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Group number

Group Members
S. no. Full Name Mobile number
1 Nipsi Das 9365127083
2 Rachel Kujur 9911347714
3 Vishwas M 7204968692
4 Vani Nair 9744566476
5 Ujjawal Biraji 9818835780
6 Rishabh Mangla 9717366395
7 Md Hammad Nadim 9007621008
Task Description

As a consultant, as you and your director understand the various functions of the co
in a conversation with Mr.Mukesh, the CEO of e-mandi. Your director goes on to te
consultant help improve processes and track those improvements. Intrigued by you
improvement abilities, Mr.Mukesh asks your director if he has any experience with
track the performance of E-Mandi. Since, he cannot let his guard down at the client
answers Mr.Mukesh by saying that he has theoretical knowledge. Mr.Mukesh likes
energy and would want to extract a few insights from your team. He takes you all t
where there are multiple ledgers and employees doing entries in the PC. Mr.Mukes
director if you could suggest how he could create a system to track all these metric
Context to which your director immediately responds by saying “we can have a dashboard t
Interested in the thought Mr.Mukesh asks if he could get to have a look at a dumm
few KPIs and how he should track it and what impact it has on his overall finances f
the rising demand for tech products and sensing an immediate business opportunit
dashboard, your director has agreed to it politely and asked for a day to present a d
director obviously has a lot of other calls to make throughout the day, and tech tea
dashboard dummy does not understand the business need, your director assigns yo
identify the KPIs, formulae, the form of graphical representation and the impact of
overall function. As a consultant, your task is to prepare separate KPI dashboards fo
manager, and a warehouse manager.

The tech team provided you with a example that is available in the next tab of the w
Action to prepare KPI dashboards for different stakeholders (CEO, SALES MANAGER & WA
the following tabs to the best of your ability.

nd the various functions of the company, you end up

andi. Your director goes on to tell him how you as a
improvements. Intrigued by your director’s process
tor if he has any experience with framing KPIs to
ot let his guard down at the client, he diplomatically
cal knowledge. Mr.Mukesh likes your Director’s
om your team. He takes you all to this huge room
oing entries in the PC. Mr.Mukesh now asks your
a system to track all these metrics on a regular basis
ying “we can have a dashboard to track the KPIs”.
uld get to have a look at a dummy of the same with a
act it has on his overall finances for his section. Given
n immediate business opportunity to sell the
nd asked for a day to present a dummy. Since your
hroughout the day, and tech team that makes the
ess need, your director assigns you the task to
epresentation and the impact of KPI deviation on the
epare separate KPI dashboards for the CEO, a sales

available in the next tab of the workbook. You need

Customer Manager's Dashboard
S.No. KPI Graphic Impact on overall function
1 Customer Lifetime value (CLV) Bar Higher the value, lower the cost of retention
2 Repeat Purchase Rate (RPR) Line Higher the value, lower the cost of acquisition and retention
3 Conversion rate Line Higher the value, lower the cost of acquisition and retention
4 Cart Abandonment Rate (CAR) Line Lower the value, higher the revenue
5 Cart conversion rate (CCR) Line Higher the value, higher the revenue
6 Customer satisfaction (CSAT) Score Histogram Higher the value, higher the revenue
7 Purchase Frequency Line Higher the value, higher the revenue
8 Website Traffic Area Higher the value, lower the cost of acquisition
9 Bounce Rate Scatter Higher the value, lower the cost of acquisition
10 Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Pie Chart Higher the value, lower the cost of acquisition
11 Cost Per Conversion (CPC) Pie Chart Lower the value, higher the revenue
13 Refund/Return Rate (RR) Area Lower the value, higher the revenue
14 Average Complaint Resolution Time Histogram Lower the value, lower the cost of retention
ger's Dashboard
(Customer’s Annual Profit Contribution x Avg no. of Year as Customer) – the Initial CAC
Purchases from Repeat Customers / Total Purchase
(Total no of visitors/ total no of conversions) X 100
(Total no. of completed transactions/ total no of shopping carts ) X100
(Total conversions/ total no of visitors) x100
Sum of all Scores / Total Number of Respondents
Total Number of Orders / Total Number of Unique Customers
total number of people who visit your ecommerce website.
Total Number of One-page Visits / Total Number of Entries to a Website
Total Advertising Cost / Total Number of Ads Clicked
Total Cost for Generating the Traffic / Total Number of Conversions
[(Current Value – Original Value) / Original Value] x 100
(No of Customer Service Requests – Total No. of Unresolved Request) / Total No. of Requests Received
S.No. KPI Graphic


2 Bar chart

3 Bar

4 Bar graph

PROJECT Gantt Chart or



7 Scorecard
8 Operating Expense Ratio Gauge Chart



Taking the total costs (both beginning work in process and costs added this period) and divide by the total equiva

Divide the company's total revenue by its current number of employees

At the start (S), at the end (E) and customer acquired during the period (N). CRR = ((E-N)/S) x 100.

