Media and Information Literacy The Various Media in The Age of Information

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region v School


The Various Media in the Age of Information
Name of the Student:_____________________________________________________________
Media is said to be a powerful force in the society. They are everywhere. Voluntarily or involuntarily, millions
of individuals are exposed to it. Twenty-four hours, seven days a week, whether in television or radio, in
newspaper or magazine, or through the internet, people are affected by its enchanting features.
In this lesson, different types of media will be discussed, which includes the definition, its form, and
characteristics. And also, the convergence of media in the age of information will be given emphasis.


* Compare and contrast how one particular issue or news is presented through the different types of media
(print, broadcast, new media)
A. Let Us Review
Before you proceed to your new Learning Activity Sheet, let us check first what you have learned
in your previous lesson.

Exercise 1. Instruction: Write T if the statement is true, write F if the statement is false. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

_______1. One of the important values of media is its function as a source of entertainment.
_______2. The pervasive nature of media makes it exclusive in every part of a place.
_______3. The media has the power to persuade people.
_______4. Media has become the largest source of information nowadays.
_______5. TV shows, music, films, books, clips and videos, and social media are just some of the things that the
media offers as entertainment.
_______6. The media has a binding influence with its audience.
_______7. Demassification refers to channels of communication that involve transmitting information in some
way, shape or form to large numbers of people.
_______8. The invention of the telegraph led to telephones, radios, and televisions.
_______9. The internet is a development instead of an invention.
______10. Mass media divides the masses into segments before choosing which segments to target.
B. Let Us Study
Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media (books, magazines, newspapers),
television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the internet. Each type of
media involves both contents, and also a device or object through which that content is delivered.
Media has several types. But generally, there are three basic types of media
1. Print media
2. Broadcast media
3. New media

The print media

The print media is a typed media used in mass communication in the form of printed publications. The
traditional form of print media involves ink and paper. The major types of print media are books, magazines,
newspapers, newsletter, posters, brochures, and press releases.

The Characteristics of Print Media

1) A proponent of Literacy
2) Portable
3) Independent form of media
4) Structure
The Broadcast Media
Media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.
The term broadcast refers to the airborne transmission of electromagnetic audio signals (radio) or audio-visual
signals (television) that are readily accessible to a wide population via standard receivers.
a) Radio Broadcasting
The invention of radio began with the telegraphs. As the first technological advancement that made long
distance communication possible, its popularity at the time cannot be overstated. Despite its accomplishments,
telegraphic communication was limited.

b)  Radio Characteristics T

V Advantages Disadvantages
Local Coverage Audio Clutter
Low cost Fleeting message
High frequency  
Low production cost  
Well segmented audience  

Unlike the radio, the invention of television was initially prompted by commercialism. The earliest notable
development was that German inventor Paul Nipko, where he was able to successfully transmit an image in
1884. Further developments to Nipko’s mechanical system known as the rotating disk was made by several
other experts from all over the world.
Television Characteristics
Advantages Disadvantages
Mass Coverage Low selectivity
High Reach High absolute cost
Impact of sight, sound, and motion  Short message life
High prestige  High production cost
Moderate cost per thousand exposure  Clutter
The New Media: (World Wide Web) content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

Where ordinary people can go on their computer screens and with a few clicks of a mouse button, find a vast
array of information and entertainment that originates all around the world. Tim Berners-Lee invented it back in

The Avenues of new media: Social Media Networking Sites

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr
The Convergence of Media in the Age of Information
The age of information has posed threats to the traditional media platforms (print, radio, and TV). In a time
when the Internet has become the media platform of choice for many, the traditional have expanded their
horizons to keep up with the times. They have moved outside their original medium format and explored other
available media technologies. This phenomenon is called the convergence of media.
Convergence of Media
• The co-existence of traditional and new media.
• The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet, mobile phones, as well as
others, allowing media content to flow across various platforms.

