Soal Us B. Inggris

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A. Untuk soal no. 1 sampai dengan 40, pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan
memberi tanda (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !

1. Tom looks very tired. What's your suggestion to him?

a. You should eat more. c. I think you ought to get some rest
b. You should study harder d. What if you go for a walk?
2. Linda is working on her homework, but she finds some difficult questions. What will you suggest her?
a. I think you should stop studying. c. What if you drink to refresh yourself?
b. Maybe you can sleep now. d. What about going to your friend’s to study?
3. Your friend needs a book for his homework. But he doesn't have enough money to buy it. What will you
suggest him?
a. Maybe you can borrow from our seniors? c. What if we go to the zoo?
b. I think you shouldn't do the homework. d. You ought to get some rest
4. Sinta : I feel that students should do more discussion at class.
Jeni : ... Discussion can help us to develop our critical thinking skill.
a. I agree. c. I am not sure
b. I disagree. d. I don’t think so
5. ... the new rules can make students learn better. 6:30 is too early for students to come to school.
a. I doubt that c. In my opinion
b. I think d. I feel that
6. Roni : What should we do for our group project?
You : ...
a. I don't think so. c. I doubt that
b. I think we should do a small presentation. d. Why do you think so?

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.

SMP.Negri 137
JL CempakaPutih Barat 15/26
Telp (021) 4244612

Dear Sabrina
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2017
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the 2015 PENSI competition please come on time, see your there.

Nazmi, Farhan,

Secretary Chair Person

7. The meeting will be held?

a. On Sunday, August 8, 2017 c. At 01.30. a.m. – 02.30. a.m
b. On Saturday, 8 August 2017 d. On Saturday, June 8, 2018

8. Based on the text we know that?

a. The meeting will be held in the school hall
b. The meeting only invites the commitee
c. If you cloud not come, you should call Nazmi
d. The meeting will be held in the morning

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 10

Glad if you can attend and laugh with us In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and
Aisyah has graduated from an Msi
(Master of Science from Bandung Institute Technology)
Accompany with us on
Sunday, Mei 30, 2019 at 8 p.m.
The Suite Room, Hermitage Hotel.
Ardi and Riana
RSVP 65412397

9. Who is graduated from Bandung Institue Technology?

a. Aishwa c. Isyana
b. Ais d. Aisyah

10. Based on the invitation text above, we can conclude that…

a. Riana is Isyana’s daughter c. The party will be held in Hermitage Hotel
b. The party ended at 8 p.m d. The party is to celebrate Isyana’s Birthday

Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer

The following dialog is for questions 11 to 14

Mrs. Artika : You lok so restless. What’s wrong?

Amelia : I lost my watch, Mom.
Mrs. Artika : I am sorry to hear that. Have you searched everywhere?
Amelia : Yes, Mom. I have searched on my desk, dressing table, and in my bag, but I couldn’t
find it?
Mrs. Artika : When did you last wear it?
Amelia : Yesterday afternoon, for a music course.
Mrs. Artika : Where did you put it after the course?
Amelia : Hmmm… I forgot, mom.
Mrs. Artika : O.k. Let me help you to find it.

11. Where does the dialog take place?

a. At home c. in a classroom
b. At school d. in a watch store

12. What is the dialog about?

a. Wearing a new watch c. helping to find a watch
b. Repairing a broken watch d. searching for a watch

13. Amelia last wore her watch when she …..

a. Studied c. dressed up
b. Visited her friend d. attended a course

14. Amelia says,“ …. But I couldn’t find it”. What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Her bag c. her dress
b. Her watch d. her mother’s watch

The following dialog is for questions 15 to 17

Dewi : You know what Yesterday I met Naura. Do you remember her?
Yanti : Um ... do you mean Naura, our friend in elementary school?
Dewi : You’re right.
Yanti : She has moved to Mataram, right? Where did you meet her?
Dewi : I met her when I was attending the English competition in Mataram.
Yanti : Did she attend the competition too?
Dewi : Yes. She was my rival during the competition. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of time
to talk with her.

