various ways since the 1950s, it began to be more popular after the start of
the millennium with the introduction of the internet, through the diversity of mobile devices that
gained ever more powerful features, and with wearable technologies becoming widespread. At
present, there exist highly developed platforms that are related to the production of virtual
content through software and hardware, and the integration of this with real world elements.
These four platforms can be ordered as follows (Kipper & Rampolla, 2012):
1. Personal Computers with Webcams
2. Kiosks, Digital Signage, and Window Displays
3. Smartphones and Tablets
4. AR Glasses and Head-Mounted Displays
By means of these platforms, AR is used in various fields, from advertising to healthcare, from
the military to the entertainment sectors. It is also observed that it is being used in the field of
education in various forms. A study conducted by Billinghurst and Duenser (2012) showed that
the high interaction level AR provides actually increases learners’ kinesthetic and visual / spatial
skills, while also enriching their problem-solving skills and increasing their motivation levels. In
addition to this, the authors of the same study conclude that AR develops literacy skills and
facilitates the development of spatial comprehension skills in people with low literacy skills. AR
can be described as a medium, one which can be used in many different educational disciplines
and which contributes to the learning experience.
Augmented Reality in Open and Distance Learning Systems Despite the fact that many
applications have been made and research conducted on the use of AR in traditional education,
the usability of AR in ODL systems, which contain unique approaches in terms of philosophy,
design, theory and application (Aydın, 2011; Eby, 2013), should be questioned, and how it will
enrich these systems should be determined. Our literature review reveals that studies in which
AR is associated with ODL are limited in number.
This study is important in that it is the first study to explore how AR, under the guidance of
UDP, can add value to the sub-components that facilitate usability in ODL systems (ensure their
usability is effective, efficient and pleasant). It does not consider AR and ODL mediums to be
only a matter of technological integration, but deals with learning and communication
dimensions as well, and is expected to make a contribution to the literature. “Whether” and
“How” AR can be used in ODL mediums should be determined. From this perspective, it is
important to enrich and diversify ODL mediums, and to enhance their interaction levels.
Likewise, it is equally necessary to bring a new perspective to the field, and determine how the
integration of different technologies can be realized, how this new technology can be made
accessible and how it can constitute an example for other institutions.
Kaufmann, Csisinko and Totter (2006), whose objective was to integrate AR and ODL systems,
designed software that was aimed at teaching geometry, with a motivation to distribute this
learning medium to remote. learners. Lee, Choi and Park (2009) developed an interactive e-
learning system using AR. In this system, which included some auditory and visual enrichment,
they particularly emphasized the self-learning processes of remote learners. Coffin et al. (2010)
developed a learning medium for remote learners, designing an AR-based video conference
system. Vargas et al. (2013) sought to use AR as an innovative method of engineering education
and to enhance visualization at remote laboratories. He used a java-based approach in the study.
With the motto “the classroom of the future”, Cooperstock (2001) aimed to draw students and
instructors who were at remote places closer together, and to introduce a new generation
approach to the classroom. Alsina-Jurnet and Guardia-Ortiz (2015) mentioned that there were
not many studies about the application of AR in online educational mediums. Within the scope
of the UOC educational model, the author gathered data using an online survey method that
contained fixed-choice and open-ended questions. However, these studies cannot serve as a
guide to researchers interested in the usability of AR in ODL systems. Rather they are the studies
that touch upon different points, and their objective is to design and evaluate a particular system.
There is no study with the aim of exploring the usability of AR in ODL systems.

