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The Digital Landscape Manifesto – presented last month at LAC in Lugano – represents the key to

rewriting the environment in a more sustainable way, including indoor environments.

Digital culture becomes a tool for biophilic design, to promote environmental awareness and encourage
involvement, to re-connect with nature within the workplace, too.

Digital Landscape Manifesto indicates the opportunities to combine digital culture with landscape, even
within the microcosm of workplace.

Technology can help us access nature that may be too difficult to reach or is better left without human
intervention, she says, but “we don’t want to be satisfied with a virtual bird.”

I’m passionate about the benefits the digital age has brought to us. As we look ahead to the future, this
melding and merging of nature and technology will only continue and become more and more complex.
At the moment, we are at an interim stage. Not so long ago, for example, the vast majority of people in
the West were illiterate, and there was a lot of suspicion around written communications. But today we
take it for granted that almost everyone can read and write. Today we are in a similar position with the
internet. There are people who are totally wired and those that aren’t. But this is changing very fast and
it will touch every part of our lives.” As we look ahead, we can be mindful of how technology can be
used to strengthen our connections with the natural world and innovate in ways that are not even
imaginable today.

“The people’s approach to technology, accelerated by the needs of safety and social distancing,
can start the experience of daily life, creating conditions of livability and permeability and
finally bringing the urban landscape back to human scale” as it is written in the Manifesto.

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