Case Study - Media Mix

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Case Study – Media Mix

Multinationals like Hindustan Unilever, TATA group or Godrej advertises their products almost on
every platform.

For e.g., TATA group and their campaign for TATA tea, JAAGO RE! The campaign was run on TV, RJs
of different radio platform promoted their campaign as well as newspaper advertisements were
printed. With new reforms, their campaign was also launched on YouTube and Facebook, gaining
more positive impact.

Q1. Create a banner for social media – Instagram and Facebook to generate awareness among the
target women audience to vote.

Q2. Write a blog on this campaign expressing your feelings on the same. You can include 5Ws and 1H
in your writing to make it more expressive.

Q3. Discuss your thoughts and ideas on this event marketing idea.
Power of 49: A force capable of making and breaking a
Power of 49, a campaign initiated by Tata Sons in partnership with
Tata Global Beverages, the ones behind the ‘Jaago re’ campaign of
2007, undoubtedly recognised as one of the most iconic campaigns
of India, to address the unawareness of the importance of women’s
What was this campaign about? Power of 49 aimed to empower and
educate India’s women voters of their rights and amount of impact
they can cause. Women constituted 49 percentage of the electorate,
if unleashed, can turn the tables of any government. The campaign
took place in 2013, ahead of elections 2014. Why was it needed?
Given the times we live in today, it is absolutely necessary for us to
empower women. It is imperative that the world be told that women
must not be treated the way they are, that they are a force to reckon
with. A huge number of women who still aren’t aware of the
importance of their vote, very few actually did. Hence, it was a much
need campaign for the nation. It is a movement that awaken women
to the fact that if they exercise their right, no political system can
ignore them. Where did the campaign reach? It targeted a large
number of women, and was spread all over the country, especially
through media and Tata’s beverage products and their ads.
Communication assets of over 100 companies were also involved.
How did the campaign go? The campaign was said to be very
interactive, and also, steered absolutely clear of any political
overtones. The impact can be seen on papers, over 834 million
people participated in general elections of 2014, highest ever voter
turnout at the moment. The campaign helped women voice their
wants. It was indeed women empowerment, in true sense. I hope
such impactful campaigns keep taking place time to time. 
This event marketing idea was good as it made an impact on its
audience, this is an idea of print media via posters for
newspaper etc as well as broadcast media via broadcasting the
event on television, radio etc.
Because PRINT MEDIA – NEWSPAPERS, posters is one the most
important type of media for conveying and communicating the
information to the audience because of the following factors: -
Can be delivered daily
Reach to literate audience and aims at broad audience at large
great flexibility in ad size
complex information can be communicated
second shortest lead time
pass-along audience in household
credibility of print in general
can read at leisure
wide range of editorial material
efficient when it comes to communicating the information from
the source to the receivers, in this case audience who watches
TV or listens to radio because of the following factors: -
Large network of audience
Messages stand alone
prime source of news
high impact on audience
spectacular medium – sound, animation, motion, colour etc.

Low CPM (cost per Mille / cost per thousand)
Good supplementary medium
Selective audiences
Great flexibility
Universal coverage
Short lead time
Inside and outside home
messages stand-alone – obtrusive medium
all these are the strengths of the medium chose by the
company to promote their campaign. This campaign is powerful
and needed to reach the audience at large, obviously
everything comes with limitations too but in the given case and
company, limitations can be overcome.
Through the medium selected by the company, it definitely
reached very large audience and made an impact over all as
people are much aware of the voting and its rights specially for


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