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What is a Folder: a folder (also called directory, or catalog) is a special space used to

store files, other folders, and shortcuts on a computer & way to organize computer files. A
folder is a storage space where many files can be placed into groups and organize
the computer. A folder can also contain other folders.
(A directory is a location for storing files on your computer.) 
(catalog: a complete list of items)
Why are folders important?
Folders help you keep your files organized and separate. If you had no folders on your
computer, your documents, programs, and operating system files would all be located in
the same place. 
What can be stored in a folder?
A folder can contain one or more files of any type and can even store other directories with
their own files. They may also contain shortcuts to programs.
How to create a folder
1. Right click in any empty space in the right pane on the Desktop
2. Select New from the list and it will expand. ...
3. Type in a name for the folder.
4. Hit enter key.

A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands used
with a computer program. In a GUI (graphical user interface), such as Microsoft
Windows, files display as icons that relate to the program that opens the file.
Examples of Files
An image you copy from your camera to your computer may be in the JPG or TIF format.
These are files in the same way that videos in the MP4 format, or MP3 audio files, are files.
The same holds true for DOCX files used with Microsoft Word, TXT files that hold plain text
information, etc.
Rename a file/folder in Windows
The easiest way is by right-clicking on the file or folder and selecting Rename & then type a
new name for your file or folder and press enter to finish renaming it.
A quicker way to rename a file is by first selecting it by left clicking on it, then pressing the
F2 key.

Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is a family of client software, server software, and services developed by
Microsoft. It was first announced by Bill Gates on August 1, 1988, at COMDEX in Las Vegas.

Developer(s): Microsoft
Developed by: Microsoft Corporation
Operating system: Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Office is a suite of desktop productivity applications that is designed specifically

to be used for office or business use. It is a proprietary product of Microsoft Corporation
and was first released in 1990. ... It mainly consists of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,
OneNote, Outlook and Publisher applications.

MS Word is a popular word-processing program used primarily for creating professional-

quality documents such as letters, reports, brochures, learning activities, tests, quizzes and
students' homework assignments. There are many simple but useful features available
in Microsoft Word to make it easier for study and work.
Write letters without showing off poor spelling and worse handwriting.

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's used to create grids of text,
numbers and formulas specifying calculations. That's extremely valuable for many
businesses, which use it to record expenditures and income, plan budgets, chart data and
succinctly present fiscal results’
Multiple purposes, including creating tables, doing quick calculations, etc.

PowerPoint can be used to:
 organize and structure your presentation;
 create a professional and consistent format;
 provide an illustrative backdrop for the content of your presentation;
 animate your slides to give them greater visual impact.
 Create an ad for the shop window. Create a “missing cat” poster.

Daily life uses of PowerPoint: - Microsoft PowerPoint is application software used to

present data and information by using text, images, diagrams with animations and
transitional effects etc. in slides that help to explain the topic or idea in front of audience
easily and practically.

The default file format was .doc prior to MS Office 2007 version,.docx is the docx became
the default file format.

Uses of MS Word
Given below are the different field in which MS Word is used and simplifies the works of an

 In Education: It is considered as one of the simplest tools which can be used by both
teachers and students. Creating notes is easier using MS Word as they can be made
more interactive by adding shapes and images. It is also convenient to make
assignments on MS Word and submitting them online

 In Workplace: Submitting letters, bills, creating reports, letterheads, sample

documents, can all easily be done using MS Word

 Creating & Updating Resume: One of the best tools to create your resumes and is
easy to edit and make changes in it as per your experience
 For Authors: Since separate options are available for bibliography, table of contents,
etc., it is the best tool which can be used by authors for writing books and adjusting it
as per the layout and alignment of your choice

Also, creating a Doc file and converting it into PDF is a more suitable option, so it is
highly recommended. 

Creating a MS word file

 On the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click
Microsoft Word 2010.
 Right click in any empty space in the right pane on the Desktop.

