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Computer Laboratory Time Monitoring System Capstone and Thesis Documentation

Chapter 1


Information technology at the present time is vast and progressive. It is being integrated to almost most

of our daily activities. It is so progressive that one must always be informed and skilled to keep pace of the

changing technology. With this reality, many ideas and improvements are designed and developed to make

computer technology attainable and flexible. People of all ages must be prepared and equipped with all the basic

skills and knowledge to make individuals competent and literate in the information age.

There is so much information available on the computer today, especially over the Internet, that employers,

concerned parents and wary partners alike are all taking precautionary steps to have computers monitored for

inappropriate use or content. Competition between computer monitoring program companies is tough, and

deciding the best computer monitoring software out there can be confusing. The range seems endless, and so do

the features and price tags, and can be a daunting task to choose one that suits your needs.

Computer Lab Management is part of the Information Technology department at {insert name of

college} and is responsible for overseeing instructional use and open-access computer labs. These spaces serve

the students, staff, and faculty of {insert name of college} in their educational computing needs. The researchers

opted to develop a system that will monitor and allocate the usage of students in the laboratory.

The Computer Laboratory Time Management System provides a centralized management for

workstations, which are managed by the system administrator. It enables suitable time allocation to students

based on demand for practical activities by allowing only authorized users with valid username and password to

share the few available computer facilities. The benefits that CLTMS provides include; limiting hours when a

student can/cannot logon a computer, limiting how long an eligible student can use a computer by allocating

them specific time on weekly basis, automatically closing a student's session when the time is out, recording

user statistics like used and remaining hours, remote computer management by the system administrator,

authentication and providing security options to protect time settings from unauthorized access.

1. What is the level of performance of a manually – computer time usage monitoring of {insert name of


a. Accuracy

b. Security

c. Usability

2. What is the level of need to develop Computer Laboratory Time Management System for {insert name

of college}?


The purpose of this study is to monitor and limit the usage of every student in the computer laboratory of {insert

name of college}.

This study aims to provide every student a time allocation per semester which allows every student to have a

fair usage in the computer laboratory.


1. The system is designed as client-server architecture in which the server monitors and records the usage
of every student.
2. The said system is intended only in the computer laboratory of {insert name of college}.
3. The students who can avail the service are those students who have paid the computer laboratory fee.


The study is beneficial to the following:

Computer Laboratory Maintenance People – it will make their work easier in terms of monitoring the usage
of computers of the student.

Students – it will have a fair usage in the computer laboratory. Each student will be given a time allotment for
the whole semester.

School Administrators – it will provide the school administrators the exact report of computer usage.


CLTMS (Computer Laboratory Time Management System) – the name of the proposed system.
Chapter III


This chapter presents the method used in this research, the sampling procedure/technique and the

respondents of the study. It discusses the data gathering instruments, procedures and statistical treatment.

Research Method

Descriptive Research is the method that suit on this study regarding the Computer Laboratory Time

Management System.

Descriptive research includes all studies that purport to present facts concerning the nature and status of

anything – a group of persons, number of objects, a set of conditions, a class of events, system of thought or any

other kind of phenomena which may wish to study (Sanchez 1998, p. 39-40).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the students who are using the computer laboratory of {insert name of

college}. The researchers selected the following respondents for a reason that they will be the one who will

benefit the system.

Sampling Procedure/Techniques

The researchers used Slovin’s Formula in determining the sample size. Sampling is the process of

measuring a small portion of something followed by general statement about the whole things (Bradfield, 1980,

p. 89). The formula is as follows:


1+ (N) (e)2


n = sample size

N = population size

e = desired margin of error (0.05)

Statistical Treatment

After the retrieval of the questionnaires, the researchers will tabulate and process the data gathered.

The mean is popularly called as average, the sum of all values divided by the number of observations

( The mean is computed with the following formula:

X = ΣX

X = sample mean

Σ = sum of observed values

X = values of the observations

n = number of observations

The pertinent data gathered in this study were treated using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences


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