Yanti : Didn’t you ask for her phone number?

Dewi : Of course I did. I have had her phone number and we can contact her at any time. She
gave us best regards.
Yanti : O.K. Let me have her phone number. I miss her and will contact her soon.

15. What is the dialog about?

a. A competition c. A participation in a contest.
b. A meeting with a new friend d. A meeting with an old friend
16. In what moment did Dewi meet Naura?
a. An English day c. An interschool competition
b. An English competition d. An English debate
17. What can we conclude from the dialog?
a. Naura was the audience of a contest
b. Yanti doesn’t have Naura’s phone
c. Yanti and Naura had chitchatted for a long time
d. Dewi has known Naura since they attended a contest.

For questions 18 to 20, choose the correct answers to complete the following text.
It was a cool, bright Sunday afternoon when I (18) .......... for a walk in the city park. I was
strolling the path leisurely, with a few trees and flowers around. I saw a few families chatting and
taking pictures, a few children chasing each other around the park and people sitting on benches in
the naturally relaxing atmosphere.
I stopped at a corner and 1(9) ....... a peaceful spot where I could relax momentarily. All of
sudden, a gust of wind blew. The trees were swaying and all the people were striving to keep their
hats, dresses and scarves in places. However, at another corner, I saw an old man running after his
hat, which was flying away with the wind. I immediately ran to help him (20) .....after the hat.
Finally, it hooked onto a branch of a tree and we retrieved it.

18. A. Go b. Am going c. Went d. Have gone

19. A. Find b. To find c. Finding d. Found
20. A. Rush b. Chase c. Weave d. Inspect.

The text for questions is for 21 to 22

The battle of Ambarawa, or called PalaganAmbarawa, was a military conflict between the
Indonesian army and British troops that occurred on October 20 to December 15, 1945 in
On October 20, 1945 to December British troops landed in Semarang to disarm Japanese troops
and liberate Europeans who still detained in concentration camps in Indonesia. The Netherlands
Indies Civil Administrations or NICA also landed on Semarang. This situation led the war.

21. What is the monolog about?

a. A war c. British troops
b. Ambarawa d. Indonesians Army
22. What caused the conflict?
a. Dutch loss c. Japan loss
b. Europeans’arrest d. British troops and NICA’s arrival in Semarang

Questions 23 and 24 refer to the following monolog.

An emperor was in the habit of posing riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked
questions which were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answer his questions.
Once he asked a very strange question. He asked the courtiers about the number of the birds in
his palace. As he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. Then, an
old man entered the courtyard. The emperor asked him that question. He answered that there were
fifty thousand five hundred and eighty-nine birds. The emperor doubted it. He answered if the
emperor found more birds; it meant several birds visited their relatives. If the emperor found less
number of birds, it meant several birds had gone to visit their relatives. The emperor was pleased
with the man’s wit.

23. What did the emperor like to do?

a. Practicing a sword with his guard c. riding a horse around the palace
b. Counting the birds in the palace d. giving riddles and puzzles to his courties

24. Who could answer the emperor’s questions?

a. A guard c. a courtier
b. A scholar d. an old man

The following text is for questions 25 to 28

Ki HajarDewantara was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta, his real name was Raden Mas
Soewardi Soerjaningrat. As a part of an aristocratic family, Soewardi was free to enjoy his
education. His recognition in the world of education was extraordinary.
He always thought of education as one of the most important factors in freeing Indonesian
people of their suffering from colonization. He never considered his aristocracy and changed his
name to Ki Hajar Dewantara. He did that because he wanted to bring himself closer to people.
Ki HajarDewantara was honored as “Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia” because of his ideas in the
world of education. His opinions were modern although he lived in colonial times. He always
thought that people had the right to education. He was also chosen as minister of Indonesian
Education under President Soekarno’s administration. His birthday is celebrated as National
Education Day (Hari Pendidikan Indonesia).

