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Tennis Court Oath-1789

National Assembly (formed from the third estates)
We need a new Constitution (laws state what government can do)
The purpose of constitution
1. To avoid the abuses of royal power
The storming of the Bastille is significant because it showed that the people could overcome the
ancient regime. Revolutionaries only freed a few prisoners, and only got a few weapons. But it’s

National assembly 1789-1791

Constitution of 1791
- National assembly created a limited, Parliamentary monarchy
- Replaced old provinces with 83 departments
- Abolished old provincial courts, reformed laws
New gov’t had power to:
Make laws, collect taxes, decide on issues of war and peace
 Fight to Varennes
- Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempted to escape France
- To many, this meant Louis was a traitor to the revolution (lose his few supporters)
 International Response
Emigres-nobles, clergy, others who fled the Revolution went to countries around Europe
Declaration of Pilnitz issued by Austrian emperor, promised to intervene if needed to protect
French monarchy
 Fights for Power
Economy of France continued to struggle
Working-class sans-culottes took more power, demanding republican government
Jacobins, revolutionary middle-class lawyers and intellectuals, supported them
On the other side, moderate reformers and royalists

France became a constitutional monarchy

1. Moderate phase
- Rumors rampant, created panic
- The great fear, peasants believed the troops were seizing their crops
- 1789: created the constitution in America
- Factions Rise
1. National Guard: moderate, led by Marquis de Lafayette
2. Mainly middle-class militia
- Paris Commune
1. Radical
2. Replaced royalist government of Paris
3. Mobilized violent action for the revolution
National Assembly reacted to the uprisings, voted to end privileges of nobility
1. Nobles gave up old manorial dues, hunting rights
Maybe these nobles saw what’s happening in England and America
2. Ended special legal status and exemptions from taxes
3. Acknowledged equality of all male citizens before the law
Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen (1789)
 Declaration of Rights of man+the citizen & Bill of Rights (US)
Women was left out!
The Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791)
1. Women deserved the same rights as all men
2. A state which empowers women=more just, honorable, moral
3. Women were, in some crucial ways, superior to men
Women’s March
6000 women marched on Versailles, October 5, 1789
Why? Famine, Marie Antoinette was scolded by most women
The women brought the king and queen to Paris, where they lived as virtual prisoners
80% of income spent on buying breads
-More reforms
The civil constitution of the clergy issued, 1790
National Assembly placed the Church under state control
- Dissolved convents (修道院) and monasteries
- Ended papal authority over the French Church
- Made bishops and priests elected, salaried officials

Reign of Terror 1792-1794

1. escalating violence
2. end of the monarchy (similar to England)
*constitutional monarchy: the monarchy’s power is limited

Radicals held majority in Nat’l Assembly
April, European monarchs declared war on France, invaded
 Russia&Spain will be scared because of the strong power of French revolutions
What alliance declared war against France? Why?
Prussia+Russia fought against France together.
Spain is close to France geographically, thus they don’t want to let those French Revolutionary
ideas into Spain.
Britain: a constitutional monarchy, will be scared. Parliamentary system that’s mainly made up of
elites. Even though Britain is more enlightened the ancient regime, but French rising power might
overrun the Britain government.
 Tensions Rise
- In 1792, war was going badly for the French
- Many revolutionaries believed the king was in league with foreign powers to retain power
- Tensions led to increasing violence
 Monarchy ABOLISHED
- Radicals took control of Legislative Assembly, called for election of new legislature
- Created national convention
- Extended suffrage to all male citizens
- Seized nobles’ lands
- Monarchy abolished, replaced by a republic
 Republic Def: rule of law
Parallels to Britain
1793, Louis XVI beheaded
Marie was also executed
 Guillotine became a symbol of the terror of the Republic
 Terror and Danger grip France
- Faced external (France was at war with other countries, alliances trying to control this
radical revolution in France) and internal threats
- Nat’l Convention created Committee of Public Safety, led by Maximilien Robespierre
- Committee had absolute power
Absolute power is necessary in order to keep the country stable (maybe just during the period
of Revolutions)
- Required all citizens to contribute to the war effort (mass levy tax)
 Short term tax that will be used till the world to be one
 Maximilien Robespierre
- Leader of the Committee of Public safety
- Reformer, but supported terror to maintain order
Promoted religious tolerance
Try to abolish slavery
Arrested and tried all those who threatened the revolution
 The reign of Terror continued until Robespierre himself was executed in 1794
 Religious Change
To establish a society built on reason, the Nat’l Convention had a dechristianization policy
Churches were closed
New calendar adopted
Public exercise of religion banned
 The cult of reason
Replacement for the Catholic Church
State-sponsored Atheist (no religion person) organization
 Changes
By 1799, France had changed dramatically
- New symbols confirmed liberty, equality of all male citizens
- Citizen applied to ppl of all social classes
- Elaborate fashions simple clothing
Loving your country not only your king
State schools replaced religious ones
Social systems organized to help the poor, old soldier, and was widows
Slavery abolished in France’s Caribbean colonies
Estates General (ancient regime) National Assembly (3rd estates) national convention
radicalsCommittee of Public Safety