Order Fulfillment Cycle Time = Source Cycle Time + Make Cycle Time + Delivery Cycle Time

The project completion rate is the project manager’s estimation of how the project is evolving and achieving its g
completion. Calculation is as follows -Total number of projects that are completed on time / Total number of proje

The net profit KPI measures how effective the business is at generating profits on revenue . Sales revenue minu
the production of good and services = Net Profit

Employee engagement is a big factor of employee productivity . If the employees are motivated and enthusiastic
have high productivity and will be willing to give their 100% .
The operating expense ratio (OER) is calculated by dividing all operating expenses less depreciation by operatin
Impact on overall function


Highlights importantance of  an efficient warehouse layout and efficient picking

procedures ,True cost transformation is about simplifying, refocusing and
strengthening your organization so you can pursue growth and provide a better
customer experience. Our approach is both holistic and customizable, enabling
you to cultivate, reward and continually improve a sustainable cost management

A higher ratio indicates greater productivity. A revenue per employee dashboard

helps a company make various choices like Are Employees actually making
enough revenue to justify hiring them or Are they working at 100% capacity or is
there room for them to work more, instead of employing new workers, rationally.

The number of customers you keep is crucial to your long-term profitability. It is,
in many respects, the most essential KPI since it evaluates how successfully you
execute on your brand promise. The average CRR for the studio business is
around 72 percent.

Order fulfillment cycle time indicates the efficinecy and and supply chain
effectiveness by measuring the time taken from the receipt of the order of the
customer to the completion of the order i.e, the delivery of the product or
service .

Measures the percentage of projects that are completed on-time. The goal is to
get a completion rate of as near as possible to 100%.

This financial KPI is a measure of the profitability of your business and is

instrumental in making long- and short-term financial decisions.

Employee engagement can be measured by an anonymous survey , as it is a

key factor to run a company . If employees are not engageed then they may fall
short of their targets and responsibilities .
Employee engagement is a big factor of employee productivity . If the
employees are motivated and enthusiastic , then they will have high productivity
and will be willing to give their 100% .

Essential for better planning, and the real cost to safe the transformation cost

Measures how efficiently a particular firm utilizes its employees.

Concentrate on marketing strategy, techniques, messaging, time and money, as

well as continuous sales activities. Retain your customers by delivering on your
promises. Check that everyone in your studio has bought into your idea.
Recognize the reasons why clients are departing. Conduct exit interviews. Make
it clear that you appreciate their input.

The faster the fulfillment cycle time is , the faster we are able to complete
invoice of the order . Further , a rapid order fulfillment will attract loyal and
satisfies customers. The delays and obstacles must be identified to ensure
smooth order fulfillments .

Knowing the project on-time completion rate acts as a starting point for
improving project efficiency and can be tracked over time. Trends identify
whether an organization is improving on completing projects on-time or not.

This KPI is generally considered to be the most important measure of business

performance. Net profit is the result of deducting the total costs associated with
the production of good and services from the sales revenue. When in surplus, a
net profit allows the company to invest in growth / pay dividend to shareholders.

It is essential to keep a tab on how employees are feeling about their work as
unengaged colleagues will be detrimental to productivity .
The reason for utilizing OER is to perceive how much salary an organization
has been producing according to the operating expense it is bringing about.
Every organization needs the OER to be lower. Lower the OER, the better the
organization is performing.
Sample Visualization
S.No. KPI Graphic


2 Sales Growth Bar Graph

3 Competitor Pricing Line

4 sales target line

Visitor to lead
5 Line
conversion rate

Average transaction
6 Line

7 Customer life time value Line

Average Profit
8 Double bar graph

Sales Head's Dashboard

Cost per lead formula = total cost of the campaign divided by

the number of leads generated

the net sales of the prior period from that of the current period.
Then, divide the result by the net sales of the prior period. Multiply
the result by 100 to get the percent sales growth

(Single Competitor's Price/ Your Company Price) * 100 , Divide for

all competitors and then add them up and divide by total number of

Divide the total annual target by the # of sales reps and then,
Divide the annual rep targets by the number of months in a


Total sales from transaction/Total distinct count of transaction

The average order total multiplied by the average number

of purchases in a year multiplied by averageretention
time in years. This provides the average lifetime value of
a customer based on existing data.
average revenue – average cost = average profits.
Sales Head's Dashboard
Impact on overall function
Allows you to assess the cost-effectiveness of your marketing
initiatives in terms of generating new sales leads It assigns a
monetary value to each lead generated by your campaign. This
is very useful for determining the efficacy of internet advertising

Sales growth shows the increase in sales over a specific period o

Price positioning is controlled, helps make well- informed

decisions as the competitor price would be known.

It's the minimum amount of money the sales team needs

to generate to meet company budget or quota.

This is a great assesment of our marketing team.This tells us

how many of the site visitors have been converted to leads for
further sales

, by measuring CLV you can better evaluate how much

you should invest in retaining your current customers.
Also, it helps your organization to plan further spending
and divide your budget between retention and acquisition.

