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Mutatio Philippinarum



So it starts off with the Spanish, not selling us to the Americans but instead being able
to take over again but was kicked out by Emilio Aguinaldo with the help of the KKK and
pretty much Apolinario, Luna, Mariano, and Bonifacio still dies, quite sad. Due to the
Katipunan’s numbers being weakened but their experience being heightened, this gave
the US Fleet of ships a chance to proceed to bombard manila bay and infantry sent by
the US Colonial Force were to take over it as well, due to superior numbers and
technology, the US was able to take over Manila Bay and subsequently days later, the
entirety of Manila. With this in mind, the Philippine Government at that time proceeded
north, now the formal military led by Mariano and Luna, are able to engage into guerrilla
warfare to bleed the enemy of its numbers and supplies.

So after months of guerrilla fighting, the left over businessmen from the annihilation of
the Spanish-Filipino allies within the government, they were still able to convince and
Mariano, being a close friend of Luna and Aguinaldo, heard this and warned Luna
swiftly as possible. When Luna heard this, he stormed to the President with his Luna
Sharpshooters and Mariano's own Battalion, they would have alerted Apolinario as well
and this made him distraught.

Now at this time, Goyo would have been with Aguinaldo so this would have been a 2v2
between them which would have led to a confrontation resulting Goyo's arrest and
Aguinaldo's oust.

In Aguinaldo's oust, he went to Hong Kong for hiding but the Americans offered him
troops, transport, and supplies to fight back the Philippine Government and this has
very negative effects on him, especially his reputation.

In Aguinaldo's oust, he went to Hong Kong for hiding but the Americans offered him
troops, transport, and supplies to fight back the Philippine Government and this has
very negative effects on him, especially his reputation. He was seen as a savior or a
people's person when they were able to oust the Spanish out but when they heard of
this kind of deal, they swiftly dropped support for him and due to this, people felt
betrayed and wanted to continue the effort and enlisted. Basically, a good 50% of the
civilian percentage went into the Military to be volunteers and half of the veterans from
frontlines became instructors, also, before the whole drop of support, the whole
Philippines were put under Martial Law or just under very strict rule since there were still
Aguinaldo sympathizers at that time. So, after a couple of months, the volunteers, now
trained soldiers, were sent to their respective posts against the Americans and against
Aguinaldo's forces. But on additional notes, this would have been called the Philippine
American Colonial War since the places that the Americans would take would have
colonies placed over them to create spheres of influence of sorts.

Major Events:

Spanish refusal to sell the Philippines

The Kick Out of The Spanish
Coup Of Aguinaldo
Aguinaldo’s exile
Battle Of Manila Bay
Renaming of the Philippines into the Philippine Revolutionary Forces
Aguinaldo’s Assumed Invasion Of Northern Luzon
Enlistment of the Filipino People


After the influx of the recruitment process, after the 50% has enlisted, after per month,
an additional 10% was added to bolster the recruitment process and to give the
Philippine Revolutionary Forces a better chance at numerical advantages. On the
meanwhile, Aguinaldo was given 25,000 due to the ongoing war and was ordered to
take over Northern Luzon to establish a foot hold. With this, on patrol Filipino scouts
were sent to overlook the entire operation made by Aguinaldo and they made sure to
intercept them. Due to this and Emilio Aguinaldo’s experience with Guerrilla Warfare,
the 2 Brigades, led by now General Manuel L. Quezon and General Mariano Trias. It
would be 10,000 Filipino Men vs 25,000 American Men. They would be engaged in
brutal guerilla warfare where the already experienced guerilla Filipinos would take on
the inexperienced Americans who have not yet been accustomed to the surrondings
they are put in. After 3 or 2 months have passed in 1900, the Americans have suffered
6,000 Casualties and have lost control from the mountains while the 1st and 2nd
Marharlikang Guerillas Brigade suffered only around 1,800 Casualties and has gained
control on the mountains of Northern Luzon fully. At this point, the Americans, now tired
with Aguinaldo’s fruitless efforts, decide to withdraw his troops of now 19,000 and to
leave Aguinaldo only with 10,000 American Troops evening the ground with the
Guerillas. This concludes the invasion as a failure and having Aguinaldo being
dishonored. The only major battle to have ever occurred is the Battle of Padasan River
where it led to the Guerrillas being able to control most of the mountain and what ever
comes in or out.
Although Manila is still under heavy control of the Americans, Luna believed that it is
time to take it back and give it back to the Filipino people in order to establish the formal
Philippine government. But on other good news, there has been an increase in
enlistment for the past 6 months which slowly converts the Philippines to have a
militaristic stance on it’s culture and government. Now in 1901, 20 Brigades of soldiers,
equipment and supplies have been supplied to Luna and to his officers to take back
Manila. Luna would control 10 Brigades and now General Paco Roman would be
controlling 10 brigades as well. And due to the guerrilla warfare up north, they were able
to make their own 3.2 Inch M1897 Field Cannons by capturing a few and reverse
engineering it and when they were able to make their own cannons, they promptly
renamed to the Apolinario 3.2 Inch Cannons and subsequently after, they were able to
mass produce it by harvesting resources from the now controlled mountains. Now with
new technologies in hand, they were ready to take back Manila. Although, they are
missing just one more thing in order to put the odds in their favor which are Battleships.
But with their new found resources, they would create 4 Cruisers, 3 Frigates, and 2
Battleships within the year 1901 to 1902. The Battleships would be named the BRP
Trias and the BRP Bundok.