• The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then accessible by a range of
devices (ex. from the personal computer to the mobile phone), thus creating a digital communication

Digital Print Media

There has been a considerable continuous decline in readership among all print mediums throughout the years.
Although print has remained to have a solid foothold in society, the need to revolutionize their methods has
never been more necessary than it is today. This is why print has gone where their readers all went, online.
The two mass media technologies of the industrial age which are radio and television have formed an alliance in
the form of Teleradio. Teleradio or television-radio is a program that combines the visual aspect of television
with AM or news radio. Filming of teleradio happens in radio booths and simultaneously broadcasted on radio
stations, television channels, and even online.
Stream Media
Stream Media, in this context, refers to the transmission of television or radio content online. In this scenario,
allows these two traditional media players to broaden their reach to Internet media consumers. It provides access
to those who have limited or no access to television and radio but is connected online.
Mass Media and Social Media
Social media websites are extremely popular in society. Billions of people from all over the world are connected
to several social media websites and apps at any given time of the day. Mass media platforms sought to take
advantage of these numbers and bring their content to a wider audience. As such, most media companies in
existence today, regardless of their platform turn to social media to grow their patronage.

C. Let Us Practice
Exercise 2. Supply appropriate information in comparing and contrasting the different types of




D. Let Us Remember
Media is most popular way of communication on public affairs. Media can be classified according to nature of
communication. Print media is the oldest way of communication consisting of newspapers and journals and
other written forms. Audio has wide scope as it can reach remotest corners of a country. Radio is popular media
in the early 60s to 90s being the cheapest form of communication. Nowadays visual source of communication is
most popular with TV and other visual sources of information. Their proper use depends on the capacity of the
people who use it. Knowledge of important decisions in public domain depends too much on media.
Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of
communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass
media are news-papers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.
Although media has many advantages it also has its limits. It is up to us, the users, to decide to use it wisely for
the best impact. Below are forms of media in our society.
E. Let Us Practice More
Exercise 3. Instruction: Identify what is being described in the following sentences and write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It refers to the media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the
transmission medium.
2. It is a type of media used in mass communication in the form of printed publications.
3. It pertains to the transmission of television or radio content online.
4. This is a program that combines the visual aspect of television with AM or news radio.
5. The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet, mobile phones, as
well as others, allowing media content to flow across various platforms.
6. The media content is organized and distributed on digital platforms.
7. It is defined as an official statement that gives information to newspapers, magazines, television news
programs, and radio stations.
8. Popularly known to be a video-sharing website.
9. Section of a newspaper that contains advertisement on services, job opportunities, and bidding.
10. It refers to as a document published regularly, consisting of news reports, articles, photographs, and
advertisement that are printed on large sheets of paper folded together.
F. Evaluation
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true, write F if the statement is false and write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

_______1. Broadcast media is the most portable platform of media.

_______2. Newspaper refers to as a document published regularly, consisting of news reports, articles,
photographs, and advertisements that are printed on large sheets of paper folded together.
_______3. The invention of radio began with the telegraph.
_______4. Unlike the radio, the invention of television was initially prompted by commercialism.
_______5. Through developments in computer networks, information resources need to be stored on a single
centralized server instead made it possible to just connect the networks together.
_______6. The press release is defined as a small, thin book or magazine that usually has many pictures and
information about a product, or a place, etc.
_______7. One of the disadvantages of radio is low production cost.
_______8. Short message life is one of the advantages of television as a medium.
_______9. Radio and television are considered new media.
_______10. Unlike other forms of media, print does not require a separate medium or technology to transmit or
receive information.
IV. RUBRIC FOR SCORING (if necessary)
* Exercise 1:
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F
* Exercise 2: Answer may vary.
* Exercise 3:
1. Broadcast media
2. Print media
3. Stream Media
4. Teleradio or television-radio
5. Convergence of media
6. New media
7. Press release
8. YouTube
9. Classified or Classified Ads Section
10. Newspaper
* (Evaluation)
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. T

Gonzales, Edward D. (2016). Media and Information Literacy, Manila, Philippines: JFS Publishing Services.

Prepared by:
Senior High School Teacher II


Senior High School- Assistant Principal II


School Principal I

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