 Click on New – Select Microsoft word document

Save document, so you don't lose all your hard work, then print it to share it with others. Save your work
as you go - hit Ctrl+S often. Or click on File > Save

Save a copy as a new file (Save As) shortcut key F12

"Save As" lets the user make a copy of the file in a different folder or make a copy with a different name.

The main difference between Save and Save As is that Save helps to update the lastly preserved file
with the latest content while Save As helps to store a new file or to store an existing file to a new location
with the same name or a different name.

Features of MS Word
 Home
This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing,
etc. All the basic elements which one may need to edit their document is available
under the Home option

 Insert

Tables, shapes, images, charts, graphs, header, footer, page number, etc. can all be
entered in the document. They are included in the “Insert” category.

 Design

The template or the design in which you want your document to be created can be
selected under the Design tab. Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the
appearance of your document.

 Page Layout

Under the Page Layout tab comes options like margins, orientation, columns, lines,
indentation, spacing, etc. 

 References

This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing books or
lengthy documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption,
bibliography, etc. can be found under this tab.

 Review

Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc.
can all be tracked under the review tab. This acts as an advantage for those who get
their documents reviewed on MS Word.


Copy / Paste:

1. select text that you want to copy

2. copy the selected text by using the Copy tool (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + C)

3. position the cursor to the place where you want the text to be copied

4. paste the text by using the Paste tool (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + V)

Copy text by using the drag-and-drop method

1. select text that you wish to copy

2. press and hold down the left mouse button over the selected text and press and
hold down the Ctrl key

3. drag the mouse over to the place where you want the selected text to be copied

4. release the left mouse button and the Ctrl key (The text is copied to a new location).

Cut / Paste:

1. select text that you want to cut

2. cut the selected text by using the Cut tool (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + X)

3. position the cursor to the place where you want to move the text

4. paste the text by using the Paste tool (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + V)

letter by letter: The Delete key – deletes text that is located to the right of the cursor’s position; the
Backspace key - deletes text located to the left of the cursor.
To reverse your last action, press CTRL+Z.
You can reverse more than one action.

Redo To reverse your last Undo, press CTRL+Y.

CTRL+Y You can reverse more than one action that has been undone.
You can use Redo command only after Undo command.

Select To perform a function on all the content in the text editor, you need to
all select it all.
CTRL+A Place the cursor anywhere in the text editor and press CTRL+A.

The File menu allows you the following actions:

 Create a new document: New > Blank document > Create (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + N)

 Open an existing document: by using the Open command (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + O)

 Save a document: use the Save key (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S)

 Save as type – choose the file type in which your file will be saved (MS Word
2010 .docx)
 Print a document:
 Printer – choose which printer will be used for printing

 Home tab

Font – different letter types: Times New Roman, Verdana, Ariel, Calibri etc.
Font Size – enter value or choose any size from a drop-down menu

Text formatting

Make your text bold Italicize your text Underline your text
Bold - Ctrl + B Italic - Ctrl + I Underline - Ctrl + U

Font effects
Strikethrough: some text ;
Subscript: H20 > H2O
Superscript: 5 m2 > 5 m2

Text Effects tool contains different text effects such as Shadow or Reflection.

Text Highlight Color tool is used to highlight the text with color

Shading tool is used to color the text background

Borders tool is used to set different types of lines (borders) around the selected

Font Color tool is used to select the color of letters.

Lists tool include Bullets and Numbering

 to add a new item to the list press the Enter key
 to finish the list double press the Enter key

Text alignment tool offers following alignments

 Left (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl +L)

 Center (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + E)
 Right (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + R)
 Justify (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + J)

Line Spacing tool defines the distance between lines

Show / Hide tool is used to show or hide various formatting symbols

Styles tool: style sets to help you customize your content.

Find tool – is used to find a certain word: click the Find command, enter the term
you are looking for in the Find what text box and press Find Next
Replace tool:
Find What – type in a word or phrase that you want to replace
Replace With – type in a word or a phrase which you want to replace the existing
word or phrase with
Format Painter tool is used to copy formatting from one part of the text to
To access MS Word Help, press the F1 key on the keyboard
 Insert tab
 Page Break : End the current page where the cursor is kept and move to
the next page.
to remove a page break: turn on the Show / Hide tool, select Page Break and press the Delete key
 Blank Page: add a blank page anywhere in you document.

