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March 2020

To whomsoever it may concern

This is to certify that Ms. Apeksha Sanjay Potbhare has worked and duly
completed his project work for the degree of B.Com. (Accounting and
Finance) under the faculty of Commerce in Changu Kana Thakur Arts,
Commerce and Science college, New Panvel in the subject of project work
and his project is entitled “The Study on contribution of venture capitalists
in growth of Indian economy.” under my supervision. I further certify that
the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance and no part
of it has been submitted previously for any degree or diploma of any
university. It is his own work and facts reported by his personal findings and

Seal of the

Dr.Nilesh Koli.

Name and Signature of

guiding teacher

Date of submission:

I the undersigned Ms. Apeksha Sanjay Potbhare hereby, declare that the
work embodied in this project world titled “The Study on contribution of
venture capitalists in growth of Indian economy” forms my own
contribution to research work carried out under guidance of Dr. Nilesh Koli
is a result of my own research work and has not been previously submitted
to any other university for any other degree/diploma to this or any other

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been
clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been
obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical

Apeksha Sanjay Potbhare

Name and signature of the learner


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the
depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and

fresh dimension in completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank University of Mumbai for giving me chance to this

I would like to thank my Principal, for providing the necessary facilities

required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our coordinator and project guide Dr. Nilesh
Koli, for his moral support and guidance that made this project successful.

I would like to thank my college library, for having provided various

reference books and magazines related to project.
Lastly I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly
helped me in the completion of project especially my parents and peers who
supported me throughout the project
Sr. No. Title of Chapter Page No.
1. Introduction
1.1 what is budget
1.2 Definition
1.3 Characteristics of budget
1.4 Meaning of budgetary control
1.5 Objectives of budgetary control system
1.6 Advantages of budgetary control system
1.7 Disadvantages budgetary control system
1.8 Types of budget
1.9 profile of the company

2. Research and methodology

2.2 scope of the study
2.3 limitations
2.4 role and significance
2.5 data collection
2.6 budgeting and budgetary control in kesoram ltd
2.7 objectives of the current budgetary control system in kesoram
cement industries limited
2.8 Stages in the formulation of performance budget

3 Review of literature
3.1 Review of literature:

4 Data analysis, Interpretation and Presentation

4.1 Tabulation
4.2 Testing Of Hypothesis

5 Conclusions and suggestions

5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Suggestions

1.1 what is budget

A budget is a financial plan for a business, prepared in advance. A budget may be

set in money terms, it can be expressed in terms of units. budget is a financial and
or quantitative statement .it is prepared and approved prior to a defined period of
time. There is a target fix in terms of rupees or quantities or both. This target
must be fixed in advance. The budget must clearly state policies to be pursued for
achieving the targets. Most budgets are prepared for the next financial year
Budgets can be income budgets for money received, e.g. a sales budget, or
expenditure budgets for money spent, e.g. a purchases budget.

Every  organization  achieves  itspurposes  by  coordinating  different 

activities. For the execution of goals efficient planning of these activities 
is very importantandthat is why the management has a crucial role to 
play in drawing out the plans for its business. Various activities within a 
company should be synchronized by the preparation of plans of actions 
for future periods. These comprehensive plans are usually referred to as  budgets. 
Budgeting  is  a  management  device  used  for  short‐term 
planning and control.It is not just accounting exercise.
A budget is an itemized summary of likely income and expenses for a given
period. It’s an invaluable tool to help you prioritize your spending and manage
your money—no matter how much or how little you have.
1.2 Definition

CIMA has defined as – “A financial and / or quantitative statement, prepared and

approved prior to a defined period of time, of the policy to be pursued during that
period for the purpose of attaining a given objective. It may include income,
expenditure and the employment of capital.”

An analysis of the above definition reveals the following features of a budget.:

1.It is mainly a forecasting and controlling device.
2.It  is  prepared  in  advance  before  the  actual  operation  of  the 
company or project.  
3.It is in connection with a definite future period. 
4.Before implementation, it is to be approved by the management. 
5.It also shows capital to be employed during the period. 

1.3 Characteristics of budget

 it is expressed in quantitative or monetary terms.

 It is prepared for a fixed period of time It is prepared before the period in
which it commences.
 Practical to implement.
  It spells out the objects and the policies to be pursued in order to achieve the
objective of the organization.
 Many people are involved in drawing up a budget.
 Flexible enough to allow changes in the changing environment.
 Prepared on the basis of established standards of performance.
 Analysis of cost and revenues.
 Analysis of cost and revenues.
1.4 Meaning of budgetary control system
Budgetary Control is a method of managing costs through preparation  of 
budgets.  Budgeting  is  thus  only  a  part  of  the  budgetary  control. 
According to CIMA, “Budgetary control is the establishment of budgets  relating 
to  the  responsibilities  of  executives  of  a  policy  and  the 
continuous comparison of the actual with the budgeted results, either to 
secure by individual action, the objective of the policy or to provide a 
basis for its revision.” 

The main features of budgetary control are:  
•Establishment of budgets for each purpose of the business. 
•Revision of budget in view of changes in conditions. 
• Comparison  of  actual  performances  with  the  budget  on  a  continuous basis.
• Taking suitable remedial action, wherever necessary. 
•Analysis of variations of actual performance from that of the 
budgeted performance to know the reasons thereof. 

1.5 Objectives of budgetary control system

Budgeting  is  a  forward  planning.  It  serves  basically  as  a  tool  for 
management control; it is rather a pivot of any effective scheme of  control.  
The objectives of budgeting may be summarized as follows:  
1. Planning-
Planning has been defined as the design of a desired 
future position for an entity and it rests on the belief that the 
future position can be attained by uninterrupted management action. Detailed 
plans relating to production, sales, raw‐material 
requirements, labour needs, capital additions, etc. are drawn 
out. By planning many problems estimated long before they 
arise and solution can be thought of through careful study. In  short, 
budgeting  forces  the  management  to  think  ahead,  to 
foresee and prepare for the anticipated conditions. Planning is a constant 
process  since  it  requires  constant  revision  with  changing conditions.   
2. Co‐ordination-
Budgeting plays a significant role in establishing  and  maintaining 
coordination.  Efficient 
planning and business contribute a lot in achieving the targets.  Lack 
of coordination in  an  organization  is  observed  when  a  department head
is permitted to enlarge the department on the  specific  needs  of  that 
department  only,  although  such 
development may negatively affect other departments and alter 
their performances. Thus, coordination is required at all vertical 
as well as horizontal levels. 

3. Measurement of  Success:
Budgets  present  a  useful  means  of 
informing managers how well they are performing in meeting 
targets they have previously helped to set. In many companies, 
there is a practice of rewarding employees on the basis of their 
accomplished low budget targets or promotion of a manager is 
linked to his budget success record. Success is determined by  comparing  the 
past  performance  with a  previous  period's  performance.  

4. Motivation-
Budget  is  always  considered  useful  tool  for  encouraging  managers  to 
complete  things  in  line  with  the 
business objectives. If individuals have intensely participated in the preparatio
n of budgets, it acts as a strong motivating force to achieve the goals.   

5. Communication: 
A budget serves as a means of communicating  information  within  a  firm. 
The  standard  budget  copies  are  distributed  to  all  management peoplethat 
provides  not  only 
sufficient understanding and knowledge of the programmers and 
guidelines to be followed but also gives knowledge about the restrictions to be 
adhered to. 
Control  is  essential  to  make  sure  that  plans  and 
objectives laid down in the budget are being achieved. Control, when applied t
o budgeting, a systematized effort is to keep 
the management informed of whether planned performance is 
being achieved or not. 

1.6 Advantages of budgetary control system

In the light of above discussion one can see that, coordination and control help 
the planning. These are the advantages of budgetary control. But this tool offer 
many other advantages as follows:  
1. This system provides basic policies for initiatives.  
2.It  enables  the  management  to  perform  business  in  the  most 
professional manner because  budgets are prepared to get the 
optimum use of resources and the objectives framed.
 3.It ensures team work and thus encourages the spirit of support 
and mutual understanding among the staff. 
4. It increases production efficiency, eliminates waste and controls  the costs. 
5. It shows to the management where action is needed to remedy a  position. 
6. Budgeting also aids in obtaining bank credit. 
7. It reviews the presentsituation and pinpoints the changes which  are necessary. 
8.With its help, tasks such as like planning, coordination and control 
happen effectively and efficiently. 
9.It involves an advance planning which is looked upon with support 
by many credit agencies as a marker of sound management. 
1.7 Disadvantages of budgetary control system

The significance of budgetary control can be undermined by the fact that

there really is no way to anticipate certain outcomes, such as shifts in
customer demand that affect sales numbers and shortages that affect the cost
of critical materials. Inflation can also influence both revenue and
expenditure levels. Budgetary control may create a false sense of certainty
and control in situations where it may be more advantageous to accept the
difficulty of predicting outcomes and instead maintain maximum flexibility.