With the process of creation for the PRF Navy. The Americans would act in a quick
manner. Their Battleships were to target the North’s west coasts to annihilate any signs
of a navy from the Philippines would be destroyed and other fortifications to make
Aguinaldo’s advance easier. Currently, the PRF Navy’s Cruisers and Frigates were able
to reach the American Battleships. Although they are not developed well, the Cruisers
and Frigates were able to deal significant damage the American Encampment of
Laoang and one of the sent battleships as well. The outcome of this would have led to
one of the PRF’s Frigates to be significantly damaged. The PRF Navy would take time
to recover, and they would soon gain their first battleship, the BRP Trias. Although now,
things may look more international with the involvement of the Russians, Germans, and

German spectators take notice of the recurring war which should have been done by
now come to a decision to assist the PRF, although, their grounds of intention would be
to weaken the USA’s hold on the Southeast Asian countries. The Japanese, still sour of
the Americans’ unfair imposed treaties, they have decided to support the Philippine
Colonial War on the side of the PRF by sending it’s admirals and officers to properly
coordinate the PRF’s navy, although, they would have the same intentions as the
Germans as well to keep US influence off the Southeast Asian Countries. With this in
hand, the Germans, Japanese, and the Filipinos form a Joint Venture in order to combat
the colonial intentions of the United States Of America. The Joint Venture would be
called the Pinoy-German-Japanese Venture Or, The PGJ Venture. The Japanese and
the Germans would not have a direct action into the Colonial War but only an indirect
influence when it comes to the support and help with the forming and leading of the
Filipino Military.

At this time, the Russians, have begun to trade with the Spanish Colonies to begin an
economy around the Visayas region. Although several problems have occurred with the
Russians with the Americans due to how expensive the Russians act and with the
Russian compliance low, tensions would arise and would cause bigger problems.

Major Events Of II.

Aguinaldo’s Landing In Laoang

American and Philippine Guerrilla Warfare in Northern Luzon
Battle Of Padasan River
Technological development of the Army and the Navy
American and PRF Navy Clash
Involvement of the Russians, Germans, and Japanese
Creation of the Pinoy-German-Japanese Point Venture
Russian Presence in the American-Spanish Colonies

[ III. ]

With the Americans, not gaining any significant advantages so far, proceed to take on
the organizations down south first, such as the Samahang Isla Ng Visayas. They would
have their ships assault coastal villages then they would send in companies of infantry
to occupy and secure these coastal villages.

After the hit on the on the coastal village and after their subsequent occupation. The
Americans, going deeper in the islands they are in, would suffer significantly casualties
due to the guerrilla warfare tactics that the ethnic tribes did against the enemy. Due to
this, some of the American soldiers, began setting fire to the trees and what not to
prevent his measure but this only made things worse since the ethnic tribes would have
been harsher against their enemies for burning their own trees.

With the Visayan Islands being assaulted and occupied by the Americans. The Sultans’
Kurate take pity from the fleeing ethnic tribes from Islands, and they send their own
forces to protect the fleeing Visayans to Mindanao. The Sultan’s Kurate, knowing that it
will soon be assaulted by the Americans as well, prepare its army for the worst, the
army would be around the size of 50,000 men and would train heavily in agility and
sabotage in order to disrupt the Americans. With the wars being waged in Visayas, the
Filipinos up north, the PRF, decide to send help to their fellow country men as they are
also part of the Philippines. They send 6 Brigades Of Soldiers which would be 30,000
soldiers and some of their technology to help the defense of Mindanao. This effort
would be lead by experienced Japanese Naval Commanders and experienced German
Military Advisors as well. They would be bringing 1 Frigate and 2 Cruisers with the
production of more of these in action. And on some news, the Bavarian Army of the
German Empire, would be sending 30,000 of it’s soldiers to assist in the effort against
the Americans in order to keep their influence with Asia prevalent and stable. This
would make the German’s allegiance for the Philippines direct, and this would lead to
have soured the German and American relations between the two nations. Apolinario is
glad to receive Foreign Aid, although, Apolinario would like to express a good line
between support and total control. With the Visayan Islands being assaulted and
occupied by the Americans. The Sultans’ Kurate take pity from the fleeing ethnic tribes
from Islands, and they send their own forces to protect the fleeing Visayans to
Mindanao. The Sultan’s Kurate, knowing that it will soon be assaulted by the Americans
as well, prepare its army for the worst, the army would be around the size of 50,000
men and would train heavily in agility and sabotage in order to disrupt the Americans.
With the wars being waged in Visayas, the Filipinos up north, the PRF, decide to send
help to their fellow country men as they are also part of the Philippines. They send 6
Brigades Of Soldiers which would be 30,000 soldiers and some of their technology to
help the defense of Mindanao. This effort would be lead by experienced Japanese
Naval Commanders and experienced German Military Advisors as well. They would be
bringing 1 Frigate and 2 Cruisers with the production of more of these in action. And on
some news, the Bavarian Army of the German Empire, would be sending 30,000 of it’s
soldiers to assist in the effort against the Americans in order to keep their influence with
Asia prevalent and stable. This would make the German’s allegiance for the Philippines
direct, and this would lead to have soured the German and American relations between the
two nations. Apolinario is glad to receive Foreign Aid, although, Apolinario would like to
express a good line between support and total control.
The Japanese on the other hand would assist in creating the Frigates and Cruisers in
order to make them stronger and efficient against the enemy’s navy. The result of this
would cause minor but significant encounters against the enemy

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