25. What did Ki HajarDewantara to do bring him closer to people?

a. He enjoyed his education c. He discarded his aristocracy
b. He got appreciation d. He was chosen as minister

26. “He never considered his aristocracy important, ..... (Paragraph 2). The underlined word is
synonymous with ....
a. Different b. Difficult c. Necessary d. needless

27. He was honored as “Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia” because of ...........

a. His ideas in the world of education c. His aristocratic family background
b. The change of his name d. His ways to be closer to people

28. When was he chosen as Minister of Education?

a. During colonial c. When he recognized the education
b. After he got closer to people d. Under President Soekarno’s administration.

29. We – fall – the – in – will – apples – have

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is .....
a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 c. 1-7-5-4-3-6-2
b. 1-2-7-4-3-5-6 d. 1-5-7-6-4-3-2

30. was –yesterday – my – day – good

1 2 3 4 5
The correct arrangement of the jumbled word is ...
a. 2-1-5-4-3 c. 2-1-3-4-5
b. 2-5-4-3-1 d. 2-1-3-5-4

The following dialogue is for number 31-35

Sifa : “What do you think about Lampung?

Lisa : “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches
: there. Lampung is also famous with its Kere Alang or songket. It is traditional cloth in
Sifa : “How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?”
Lisa : “I think…. Yes! Do you know Seruit? It’s delicious.”
Sifa : “Yes I know seruit. By the way….Which one is more delicious? Seruit or Sate of
Lisa : “According to me, Seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.”
Sifa : “I don’t think so. I think sate of mushroom is more delicious than seruit because sate of
mushroom is my favorite food.”
Lisa : “So we have different favorite foods then.”
Sifa : “I think so.”

31. What is the name of the region discussed between Sifa and Lisa?
a. Lampung b. Semarang c.Jakarta
d. Surabaya

32. What does Lisa think about Lampung?

a. It is a beautiful City b. It is the ugly city c.It is a city full of crime
d. It is a bad city

33. What kind of food liked by Lisa according to the dialogue above?
a. Seruit b. Mushroom Sate c.Soup
d. Pizza

34. What is Songket?

a. Traditional dance from Lampung d. Traditional clothes from Lampung
b. Traditional food from Lampung
c. Traditional ritual from Lampung

35. “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city.”

The sentence above is included into the expression of ….
a. Asking opinion b. Giving opinion c.Agreement
d. Disagreement

36. (1) Ayu : “What about telling about the human body?”
(2) Andi : “What should we present for the oral test next week?
(3) Ayu : “Good idea.”
(4) Andi : “Not a bad idea, but talking about animals is very ordinary. Many of our classmates
have told about animals.”
(5) Ayu : “How about something about animal species?”
Arrange the jumble sentence above into a good dialogue!
a. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5) b. (1)-(3)-(2)-(5)-(4)
c (2)-(5)-(4)-(1)-(3) d. (2)-(5)-(1)-(4)-(3)

The following dialogues is for number 37 to 39.

Rafa : “I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license.”
Sifa : “Don’t be so sad, my friend, let us search it around the park.”
Rafa : “I have looked for it for hours, but I could not find it. Do you have any suggestion?”
Sifa : “You should tell the security to announce it to other students.”
Rafa : “Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps”

37. Which sentence that shows asking suggestion?

a. Don’t be so sad, my friend.
b. I have just lost my driver license.
c. You should tell the security.
d. Do you have any suggestion?

38. Below are sentence of asking suggestion, except….

a. Can you tell me what I should do?
b. Do you have any suggestion for me?
c. What would you do?
d. Would you mind giving me your suggestion?

39. What is Rafa’s problem?

a. He lost a wallet.
b. He lost a bag.
c. He lost a car.
d. He lost his driver license.
e. He lost a pencil.

The following text is for number 40 and 41.

Mother : “Ali, where are you? Wake up, my dear. It’s Monday morning.”
Ali : “I’m here, mom, in my bed room.”
Mother : “Oh…. there you are. Don’t you go to school?”
Ali : “Mom. I have got a headache.”
Mother : “Let me check. You have got a high temperature. You should stay at home.”
Ali : “Okay, mom.”