2.Accounting costs.-

To practice budget control conscientiously, your company will need to

allocate resources and personnel. If you have a dedicated accounting
department, this may not be an issue, but if you have a small staff that shares
responsibilities, you may have to divert employees and payroll hours from
activities such as production that are more likely to directly produce income.

3.False sense of security.-

The budgetary control process may create the illusion that you know what
you can expect from future business activities. For example, you may
forecast that a new product you introduce will increase revenue by 20
percent and then purchase inventory and equipment based on this projection.
If these anticipated sales fail to materialize, you may find yourself in the
position of spending funds you cannot recoup.

1.8.1Functional Classification:  

1. sales budget:
The sales budget is an estimate of total sales which may be articulated in 
financial or quantitative terms. It is normally forms the fundamental  basis  on  which 
all  other  budgets  are  constructed.  In  practice, 
quantitative budget is prepared first then it is translated into economic 
terms. While preparing the Sales Budget, the Quantitative Budget is  generally  the 
starting  point  in  the  operation  of  budgetary  control 
because sales become, more often than not, the principal budget factor. 
The factor to be consider in forecasting sales are as follows: 
 Study of past sales to determine trends in the market. 
 Estimates made  by salesman various markets of company  products. 
 Changes of business policy and method. 
 Government policy, controls, rules and Guidelines etc. 
 Potential market and availability of material and supply.  

2. production budget: 
The  production  budget  is  prepared  on  the  basis  of  estimated production  for 
budget  period.  Usually,  the  production 
budget is based on the sales budget. At the time of preparing the 
budget, the production manager will consider the physical facilities 
like plant, power, factory space, materials and labour, available for the  period. 
Production  budget  envisages  the  production  program  for 
achieving the sales target. The budget may be expressed in terms of 
quantities or money or both. Production may be computed as follows:   
Units to  be  produced = Desired closing stock of finished goods  + 
Budgeted sales – Beginning stock of finished goods. 
3.production cost budget: 
This budget shows the estimated cost of production. The production 
budget demonstrates thecapacity of production. These capacities of 
production are expressed in terms of cost in production cost budget. 
The cost of production is shown in detail in respect of material cost, 
labour cost and factory overhead. Thus production cost budget  is 
based upon Production Budget, Material Cost Budget, Labour Cost 
Budget and Factory overhead. 

4. raw‐material budget: 
Direct Materials budget is prepared with an intention to determine 
standard material cost per unit and consequently it involves quantities 
to be used and the rate per unit. This budget shows the estimated  quantity  of  all  the 
raw  materials  and  components  needed  for 
production demanded by the production budget. Raw material serves 
the following purposes: 
 It  supports  the  purchasing  department  in  scheduling  the  purchases. 
 Requirement  of  raw‐materials  is  decided  on  the  basis  of 
production budget.  
 It provides data for raw material control. 
 Helps in deciding terms and conditions of purchase like credit 
purchase, cash purchase, payment period etc.  
It should be noted that raw material budget generally deals with only  the  direct 
materials  whereas  indirect  materials  and  supplies  are 
included in the overhead cost budget. 
5.purchase budget: 
Strategic planning of purchases offers one of the most importantareas 
of reduction cost in many concerns. This will consist of direct and  indirect  material 
and  services.  The  purchasing  budget  may  be 
expressed in terms of quantity or money.   
The main purposes of this budget are: 
 It designates cash requirement in respect of purchase to be made during 
budget period; and 
 It is facilitates the purchasing department to plan its operations in  time in 
respect of purchases so that long term forward contract 
may be organized.  

6. labour budget: 
Human resourcesare highly expensive item in the operation of an 
enterprise. Hence, likeother factors of production, the management 
should find out in advance personnel requirements for various jobs in 
the enterprise. This budget may be classified into labour requirement 
budget and labour recruitment budget. The labour necessities in the various job cat
egories such as unskilled, semiskilled and supervisory 
are determined with the help of all the head of the departments. The 
labour employment is made keeping in view the requirement of the 
job and its qualifications, the degree of skill and experience required 
and the rate of pay. 

7. production overhead budget:   
The manufacturing overhead budget includes direct material, direct  labour 
and  indirect  expenses.  The  production  overhead  budget  represents  the 
estimate  of  all 
the production overhead i.e. fixed, variable, semivariable to be incurred during the 
budget period. The  reality  that  overheads  include  many  different  types  of 
expenses  creates considerable problems in: 
 Fixed overheads i.e., that which is to remain stable irrespective of 
vary in the volume of output,  
 Apportion of manufacturing overheads to products manufactured, 
semi variable cost i.e., thosewhich are partly variable and partly fixed.  
 Control of production overheads. 
 Variable  overheads  i.e.,  that  which  is  likely  to  vary  with  the  output.  
  The  production  overhead  budget  engages  the  preparation  of 
overheads budget for each division of the factory as it is desirableto  have  estimates 
of  manufacturing  overheads  prepared  by  those  overheads  to  have  the 
responsibility  for  incurring  them.  Service  departments  cost  are  projected  and 
allocated  to  the  production  departments  in  the  proportion  of  the  services 
received  by  each  department.  

8. selling and distribution cost budget: 
The Selling and Distribution Cost budget is estimating of the cost of 
selling, advertising, delivery of goods to customers etc. throughout 
the budget period. This budget is closely associated to sales budget in 
the logic that sales forecasts significantly influence the forecasts of 
these expenses. Nevertheless, all other linked information should also  be  taken  into 
consideration  in  the  preparation  of  selling  and 
distribution budget. The sales manager is responsible for selling and 
distribution cost budget. Naturally, he prepares this budget with the help of managers 
of subdivisions  of  the  sales  department.  The 
preparation of this budget would be based on the analysis of the 
market condition by the management, advertising policies, research  programs  and 
many  other  factors.  Some  companies  prepare  aseparate  advertising  budget, 
particularly  when  spending  on  advertisements are quite high. 

9. administration cost budget: 
This budget includes the administrative costs for nonmanufacturing  business 
activities  like  directors  fees,  managing  directors’  salaries, 
office lightings, heating and air condition etc. Most of these expenses 
are fixed so they should not be too difficult to forecast. There are semivariable expens
es which get affected by the expected rise or fall 
in cost which should be taken into account. Generally, this budget is 
prepared in the form of fixed budget.  

10. capital‐ expenditure budget: 
This budget stands for the expenditure on all fixed assets for the 
duration of the budget period. This budget is normally prepared for a 
longer period than the other functional budgets. It includes such items 
as new buildings, land, machinery and intangible items like patents, 
etc. This budget is designed under the observation of the accountant  which  is 
supported  by  the  plant  engineer  and  other  functional  managers.
 At the time of preparation of the budget some important 
information should be observed:  
 Overfilling on the production facilities of certain departments as 
revealed by the plant utilization budget.  
 Long‐term business policy with regard to technical developments.  
 Potential demand for certain products.  

11. cash budget: 
The cash budget is a sketch of the business estimated cash inflows and 
outflows over a specific period of time. Cash budget is one of the most  important 
and  one  of  the  last  to  be  prepared.  It  is  a  detailed 
projection of cash receipts from all sources and cash payments for all 
purposes and the resultants cash balance during the budget. It is a 
mechanism for controlling and coordinating the fiscal side of business  to  ensure 
solvency  and  provides  the  basis  for  forecasting  and 
financing required to cover up any deficiency in cash. Cash budget  thus  plays  avital 
role  in  the  financing  management  of  a  business  undertaken. 
Cash  budget  assists  the  management  in  determining  the  future 
liquidity requirements of the firm, forecasting for business of those 
needs, exercising control over cash. So, cash budget thus plays a vital 
role in the financial management of a business enterprise.  

Function of Cash Budget: 
 It designates cash excesses and shortages so that steps may be 
taken in time to invest any excess cash or to borrow funds to meet 
any shortages.  
 It shows whether capital expenditure could be financed internally.  
 It provides funds for standard growth.  
 It provides a sound basis to manage cash position.  

Advantages of Cash Budget:  
1. Usage  of  Cash: 
Management can plan out the use of cash inaccord with the changes of receipt 
and payment. Payments can be 
planned when sufficient cash is available and continue the business 
activity with the minimum amount of working capital.  
2. Allocation for Capital Investment: It is dual benefits such as capital 
expenditure projects can be financed internally and can get an idea 
for cash availability of capital investment.   
3. Provision of Excess Funds: It reveals the availability of excess cash. 
In this regard management candecide to invest excess funds for short 
term or long term according to the requirements in the business.   