Directory 1795-1799
1. reaction against radicalism
2. made peace with Prussia and Spain
3. continued war with Austria and great Britain
4. supporters of a constitutional monarchy won in the legislature
5. Reaction to the Terror, moderates produced Constitution of 1795
6. Created a five-man Directory, two house legislature (group of people who make laws)

Problems: corrupt, economy struggled with inflation, some members turned to a wildly successful

Age of Napoleon 1799-1815

1. consolidation of many changes
2. a period of war throughout Europe

18.3 Radical Days of the Revolution

 The monarchy is ABOLISHED
-tensions lead to violence
1. battle disastersking was in league with enemies
2. September Massacres/bloodthirsty mob, killed almost all noble & priest prisoners
-radicals take control and execute the king
1. formed the national convention
2. suffrage was extended to all male citizens
3. voted to abolish monarchy
4. Jacobins, controller of the convention, set out orders to erase all those old orders
5. seized lands of nobles and abolished the title of nobility
6. Louis XVI was killed as a traitor in January 1793
7. Marie Antoinette was later executed (with her dignity)

 Terror and Danger grip France

-the convention creates a new committee (of Public Safety)
1. to deal with threats to France
2. issued the Levee en masse, everyone needs to contribute taxes to war effort
3. masses of ill-trained but patriotic forces
4. overran the Netherlands, invaded Italy, crushed peasants’ revolts
5. ‘freedom fever’ in France threatened the European monarchs
-Robespierre “the Incorruptible”不动摇的
1. leader of the committee of public safety
2. selfless dedication
3. embraced Rousseau’s idea of the general will
4. promoted religious toleration, wanted to abolish slavery
5. believed that “republic of virtue” can only be achieved through the use of terror
-The Guillotine Defines the reign of terror
1. lasted from September 1793 to July 1794
2. death sentences like “hail the Republic” or “death to the traitors”
3. About 300000 were arrested (most of them were falsely accused by neighbors)
4. GUILLOTINE, symbol of horror
5. Convention turned on the Committee of Public Safety and executed Robespierre and his

 The revolution enters its third stage

1. Directory, a third constitution, mainly middle class and those bourgeoisie
2. Faced discontent
-rising bread prices
-royalists returning to France and gained supports
3. Seek helps from Napoleon Bonaparte

 Revolution Brings Change

1. Dislodged the old social order
2. Overthrown the monarchy
3. Brought the Church under state control
New symbols liberty and equality
1. Tricolor
2. Liberty caps
Nationalism spreads
1. Strong sense of national identity, pride in and devotion to one’s country
2. Dances and songs are popular
3. National anthem “La Marseillaise”
 About Napoleon
Born in Corsica, in the republic of Genoa, born in 1769
Father: Corsican representation to Louis XVI before death
Completed military training in 1 year
Corsica became part of France just as Napoleon was born
Napoleon went to military school in France
Napoleon hate French people, while his father adores French people
Napoleon was bullied by schoolmates, love reading history books
 Napoleon’s domination in France began (1799-1815)
Napoleon wanted to raise his social rank. However, the chances were given to nobility instead of
Napoleon started to revolution for rising his ranks.
As military power was recognized, he got his own army.
Went to the prowl, Met Josephine
Josephine: a great kisser!hahah
France declared war with the rest of Europe
War of the first coalition
At first, struggled, later on started to establish sister republic
Napoleon in the south, first was sideshow but a main-show later on.
Napoleon was famous by his encouraging speech, carried mud on himself that get army’s respect
 Skilled Propagandist
Newspaper exaggerated his achievement, although his expedition to Egypt was a disaster, he
establish a network of spies and censors the press.
Consulate appears!!!(The first consul)
Dictator of France

