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1. Kertas ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 40 soalan: Bahagian 1,
Bahagian 2, Bahagian 3, Bahagian 4 dan Bahagian 5.

2. Jawab semua soalan. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.

3. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.

Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]
Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1. What do you have to do?

A. Register your car here by filling in this
B. Put this form in your car windscreen
after filling it in.
C. Place the completed form in the box

2. What does the notice say?

A. Two hours is the minimum time
recommended for a visit to the castle.
B. Visitors are only allowed to spend two
hours inside the castle.
C. Each tour of the castle lasts less than two

3. What does it say?

A. This equipment does not belong to the
school so you can't use it.
B. Teachers are the only people allowed to
use this equipment.
C. You must ask a teacher first before you
use this equipment.

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4. What does this notice mean?

A. The match starts at 9.00, so you must
meet the bus at 8.00.
B. After training, it is important the team
bus leaves no later than 9.00.
C. The bus will take the team to the sports
centre for training at 8.00.

5. What does this notice mean?

A. You should finish your drink before
B. You can buy a drink after the show.
C. You cannot buy a drink inside the theatre.

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6. The main point of the message above is Rudy Tan

A. Becomes a doctor just like his brother
B. Is working for a Rainforest Organisation
C. Works as a lawyer after qualifying as the top student

7. The best title for the above text is

A. Planting Flowers
B. Growing Orchids
C. Buying Orchids

8. The writer’s aim in writing the above text is to

A. Advise people how to grow orchids
B. Persuade people to plant flowers
C. Convince people to grow plants
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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]

Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Making Perfume

A scent (0) or a perfume usually consists of an alcoholic solution containing what is

known (9) __________ essential oils. These oils are obtained from plants and include
sandalwood and rosemary.

The essential oils are (10) __________ in a variety of ways, including the use of

steam, the use of solvents and mechanical processes. The aroma of oranges and other citrus

fruits (11) __________ usually obtained by taking off the peel and then crushing it.

Sometimes, for reasons of expense, synthetic chemicals are used (12) __________ of natural

oils. They are also used when manufacturers wish to create a fragrance that is unknown in


Chemicals called fixatives are added (13) __________ the essential oils to hold them

together. These fixatives prevent them from disappearing into the atmosphere too quickly.

Alcohol is then added, and the exact kind of perfume which is produced (14) __________ on

the (15) __________ of alcohol used. Cologne, for example, may contain between two and

six per cent essential oils, while aftershave can contain (16) ________ little as half a percent.

Each perfume is made up (17) __________ three main sorts of smell: the top note, the

middle note and the base note. Top note smells include such light aromas as lemon. Sage or

marjoram are typical of the oils chosen for the middle note, (18) __________ sandalwood is

in common use as a base note.

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0 A or B and C but D so

9 A so B as C like D instance

10 A collect B collects C collected D collecting

11 A was B are C were D is

12 A instead B despite C in spite D besides

13 A on B to C in D over

14 A depended B depending C depends D depend

15 A quantity B number C total D amount

16 A as B so C but D and

17 A in B of C on D about

18 A when B then C while D because

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

Question 19 to 26
You are going to read advice from a first-year student and her dad. For questions 19 to 26,
choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet.

Welcome to the home houses facing onto streets crammed with

of the future cars, with living rooms on the ground floor
and bedrooms above. Then they scrapped
[1] The 2009 British Homes Awards
it. They ended up with the living room,
challenged the industry to design a house
dining room and kitchen on the top floor
that can adapt to different life stages. The
where they can benefit from the light and
participants were asked to rethink the
views, and maximise energy efficiency.
construction and design of individual
And they put the bedrooms on the ground
homes so that they were easily adaptable
floor where the garden aspect gives
to less mobile inhabitants, and also to
inhabitants increased privacy, and a cool
create communities in which ageing
temperature is maintained throughout the
occupants could continue to enjoy shared
day. The two floors are linked by wide,
amenities. The top design also had to be
gentle gradient stairs, which are designed
attractive to its potential buyers, because
to allow for a stairlift to be fitted if
the competition was put to the public vote.
necessary as owners age.
The winner, gaining 12,000 votes from
Mail on Sunday readers, was the strikingly
2. Concealed Parking Spaces
modern SunnySideUp, designed by Kosi
[3] But the feature that, according to
Architects. Here are its three main
Warren Rosing, one of the Kosi architects
responsible for the design, was particularly
popular with the public, is actually the
1. Upside Down House
parking. In a SunnySideUp development,
[2] The architects took as a starting point
no one has to look out onto a street full of
the accepted norm for a house – rows of
cars or worry about their kids being run

