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1. Today in physical education class we get introduced to the phases of movement and
phases involve in movement. As I read I learned that there are four phases which are
preparation/preliminary movement, force production, critical instant and the
recovery/follow-through and also the three phases involve which are concentric,
isometric, and eccentric.

The preparation phase contains all of the movements that prepare an athlete for the
performance of the skill. The force producing phase involves the synchronized movement
of the skeletal and muscular systems in producing the movement and force needed to
perform the task. The Critical Instant “Point of No Return” phase is the moment of either
contact as seen in striking sports and the Recover/Follow – through or “Finish it off”
phase allows for the completion of the movement and/or the recovery.

The concentric phase is when we are doing an exercise and the muscles we are targeting
are contracting and the muscle fibers are shortening while Isometric is when the muscle
fibers are remaining the same length and Eccentric is the lowering phase of a movement
when the muscles under contraction are lengthening.

2. Something new I learned today (cognitive or understanding and applying) was:

Through the exercises that we do I can say that Movement is essential for every aspect of
health. It is an integral part of every function and process within our bodies that gave us
numerous benefits. Reading this transcript gave me an additional knowledge of how
important our movements are, knowing this can help me to get clues that will make me
understand of what exactly is going on in a certain activity and applying this phases can
help me to get conclusion of what I see and feel and help me to expand my knowledge
about it.
3. Today I felt:
 Happy because I learned something new that I can apply to my daily real-life
 I am amazed and curious of what movement can gave us more in terms of health and
body benefits and techniques in doing activities.
 It gave me a realization that even a simple and small movement have a great impact to
our overall health and wellness.
 It also gave me a reflection that we need to do some activities even in a short period
of time despite of how busy we are because these movements can save a life and help
us to maintain and improve our health.
 I am relieved that having this kind of knowledge have a great help for me in the

4. How do I rate my psychomotor (moving and doing) performance?

If we base the 10 score as the highest scale, then my rate for my performance is 8 because
as of now I get engage to different kinds of physical activities. Honestly I’m not a type of
person that is fond to engage on physical activities but through the physical activities that
our teacher gave us my performance get increased. It is a good way to push the students
to do this kind of activities so that they will absorbed the importance of movements in
their lives.

5. My goals for next class are:

 Willing to engage more on physical activities.
 Improve my psychomotor performance.
 Learn more about interesting things.
 Explore of what activities that I like and enjoy the most.
 More reflections about how important our health are.

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