4. Payout Policy: This budgetary system may help the management 
for future payout policy in the form of dividend. In case the cash 
budget liquid position is not favourable, the management may reduce 
the rate of dividend or maintain dividend amount or skip dividend for 
the year.    

5. Provision for acquiring Funds: It gives the top level management 
ideas for acquiring funds for a particular time duration andsources to 
be explored.  
6. Profitable Use of Cash:Business person can take decision for the 
best use of liquidity to make more profitable transaction. It can be 
used at the time of bulk purchase payments and one get the benefit of 
Limitation of Cash Budget:  
1. Complex Assumption: Business is full of uncertainties, so it is very 
difficult to have near perfect estimates of cash receipts and payments, 
especially for a longer duration. It can be predicted for short duration 
such as of three to four months.   

2.  Inflexibility:  If  the  finance  manager  fails  to  show  flexibility  in 
implementing the cash budget, it will incur adverse effects. If the 
manager follows strictly adheres to the estimates of cash inflow it may 
negatively result in losing customers. Likewise, loyalty in payments 
may lead to deterioration of liquid position. 

3.Costly: Application  of  this  technique  necessitates  collecting  of 

statistical information from various sources and expert personnel in 
operation research would be the costliest deal. It becomes expensive 
which may not be affordable to small business houses. In addition, 
finding out experts is not always possible. In this situation the long 
term predictions do not prove correct.   

1.8.2 fixed and flexible budget

 1. fixed budget:  
 A fixed budget is prepared for one level of output and 
one set of condition. This is a budget in which targets are tightly 
fixed. It is known as a static budget.According to CIMA, “A budget 
which is designed to remain unchanged irrespective of the level of 
the activity attained.”It is firm and prepared with the assumption 
that there will be no change in the budgeted level of motion. Thus,
it does not provide room for any modification in expenditure due  to  the  change  in 
the  projected  conditions  and  activity.  Fixed 
budgets are prepared well in advance.  
2. flexible budget
This is a dynamic budget. In comparison with a fixed budget, a 
flexible budget is one “which is designed to change in relation to 
the level of activity attained.” The underlying principle of flexibility 
is that a budget is of little use unless cost and revenue are related 
to the actual volume of production. The statistics range from the 
lowest to the highest probable percentages of operating activity in 
relation to the standard operating performance. Flexible budgets 
are a part of the feed advance process and as such are a useful 
part of planning. An equally accurate use of the flexible budgets is 
for the purposes of control.       
Flexible budgeting has been developed with the objective of 
changing the budget figures so that they may correspond with the 
actual output achieved. It is more sensible and practical, because  changes  expected 
at  different  levels  of  activity  are  given  due 
consideration. Thus a budget might be prepared for various levels 
of activity in accord with capacity utilization.    
Flexible  budget  may  prove  more  useful  in  the  following  conditions: 
 Where the level of activity varies from period to period. 
 Where the business is new and as such it is difficult to forecast  the demand. 
 Where the organization is suffering from the shortage of any 
factor of production. For example, material, labour, etc. as the 
level of activity depends upon the availability of such a factor. 
 Where  the  nature  of  business  is  such  that  sales  go  on  changing. 
 Where the changes in fashion or trend affects the production and sales.

1.8.3. Time budget:  

1. Long‐term Budget: 
These budgets are prepared on the basis of longterm projection and portray a longrang
e planning. These  budgets generally cover plans for three to ten years. In this regard 
it is mostly prepared in terms of physical quantities rather than in monetary values. 
2.Shortterm Budget: 
In this budget forecasts and plans are given in 
respect of its operations for a period of about one to five years.  They  are  generally 
prepared  in  monetary  units  and  are  more  specific than long‐term budgets. 

3.Current Budgets: 
These budgets cover a very short period, may be 
a month or a quarter or maximum one year. The preparation of  these  budgets 
requires  adjustments  in  short‐term  budgets  to  current conditions. 

4.Rolling Budgets:
A few companies follow the practice of preparing 
a rolling or progressive budget. In this case companies prepare the 
budget for a year in advance. A new budget is prepared after the 
end of each month or quarter for a full year in advance. The  figures  for  the  month 
or  quarter  which  has  rolled  down  are  dropped  and  the  statistics  for  the  next 
month  or  quarter  are  added.  
1.8.4. master budget:  

The master budget is a review budget which combines all functional 
budgets and it may take the form of Financial Statements at the end 
of budget period. It is also called the operating budget.  It embraces 
the impact of both operating decisions and financing decisions.  It 
provides the necessary plan for operations during the period when all 
detailed budgets have been completed. A master budget becomes a  principal 
document  for  the  operations  of  the  industry  during  the 
period it covers. Actually, budgets have to be amended several times 
before the position disclosed by the summary budget is accepted. A master budget is a
n annual profit plan, which may be broken into  months or quarters.    
As a result a master budget is: 
 A statement of a company’s operating policy for the budget  period, and 
 A budgeted profit and loss account for the budget period and a 
balance sheet as at the end the period.   
Merits of the Master Budget: 
 A  review  of  all  the  functional  budgets  in  specific  form  is 
available in one report. 
 It presents an overall profit position of the organization for the  budget.  
 It also contains the information regarding the forecast balance  sheet. 
 It examines the fitness of all the functional budgets.

The 85-year –old Indian cement industry is one of the cardinal and basic
infrastructure industries which enjoys core sector status and played crucial role in the
economic development and growth of a country. Being a core sector this industry
was subject to price and distribution controls almost uninterruptedly from world
war-II. When government of India announced the partial decontrol manufacturing
cement became increasingly attractive and the industry experienced substantial
expansion. As the supply in response to the 1982 partial decontrol was significant in
March 1989, price and distribution control were finally dispensed with .It was one of
the first Major industries in the country to be so deregulated.

Definition of cement:
Cement may is defined as a mixture of calcium sulfate and aluminates which have the
property of setting and hardening under water .The amount of silica which is present
on each crust are sufficient to combine with calcium oxide to form the corresponding
calcium silicate and aluminates.

History of the kesoram

The first unit at Basantnagar with a capacity or 2.1 lakh tons per annum in
corresponding suspension-preheated system was commissioned during the year of
1969 the second unit Was setup in year 1971 with a capacity of 2.1 tones per
annum and the third unit with a capacity of 2.5lakh tons per annum went on
stream in the year 1978 the coal for this company is being supplied iron
singareni collories and the power is obtained from

APSEB the power demand for the factory is about 21MW kesoram has got 2DG
sets of 4MW each installed in the year 1987.

Kesoram cement industry has set up a 15kw capacity power plant to facilitate
for uninterrupted power supply for manufacturing of cement starts at 24 august 2008
per hour 12 mw, actual power is 15mw.

Birla supreme in popular brand of kesoram cement from its prestigious

plant of Basantnagar in A.P which has outstanding track record in
performance and productivity serving the nation for the last two and had
decades It distinction by Bagging several national awards .It also has the
distinction optimum capacity utilization.

Kesoram offers a choice of top quality portioned cement for light heavy
constructions and allied applications quality is built every fact of the

The plant layout is rational to begin with the limestone is rich in calcium
carbonate a key factor that influence the quality of final product the day
process technology used in the latest computerized monitoring overseas the
manufacturing process samples are sent regularly to the bureau of Indian
standards national council of constructions and Building material for
certification of derived quality norms
The company has vigorously undertaking different promotional
measures their product through different media which includes the use of
newspapers ,magazines ,hoardings etc

Kesoram cement industry distinguished itself among all the cement factories in
India by bagging the national productivity award consecutively for two years
and the year 1985 -1987.the federation of Andhra Pradesh chamber of commerce
and industries also conferred kesoram cement an award for the best Industrial
promotion expansion efforts in the year 1981.kesoram also bagged FAPCCI
Awarded for “best family planning effort in the state “ for the year 1987-1988.

One among the industrial giants in the country today serving the nation
on the industrial front kesoram industrials Ltd has a cheque red and eventful
history dating Back to the twenties when only a textile mill under its banner
1924 it grew from Strength to spread and activities 10 newer fields like
Rayan pulp Transport paper spun pipes refractivites types and other products

Looking to the wide gap between the demand and supply of a vital commonly cement
Which plays UI important role in national building activity the government of
India had de-licensed the cement industry in the year 1966 with a view to attract
private entrepreneurs to augment the cement industry production kesoram rose to
the occasion And divided to setup a few cement plants in the country

Kesoram cement undertaking marketing activities extensively in the states of Andhra

Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, kerala, Maharastraha, and Gujarat. In AP sales
depots are located in different areas like karimnagar Warangal Nizambad
Vijayawada and Nellore In other states it has opened around 10 depots.
Awards won by kesoram

Kesoram cement bagged prestigious awards like national awards for productivity
and technology and conservation and several state awards for year 1984 kesoram
cement is best family planning effort in the federation of Andhra Pradesh
chamber of commerce And industry and also national award for two successive
years 1985-86&1986-87.It has also bagged the national award for energy efficiency
for the year 1989-90 for the performance among all cement plants in India .thus
award stall-by national council

For cement and building material in association with the government of India.