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over because the terrace zone at the makes it a thought-provoking, as well as

first-floor level links all the homes and is a winning, design. The lower-floor
car-free zone. Vehicles are tucked away on bedrooms have separate outdoor access so
the lower floor, leaving safe and pleasant they can be easily let. The idea is that
spaces outside the houses for people to owners can get some extra money to pay
meet, and kids to play. A lift takes people for their mortgages during the first years.
directly from the garage to the living area, And later in the future, those bedrooms
so that all residents, including the elderly can be used as a granny flat, or an office,
and those with heavy shopping, can move and can easily be converted into a separate
comfortably between the floors. The one-bed flat if your kids won’t leave home.
natural feel of the front area is enhanced And if more space is required, as well as
by the planters that are placed outside the the usual loft that can be converted, there
kitchens at the front to encourage residents is potential for a gallery floor to be
to grow vegetables and flowers where they inserted in the living room.
can be seen. The idea is that not only
would they look pretty, but they would be 4. Where can you get one?
a talking point, encouraging interaction [5] At the moment the SunnySideUp house
between residents on the terrace area is still just a set of drawings. But Warren
outside. Rosing says, “We are hoping to have it
built.” The organisers are in talks with
3. Flexible Spaces builders, but due to the economic climate it
[4] But it’s the fact that space is designed may take longer than we would like.”
to adapt to the changing needs, including Weʼre sure it will be worth the wait” they
the fluctuating income of its owners, that say.

19. In paragraph 1, The British Homes Awards challenged architects to design a house …
A. for disabled people
B. for ageing inhabitants
C. that could adapt to all ages
D. for young families with children

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20. In paragraph 1, the word ‘inhabitants’ can best be replaced with…

A. Occupants
B. Foreigner
C. Alien
D. outsider

21. In paragraph 2, in the winning property, bedrooms are downstairs to …

A. benefit from the view
B. have easier access to the house
C. have more privacy in the living room
D. keep the same pleasant atmosphere the whole day

22. In paragraph 3, the parking spaces in this house design are …

A. on the first floor
B. on the ground floor
C. in a separate building
D. in the street

23. In paragraph 3, we learn that …

A. children can play safely outside the house
B. the houses overlook a street crammed with cars
C. the back garden is the main talking point for the inhabitants
D. the house can be transformed into a kindergarten

24. In paragraph 4, in the SunnySideUp house the ground floor ...

A. can be rented
B. can be sold separately
C. is only used to store cars
D. has a room for grandparents

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25. In paragraph 4, the house has been designed …

A. to be rented
B. to be shared if necessary
C. for families with a small income
D. for the elderly

26. In paragraph 5, the SunnySideUp development …

A. is being built
B. will never be built
C. will hopefully be built
D. has been recently built

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[6 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about plastic waste. Six sentences have been removed from
the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There
are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

A Plastic Ocean: A Film Review

A Plastic Ocean is a film to make you think. Think, and then act. We need to take
action on our dependence on plastic. We’ve been producing plastic in huge quantities since
the 1940s. Drink bottles, shopping bags, toiletries and even clothes are made with plastic.
(27) . What happens to all the rest? This is the question the film A Plastic Ocean
answers. It is a documentary that looks at the impact that plastic waste has on the
environment. Spoiler alert: the impact is devastating.

