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Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah English Basic Nursing

Dosen Pengampu : Mrs. Yayu Sri Rahayu, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :

Rika Kartika





Past experience

Tell me about past experiences, it seems that there are so many things I want to tell you
which may not be finished if told in 1 hour, in short I will tell you a little about my experiences
when I'm bored and end up getting lost somewhere, when I'm bored I definitely want to go to
out of town whether near or far. I often go alone from home to Bandung, which is about 130 km
away just to see the Pasopati bridge, I can go back and forth to Bandung twice a week but after
riding a motorbike in Pasopati at night and screaming, the feeling of tiredness and tiredness
instantly disappears and pays off with the crowds Bandung city, it's a little strange but I really
enjoyed it.

One time I thought of going around the city of Bandung alone, a little reckless, with the
intention and maps on my cellphone, I decided to go around the city of Bandung from morning,
as a result I got lost and couldn't go back to Pasteur, it was almost dark and I still couldn't go
home . Panic, that's how I felt at that time, call brother? or maps? unfortunately my cellphone
is low. I can't think anymore, cry, crumpled, alone, never mind my appearance at that time was
exactly like someone who had been missing for days. With a little courage I came to the police
station to ask for help, and do you know what the police response was? they laughed out loud
after listening to my story, they said it was funny how come they can go but can't go home.
Finally, with a little begging and begging me and the motorbike were delivered by a police car,
funny right? Yes, it can be better than not being able to go home, even though there is the
trauma of being ticketed by the police. My experience on this one really will not be forgotten
and used as a lesson not to travel alone to remote areas.

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