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‫بنك اسئلة مادة اساسيات التمريض‬

Define the following:
1. Nursing 11. Pulse oximetry
2. Health 12. Nursing process
3. Disease 13. Nursing diagnosis
4. Activities of daily living 14. Infection
5. Vital signs 15. Asepsis
6. Body temperature 16. Sepsis
7. Pulse 17. Nosocomial infection
8. Respiration 18. Chain of infection
9. Blood pressure 19. Supine hypotension
10. Pulse deficit 20. Eupnea
Write the appropriate medical term:
1. Is a person who has completed a program of basic generalized nursing education and able
by the appropriate regulatory authority to practice nursing in his/her country.
( …………………………………..)

2. A process where there is failure of the person adaptive power to maintain physical and
emotional balance (…………………………………………………..)

3. Is the means a patient has to get information about his illness and telling nurses about his
problems and keeping in contact with his family and other patients.(……………….)

4. Is the condition that arise from incision, trauma or skin disease. (…………………..)

5. Is an elevation of normal body temperature, the lay term is fever. (…………………..)

6. Abnormal increase in the body temperature usually above 40.5 ˚C. (…………………)

7. Subnormal body temperature or a body temperature below the average normal range,
below 36.1. (………………………)

8. Is the act of breathing in oxygen that is distributed to the cells of the body.(………….)

9. Is the act of breathing out carbon dioxide. (…………………………….)

10. Difficult breathing (………………………………….)

11. No or absence respiration (………………………….)

12. The lowest pressures present on arterial walls in a period of relaxation and dilatation.(…)
13. Maximum blood pressure is exerted on the walls of arteries when the left ventricle of the
heart pushes blood the aortic valve into the aorta.(…………………………….)

14. Occurs when the pulse rate is below 60 beats per minute (b/min). (…………………..)

15. Occurs when the rate is above 100 beats per minute (b/min). (……………………….)

16. An absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues; severe hypoxia. (…………..)

17. Is the gathering of information about a patient's physiological, psychological,

sociological, and spiritual status by a licensed Registered Nurse. (……………………)

