Aircraft Structures: Code: 9AN34

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Code : 9AN34

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III Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2015

Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 100

Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Answer any two full questions from Section – I, II & III.
(iii) Neat, correct and labelled diagrams carry 40% of marks allotted to question.

1. (a) Fill in the blanks : 5

(i) ______, ______, ______ are three types of fuselage structures.
(ii) In straight level flight the load factor is equal to ______.
(iii) ______ is defined as load acting per unit area of the material.
(iv) When a spar is bent, the inner surface is in ______ stress.
(v) The pitching moment of aircraft is controlled by ______.
(b) Briefly explain on structural stresses, that an air craft structure undergoes
during operation. 5

2. (a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a wing structure and discuss the function of
individual member. 10
(b) Write a note on Truss analysis. 5

3. (a) List the uses of fuselage. 5

(b) With the neat labelled diagram explain the types of fuselage. 10

4. (a) Distinguish between swept back wing structure with that of conventional
rectangular wing configuration. 10
(b) List the primary functions of wing. 5
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5. (a) List the purpose of location numbering system. 5
(b) Briefly explain on design of fixed wing frame’s wing structure. 10

6. (a) Define the following : 5 × 2 = 10

(i) Dihedral wing
(ii) Anhedral wing
(iii) Delta wing
(iv) Unswept wing
(v) Swept back wing
(b) With neat sketch explain purpose of RIBS as airframe structure. 5

7. (a) With a neat labelled diagram explain constant thickness honey comb section of
wing. 8
(b) Discuss on tapered core honey comb section of wing. 7

8. Write short note on the following : 3 × 5 = 15
(i) Skin and fairing
(ii) Access and inspection doors
(iii) Engine cowling

9. (a) With neat labelled diagram explain v-n diagram. 5

(b) Explain Helicopter structure with neat labelled diagram. 5
(c) Discuss the functions of major Helicopter components. 5

10. (a) Briefly explain importance of painting on aircraft service life. 5

(b) Write a note on wooden aircraft structures. 5
(c) Explain gust factor. Discuss its effect on performance and structure of an
aircraft. 5

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