Second Coalition began

Russia blasted France

Crossing Alps Mt., surprise! To Austrian, Battle of Marengo.

Austrian first beat up Napoleon, however, Napoleon fought back with a greater army.
Europe at peace

The Napoleon code (Enlightenment principles)

1. Equality (while women are treated unequally)
2. Education, intelligence than nobility
3. Stability (chaos of killing heads)
4. Abolition of feudalism
5. Freedom of religion (Made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801)

Napoleon won supports from across class lines

- Peasants were relieved when he recognized their right to lands
- Middle class approved Napoleon’s economic reforms and the restoration of years of chaos
- Opened jobs to all, based on talent instead of the old monopoly power
- How did Napoleon help France economy?
- Napoleon strengthened the central government in France. To restore

economic prosperity, Napoleon controlled prices, encourage new industry,

and built roads and canals. He set up a system of public schools under

strict government control to ensure well-trained officials and military


Napoleon declared REVOLUTION ENDS

First consul for lifeEmperor

The third coalition (British gave others money to take over France)
SPEED, reorganized armies into independent armies
Sent message to Russia young emperor. Russian army decided to run away and let Napoleon
chase, however, ‘I’m a little vulnerable boy’, tricks Russian emperor to turn back his army.

Russian’s winter stops the Grand French Army

Scorched-earth policy burned crops, left the French hungry and cold as winter came

Rise to power
1793-97: gained military experience
Fought for the French revolutionaries which made a name for himself
Victoria VS. Austria
 Went to Egypt
Intent: limit British access to India
Censorship that Napoleon employed, spies been used, information was not 100% true
Declared himself liberator, master, imposed taxes to support his army (beginning of his absolute
Locals resisted consistently
Revolt in Cairo, Oct.1798
 Results:
Rosetta stone discovered
Technically, disaster
Napoleon blamed failures on another general, and censored information
Introduced new political ideas to Middle East
Learned some lessons for the next invasion
 This time in France: Directory, which is not a success
 A Coup d’etat within a Coup
Napoleon left Egypt, 1799
Directory bankrupt, unpopular
- Conspirators blamed Jacobins
Napoleon arranged coup with Sieyes, Talleyrand
Napoleon named First consuls
 First European war: Battle of Marengo
Bonaparte’s first battle as head of state, tried out different routes than before
Decisive victory VS Austria
Solidified Napoleon’s position
 Consolidation
1802=consul for life
1804=Emperor of the French instead of emperor of France (his ambition to own much wider
region under his control)
Is the Napoleonic era a continuation of ideas?
 Napoleon’s Reforms
1. Restored order and prosperity, strengthened the central government
2. Controlled prices
3. Encouraged industry
4. Built roads and canals
5. Set up public schools
6. Concordat of 1801: made peace with the church, guaranteed it certain rights (those that lost
during the French Revolution period)
7. Encouraged emigres to return ( wanted to merge the old aristocracy with his new
merit-based order to legitimize his position as a ruler and stabilize the state)
8. Recognized peasants’ right to lands gained
9. Opened jobs to all based on talent

Napoleonic Code
Legal equality of all male citizens, religious toleration, abolition of feudalism
 Building an Empire
1804-1812, Napoleon battled most of Europe, created an empire
Built on strength of the Grand Armee
At first motivated by revolutionary ideals, soon, conscription and pillage (take away things)
The cult of Napoleon: replaced freedom of speech, press, and the vote
[misplaced confidence, excessive faith/admiration for one person or thing, fueled by
France annexed Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy, German states
Tried to suppress slave revolt in Haiti