Kesoram bagged the prestigious Andhra Pradesh state productivity award in 1987-
1989 also Annexed state award for industrial management in 1988-1989.and also
“Best Industrial promotion expansion efforts “ in the state and yajamanya ratna
and best efforts an industrial unit in the state to develop rural economy was
bagged for its contribution towards the year 1991.

it also bagged the “may day award” of the government of India For the best
management and the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru silver rolling trophy for the
industrial productivity effort in the state of Andhra Pradesh by FAPCCI and
also the Indira Gandhi memorial national award of the government of Andhra
Pradesh for the year 1993.
During the last 3 years the government of Andhra Pradesh has given the
following awards Best awards for the year 1994.

Best industrial relation award for 1994.

To keep the ecological balance they have also undertaken massive tree plantation in
the economy and government of India has nominated township areas and them for
vrikshmithra award Best effort of an industrial unit in March 1996.

In the year March 2008 “Best management award 2008” for the best management
practices in kesoram cement industry presented by chief minister.

2. Research and methodology

2.1Object of the study

 To provide a theoretical framework of budget, and budgetary control.

 To describe the profile of the organization as a material for undertaking a

study of budgetary control system.

 To analyze the budgetary system in Kesoram cement Industries Limited

(hereafter Kesoram) with particular reference to their objectives and phases of
organizational .

 To develop standards/norms of performance in the various areas of operation

and maintenance based on the experience.

2.2 Hypothesis for selecting research topic:

2.1.1 Null hypothesis :
budgeting and budgetary control is not a tool for effective decision and
2.1.2 Alternatives hypothesis:
Budgeting and budgetary control is a tool for effective decisions and
2.2Scope of the study

Budgetary control is not limited to commercial and industrial firms attempting to

produce a profit. The procedures involved are equally applicable to not-for-
profit organisations such as government departments, universities and charities.
All aspects of the business or organisation can be budgeted. There might be income
and expenditure budgets, cash budgets, capital budgets, research and
development budgets to mention only a few examples. Budgets can be classified
as master budgets, departmental budgets or functional budgets. Whatever level or
degree of detail, a budget is useless if it does not focus on a point of responsibility.

Budgeting is a management function that incorporates the following:

 Setting objectives

 Establishing detailed financial estimates

 Delegating specific responsibility

 Monitoring performance

 Reacting to expectations.

1. Danger of inaccurate estimates:

Budgets are based on estimates and they involve forecasting of future events. The

effectiveness of budgetary programme depends to a great extent on the accuracy with

which estimates are made.

2. Danger of rigidity:
In practice, budgets often tend to become rigid. It becomes difficult to make changes

in budgets to suit the changing circumstances.

Budgetary limits are regarded as final and little scope is left for initiative and

judgment on the part of the subordinate staff. Inflexibility makes budgets unrealistic

and invalid under the changed conditions.

3. Human factor:
Budgets need the willing co-operation and active participation of people working in
the enterprise. It is not always possible to get the voluntary cooperation and support

from all in the construction and implementation of budgets.

4. Expensive:
It requires a lot of expenditure in terms of money, time and effort. A considerable

time is needed in learning effective budgeting. Budgets cannot give results overnight

and great patience is required on the part of the management. Management may lose

interest and confidence in budgeting, where quick results are expected.

5. Hide Inefficiencies:
Budgets are sometimes used to hide inefficiencies. Budgets tend to grow from the

precedent. Many items which cease to be relevant are continued because of their use

in previous budgets.

6. Departmental Outlook:
Budgeting fails when departmental goals are allowed to supersede enterprise

objectives. Functional budgets may not reflect the overall goals of the organisation in

their proper perspective.

Similarly, situation may demand that the departmental manager should not cross

budget limit in the interest of overall business objectives. However, in this enthusiasm

and zeal to keep within budget limits, a departmental manager may overlook the

enterprise goals.

7. Danger of over budgeting:

Budgets are often so detailed that they become cumbersome, meaningless and unduly

expensive. Over budgeting usually reflects the superior manager’s desire to maintain

control. However, to derive full benefits of budgetary control, over budgeting should

be avoided and subordinates should be adequately trained to read and administer

budgets in the proper manner.

8. No substitute for efficient management:

No doubt, budgeting is of a great help in arriving at right decisions. But budget does

not replace management and administration. It is a servant and not a master. It opens

up vistas but someone has to read it, interpret it and implement it.
9. Lack of cost-benefit analysis:
Budget making is a tempting exercise. It can be effective only when there is a

correlation between the cost of the system and the benefits to be derived from it.

Inspite of these limitations, budgets provide guidelines to managerial action in more

concrete terms. However, budgets should be used only as a tool of planning and

control. The various limitations should be taken into consideration while using

budgetary control system.

2.4Role and Significance
Budgetary control mainly refers to the budget during the execution of the budget
implementation of the routine supervision and control; it is the budget target to
achieve the necessary guarantees. Control functions are the basic functions of
management of the budget in the analysis of the implementation of enterprise
budget management; Control effect of budget management throughout the
management process.

Budgeting is a pre-budget control, budget execution is a matter of control, budget

evaluation is a kind of ex post control. As the enterprise’s own internal and
external conditions change, sometimes business strategy need to make
corresponding adjustments, though corporate budget management must change in
accordance with the strategic objectives of changes in the future management of
operational activities to achieve feed forward control. In the budget execution
process, from budget management, budgetary control organizations in the field
and promptly discovered that the actual deviations from the budget differences,
and took the necessary measures to eliminate weaknesses and achieve process

Budget management functions In the budget- feedback control, budget

management, budget management and the implementation of the main functions
keep the actual results to compare with budget targets in time, and deviations
occur message to budget management and the main body so that adjust it timely to
ensure the budget goals.

In short, the advance control focuses on the corporate budget management and
budgeting. Things in the process control focuses on each link to control the
implementation of a business, and afterwards, feedback control focuses on the
feedback according to deviate from the budget target follow-up control of
information. Because of the combination, only the budget to strengthen all-round
management and control capabilities, it enables Enterprise’s strategic objectives to
be refined to implement.

Budgetary control is not only a wide range of control, but also a full range of
control; budget control must penetrate to the enterprise in all business processes
and the business links, which is covering all business sectors and positions. On the
one hand, the application of accounting measurement accounting methods reflect
implementation of the budget process and oversight for accounting control and
budget management for the basic values to provide the required information. On
the other hand, in-depth into the origin of the value of management activities, the
daily operations of specific business areas, such as procurement, production, sales
and so on, to carry out management control. Enterprise Budget Management of
the main needs of the accounting department and co-ordination between business
units and communication account control and management control together.

Budget management involves many factors, the breadth of the decision of the
board of directors and the boards of supervisors only grasp what is important in
order to take into account the overall situation, but also decided to encourage the
implementation of the budget, the main body of self-control is particularly

2.5 Data collection

2.5.1 Planning of budget

The process of planning all flows of financial resources into within from an entity
during some specified future period it includes providing detailed allocation of
available future resources to projects ,responsibilities and time periods From
above definition I it clear that budgeting Is the actual act of caring the budget it
is the process of evolving the final statement yet is the end product of budgeting.

2.5.2 Essential of budgetary control

1. Organization for budgetary control:

The proper organization is essential for the successful preparation

maintenance and administration of budgets A budgetary committee is formed
which comprises the departmental heads of various departments All the
functional heads are entrusted with the responsibility if ensuring proper
implementation of their respective departmental budgets
The chief executive is the overall in the charge of budgetary system
he constitutes a budget committee for preparing realistic budgets A budget
officer is the convener of the budget committee who co-ordinates the budgets
of different departments responsible fro their departmental budgets

2. Budget officer:

The chief executives appoints the budget officer such budget officer also called as
Budget controller or budget Director “ thus rank should be equal to other functional
managers” The Budget officer does not have the direct responsibility of
preparing the budgets the various functional managers prepare the budgets his role
is that of a supervisor the budget officer has the specific duty of the budgeting
activity by various departments and for co-ordination between them so that there
is a proper link between them He is empowered to scrutinize the budgets
prepared by different functional heads and to make changes in them if the
situation so demands. The budget officer works as a coordinator among different
departments he continuously monitors the actual performance different departments
steps to rectify the defiance if any he also informs the top management about the
performance of different departments

The budget officer will be able to carry out his work only if he is versant with the
working of all the departments he must have technical knowledge of the business
and should also process accounting knowledge.
2.5.3. Budget committee:

A budget committee is formed to assist the budget officer. The heads all the
important departments are made members of this committee. The committee is
responsible for preparation and execution of budgets. The chambers of this committee
put up the case of their respective departments to help the committee to take collective
decisions if necessary. The budget committees responsible for reviewing the budgets
prepared by various functional heads coordinate all the budgets and approve the final
budgets. The budget officer acts as a coordinate of this committee all the functional
heads are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring proper implementation of their
respective final departmental budgets.