Theoretical Framework
As a new lifestyle, ODL should not be perceived as the integration of advanced technology
applications with learning activities (Eby, 2013). In discussions about the usability of advanced
technology applications such as AR in ODL systems, not only the technological dimension of
ODL systems, but also their communication and learning dimensions should be considered.
Within this context, when the theoretical framework is prepared, the horizontal line will
comprise the “Learning”, “Technology” and “Communication” dimensions of ODL systems. The
other approach that constitutes the theoretical framework is UDP. UDP is defined as the design
of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without
the need for adaptation or specialized design (Story, 1998). When the universal design term was
first used by Ron Mace (1991) in architecture, he underlined that it was not a new science or a
style or a unique or unchanging way. It was an approach based on awareness of needs, which
could be used not only by the disabled but by everybody, and that could be adaptable to different
sectors (Mace, Hardy and Place, 1991). In 1997, a group of architects, designers and engineers
from North Carolina State University came up with a series of wide-ranging design principles
that included environmental planning, production and communication processes, and they also
determined the seven principles of universal design (Connell et al., 1997).
These can be listed as follows:
1. Equitable Use: The design should be usable and purchasable by individuals with very
different skill levels, and equal means should be provided in this regard.
2. Flexibility in Use: The design should accommodate a wide range of individual preferences
and abilities.
3. Simple and Intuitive Use: The design should be easy to understand, regardless of the user’s
experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level.
4. Perceptible Information: The design should communicate necessary information effectively to
the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user’s sensory abilities.
5. Tolerance for Error: The design should minimize hazards and the adverse consequences of
accidental or unintended actions.
6. Low Physical Effort: The design should be used efficiently and comfortably and minimize
7. Size and Space for Approach and Use: Appropriate size and space should be provided for
approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user’s body size, posture, or mobility.
Although UDP was initially used in the fields of architecture and engineering, it later drew
attention in different fields too. Despite the fact that there are many publications on traditional
learning processes in the literature (King-Sears, 2009; Rose ve Meyer, 2002; Scott vd., 2003),
there are also studies in which UDP is rearranged and used in ODL (Elias, 2010) and mobile
learning (Elias, 2011). Silver, Bourke and Strehorn (1998), who first combined the UDP and
learning processes and introduced the idea of “Universal Instructional Design”, mentioned that
accessibility was the most fundamental component in all instruction planning. According to
Burgstahler (2007), although courses are prepared at traditional teaching institutions by
narrowing down to the average student level, with universal instructional design the main
purpose is to provide courses accessible by everybody, without considering gender, race,
ethnicity, age, status, disability or different learning types. Designs which have this purpose have
the objective of minimizing the need for additional devices, customized designs and the need for
others’ help. A usable and meaningful design for learning processes is important not only for
disabled people but for all individuals (Howard, 2003). The UDP, which is adaptable to many
different disciplines, is expected to serve as a guide in structuring this study. The accessibility of
ODL systems being of foremost importance, in order to form interactive, efficient and enriched
learning mediums, these principles should be taken as the baseline. The theoretical framework
(Table 1), which will be formed by crossing the seven principles of universal design with the
learning, communication and technology dimensions of ODL systems, will serve as the base for
this study and for future applications. Within this framework we aim to shed light on the
usability of AR in ODL mediums.
(EdMedia 2016 - Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 28-30, 2016)
Augmented Reality
Industry Learning Communication Learning
Challenges and its
U It gives equal It forms accessible and Design includes interaction
Equitable Use opportunity to usable mediums, in a way that will appeal to
V everybody in the regardless of time and all users
E learning process space
S It can be quickly adapted to
A Flexible in Use It allows for personal It adapts to the user’s different skill sets and it
L learning speed provides a wide spectrum of
E Simple and It can be easily It responds to user
S Intuitive Use understood feelings and meets It motivates
G expectations
N Perceptible It uses different forms It involves techniques or
Information of content (e.g. It is not affected by interfaces that will facilitate
R pictures, verbal, tactile) environmental compatibility in a way to
I to show the necessary conditions encompass users who have
N information sensory limitations
I Tolerance for The learning Behavior types and It provides correction and
P Error environment is isolated design elements that can feedback against users’
L from dangers give way to accidents personal and simple
and errors are clearly mistakes
Low Physical It provides comfort in It easily concretizes
Effort use It is efficient concepts that are hard to
comprehend or dangerous
Size and Space Independent of user
for characteristics, it It is accessible It provides adequate space
Approach and provides appropriate for supplementary devices
Use conditions

Table 1: Theoretical Framework of the Study

In this study we touch upon the very limited number of studies in the literature in which AR and
ODL are analyzed, and propose a framework under the guidance of UDP. This framework is in
the shape of a road map that shows that AR can be used in ODL systems and illustrates how it
can be used. While new technologies are integrated in ODL systems, designs are made without
taking many critical points into account. In this study, however, we propose a guide for this
integration and shed light on future studies with regards to how an innovative medium such as
AR can contribute to ODL systems. In our future studies on this subject we will work under the
guidance of this framework.

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