 The Corps system (much quicker and mobile)

Main military innovation- didn’t create it, but first to institute it on a Nat’l level
Split army in crops-each with their own commanders, cavalry, artillery, engineers, etc
 A challenger appears
United Kingdom=only major European power outside of Napoleon’s empire
Battle of Trafalgar
Admiral Horatio nelson (uk) defeated Napoleon’s fleet (but was killed in the battle)

 The battle of Austerlitz

Following defeat at Trafalgar, Napoleon focused on continental Europe
December, 1805
Grand armee faced combined Russian and Austrian army
Result: created confederation of the Rhine
Rendered HRE powerless- it collapsed in early 1806
Europe open for French dominance
Allowed Napoleon to install family members on European thrones (nepotism)
One in spain and one in Prussia
 The Peninsular war
Napoleon and France vs. Spain, Britain, Ireland, and Portugal
France turned on Spain in 1808, so Britain joined the war
Response: Napoleon himself invaded
Wanted to install his brother Joseph on throne of Spain
Spain, Portugal responded with guerilla warfare
The significance of Religion diminishes, shifts the war focuses to gov’t power

Guerilla warfare
(repeated surprise attacks and efforts to limit movement of enemy troops.)
 Many Europeans saw Napoleon/his army as oppressors
Nationalism in occupied countries created revolts, patriotic resistance
In spain, ppl resisted reforms undermining king/Church
Austrian resistance defeated at Battle of Wagram, 1809

 Russian Campaign
Turning point:
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia
Russia Tsar Alexander countered invasion with scorched-earth tactics
Brutal Russian winter
 Battle of Borodino
Pyrrhic victory for Napoleon
Anti-revolutionaries: Nepotism, reduce women rights, suppress slavery
Revolutionaries: abolition of feudalism, supports education (public schools), religious
 Napoleon Falls
In 1813, newly created alliance defeated Napoleon in the Battle of the Nations
Napoleon abdicated (wasn’t forced by others, instead, by his own decision), April 1814. Louis
XVIII recognized as king
Abdication: save his reputation and head:0
Bonaparte exiled (sent away) to island of Elba

 The Congress of Vienna

Main goal= create lasting peace,
preserve old order
Protect system of
Prevent French Expansion
Create balance of power
(Similar to the Treaty of
[Austria, Russia, Britain, French]
Result: German Confederation was
Last for 100 years till WW happened

 Congress Effects
Vienna Congress promoted principle of legitimacy, restored monarchies
Austria, Russia, Prussia, Britain formed Quadruple Alliance to protect new order
Pledged to act together to maintain balance of power, suppress revolutions
Europe united in hatred of the French
 Louis XVIII’s return rekindled fears of Ancien Regime
The 100 days: Napoleon’s short-lived return in response
 Waterloo
June 18, 1815, British, Prussia forces defeat Napoleon at Battle of Waterloo in Belgium
Napoleon forced to abdicate again, exiled to St.Helena
Official end of French Revolution

 Napoleon’s Effects
Within France Abroad
Napoleonic Code Failed to make Europe into French empire
Expanded male suffrage Sparked nationalism across Europe
Ensured rights to property, education for more Gave up lands to Prussia, and Prussia is strong
citizens enough to create the new Germany (HRE
that’s fragmented)
Expansion of US, Sold Louisiana Territory,
doubled size of US
The return of Monarchy to france
 Other Effects
Creation of Concert of Europe enabled powers to meet, address new problems
Created general European peace, lasted for 100 years
However, they didn’t forsee the effect of nationalism

Assess: What do you think Napoleon’s primary motivation was?

Revolutionary ideas, expand territories (ex: trip to Egypt, claim power for France)
Determine: If you were the British after Waterloo, would you have executed Napoleon
Respond: If you were a French urban worker, how would you have reacted to the Bourbons being
restored to the throne. Explain
Predict: What do you think is going to prove to be the most significance of the Napoleonic Wars?

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