2.5.4 Budget centers:

A budget center is the part of the organization for which the budget is
prepared. A budget creator may be a department section of department or any other
part of department ideally, the head of every center should be a member of the budget
committee. However it must be ensured that each budget center at least has an indirect
representation in the budget committee.

The establishment of budget centers is essential for covering all parts of the
organization becomes easy when different centers are established the budget
centers are also necessary for cost control purpose.
2.5.3. Budget manual:

A budget manual is a document that spells out duties and responsible the
various executives conquered with it specifies among various functional areas
A budget manual covers the following matters.
A budget manual clarity defines the objectivities of budgetary control systems
it also gives the benefits and principles of this system.
the duties and responsibilities of various persons dealing with preparation and
execution of budgets are also given in the budget manual it enables the
management to know the persons dealing with various aspects to budgets
and provides clarity on their duties and responsibilities it gives the
information about the sanctioning authorities of various budgets the
financial powers of sanctioning authorities of various budgets the financial
powers of different manages are given in the manual for enabling the
spending amount on various expenses
a dropper table for budgets including the sending of performance reports is
drawn so that every work starts in the and a systematic control is exercised
the specimen forms and number of copies to be lased fro ore oaring budget
reports is also stated budget centers involved should be clearly stated.
the length of various budget periods and control points is clearly given
The problem follow all in the centre system clearly stated.
A method of accounting to be used for various expenditures is also stated in
the manual... A budget manual helps the documentation the role of every
employee his duties responsibilities the ways of undertaking various tasks etc
thus it also helps n reducing ambiguity at any point of time
2.5.6. Budget period:

A budget period is the length of time for which a budget is prepared upon a number of
factors the choice of a budget period depends upon the following considerations the
type of budget (long\short).

 The nature of demand for the products

 The timing for the availability of the finance
 The construction situation of the cycles

All the above mentioned factors are taken into account while fixing the period of

The financial manager usually responsible for organizing this budget he

must perform the following functions.

 To decide the general polices and guidelines

 To offer technical advice.
 To suggest changes.
 To receive and review individual budget estimates.
 To reconcile divergent with or without revisions.
 To coordinate budgeting activities.
 To approve budgets with or without revisions.
 To scrutinize control reports later on
 To scrutinize to budget reports later on.
 To disseminate these guidelines.

After finalizing the budget proposal the budget committee subjects the final budget to
the Board of Directories or Budget Director for approval.
2.5.7.Requisites for a successful budgetary control system.

Making budgetary control system successful requisites are required.

1. Clarifying objectives.

The budgets are used to realize objectives of the business. The objectives must be
clearly spelt out so that budgets are properly prepared. In the sense of clear goals, the
budgets will also be unrealistic.

2. Proper delegation of authority and responsibilities.

Budget preparation and control is done at every level of management. Even though
budgets are finalized at top level but involvement of persons. In lower levels of
management is essential for their success. This Hesitates proper delegation and

3. Proper communications system.

An effective system of communication is required for a successful budgetary control.

The flow of information regarding budgets should be quick so that these are
implemented. The upward communication will help in knowing the difficulties in
implementation of budgets. The performance reports of various levels will help top
management in budgetary control.

4. Budget education.

The employees should be educated about the benefits of budgeting system

they should be educated about their roles in the success of this system. Budgetary
control may not be taken only as a control device by the employees but it should be
used as a tool to improve their efficiency.
5. Flexibility.

Flexibility in budgets is required to make them suitable under changed

circumstances. Budgets are prepared for the future, which is always uncertain, even
though budgets are prepared by considering the future possibilities but still some
adjustments. Flexible makes the budgets more appropriate and realistic.

6. Motivation

Budgets are too implemented by human beings. Their successful

implementation will depend upon the interest shown by the employees. All persons
should be motivated to improve their working so that budgeting is successful. A
proper system of motivation is introduced for making is system a success.
2.6 Budgeting and budgetary control in kesoram ltd

2.6.1 Zero based budgeting:

Zero budgeting is the latest technique of budgeting and it has increased

use as a material tool. This technique was first used in America in 1962, by the
former president America, Jimmy Carter.

As the name suggests, it is starting from a "scratch”, the normal technique

Budgeting is to use previous levels as a base for preparing this year's budget.
This method carries previous years inefficiencies to the present year because we
taken last year as a guide, and decide "what is to be done this year when this
much was the performance of the last year.

In the zero based budgeting every year is taken as new year and previous
year is not as a base, the budget for this year will have to be justified according
to present situation, zero is taken as base and likely future activities are decided
according to present situations. In zero based budgeting a manager is to justify
why he wants to spend. The performance of spending on various activities will
depend upon their justification and priority for spending will have to be that an
activity is essential and the amounts asked for are really reasonable taking into
account the volume of activity.

2.6.2. Objectives of the budgetary system:

To prepare annual budgets in such a manner those managers at various levels in

organization carry out periodical exercise in respect of each contact or responsible
centre for physical planning and matching resources broke up into monthly targets or
cash flows.
To introduce and operate responsible for achievement of specified targets with
the recourses allocated for the purpose.

To bring about effective co-ordinate of all activities of the organization and

To gear up service divisions to meet effectively the requirements of project.

2.6.3 Budget period and phasing:

The budget period or annual begets should with the financial year. In October every
year the budget should drawn up for the ensuring the financial year in the form of
Budget estimates financial year in the form of Revised Estimates [R.E]...In addition
the budgets are to be reviewed on monthly basis by project review teams, in the light
of actual expenditure and projections in the budget period. Budget should indicate
monthly phasing of expenditure and targets for the first and quarterly phasing for the
second half of the year. At the time of review of the budget estimates to frame revised
estimates the quarterly phasing should be broken up into monthly phasing.

While drawing up the actual budget in October every year, the long term capital
budget for ongoing and new schemes should be formulated as apart of exercise as
preparation of annual plan. The long term capital budget should indicate for a period
of six years following the budget period of six years following the budget period of
six years following the budget period wise annual phasing of the capital expenditure
and physical schedules recourse based network.

2.6.4. Types of budgets in kesoram cement industries limited:

According to the nature expenditure budget are classified under:

 Direct capital outlay on works

 Technical consultancy
 incidental construction during construction
 Employee cost

Other establishment expenses:

 Training and recruitment

 Preliminary expenses
 misc.brought-out assets
 cash budget
 Township budget

2.6.5. Brief explanation to the nature of expenditure included in each

budget is indicated below:

Incidental expenditure during construction personal payment:

These comprises of salary, wages, allowance, contribution of PF and other

funds and other expenses such as LIC, medical reimbursement, canteen subsidy etc.
any provision of areas of salary D.A.

Office and other expenses:

Expenses incidental to construction and capital works not traceable directly to

incidental expenditure, during contribution equipments, vehicle running expense,
office rent.LC and cost of drawings, travelling expenses, printing and stationary,
communication expenses, advertisement for tenders etc. are major items in the
Training recruitment & other deferred revenue expenditure:

The first part of the budget consists of expenses for training executives, and non
executive trainees, rent for training halls and expenses for management development
courses. The second part consists of expenses for recruitment such as advertisement
for recruitment, interview expenses, T.A. candidate etc. the third part combines
preliminary expenses including registration fees and research ad development

Miscellaneous bought out passes:

Vehicles, furniture and fixtures equipments, hospital and medical equipment.

Miscellaneous assesses township figure in the budget.

2.6.6 Budget of service division corporate budgets:

A review of budgets of service and corporate divisions should be conducted at

quarterly intervals by corporate budget committee[CS'C].For this purpose corporate
accounts should report actual expenditure up to the need of the quarter by the 10th of
the month following quarter to corporate budget and budget-coordination of the
remaining period of the year should be sent to the corporate budget should put up a
consolidated report division wise and project wise to corporate budget
committee[CBC] by the 15th of the may, August, November and February every year.
2.7 Objectives of the current budgetary control system in kesoram
cement industries limited

 The current budgetary control system-operating phase has been compiled to

achieve the following objectives.

 To control actual performance with reference to standards/norms adapted in

the budget ascertain the deviations analyze and establish the reasons.

 To identify constraints in generation and timely action for estimation


 To monitor the generation of internal recourses so as to ensure the availability

of adequate funds.

 To prepare the revenue budget so as to forecasting the periodical profitability

of the organization.