18. An infection that is acquired in a hospital or other health care facility (………………)

19. Is used when the nurse prioritizes identified nursing health problems from the patient.(.)

20. Is the process of comparing client responses to pre selected outcomes to determine wither
goals have been met. (……………………………..)
List the following:
1. Five responsibilities for the nurse.
2. Five emotional reactions to disease
3. five factors contribute the pressure sore
4. Five factors influence sleep
5. Six sites for measuring pulse
6. Four points Heat is produced in the cells by
7. Five Signs and symptoms of hypothermia
8. Five contraindications for taking oral temperature
9. Five factors affects measuring SaO2
10. Five phases of nursing process.
11. Four types of nursing diagnosis
12. Five types of infection
13. Five factors increasing susceptibility to infection.
14. Five rights of medication administration.
15. Five signs and symptoms of localized infection
16. Five signs and symptoms of general infection
Put (T) for the correct and (F) for the false statement:
1. Hostility means an emotional response to disease. T F
2. Anger is an emotion characterized by frustration and struggling T F
3. Working and playing is one of ADLs T F
4. Psychological factors that influence communication include speaking, seeing, T F
hearing, reading and writing.
5. Sociolcultural factors of communication include personal appearance and native T F
6. Excess thyroxin hormone decrease body temperature T F
7. Food intake rise body temperature T F
8. Adults spend half of their lives sleeping T F
9. Body temperature is maintained within a fairly constant range by the T F
10. The posterior hypothalamus controls heat dissipation. T F
11. Hypothermia is abnormal increase in the body temperature usually above 40.5 T F
12. In children the temperature is slightly 0.5 ˚C more than in adults. T F
13. Expiration is the act of breathing out carbon dioxide T F
14. Tachypnea means more respiratory rate than 20 b/min. T F
15. Shallow respiration is a noisy breaths that sound like snoring T F
16. When body temperature is elevated the respiratory rate increases 6 breaths/ m T F
with every .6 ˚C.
17. The increase in the pulse rate leads to increase in the respiratory rate. T F
18. Normal range of adult respiration is from 12 to 20 c/min T F
19. Systolic pressure is the maximum blood pressure is exerted on the walls of T F
20. Men usually have a lower blood pressure than women of the same age. T F
21. Orthostatic postural hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure usually T F
associated with weakness or fainting when being in lying position.
22. A normal heart rate for a health adult while resting can range from 60 to 100 T F
23. A decrease in blood pressure leads to decrease in a pulse rate. T F
24. An elevated temperature causes an increase of about 7-10 b/min for each 0.6 ˚C. T F
25. Normal range of SaO2 is 92-100 % T F
26. Anoxia means an absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues T F
27. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is used when the nurse prioritizes identified nursing T F
health problems from the patient.
28. An actual nursing diagnosis is based on the presence of associated signs and T F
29. Nursing diagnosis is made by a physician and refers to a condition that only a T F
physician can treat.
30. A nursing plan is a scheme of or guide for action. T F
31. Sepsis is the freedom from disease-causing microorganisms and used to decrease T F
the possibility of transferring microorganisms from one place to another.
32. B.i.d medications given three times / day T F
33. Sc injection is an abbreviation for subcutaneous injection. T F
34. blood pressure raised after ingestion of food T F
35. a person blood pressure tends to be higher in lying down than in sitting or T F
Choose the correct answer:
1. Nursing responsibilities includes
a. care giver c. decision maker
b. patient advocate d. all the above
2. An emotional response of disease
a. fear c. hostility
b. anxiety d. anger
3. Tension caused by any factors
a. anger c. stress
b. fear d. anxiety
4. The activities of daily living include the following except
a. communication skills c. sleeping activity
b. mobilizing d. respiration
5. Level of intelligence and nervousness are ………………… for communication
a. physical factors c. Sociocultural factors
b. psychological factors d. none of the above
6. Factors contribute to pressure sore
a. cold c. strong blood circulation
b. pressure on bony prominence d. body movement
7. Factors influence sleeping
a. age c. food
b. noise d. a&b
8. Fifth vital sign could be
a. pain c. blood glucose level
b. SaO2 d. all the above
9. Temperature regulation done through
a. pituitary gland c. thyroid gland
b. hypothalamus d. adrenal gland
10. Heat is moved away from the body on currents of air
a. radiation c. evaporation
b. convection d. conduction
11. Abnormal increase in the body temperature usually above 40.5˚C
a. hypertension c. hypothermia
b. hyperthermia d. hypotension
12. The act of breathing in oxygen that is distributed to the cells of the body
a. inspiration c. respiration
b. expiration d. none of the above
13. Difficulty of breathing
a. bradypnea c. cheyne-stokes
c. tachypnea d. dyspnea
14. Noisy breaths that sound like snoring
a. Stertorous c. apnea
b. shallow breathing d. tachypnea
15. Normal range of respiration in adults
a. 30-60 c/min c. 16-25 c/min
b. 20-35 c/min d. 12-20 c/min
16. The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is
a. pulse pressure c. blood pressure
b. pulse deficit d. diastolic pressure
17. A decrease in blood pressure usually associated with weakness or fainting when
being in lying position
a. hypertension c. orthostatic postural hypotension
b. hypotension d. supine hypotension
18. Is a wave of blood rushing through the arteries
a. pulse c. blood pressure
b. respiration d. temperature
19. Assessment of pulse include
A. pulse rate c. force and volume
b. rhythm d. all the above
20. Number of pulse rate that occurs per minute
A. pulse rate c. force and volume
b. rhythm d. all the above
21. Pulse rhythm abnormality include
a. intermittent pulse c. tachycardia
b. bradycardia d. bounding
22. The difference between the apical pulse and the radial pulse
a. pulse pressure c. blood pressure
b. pulse d. pulse deficit
23. Normal range of SaO2
a. 92-100 % c- 82-92 %
b- 80-90 % d- 85-95%
24. An absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues
a. hypoxia c- anoxia
b. hypoxemia d- all the above
25. Characteristics of the nursing process
a. cyclic and dynamic c- client centered
b. systematic d- all the above
26. Is the process of comparing client responses to pre selected outcomes to determine
wither goals have been met
a. assessment phase c. planning phase
b. evaluation phase d. implementation phase
27. Types of microorganism except
a. fungi c. parasites
b. bacteria d. worms
28. Most common sites of nosocomial infections
a. urinary tract c. wounds
b. respiratory tract d. all the above
29. Factors increasing susceptibility to infection except
a. nutritional status c. age
b. medical therapies d. heat
30. H.s in pharmacological abbreviation means
a. intravenous c. per rectum
b. by mouth d. at hour of sleep
Give short account on:
1. Activities of daily living and discuss three of them
2. Chain of infection
3. Nursing care for fever
4. Nursing care for hypothermia

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