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srrrfrq {r*qrrqgn t urRrfi{ur

( u-sq, vB"a5o Uu' rrcftrt tiilEq, rnra vrq, t )

National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Ttansport & Highways, Govt. of India)
cFqtq-{r arclqqr adrg, Project Implementation Unit
q.{dt +d +g, Eqri-dnT,Frrtrrs 82s301, qtff,TilTTT
Canary Hill Road, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand{25301
gqfr* qq qrsTqgt
{tr{rcT@r @ Ph: 06546-270040, $ +f,/ Emait td :

Ref.No :1 1027l01/NHAI/PItl-HZB/2A:l9 / 564- Date: luly srt , 2079


The Authority E ng ineer, The Authority Engineer,

Lro n Enqlneerng Consultanls, I\4/s Rc rance Inlrastructure Ltd,
C/o Baban G u pta, NH 2, Road ProJ ect,
House no 231, Kasturi Niwash, Dhanbad Road, Ko n ra,
Devangna Chowk, Korrah, Barhi, Hazarlbagh,
Hazaribagh 825301. lharkhand-845405.

Sub Determination of Extension of Time ( EOT), payment of Price Adjustment &

Damages in EPC Projects and interim payment of 9oo/o of Price Adjustment.


With reference to the sublect matter cited above. 1n thls context it is to mention

that NHAI Head Quarter vide Policy Circu ar No NHAI/Policy Guidellnes/Crvil Works/2019,

No. 9.2.2512019 dated the 24' July, 2019 has qu ded for the same.

Accordingly, it is hereby requested to take appropriate action on priority. A copy of

the above rnentioned guidelinc is hcrcby cnclosed for your ready references.

Yours fa ith fu lly


qsIFT -s q.[ 5, - 10 ErGfi, - 11007s :

Corporate : Plot No- G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-l10075, Website : httpJ/
/ /
Phone :91-11-25074100 / 25074200,+ffi Fax : 011- 25093507 / 25093514
to acr {tdby ttlil

f.lHAl/ licy Gujdelines/ Civil Wo r ks/ 2019

Nu .9 . 2.75 r201 9 oated the .
llll, ly, 201C

sub: Deterrnjnation of Extension of Time (EoT), Payment of Price Adjustment

& Damages in EPC Projects ancj interjm payment of 90% of Price
Adj ust ment.

The timciy delenninatjon and apcroval of exlensjon of date for comp[ellot.t

of the Pro.lcct Mrlcstones/ Pro]cct Cornptetion based on thc apptications of the
ConlraClors 'witl-r due ditigerirce aI varjous levets is essenl]al fol smooth
ad{nlnistration of the Corrtracts bes jdes. avoidinq dlspLrtes/ ctarms of the
contractors. In order to slreamtjne the proccss of delermlnation and approvaI of
EOT in EPC ProJecls. lhc f otiowlng gtrideiirres shall be f ottowed:

1 .1 Tlre Contractor . ALrthorlty EnglneerrAEl and Project Director(PD) shall

|egular ly I'e,.,ie'i/ lhe progress of Lhe works. f orecast delays, make efforts for
mitigation of clelays arrd record reasons for delays & ils effecls. PD/ RO shatl
subm jt the reporis as specified at Para.-2 (Ref. Sr.No.1 of Table) of Policy
CLirdetires No q.2 22l2018 dateo 0/.08 2018.

1.) As soon as [hc Corrlractor irrfol|r-]s the AE aboui lhe delays and claims EOT
towarcls Prolect Mjlcstotre or Pi olcci Complction. as thc case may be, under
ctaLrse 10.5,2 of CA. the AE shati examine the clainrs expeditiousty with
detaited dela-v anaLysis and deternrrne the attowable jnte rim/ fjnaI time
extensjon wjthjrr a perlocl of 30 days {as per clause 10 5.4 of CA) The AE's
determination of tOT should lnter-ali.r constder lhe foltowinq aspects:
(i) Ihe tOT withoLrt danrages and wrth pt rce ad;ustrrrent may be determ
for the effectj'.,e lerrgth of ihe reaches affected dLre to the Authorlty duty
corsrdcr r1o 1f'p f 6l[6wtng:

ra)Ct.8.3.2 of CA clearLy prescribes'that Ihe works on ati parts of RoW

qranted wjthin 90 days of Appointed Date or as provrded rn Schedtrle-A
shalt be compteted before the Scheduted Cornpletlon Date and shatt
pgr qua.lry fo' attv t lnte exlensloll.
\o (b)As per' Ct.10.5.2 of CA. tinre exlensjon shatt be due and applicabte onty
tor the Works whicf, arr. affected by the events oT clrcunlstances glven
in Ct.10.5.1 of CA .-rnd shaLt not irr any marlner- affect the Project
Completion Schedule for arrd jn respect of the v/orks whlch are not