 To develop standards/norms of performance in the various areas of operation

and maintenance based on the experience.

 To ensure effective coordinate planning of all activities so that all the inputs
and services necessary for achieving the physical targets are available at
appropriate time.

 To create cost consciousness among the managers responsible for decision


 To provide data regarding operational norms and cost for the purpose of
formulating tariff.
 To provide data basis for assessment of working capital requirements

 To control the working capital particularly book debts spares and other items

 To improve profitability and internal resources generation.

2.8. Stages in the formulation of performance budget:

2.8.1 Initial proposal:

In the initial proposal the project is required to indicate yearly targets. In the
addition to furnishing basic information like synchronization and commercial
generation dates.

Constraints and coal operation at less than the designed specification calorific
value of raw material and limestone, material consumptions. In physical terms for
items whose consumption value in Rs.5 lakhs or more planned shutdown for a
maintenance and overhauling and norms for serious operating parameters provided for
designs specifications and in the tariff agreements to the corporate budget committee.

In the initial proposals is planned to be submitted after considering else factors and
keeping in view the perspective plan of the organization, as well as norms for various
operating parameters. These targets and terms are then communicated to all stations
and transmissions line offices of the last week of July to be used for formulating
detailed budget in the final proposal.
2.8.2.Final proposal:

Budgeted balance sheet. Budgeted profit and loss account and budgets in the
form of cash budget along with the final proposal will consist of detailed supporting
schedules for each of the investment centre/cost centre. This final proposal needs to
be submitted to corporate centre with in three weeks of receiving approval for initial

The final proposal, after approval by board, will become the basis of
monitoring performance for cost centers and investment centers.

The frequency and extent review and monitoring will be done is under:

1. The monitoring of actual performance against budgeted target for

investment center/profit center on monthly basis and for cost centers on quarterly for
remedial/corrective action.

2. The review of performance budget on quarterly basis to assess the

anticipated profitability.

The first step in the preparation of performance budget, O&M is formulation

of maintenance and overhauling schedules for boiler and TO with generation, then
considering the grid demand, the availability or inputs and factory problems, if any
the utilization of capacity will be worked out on month-month basis for the budget
period the gross generation targets can be worked and accordingly.
 Employee cost:

The basis of employee cost will be the approved manpower budget effective of
respective years of budget period. The estimation of employee cost is to be done for
each grade considering mid-point as the scale as basis pay and after reading various
allowances like "D.A., H.R.A., C.C.A" project allowance etc. admissible in respective
grades. This is to be worked 49 out or each of the budget periods based on existing
strength (at the time of estimation) in each grade and additions during each quarter
(taking 70% satisfaction for additions).

The provisions of LTC medical reimbursement, PF and other welfare

expenses in previous years are taken into account policies changes, if any the details
of welfare expenses like liveries and uniforms, safety expenses, accident
compensation, games & sports, canteen subsidy etc. are to list out as per chart of
account the provisions for incentive, bonus and payments of one time nature are to be
shown separately based on total employee cost for executives, supervisors and non-
supervisors and total man power in these categories ,separates of cost per employee
will be worked out for each of theses categories as under.

1. Salaries and allowance

2. Contribution of PF and other funds

3. Welfare expenses

The cost centre of employee cost will be worked out based on these rates
separately for theses executives, supervisors and non-supervisors. This will again be
consolidated separately for operations, maintenance and common [service] function.
The employee cost of common functions will be appropriated between construction
and O&M budgets in ratio of capital expenditure and sales during respective years.
 Repairs & maintainence:

In line, with costing system following three activities can represent major
classification of repairs and maintenance.

1. Major overhaul

2. Preventive maintenance

3. Breakdown maintenance

Normally, budgeting will be done for the former two; under each activity
separate estimates will be prepared for consumption of materials and maintenance
jobs. This estimation will be done at ach of sub cost centre wise details are required to
be mentioned.

The consumption material for repairs and maintenance will be classified into
spares, lubricant loose tools and plants, consumables and others. The cost centre totals
separately for three activities will be added to arrive at summary of material
consumption and maintenance jobs, which will be reflected in the profile & loss

The material consumption, especially of spares, can be estimated based on the

expected life of various components/spares in the installed equipment the frequency
of breakdowns in the past and the requirement for preventive maintenance and major
overhauls. The actual life of components may be different from that indicated in the
manufacturer's specification. Therefore, it is very difficult to estimate requirements of
spares. But this estimation will become gradually accurate as more experience is
gained. For new stations it will be advisable to collect such information from old
stations that have gained experience in this field.

Normally, maintenance of equipment through contractors should be avoided.

But in certain areas, if the expertise and in house capability or sufficient man power is
not available, maintenance jobs can be got done through contractors. Such contracts
will need to be listed out separately .If owner supply items are covered in such
contracts the cost of theses items will be included in the material cost.

 Factory & general overheads

All the items of an expenditures under this head will be estimated based on
past trend with due adjustment for policy changes. The estimates will be given by cost
centre needs for items identified with respective cost centers. The total administrative
cost of service cost centers will be allocated between construction and O&M in the
ratio of capital expenditure and sales during respective years.


This is to be charged as per ES act from the year following the year in which
assets have been capitalized value and, rates of depreciation furnished by the site
finance and account for different categories of assets. Cost centre-wise depreciation
will be added to arrive at total deprecation for the investment centre.

Interest on fixed capital:

As per existing accounting policy, the interest is to be charged to profit &

loss account based on the loan content in the capitalized assets restricted to total
accrued interests on actual loans.

For budgeting purposes, interest will be worked on equated loan content or

equated loan which ever is less.

3.1 Review of literature:

Several authors have made various propositions and have defined the term budget;
from various perspectives, mostly on individual perspectives and experiences.
Aseshemic (1997) defined a budget as a financial or quantitative statement of plan to
be pursued for achieving given objective.

According to Brown and Howard (2002), a budget is a predetermined statement of

management policy during a given period which provides a standard for comparison
with result actually achieved.

Buyers and Holmes (2003) on their part define a budget as a financial and/or
quantitative statement prepared and approved prior to be pursued during that period
for the purpose of attaining a given objective. They opined that a complete budget of
the future operation of a business involves the matching of sales with production. This
is to set an attainable objectives and the planning of the work to be carried out and
costs to be incurred by the canters into which the business is divided for budgeting

In the views of Charles (2003) a budget is a quantitative expression of plan of action

and an aid to coordination and implementation. This suggest that budgets are designed
to carry out a variety of functions; planning, evaluating performance, coordinating
activities, implementing plans, communicating, motivating and authorization, thus
punctuating the basic element of a result oriented budgetary system.

Pandey (2004) posits that a budget is a comprehensive and co-ordinated plan

expressed in financial terms for the operations and resources of an enterprise and for
some specific period in the future. According to him, the basic elements of a budget
are would include the following: • It is a comprehensive and co-ordinated plan. • It is
expressed in financial terms. • It is a plan for the firms operation. • It is a future plan
for a specified period.

Olafusi (2007) sums up budgeting in a write-up for the “Nigerian Accountant”, when
he defined budgeting as an indispensable tool for effective performance, by which
costs are assigned to specific tasks that are planned within a definite time period. To

Parker (2007), budgeting is a faith accompli in economic discourse, because resources

are scarce relative to need for them. Thus an overall perspective of budgeting is such
that, it can be viewed as an instrument that provides a benchmark for the
measurement and control of performance, while it equally provides feedback
information, which facilitates ability to take corrective measures, based on its
relativity to the nature and types of planning.

Cope (2008) views the term budget as a comprehensive plan expressed in financial
terms by which an operating programme is effective for a given period of time
(usually one year) including estimates of the services, activities and projects
comprising the programme, resultant expenditure requirement and the resources
usable for their support.

Onuorah (2011) however holds the view that budgeting spells out management plan in
quantitative terms. According to him, it also helps to evaluate organizational plans,
while at the same time performing two vital management functions namely: • The
formulation of a comprehensive future plan of action; • It compares actual result with
predetermined plan, thus, planning and control (which are two primary functions of
management) are also essential features of the budgeting process.

In the views of Lucey (2013) as it relates to the discourse, a budget is the annual
process of funds allocation, which should be seen as stages in the progressive
fulfillment of the long term objectives of the organizations. Accordingly, the
budgeting process steers the organization towards the long term objectives defined in
the corporate plan. An analysis of the above propositions on the concept of budget
reveals that although they have different interpretations they all have a common
element. In essence, a budget is a predetermined statement of management policy
during a given period, which provides a standard for comparison with the results
actually achieved. It involves an estimation of income and expenditure over a period
of time, thus the act of preparing a plan and quantifying it financially is known as
budgeting. A budget is generally the organization’s expectation in the future and it
basically involves planning (which involves the control and manipulation of relevant
variables - controllable and non-controllable) and reduces the impact of uncertainty. It
makes management active to influence the environment in the interest of the
enterprise. A budget expresses the plan in formal terms and helps to realize the firm’s
expectation. It is a comprehensive plan in the sense that all activities and operations
are considered when it is being prepared.