The film begins as a journey to film the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale.
But during the journey, the filmmakers (journalist Craig Leeson and environmental activist
Tanya Streeter) make the shocking discovery of a huge, thick layer of plastic floating in the
middle of the Indian Ocean. (28) . In total, they visited 20 locations around the
world during the four years it took them to make the film. (29) .

It’s very clear that a lot of research went into the film. There are beautiful shots of the
seas and marine life. (30) . We see how marine species are being killed by all the
plastic we are dumping in the ocean. The message about our use of plastic is painfully

(31) . In the second half, the filmmakers look at what we can do to reverse
the tide of plastic flowing around the world. They present short-term and long-term solutions.
These include avoiding plastic containers and ‘single-use plastic products as much as
possible. Reuse your plastic bags and recycle as much as you can. The filmmakers also stress

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the need for governments to work more on recycling programmes, and look at how
technology is developing that can convert plastic into fuel.

We make a staggering amount of plastic. In terms of plastic bags alone, we use five
hundred billion worldwide annually. Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year,
and at least 8 million of those are dumped into the oceans. (32) .Once you’ve
seen ‘A Plastic Ocean’, you’ll realise the time is now and we all have a role to play.

A This prompts them to travel around B These are contrasted with scenes of
the world to look at other areas that have polluted cities and dump full of plastic
been affected. rubbish.

C We live in a world full of plastic, and D The results are disastrous, but it isn’t
only a small proportion is recycled. too late to change

E But the film doesn’t only present the F The documentary premiered in 2016
negative side. and is now on streaming services such as

G Shopping bags, drink bottles, your H We produce hundreds of millions of

toothbrush and even your clothes are among tonnes of plastic every year and production
the everyday items made from plastic. is only increasing.

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

Question 33 to 40
Read the information below on ‘An Encyclopedia Entry’ and answer the questions that
Reading text: An encyclopedia entry

The Taj Mahal (pronounced /tɑːdʒ m'hɑːl/) is a famous mausoleum next

to the river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra. A mausoleum is a
building where people bury the dead. The name Taj Mahal means ‘the crown of palaces’.

[A] The most famous part of the Taj Mahal is the large white dome in the centre. It is 35
metres high and is surrounded by four smaller domes. The rooms inside the building are
decorated with beautiful archways and precious stones on the walls. The buildings are
surrounded by gardens with pathways, pools, fountains and green gardens.

[B] The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and finished in 1653. It was built with
materials from all over India and Asia, but the main material is white marble. Historians
believe that the materials were transported by over 1,000 elephants for the construction.

[C] The emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a burial place for his wife, Mumtaz
Mahal. According to legend, he wanted to build another Taj Mahal in black on the other side
of the river, but this never happened. During the Indian Rebellion of 1857, many parts of the
Taj Mahal were damaged by British soldiers, who took some of the precious stones from its
walls. Over the years, the Taj Mahal has suffered from environmental damage, and there have
been many government attempts to conserve its beauty.

[D] The Taj Mahal is one of India’s most famous landmarks. There are millions of visitors to
the mausoleum every year. The Taj Mahal is almost always included in lists of famous
buildings to visit and is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It is also a
UNESCO World Heritage Site.

• Encyclopedia Britannica article on the Taj Mahal:
• Official site of the Taj Mahal:
• UNESCO Profile of the Taj Mahal:

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Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A - D) that matches the paragraphs from ‘An Encyclopedia Entry’? Write
your answers in the blanks given.

Statements Paragraph
33 History
34 Tourism
35 Architecture
36 Construction

Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

‘An Encyclopedia Entry’

Taj Mahal is surrounded by gardens with pathways, pools, (37) __________ and green
gardens. The materials for the Taj Mahal are not all from India but also from Asia and the
main material is (38) __________ marble. According to legend, Shah Jahan wanted to build a
(39) _________ Taj Mahal on the other side of the river, but this never happened. The Indian
government is trying to protect and (40) _________ the beauty of the Taj Mahal.


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