 Cover page: The cover page is the very first page of a document.

assignment front page format examples, book front, business paper cover page, cover letter

builder, cover letter design, cover ...
 Tables tool inserts a table within a document. It can be done in 2 ways:
Position the cursor to a place in a document where you want to insert a table.
Choose the Tables tool. Drag the cursor over the blanks until the desired column
and row number is achieved, choose the Table command and select the table size
 Choose the Table tool > press the Insert Table command > enter the number of
rows and columns
 To navigate through a table use the TAB key, arrow keys on the keyboard or the
left mouse button
 Design a table: select the Table > Borders, Shading, Border style.
 Insert an additional row or a column:
1. Place the insertion point in the cell where you want to insert a row or
column, press the right mouse button and on the Quick menu select the
Insert > Row Above or the Insert > Row Below command or
2. Insert > Column Left or Insert > Column Right
3. Select table > layout > under Rows and Columns
 Delete rows and columns:
1. select row(s) or column(s) that you wish to delete, press the right mouse button
(quick menu appears) > choose: Delete Columns or Delete Rows
2. Delete a table: select a table, then press the Delete key

Or Select table > layout > under Delete > Rows and Columns and Table

Merge cell: merge selected cells in to one cell (select the cells > layout > Merge

Split table: Split the table in to two table. (select the table > layout > Split Table

Cell size: arrange the height and width of the table (layout > cell size) or click and drag
the table lines.

Table cell text alignment: select the cells or table align the text and the text direction
(layout > alignment)

Pictures tool

 Select a picture by clicking on it with a left mouse button. Control

points (in the shape of small squares) will appear on the object’s borders.
 Move images to an arbitrary location: after selecting picture > choose
Format tab > Wrap text > choose an offered style
Position: choose where the selected object will appear in the page.
Picture style: add picture style, picture border, picture outline, picture effects & colors.
Shapes: add different shape add text by right click on shape> add text
Using format tab rearrange the position, shape style, border, outline text style etc.
(same step as followed in picture tool)
 Smart art:
1. Create an organization chart.
2. Show hierarchy, such as a decision tree.
3. Illustrate steps or stages in a process or workflow.
4. Show the flow of a process, procedure, or other event.
5. List information.
6. Show cyclical or repetitive information.
(for formatting the smart art follow steps as used in picture tool & shape)
 Word art: Use WordArt to create decorative text and customize with effects, fonts,
or fill and outline color.
(for formatting the smart art follow steps as used in picture tool & shape)

 Header and Footer  are useful for including material that you want to
appear on every page of a document such as your name, the title of the document, or
page numbers.
 Page Number choose position: Top of page, Bottom of page
Alignment: centered, left or right angle of the page

 Insert symbol € £ © ∞ add symbols that are not on your keyboard etc.

 Design tab:
Page background:
Water mark:  is a faded background image that displays behind the text in a document.
Can customize water mark & can be removed.
Page color: change the color of the page
Page border: add or change the border around the page.

 Layout tab:
 Margins: choose one of the pre-determent margins in regard to height and width
 Orientation: Portrait and Landscape
 Size tools allows you to set the paper size

 Use of automatic functions for parsing -None, Automatic, Manual

 Review tab
 words that are misspelled will be underlined in red, wavy lines
 change Settings: Language > Set Proofing Language
 The Spelling and Grammar tool opens a dialog box with the following options:
Ignore once, ignore all, Change, Change all
 View tab
 Print Layout view shows how the text and various objects on a printed page are
distributed; the most commonly used view.
 Full Screen Reading view is adjusted for reading documents
 Web Layout view is used for creating a web site
 Outline view displays a document structure and facilitates text editing: moving,
copying, editing text and changing the heading level.
 Draft view displays a document as a draft, certain elements such as headers are not
 Zoom view lets you choose or enter various values

 Page Width  Whole Page

 Text Width  Two Page

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