Mcalpine (2013) opines that it is important to ensure that the budgeting scheme is
comprehensive and effective and that the members of the organization know their
responsibilities under the scheme; what is needed to be done, how it should be done
and how performance will be measured. He further stated that these requirements are
fulfilled through comprehensive matter procedures. According to him, some of the
questions that have to be considered in drafting a procedure (among several others)

• What budgets are in the scheme?

• Who is responsible for preparing and coordinating them?

• What decision has to be made in the preparation of each budget?

• What information will be required to guide these decisions?

• What are the sources of this information? How will it be collected, analyses an
interpreted to establish the facts? These procedures will be based on a factual
approach to decision making and in this connection, it has to be appreciated that
decisions based on incomplete information can be misleading as those based on
wrong information.
Owler and Brown (2015), puts the concept of budget within the theoretical
perspective when they opined that budgets are expected to be viewed from a
humanistic approach. This is because human aspect of budgeting is much more
important than the accounting techniques. The success of any budgetary system
depends on its acceptance by those saddled with the responsibilities of managing the
budget and the company members who are affected by the budgets. It is not enough to
prepare budgets and assign responsibility for them; the behavioral aspect must be
appraised. This fact was rightly and succinctly pointed out by Owler and Brown
(2015) when they stated that: “It is nevertheless necessary to consider also the
behavioral aspects of a system. The system will be ineffective if the people who are
operating the system have not been considered and are not asked to participate in it”.
To fully appreciate the theoretical framework of budgeting and budgetary control,
closely examined.

4.1 Tabulation

Kesoram Industries Limited Revenue Budget (2008-09) Particulars Budget Actual Variance



1 Fixed and recovery 689 599 90

2 Variable cost recovery 745 652 93

3 Fuel price adjustment recovery 784 823 -39

4 Own consumption 116 128 -12

5 Total of (1…4) 2334 2202 132

6 Average intensives 98 91 7

7 Other income 51 43 8

Grand total(5+6+7) 2483 2336 147



The data pertaining to the generation and consumption of cement at kesoram

Industries Limited have been obtained from the year 2008-09 and presented in Table-
1.The aspect included are total generation of cement in (cores Rs) and utilization for
auxiliary consumption, raw material consumption and line store respectively.During
the year 2008-09 the sales, fixed cost, variable cost, fuel price, consumption was
decreased. Sales decreased by 132 crores to the estimated budget. During the year
2008-09 the average intensives are decreased by 7 crores., there income also
decreased by 8 crores respectively. Finally, with regard to the result in revenue
budget of kesoram cement industries limited, totally decreased by 147 crores in the
year 2008-09 respectively.

Kesoram Industries Limited Operational expenditure budget for

the year 2008-09 Particulars Budget Actual Variance


Variable cost

1 Raw material 400 423 23

2 Lime stone 430 450 20

3 Total of (1,2) 830 873 43

maintained cost

4 Chemicals and 120 140 20


5 Repairs & 240 275 35


6 Employee cost 290 335 45

7 Stationary & 55 70 15

8 Rebate 10 12 2
9 Share of 8 10 2

10 Total of(4..9) 723 842 119

Finance charges

11 Deprecation 38 11 -27

12 Interest on 18 20 2
fixed capital

13 Totalof-3 56 31 -25

Gland total 1609 1746 137



Observed from the above table that the "Operational Expenditure Budget" of
kesoram cement industries Limited in the year 2008-09.

In the year 2008-09 variable cost components, Raw material consumption

23 crores increased and the lime stone consumption 20 crores also increased.

In operating & maintain aces cost components, chemicals & water, repair &
maintenance, employee cost, stationary & general expenses rebate and share of other
expenses in all are fluctuating expenses of the year ever the total
operating maintenance costs are 119 crores increasing respectively.

In finance charges depreciation and interest on fixed capital, has been

included, the total finance

Charges recording decreasing 25 crores in the year 2008-09 respectively.

Kesoram Industries Limited Revenue Budget (2009-10)

Table-I Particulars Budget Actual Amount(Rs. variance


1 Fixed and 689 617 72


2 Variable cost 829 735 94


3 Fuel price 815 856 -41


4 Own 110 132 -22


5 Total of 2443 2340 103


6 Average 93 86 7

7 Other income 49 38 11

8 Grand 2585 2464 121


The data pertaining to the generation and consumption of cement at kesoram

Industries Limited have been obtained from the year 2009-10 and presented in
Table-1.The aspect included are total generation of cement in (cores Rs) and
utilization for auxiliary consumption, raw material consumption and line store

During the year 2009-10 the sales, fixed cost, variable cost, fuel price,
consumption was decreased. Sales consumption is deceased by 103 crores

During the year 2009-10 the average intensives are decreased by 7 crores and
there income also decreased 11 crores respectively.

Finally, with regard to the result in revenue budget of kesoram cement

industries limited, totally decreased by 121 crores in the year 2009-10 respectively.
Kesoram Industries Limited Operational expenditure budget for
the year 2009-10 Particulars Budget Actual variance


Variable cost

1 Raw material 419 449 30

2 Lime stone 420 465 45

3 Total of(1,2) 839 914 75

Operative maintained

4 Chemicals and water 121 148 27

5 Repairs & maintenance 232 289 57

6 Employee cost 314 348 34

7 Stationary & general 59 77 18


8 Rebate 11 13 2

9 Share of operating 8 10 2

10 Total of(4..9) 745 885 140

Finance charges

11 Deprecation 38 14 -24

12 Interest on fixed capital 18 20 2

13 Total of(11,12) 56 34 -22

Grand total (3+10+13) 1640 1833 193



Observed from the above table that the "Operational Expenditure

Budget" of kesoram cement industries Limited in the year 2009-10.

In the year 2009-10 variable cost components, Raw material consumption

30 crores increased and the lime stone consumption 45 crores also increased.

In operating & maintain aces cost components, chemicals & water, repair
& maintainance,employee cost, stationary & general expenses rebate and share of
other expenses in all are fluctuating expenses of the year ever the
total operating maintenance costs are 140crores increasing respectively.

In finance charges depreciation and interest on fixed capital, has been

included, the total finance charges decreasing by 22 crores in the year 2009-10
Kesoram Industries Limited Revenue Budget (2010-11) Particulars Budget Actual Variance



1 Fixed and 721 611 110


2 Variable cost 815 729 86


3 Fuel price 810 823 -13


4 Own 121 131 -10


5 Total of (1…4) 2467 2294 173

6 Average 97 92 5

7 Other income 53 48 5

8 Grand 2617 2434 183




The data pertaining to the generation and consumption of cement at kesoram

Industries Limited have been obtained from the year 2010-11 and presented in Table-
1.The aspect included are total generation of cement in (cores Rs) and utilization for
auxiliary consumption, raw material consumption and line store respectively.

During the year 2010-11 the sales, fixed cost, variable cost, fuel price,
consumption was decreased. Sales consumption is decreased by 173 crores

During the year 2010-11 the average intensives are decreased by 5 crores and
there income also decreased 5 crores respectively.

Finally, with regard to the result in revenue budget of kesoram cement

industries limited, totally decreased by 183 crores in the year 2010-11 respectively.
Kesoram cement industry Revenue Budget (2011-12)

Table-I Particulars Budget Actual Variance



1 Fixed and 724 618 106


2 Variable cost 840 740 100


3 Fuel price 820 863 -43


4 Own consumption 132 148 -16

5 Total of (1…4) 2516 2369 147

6 Average 102 98 4

7 Other income 56 49 7

8 Grand 2674 2516 158


The data pertaining to the generation and consumption of cement at kesoram

Industries Limited have been obtained from the year 2011-12 and presented in
Table-1.The aspect included are total generation of cement in (cores Rs) and
utilization for auxiliary consumption, raw material consumption and line store

During the year 2011-12 the sales, fixed cost, variable cost, fuel price,
consumption was decreased. Sales consumption is decreased by 147 crores

During the year 2011-12 the average intensives are decreased by 4 crores and,
their income also decreased 7 crores respectively.

