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Frinz Danzelle Aedan A.

Uy IE 3110L BSIE - 3
Activity 6.2
Hypothesis Testing: Equal Variance Test (F-Test)

The equal variance test or F-test is an examination of the hypothesis that the variances of
independent samples from two populations are equal. It uses the sample means and variances to
facilitate the test that is based on a desired level of probability or p-value.

Software: MSExcel
Apparatus: Computer
Scheme: Individual

1. Use the weight data in Activity 6.1. Encode in an MSExcel worksheet.

2. Test the hypothesis that the variances of the weights of the two color sets are equal by
clicking Data on the main menu. Then, Data Analysis to show the window option for the
Analysis Tools. Choose F-Test Two-Sample for Variances and click OK.

(Sample Screen)

3. In the F-Test window, enter the Input Range for Variable 1 (weight of color 1) and Variable 2
(weight of color 2). Then, click OK.

(Sample Screen)

4. Copy the results below.

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

  Variable Variable
1 2
Mean 474.286 406.974
Variance 84352.74 151692.2
Observations 15 15
df 14 14
F 0.556078
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.14208
F Critical one- 0.402621  

5. The P(F<=f) one-tail is the resulting p-value of the test. If the p-value is more than 0.05, the
test’s level of significance, accept the hypothesis that the variances are equal. What is the p-
value of the test? Is the hypothesis accepted or rejected?

Since the P(F<=f) one-tail is considered as the resulting p-value of the test, then the
p-value from the data analysis that was performed is equal to 0.14208. Therefore, since the
value is greater than 0.05, we accept the hypothesis that the variances are equal.

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