By measuring CLV you can better evaluate how much you

should invest in retaining your current customers. Also, it helps
your organization to plan further spending and divide your
budget between retention and acquisition , Moreover, it lets you
devote more resources to encouraging your customers to spend
more over their lifetime with your brand.
Profit margin gauges the degree to which a
company or a business activity makes money,
essentially by dividing income by revenues.
Expressed as a percentage, profit margin indicates
how many cents of profit has been generated for
each dollar of sale.

A successful CPL will be low for individuals (leads) with a large overall
number of viable leads.

Sales growth shows the increase in sales over a specific period of time.
You willknow whether the demand for a company's products or services
will be increasing in the future. It is important to distinguish however
between organic sales growth and acquisitive growth.

Helps understand where the company lies in values and shows a

comparison to the other competitors in market.

Sales target is a measurement that lets you calculate the revenue of

current sales and compare it to a target or past performance. It can
be very impactful to design an effective sales target visual.

A high great visitor to lead conversion rate signifies activity of the sales
team in contacting the Intrested Individual.

You can improve the quality of a certain product which has low sales
level or replace it with an appropriate substitute.

The customer lifetime values metric is used for a variety of marketing

and analytical purpose it is the profit margin a company expects to earn
over the entirety of their business relationship with the average
A good margin will vary considerably by industry and size
of business, but as a general rule of thumb, a 10%
net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin is
considered high (or “good”), and a 5% margin is low.
Sample Visualization

S.No. KPI Graphic


2 Average Labour Utilization Bullet Graph

3 Holding Costs EOQ CHART

4 Stock out Line chart

5 Service level Line chart

6 Inventory accuracy Gauge chart

7 perfect order rate Line Graph

8 Loss due to storage and Shrinkage Line Graph

Warehouse Head's Dashboard


Supply Delay + Order Delay = Order Lead Time

[Total Labour Content/ (Total Labour Content + Idle

Time)] * 100
Inventory holding sum = inventory service cost + capital
cost + storage space cost + inventory risk


Service level = Total order fulfilled/ Total order

Inventory Accuracy = (Counted Units/ Units on record)

(Orders Completed without Incident) / (Total Orders

Placed) = Perfect Order Rate

Cost of Recorded Inventory – Cost of Physical Inventory)) /

(Cost of Recorded Inventory) = Inventory Shrinkage
arehouse Head's Dashboard

Impact on overall function

Order lead time not only has a direct impact on customer

happiness, but it also has an impact on the amount of inventory
a warehouse must carry at any one moment.

Labour Utilization is important to be considered as even though

it takes up a small part in the overall costs but labour costs are
hidden in all supplies and materials a company buys.
Businesses use holding costs to determine how much profit
they're making from their inventory and to let them know how
long they can keep their unsold inventory before they lose
money on it. They also use holding costs to help them
determine what they need to sell or buy in order to maintain
inventory levels, and whether or not they need to create more or
fewer products to ensure a steady flow of income.

This KPI represents the amount of times demand cannot be met

due to the absence of required inventory, which can incur lost
sales, missed opportunities, and frustrated clients.

A good service level denotes that the business is able to meet

its commitments , has the capacity and can fulfill demand thus
leading to good customer relations and higher profits from
revenue .

If the physical inventory doesn’t match what is in the company

records then we can experience poor order accuracy rates and
higher costs.

The perfect order rate has become an important indicator in

measuring supply chain performance. Companies that boast
some of the highest perfect order rates carry less inventory,
experience shorter cash-to-cash cycle times, and have
significantly fewer stock-outs than their competitors.

The most obvious effect of shrinkage is loss of revenue.

The long and short of it is that shrinkage amounts to lost
revenue for your business. If your tills are coming up
short on a regular basis or your merchandise is damaged
or stolen, you'll experience shrinkage. All of these
situations affect your bottom line
Remarks Sample Visualization

Long lead times add to customer discontent and might

require a firm to rely significantly on demand forecasts to
fulfil orders, thus keep this KPI under careful scrutiny.

High labour productivity growth can reflect greater use of

capital, and/or a decrease in the employment of low-
productivity workers, or general efficiency gains and
This KPI measures the costs related to storing unsold
inventory. This includes the cost of damaged and spoiled
goods, as well as the cost of storage space, labor and

It gives us a view about how effectively a business can

carry out its procurement and production operations.

This KPI is used to compute the amount of stock required

to avoid a stock-out (see above). Service level denotes a
compromise between the cost of inventory and the cost of
a stock-out.

Inventory accuracy helps prevent this scenario by requiring

the performance of an inventory headcount to verify that
your internal data is accurate.

The Perfect Order Rate KPI measures how many orders

you ship without incident, where incidents are damaged
goods, inaccurate orders or late shipments. Attaining a
high perfect order rate should be the goal of every supply
chain organization as it indicates organizational efficiency
and high customer satisfaction.

 This concept is a key problem for retailers, as

it results in the loss of inventory, which ultimately
means loss of profits.

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