Finally, with regard to the result in revenue budget of kesoram cement

industries limited, totally decreased by 158 crores in the year 2011-12 respectively.
Table showing operating expenditure of for the year 2011-2012


Particulars Budget Actual Variance

Sr.n amount
amount (RS. Crores)

(Rs. Crores)

Variable cost

1 Raw material 420 450 30

2 Lime stone 450 470 20

3 Total of (1,2) 870 920 50

Operative maintained cost

4 Chemicals and water 130 150 20

5 Repairs & maintenance 280 300 20

6 Employee cost 320 350 30

7 Stationary & general expenses 65 80 15

8 Rebate 11 13 2

9 Share of operating expenses 8 10 2

10 Total of(4...9) 814 903 89

Finance charges

11 Deprecation 42 15 -27

12 Interest on fixed capital 18 20 2

13 Total of(11,12) 60 35 -25

Grand total (3+10+13) 1744 1858 114


Observed from the above table that the "Operational Expenditure Budget"
of kesoram cement industries Limited in the year 2011-12.

In the year 2011-12 variable cost components, Raw material consumption

30 crores increased and the lime stone consumption 20 crores also increased.

In operating & maintainaces cost components, chemicals & water, repair &
maintainance,employee cost, stationary & general expenses rebate and share of
other expenses in all are fluctuating expenses of the year ever the
total operating maintenance costs are 89 crores increasing respectively.

In finance charges depreciation and interest on fixed capital, has been

included, the total finance charges recording decreasing by 25 crores in the year
2011-12 respectively finally with regard to the operational expenditure budget of
kesoram cement industries limited the total profit has increased by 114 crores
during the year 2011-12.

The overall budget results of kesoram cement industry is industries

limited is earning more profits.
Cash Flow

Mar Mar Mar

  Mar 19 Mar 17
19 18 16

12 12 12
  12 mths 12 mths
mths mths mths

Net Profit/Loss Before

Extraordinary Items And -266.20 0.00 -154.11 137.12
Net CashFlow From
755.90 0.00 214.66 118.67 209.53
Operating Activities

Net Cash Used In Investing -

136.47 0.00 1,804.13 545.01
Activities 453.38

Net Cash Used From - - -

0.00 59.51
Financing Activities 1,322.92 2,125.70 425.51
Adjustments on
Amalgamation / Merger / 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 -25.80
Demerger / Others
Net Inc/Dec In Cash And -
-430.55 0.00 -202.90 303.23
Cash Equivalents 179.17

Cash And Cash Equivalents

-153.71 0.00 25.46 228.36 140.27
Begin of Year

Cash And Cash Equivalents -

-584.26 0.00 25.46 443.50
End Of Year 153.71
Profit And Loss

  Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '16

  12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Sales Turnover 4,202.02 3,995.81 4,325.81 4,292.07
Excise Duty 0.00 0.00 0.00 414.35
Net Sales 4,202.02 3,995.81 4,325.81 3,877.72
Other Income 87.86 77.02 172.42 58.54
Stock Adjustments -75.17 -26.20 -125.85 87.96
Total Income 4,214.71 4,046.63 4,372.38 4,024.22
Raw Materials 1,333.70 1,361.58 1,343.00 2,241.11
Power & Fuel Cost 813.83 727.98 642.71 555.91
Employee Cost 355.56 411.27 377.22 180.41
Other Manufacturing
0.00 0.00 0.00 36.18
Selling and Admin
39.28 55.12 55.28 195.09
Miscellaneous Expenses 1,382.64 1,362.09 1,298.69 145.34
Preoperative Exp
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Expenses 3,925.01 3,918.04 3,716.90 3,354.04
  Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '09

  12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Operating Profit 201.84 51.57 483.06 611.64

PBDIT 289.70 128.59 655.48 670.18
Interest 512.36 443.02 283.47 153.86
PBDT -222.66 -314.43 372.01 516.32
Depreciation 153.15 146.10 136.22 111.86
Other Written Off 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Profit Before Tax -375.81 -460.53 235.79 404.46
Extra-ordinary items 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.65
PBT (Post Extra-ord
-375.81 -460.53 235.79 409.11
Tax -11.95 -2.00 -7.87 30.37
Reported Net Profit -363.32 -577.56 -242.09 378.73
Minority Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Share Of P/L Of
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net P/L After Minority
Interest & Share Of -363.32 -376.06 133.90 374.09
Total Value Addition 2,591.31 2,556.46 2,373.90 1,112.93
Preference Dividend 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Equity Dividend 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.16
Corporate Dividend Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.28
Per share data (annualised)
Shares in issue (lakhs) 1,425.90 1,373.40 1,172.69 457.43
Earning Per Share (Rs) -25.48 -42.05 -20.64 82.80
Equity Dividend (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Book Value (Rs) 7.87 38.40 68.02 294.16
Balance sheet

  Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '09

  12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Sources Of Funds
Total Share Capital 142.59 137.34 117.27 45.74
Equity Share Capital 142.59 137.34 117.27 45.74
Share Application Money 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Preference Share Capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Init. Contribution Settler 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Preference Share
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Application Money
Employee Stock Option 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reserves -30.33 390.10 680.39 1,299.83
Net worth 112.26 527.44 797.66 1,345.57
Secured Loans 2,990.13 3,732.03 2,912.98 1,536.27
Unsecured Loans 0.00 247.93 295.97 605.65
Total Debt 2,990.13 3,979.96 3,208.95 2,141.92
Minority Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Policy Holders Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Group Share in Joint
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Liabilities 3,102.39 4,507.40 4,006.61 3,487.49
  Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '09

  12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Application Of Funds
Gross Block 3,194.60 3,169.74 2,678.93 2,787.13
Less: Revaluation
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Less: Accum.
422.58 279.67 135.38 913.22
Net Block 2,772.02 2,890.07 2,543.55 1,873.91
Capital Work in Progress 799.94 789.85 729.96 864.85
Investments 81.60 720.02 71.22 49.18
Inventories 361.19 458.01 466.56 589.06
Sundry Debtors 586.78 572.92 526.68 380.17
Cash and Bank Balance 46.51 107.64 177.76 56.86
Total Current Assets 994.48 1,138.57 1,171.00 1,026.09
Loans and Advances 346.62 629.77 817.35 513.12
Fixed Deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total CA, Loans &
1,341.10 1,768.34 1,988.35 1,539.21
Deferred Credit 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Current Liabilities 1,723.20 1,469.64 1,221.97 494.38
Provisions 169.07 191.24 104.50 345.29
Total CL & Provisions 1,892.27 1,660.88 1,326.47 839.67
Net Current Assets -551.17 107.46 661.88 699.54
Minority Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Group Share in Joint
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Miscellaneous Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Assets 3,102.39 4,507.40 4,006.61 3,487.48

Contingent Liabilities 498.89 564.37 743.94 364.91

Book Value (Rs) 7.87 38.40 68.02 294.16

4.2 Testing Of Hypothesis:

From above analysis of collected data, hypothesis are interpreted as follows:

(H0): Budgeting and budgetary control is not a tool for effective decision
and planning, is rejected.

The study shows that budgeting and budgetary control has no negative
impact as a tool for effective decision and planning.

(H1): Budgeting and budgetary control is a tool for effective decisions

and planning, is accepted.

The study shows that budgeting and budgetary control has made a positive
impact as a tool for effective decision and planning.


a. Every organization has predetermined set of objectives and goals, but reaching
their objectives and goals by proper planning and executing of these plans

b. The kesoram cement industries Limited objectives of planning and organizing

promoting an integrated development of Cement Company.

c. The corporation machine of kesoram cement industries is to make available

and quickly cement in increasingly small quantities, the company will spear
head the process of accelerated development of cement sector by

d. The organization needs the capable personalities as management makes the

plans and implement of these plans are expressed in terms of budget and
budgetary control.

e. The kesoram cement Industries Limited has budget process in two stages. one
is the capital expenditure budget and another is operating maintenance budget,
the capital expenditure budget shows the list of capital projects selected for
investment along with their estimated costs, operating maintenance budgets,
the medical budgets are rarely used in the organization like long term budgets,
search & development budget for consultancy.

f. The Kesoram cement industries is to make efficient utilization of its resources

and implementation of sophisticated technology to produce available and
quality cement and also creating ambience of collective working of its

Planning has become the primary function of management most of the

planning relates to individual situations and individual proposals. Budgets are
nothing but expressions largely in financial terms, budgetary control has, therefore
become and essential tool of management for controlling and maximizing profits.

a. Continuous comparison of actual performance with budgeted performance.

b. The company has to maintain super quick assets in order to maintain sound

c. A company has to recollect their own standing amount from the debtors

d. The company has to maintain funds for long-term investment.

e. The company has to monitory from liability position in regular intervals.

f. The company must be conscious about their working capital position.

g. There is lot of pretension consistence demand the cement industry as a

cement producer the company can able to source, their funds throw more
share holders funds.

h. Company is maintaining the inventories a part from current assets for the
entire study period. To show that excessive inventory level are not good
for any organization and any company. Since the company has it
concentrate much more on inventory maintain.
5.3 References:

5.3.1 websites:
Web site of a company
Web site for cement industry www.kesoram

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