{c i The Iand rrade avaiLable o|r tl'e Appoirrted Date
(AD) through Joint
Merrc)r ,IlaJU l as per ClirLlst' 8 2.1 oI CA lllay tlol be Teoperred unless
ext'ept'lotlal clrcull'rsLalrcLls
wilir evidence of detaY
lher€r are
altrib utab le to lhe AtrthoritY:
Sr'No 1 of Tabte) of Policy
(d)As specrfred Ou'u-2"in"t of PD' RO
No.9.2.22./201 8 aatecl OZ OS
ZoIS' based on quarterty report
t";t".necl shal[ decjde'1 the parts of
shall propose ana tne;;;;* 3 ) or works to be
sites for whlch ctamages are to be paid (.as per Cl'8
'tt u'3 31 Such decrsion of Member shatl be
wilhdrawrr ," p"' for the
cotrveyed promptty
lontr.uclor and AE shoutd account
a"term'n"inf fOT PDi RO/ Member concerned may
same while of Para(iv)
not such decision' in the tiqht
the implication' 'oU'n'
determined by AE for
lhe lLlkely completion dates maybe
(ij) Simullaneously, atongwilh
derayed by the contractor
the effective t"nctn oiih" reaches Comptetion
r^ t"n reaches on the Scheduted
the vaIue of "'o*t EOT by AE' if EOT determination
O"'"lrrl"ot'on of
Date (or date of date' if EOT
Scheduied Compietion or on the o?p':*: extension
before (say Rs' A
uttt'l'"tt-,r dale) on the basis of Sched'"r[e-H
determination '' project
value ot *"t;";;*'";;d bv'^tto'under the
Cr.), the
contr'acl price (saY Rs T Cr')
as per
(say Rs. X Cr') and the revised
C1.8.3.4 of CA'

peT Clatrse ']9'11 of CA shoutd be restricted on the

(ijj) The price escalal]on as
length of reaches deiayed
by the
va[ue of worl<s in tni'"Uttt't" of works in
on *''ai''it"o aLtoried only orr the vaiue
Contractor {i'e ' the Authority [i e on
the effeclive fengtn oi r"otn"'
deiayed due to '
by the
date of the effective tength of reaches detayed
(jv) lf the compteliorr para(i) above, for the
is beyond the erigibre EOT as per
Contractor in
tultit"' with damages may be atlowed'
difference tauV't' "*t"n'lon shalt pay
the tont'uti aiive ln such case the Contractor
order to keep
diffe'rence (davs) @ 0 05%
t" th" ;;;;";itv fo' th"
the damages 6 of CA subiect
price for as per ct.t0.3.2 & ct'10
conrracr ":=J;.;;"i:,, 3 of CA (or as per
of fOv;li Ccntract Price a' qiven in Cl 10'3
to maximum
p rovislon s of specific

delays in lhe prolect mi[es[ones' AE may consider

(v) ln case of achlevement/
ou"'' *ithin gO days of Appointed
onty the *ortt'l ruLt.t"t;';^'il ri e '
tit a'" iui" ro utt-,ri"uu the Pro]ect Milestone-l
lor exampte o ' io"l'' i"''l,-"tt P.ce on dav from the Appointed
stage Pav'nerrL' o' rrot 'lB0r'
handed over wrthin
90 days of
Datcl. rf 5i' ot thc *o' n'i
of 95=9 5% ontv mav be
Appointed out"' ill' and in case of detays'
^1oeixo the
appoint"d Date
achieved by 1BOiL' clt"'"rn'in" bv AE'
t:;,;";;';;"i e 5% mav be determined
likelv/ actual ot'";i
jnTLrLlarreoLlsly. At slraLt also oLlIailr thc] dctails of Cost Ctainrs f rorn the
Conlractor reLatin!l to LOT lllt tlral clate etlrcl qlve irls

per Para (j) above'

Cost Claims aiongwith determirration of tOT as

irr the
/ (vii) lf any of Lhe above guidetines are contrary to the Provislons
notice of Member
Contract Agreemenl' tlre same m'ly be broLrght lo the
corrcer r.rcd lr.rrmcdiatcIy Ihrotrgh R0 f or
lssulnq crther a clarification or
amenclmenl lo Ihe above guidellrrc's'

the determjnatjon of
'l .3 Thereafter, withjn 28 days, PD and RO shatl exarnine
EOT as above by lhe AE wiih due diligence and
forward the proposats lo lhe
process the proposals
Technjcal Dj'-,isiorr at HQ foI apprcval. who in turn shatI
ancl grant necessary approvaf wilhin 14 days
wlth lhe approval of Member
power to grant EoT and sancljon
concJ,ned. lt was decjded to deteqate the
cosl clalms to lhe Member concerrred henceforth

Pendinq approval of EOT by tlre Compe[ent Auihority'

the Project Director
by AE'
.uy rnuk" a payment of 90t' of the Price Adjustment recommendedAE' duly
recomrnended by
besjdes the staqe payments less darnages, lf any
satisfyjng wjth the principles follo*'ed by the Ar'rrhority's
Engjneer in
recommer.rdinq EOT/ prlce adjustment with a clear
written jntimalion to the
Contractor/nE lhat slrch payrnent shatl be deemed
to be an inlerlm
ad;ustmenl' if required'
arrangemenl and shaLl bc sublect to review ar"ld
adJUStmenl by the Competent
based or.r the fjnal approval of EOTi prjce
valid for 3 months from
Aulhorily of Nl-lAl. Thjs rnlerim arrangemerrt shal't be
ls expecled that the approval
the date of recommendatjon of AE on EOT, as lt
by that time'
of Mernber concen.ted as al para'1.3 above wiit be avaitablc

2. This jssues'/vjth tl-re approval of Chairmatr'

Lh\ () I

K, Sharnla
(V, )

CGM (Coord& Part. )

Copy to:
Site offices'
(i) Atl Offlcers and employee of HQr'ROs/PlU/CMUs/
(i i) Hindi Officer for transtation in Hindi'
(iii) Library'for hostjng lhe circu[ar tibrary sitc'

Copy to:
ti) OSD lo Chaittran
1ii) PPS to att Members / CVO

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