T1 English - Rika Kartika - 2B

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Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah English Basic Nursing

Dosen Pengampu : Mrs. Yayu Sri Rahayu, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :

Rika Kartika





Hallo everyone, allow me to introduce myself. I am Rika Kartika, you can call me
Rika or Ika. I am nineteen years old. I come from Sukabumi. I was graduated from SMAN
1 Cisolok and now i am a student of health polytechnic Bandung majoring in nursing. Right
now, I wanna to tell you guys about my daily routine in home.

So, this is my daily routine during this fourth semester break.

I wake up every 4 am in the morning, when I wake up the first thing I look for is
drinking water, after that I play on my cellphone until morning, at 6 am I take a shower and
have breakfast. After 7.30 I was ready to go to the puskesmas to play :) Me and the
puskesmas people already have a schedule for the covid vaccine to all elementary schools
in Cisolok sub-district. A little tired but a lot of fun, the children were very enthusiastic
when registering and cried when they saw the syringe, with all the drama from chasing until
a child ran away and the most dizzying thing was the children's parents who were crowding
in front of the registration wants to put their children first, it's really dizzy and makes us
overwhelmed but yes, that's the risk we have to go through. After noon we took a break to
eat and joked a bit to unwind, around 2 pm we all went back to the puskesmas and made a
report on the vaccine results.

At 3 pm I went home to rest, at 4 I usually like to help my uncle at the clinic, even if
it's just writing prescriptions, checking blood, or checking blood sugar and so on until
maghrib. After that I go home and sometimes I often think "why don't I clean the house?
Don't wash the dishes? Don't wash? Don't stay at home? And why is there rarely anyone at
home?" although I often think about it but still I have no desire to do it. After Isha I
usually take a shower and clean up and guide my sister to study, when it's 10 o'clock at
night I rush to sleep. Oh yeah, I also have a habit that people might think is weird, that is
when I'm bored I often go out alone, like when on the 31st yesterday I went to Bandung
alone just to enjoy New Year's Eve there and last Saturday I purposely went to Jakarta
alone. with the excuse of being bored at home all the time, even though I never stay at
home except at night. Yes, maybe that's what makes me happy, even though I'm tired of
traveling alone by motorbike, it all pays off when I arrive at my destination
Maybe that's all my daily routine, thank you for reading it to the end. And good bye all, see

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