40. Which sentence shows the giving suggestion?

a. I have got a headache.
b. You should stay at home.
c. Don’t you go to school?
d. Let me check.

41. Has Ali got a headache?

a. Yes, he has.
b. Yes, it is.
c. No, he has not.
d. No, it is not.

42. Bela: “Steve, what seems to be the problem?”

James: “Well, I have a bad cold and the doctor gave me some medicine.”
Bela: “Listen! Forget about the medicines. Try this herbal one.”
James: “Oh, no, thanks.”
What does Bela offer?
a. Herbal medicine.
b. Some medicine.
c. Fresh herbal.
d. Cool drink.

43. Cinta: “Why don’t you take the bus to work? The driving is rushing out and the traffic is terrible.”
Johan: “I would, but I’m afraid that there won’t be any seats left for the time the bus comes to my
Why does Johan not want to go by bus?
a. Johan takes the bus to work.
b. Johan wants Cinta to go with him.
c. Cinta prefers driving in the rush hour.
d. Johan has to stand on the bus if he takes it to work.

44. Teacher: “What’s the matter with you?”

Student: “I am sorry, ma’am, I didn’t
Teacher: “I’m sure you didn’t study last night. What did you do?”
Student: “….”
How might the student respond to the teacher’s question?
a. The movie was interesting.
b. I wasn’t busy last night.
c. I studied too late last night.
d. I watched an interesting movie until late last night.

45. Andi: “We went to Bandung yesterday. We spent our time shopping.”
Cika: “So, what do you think about Bandung?”
Andi: “….”
What is Andi’s best responses?
a. I think it is beautiful.
b. I think Bandung Is a beautiful capital.
c. I think it is beautiful view.
d. I think it is not interesting.

The following text is for number 46 to 50.

Why Should Wearing a Helmet when Motorcycling?

We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle when they are riding
without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess. Wearing a fitted protective helmet offers
many benefits which reduces the negative aspect of ridding. First and the most important is that wearing the
correct helmet can save a rider’s life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The recommended designs of
motorcycle helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect riders from getting a worse road
injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet, mud and other potential projectiles.

Second, wearing a helmet can gives the riders a matter of style. Helmet can give the opportunity for rider to
express the image they may want to project when riding on they way. This benefit may not be important to
some people, but others, it means a lot and important. By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of
the various styles, such as beanie, shorty, German, and many others, wearing a helmet which can
projecting an image is an inherent crucial part of motorcycling and help riders feel more confident when
riding on the road.

However, what most important is wearing helmet when riding is a matter of using it properly. Bikers should
use the helmets on which are fixed to their head. It is really not good if they places simply the helmets on
the head without settling them properly. The bikers should fasten the helmet correctly to their head in order
to get safe and comfort.

46. What is the main function of helmet?

A. Protection.
B. Support system.
C. Stylistic aspect.
D. Efficiency.

47. Below is not the risk of motorcycle rider besides road accident ….
a. flying bugs
b. rain
c. sleet
d. sleepy truck driver

48. “Helmets give the opportunity for rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on
the way. The aspect which can be the helmet’s function is …. Aspect
a. Protection
b. Support system
c. Stylistic aspect
d. Efficiency

49. “By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty,
German, and many others.” The antonym of the underline word above is….
a. Single
b. Several
c. Multi
d. Serve

50. The next above shows the expression of….

a. giving a suggestion
b. giving an offer
c. giving the invitation
d. giving the letter

B. Untuk soal no. 41 sampai dengan 45, jawablah dengan singkat pada lembar jawaban
yang disediakan !
1. Describe about your future plan after graduating from SMA Plus Aisyah Samawa?
2. Write down some advices to your young sister before you going out from the school
3. If you are English teacher, what will you do to improve your student skills?
4. Translate into Indonesian “We Never Go Down”
5. Write down in your piece of paper “I’ll do my best wherever and whenever”

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