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In the Eleventh Bhava
Auspicious Results : The planetary position removes the inauspicious results. One is long-lived
and healthy. One is hard working, pleasure loving, wealthy, enjoys comforts and has a poetic
heart. One would have conquered one’s senses. One will be dark complexioned, good looking,
silent, scholarly, jovial, lively and knowledgeable about Shastras. One will be the leader of
one’s society. One will earn a good name and can bring fame to the nation. One will make
friends with clever people. When Rahu is in the eleventh bhava, one will get many
opportunities of gain. One will always be very careful about one’s gain and greed. One will
attain wealth and property. One will become wealthy, but through unethical methods. One
might make money through foreigners and attain fame and wealth through them. One might
earn money through oratory. One will earn a lot of wealth and gain a variety of clothes, gold
and animals. One may acquire animals and vehicles through foreigners and lowly people. One
will always keep servants with him. One will have male sons and they will be very qualified.
One will attain fame and happiness from the king. One will be victorious and one’s desires will
be fulfilled. One’s enemies will be destroyed. One will win them over with one’s valor. One’s
enemies will be polite. One will get good friends and one’s life will run smoothly with their
help. One will be an astrologer or will be knowledgeable about mantras and Shastras. This
person will be an official, will take bribes, but will never be caught by the law. One will be
successful both in service and in business. One will have to bear the burden of one’s family due
to the death of one’s elder brother or his unemployment. One will attain sudden wealth in the
42nd year. One will earn one’s living in the 28th year. One may marry in the 27th year.
The first born may be a daughter. A son may be born after a long interval. Daughters may be
more in number.
The planet will give auspicious results.

Inauspicious Results : One is foolish, shameless and arrogant. One may waste one’s time
uselessly, incur debts and be quarrelsome. One may be friendly with wicked people and act
unethically. One may be friendly with smugglers. One may be engrossed in schemes to usurp
the wealth of others and one does so by cheating them. One may not gain in races, speculation,
and lottery. One’s business may not progress well and debts may prevail. One may suffer pain
due to worry about one’s son and family. One may become deaf. One may suffer from ear
ailments. One may spend money on races, speculation, lottery and gambling with a desire to
become rich suddenly. Due to this one may take a lot of bribes due to one’s high position and
may be caught by the police. Because of this one may be greedy, usurper of the wealth of others
and one’s behaviour may be irregular. Friends may cause losses and there may be obstacles in
good fortune.

Parashara's Light 9.0 © GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to Rajeev Saini. •

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