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Applied Economics: The Experimental Ideal

Philipp Ager
University of Mannheim and CEPR

Lecture 2 – Week 1, September 9, 2021

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The goal of program evaluation is to assess the causal effect

of public policy interventions. Examples
Job training programs on earnings and employment
Class size on test scores
Minimum wage on employment

In addition, we may be interested in the effect of variables that

do not represent public policy interventions. Examples
Immigration on wages
Natural disasters on economic growth

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The Problem
How do we obtain a causal effect?

“Ideal scenario”: clone each treated individual and observe the

impacts of treatment on the outcomes of interest

What is the impact of giving Lisa a textbook on her test score?

Impact = Lisa’s score with a book - Lisa’s score without a book
In the real world, we either observe Lisa with or without a textbook
⇒ We never observe the counterfactual
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The Problem
To measure the causal impact of giving Lisa a book on her test
score, we need to find a similar child that did not receive a book

“Causal impact” is the difference in test scores between the

treatment and the comparison group
Impact = Lisa’s score with a book - Bart’s score without a book
As this example illustrates, finding a good comparison group
is hard ⇒ potential solutions quasi-experimental approaches
(more on that soon . . . )
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Causality with Potential Outcomes

Goal: find relationship between treatment and some outcome

that may be impacted by the treatment (e.g., wages)

Treatment indicator Di for unit i:

1 if unit i received the treatment
Di =
0 otherwise

For each individual, there are two potential outcomes:

Y0i if Di = 0
Potential Outcome =
Y1i if Di = 1

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Causality with Potential Outcomes

Outcome Yi : Observed outcome of interest for unit i

We can write the outcome in terms of potential outcomes:

Y0i if Di = 0
Yi = Y1i Di + Y0i (1 − Di ) or = Yi =
Y1i if Di = 1

Treatment Effect for unit i is: Y1i − Y0i

Fundamental problem of causal inference:

⇒ We cannot observe both potential outcomes (Y1i ; Y0i )

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Average Causal Effect

What we actually want to know is the average causal effect,

but that is not what we get from a difference in means comparison

Difference in group means: average causal effect of program

on participants + selection bias
Even in a large sample:
People will choose to participate in a program when they expect
the program to make them better off (i.e., when Y1i − Y0i > 0)
Participants are likely to be different than those who choose not
to . . . even in the absence of the program

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Selection Bias

Difference in Group Means

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1]

+ E[Y0i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

The left-hand-side denotes observed difference in means between

treated and non-treated individuals
The two expressions on the right-hand side denote the average
treatment effect on the treated (ATET) and selection bias
E[Y1i |Di = 1] - E[Y0i |Di = 1] = E[Y1i − Y0i |Di = 1] = αATET
E[Y0i |Di = 1] - E[Y0i |Di = 0] = Selection Bias

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Random Assignment Solves the Selection Problem

Recall: Difference in Group Means = ATET + Selection Bias

Random assignment of units to the treatment forces the selection

bias to be zero

The treatment and control group will tend to be similar along

all characteristics (including Y0 )

Random assignment of Di ⇒ expected outcomes are the

same in the absence of the program

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Random Assignment Solves the Selection Problem

If treatment is random (independence of Y0i and Di ), we have:

E[Y0i |Di = 1] = E[Y0i |Di = 0] = E[Y0i ]

Difference in Group Means

= E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1] + E[Y0i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1] + E[Y0i ] − E[Y0i ]

= E[Y1i ] − E[Y0i ]

The difference in means is the αATE (average treatment effect)

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Example – Randomized Experiment on Class Size
Many studies of education production using non-experimental
data suggest there is little or no link between class size and
student learning
Krueger (1999, QJE) provides an econometric analysis of the
Tennessee STAR experiment on class size
Project STAR was a longitudinal study in which kindergarten
students and their teachers were randomly assigned to one of
three groups beginning in the 1985-1986 school year
Small classes (13-17 students per teacher), regular classes
(22-25 students), and regular/aide classes (22-25 students)
which also included a full-time teacher’s aide
Random assignment took place within schools (80 schools
participated, 11,600 students over 4 years)
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Example – Randomized Experiment on Class Size

First Check
Does randomization successfully balance observables across
different treatment groups?

Common: compare pre-treatment outcomes or other covariates

across groups

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Example – Randomized Experiment on Class Size

Source: Krueger (1999, Table 1)

No/small differences in the fraction of students on free lunch, racial

mix, and the average age of students by different classes size
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Example – Randomized Experiment on Class Size
Randomization eliminates selection bias: Difference in group means
captures the (unbiased) average causal effect of class size

School FE necessary because randomization was done within schools

Source: Krueger (1999, Table 5)

What about adding controls in this case?

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Regression Analysis of Experiments

Useful tool for the study of causal questions

(much more on that later)

Assume the treatment effect is the same for everyone, i.e.,

Y1i − Y0i = ρ
Yi = α + ρDi + ηi

Constant: α = E(Y0i )
Treatment Effect: ρ = (Y1i − Y0i )
Random Part of Y0i : ηi = Y0i − E(Y0i )

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Regression Analysis of Experiments
Let’s evaluate the conditional expectation of this equation with
treatment status switched on and off:

E[Yi |Di = 1] = α + ρ + E[ηi |Di = 1]

E[Yi |Di = 0] = α + E[ηi |Di = 0]

Hence . . .

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = ρ + E[ηi |Di = 1] − E[ηi |Di = 0]

Selection bias amounts to the correlation between ηi and Di ,

reflecting the difference in (no-treatment) potential outcomes
between those who get treated and those who don’t

⇒ E[Y0i |Di = 1] - E[Y0i |Di = 0]

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Regression Analysis of Experiments

In Krueger (1999), where Di is randomly assigned (within schools),

the selection term disappears, and a regression of Yi on Di
estimates the causal effect of interest ρ

If other student characteristics, call them Xi , are uncorrelated

with the treatment Di , then they will not affect the estimate of ρ

Yi = α + ρDi + Xi′ γ + ηi

Yet, adding controls might help to obtain more precise estimates

of the treatment effect

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Regression Analysis of Experiments

Adding student and teacher characteristics has no detectable

effect on the effect of small classes on student achievement

Source: Krueger (1999, Table 5)

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Threats to the Validity of Randomized Experiments

Internal validity: can we estimate treatment effect for our

particular sample?
Fails when there are differences between treated and controls
(other than the treatment itself) that affect the outcome and that
we cannot control for

External validity: can we extrapolate our estimates to other

Fails when the treatment effect is different outside the evaluation

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Threats to the Validity of Randomized Experiments

Most common threats to Internal Validity:

Failure of randomization
Non-compliance with experimental protocol

Most common threats to External Validity:

Non-representative sample
Non-representative program

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General Issue: Randomized trials are often impracticable or

not feasible (compliance, high costs, rejection on ethical grounds)

Potential remedy: find natural or quasi-experiments that mimic

a randomized trial
Quasi-experimental approaches:
Instrumental Variables
Regression Discontinuity

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