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snit7iag, 10 AM WBC eConsuttant2 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR SELECTION # 1277779 This Request for Expression of Interest is for a Firm Selection. Please log in as a valid Firm User if you wish to express interest in this selection. || Selection Information ‘Assignment Title Development ofa National Strategy for Special Economic Zones Development in Kenya Publication Date 17-Nov-2021 Expression of Interest Deadline 24-Nov-2021 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastem Time — Washington D.C.) Language of Notice English Selection Notice Assignment Country KE - Kenya Funding Sources The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignmentservices under: BB - BANK BUDGET ‘TFOAG923 - IFC CMAW - SSA 1 Region -GFC Individua/Firm The consultant willbe a firm. || Assignment Description Assignment Tile: Expression of Interest for a Fim to design and develop a National Strategy for Special Econamic Zones Development in Kenya, which will ensure a structured and coherent approach to planning, developing, operating, and promoting Special Economic Zones in Kenya, ‘The Kenya Investment Generation Program af the Creating Markets Advisory Department, Intemational Finance Corporation invites Expressions of Interest from fis with demonstrated expertise to design a National Strategy for Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Development in Kenya. The frm will be expected to design a National Strategy for SEZ development in Kenya and putin place 2 structured and coherent approach for planning, developing, regulating, icensing, operating, and promoting SEZs in Kenya, More specifically, ths assignment should design a systematic approach of envisioning the desired future of SEZs in Kenya and translate this Vision into broadly defined goals or targets and outline a sequence of action plans to achieve them. Itshould also outline what policy ‘makers expect to achieve with SEZs and how they plan to achieve it Interested frms should have demonstrated excellent expertise on the subject of industrial infrastructure specific to SEZ and Industral Parks. Fs must also have a clear understanding ofthe industrial sector and political landscape in Kenya, as well as developments slovally, Africa Continental Free Trade Area and in the East Afican Community related to industriaization and SEZ. In undertaking its work, the consulting frm will be expected to provide expert global SEZ knowledge, as wells leverage Is expertise ofthe local context, to arcuate a strategy on how the Kenya SEZ regime will contribute to the Kenya Vision 2030 economic development dluepent while identifying gaps and opportunities that should be taken into consideration for long term planning for Special Economie Zones. developments in the county. Kenya Vision 2030, the countrys development blueprint, aims to transform Kenya into an incustraized, middle-income country by 2030. Vision 2030 identfes SEZ as a key ilar fr the countrys industalizaion and diversification agenda, and platform to leverage and catalyze prvate sector investments and create jobs, Kenya enacted the Special Economic Zanes Actin 2015, which was intended to structure Government's Industriaization efforts and facitate new investments. This Act autines the specific objectives of SEZ as: to promote value addition; attract both local investment and foreign direct investment; expand anc diversiy production of goods and services for domestic and export markets; increase Ulizaton of national and regional resources; streamline business ang administrative environment: promote local enterprises, integrate Kenya into global supply chains; promote regional development; and to enhance innovation and development of technology. The Act ‘also provides for the establishment ofthe Special Economic Zones Authority (SEZA) as the regulator to lesue licenses and approvals for all SEZ developments and enterprises. SEZA Is also responsible for designing, developing and operating public zones. Despite having ‘a competitive legal and regulatory framewerk in place, Kenya has been unable to altract enough investments into SEZ. This is largely due to lack of clear, structured and coherent strategy for SEZ development, Itis against this background thatthe Kenya Investment Generation Program invites expressions of interest from fims to design and dovelog 2 National Strategy for SEZ Development in Kenya, htpssvbgeconsul2, htm 42 snit7iag, 10 AM WBG eConsuttant2 Finally fyou encounter technical dficuties while uploading documents, please send an e-mail o the Help Desk at hgeconsukant@worldbank org [| Qualification Criteria 1. Provide information showing that they are qualified inthe field of the assignment including examples of similar assignments ‘concluded in the last 7 years * 2. Provide information on the technical and managerial capabilites ofthe firm * 3. Provide information on their core business and years in business," 4. Provide information on the qualifications of key staff relevant tothe assignment with special focus on industrial infrastructure, global value chains, and strategy formulation * '5. Provide demonstrable knowledge on the economic environment in Kenya, East Africa and Africa continental region * Mandatory ‘Shortisted consultants will be invited to respond to @ Roquest for Proposal. Contract awards willbe made in accordance with the World Bank Group Procurement Policies and Procedures htpssivbgeconsul2, htm 22

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