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Read any research related to teaching as a vocation and mission then fill out the matrix

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For this study, the authors 1) Motivational Factors, Family Traditions, Occupational Reputation, Personal Characteristics,
Achievements, a Possibility to Get Highly Paid Jobs, To and Interest is after the Likert scale (5-significant impact, 1 no
impact) new knowledge. 2) The unanswered questions characterized the student's attitude towards the teaching profession
at the beginning of the study and reflected changes in attitude during the study. Students evaluated attitudes towards
teacher training courses at the beginning of learning and changes in attitudes during learning. Criterion chose to
TEACHER’S VOCATION AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES Questionnaire is based on Result achieved in a survey conducted in 2010 (“Motivation to Choose a Teaching Profession”
(Černova, 2010) 444 Questionnaire In 2016, was piloted and out of 16 participants participated. Closed Significant changes

TOWARDS A CHOICE OF TEACHER’S VOCATION to that Design Questionnaire was not required, so this particular questionnaire was selected for the purposes of this survey.
In this article, we discuss the reasons for choosing a career in assessing the data collected in 2015, the attitude of students
towards education in the 2015 Education Post, and Education as Case Study Study (Geske & Grünfelds,). I will explain my
attitude toward. 2006). Study was conducted at Daugavpils University in 444, Bachelor Program "Teacher". The total
number of of the research participants was. Students (16th grade) and social science students.

ndersone, R. (2010). Skolotāja profesionālā kompetences sabiedrības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai [Teacher’s professional
comptency for a societal sustainable development]. Latvijas Universitātes raksti 747. sējums. Pedagoģija un skolotāju
izglītība. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 8 -19. Bastick, T. (1999). A three factor model to resolve the controversies of
why traineesare motivated to choose the teaching profession. Retrieved from
fulltext/ED451230.pdf Baumert, J., & Kunter, M. (2013). The COACTIV model of teachers’ professional competence.
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers (pp. 25-48). US: Springer.
CV-Online. (2015). Latvijas algu un atlīdzību pētījums. [Research on salary system]. Retrieved from: Černova, E. (2010). Pirmsskolas skolotāja profesijas izvēles motīvi. [Motives of
choice of teaching vocation] Latvijas Universitātes raksti 747. Sējums .Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība. Rīga: Latvijas
Universitāte, 64-74. DnB NORD Latvijas baromentrs [Latvia DnB NORD barometer]. (2013). Izglītība. [Education].
Retrieved from: latvian_barometer/documents/2012/dnb-latvijas-barometrs-
petijums-nr61.pdf Eiropas Komisija (EU) (2015). Jaunas prioritātes Eiropas sadarbībai izglītības un apmācības jomā. [New
priorities for cooperation in Europe in the field of education and training]. Retrieved from:
content/lv/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A 52015DC0408g EU. (2013). Supporting teacher competence development for better
learning outcomes. Retrieved from: Eurydice.
(2012). Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy. Retrieved from:

Analysis of study results, according to indicators proposed by Bastik (Bastick, 1999), authors students start their studies with
-based -based with program teacher training. Under External and Altruistic Motivation Teaching, Occupation, Under Named
The focus of the 21st century is on the values ​of teachers and the
Factors such as Their Ability to Study in a Budget Internship Most Important Factors (External Factors) And the willingness to
work with young people. The internal motivation for students to take up a teaching profession was , with 78 % of
attitudes of - children and towards their profession. Factors such as
respondents consciously participating in a teacher training course further training program, and only 6% of all respondents working environment, salary and social attitudes indicate that Latvia
allowed a choice of teaching profession. This means that most students are motivated to study in teacher training courses.
Data obtained in International Study shows that changes the minds of students during Study . The International OECD lacks a long-term strategy in the field of education. National policy
Environmental Survey "TALIS 2013" shows that 36 % of the teachers in Latvia are considering the possibility of choosing
another profession (Geske & Ozola, 2015). Only 36% of all students claim to be their choice is and does not affect out of directed at criticism of the teaching profession in the mass media is
friends and teachers (Geske & Ozola, 2015) ). Teacher Salary Rating Under 444 444 Low Wage Occupation 444 Survey
Conducted in 2015. Nevertheless, many students choose a teaching profession because they think it is well paid and easily the basis for the development of a negative social attitude towards
accessible. The data obtained as a result of Content Analysis allows the conclusion that students at the beginning of the
study associate their profession with: 1) Responsibility, Required Knowledge and Skills, 2) Fame, Teaching Profession , and 3)
teaching society.
Characteristics Required for Work.

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