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1 Architectures for Interaction

1.1 Introduction
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on
the design of computer technology and, in particular, the interaction between humans
(the users) and computers. While initially concerned with computers, HCI has since
expanded to cover almost all forms of information technology design.
It is the major challenge in the third era of computing. It is concerned with the joint
performance of tasks by humans and machines. The human computer interaction can
be described as the point of communication between the human user and the
computer. The information between the human and computer is defined as the loop of
interaction. The loop of interaction has several aspects, including Visual Based, Audio
Based, Task environment, Machine environment, and areas of the interface. The
human computer interaction is an important aspect of the ubiquitous computing.
Ubiquitous computing, is the term given to the third era of modern computing The
first era was defined by the mainframe computer, a single large time shared computer
owned by an organization and used by many people at the same time. Second, came
the era of the PC, a personal computer primarily owned and used by one person, and
dedicated to them.

1.2 Architecture of human computer interaction

The basic architecture of a computer system consists of the computer itself (with
associated memory), input and output devices for user interaction and various forms
of hard copy devices. A typical configuration of user input/output devices would be a
screen with a keyboard for typing text and a mouse for pointing and positioning.
Depending on circumstance, different pointing devices may be used such as light pen
(for more direct interaction) or a trackball (especially on portable computers). The
computer itself can be considered as composed of some processing element and
memory. The memory is itself divided into short term memory which is lost when the
machine is turned off and permanent memory which persists.

We classify the possible architectures of human computer interaction into five

different types, including desktop model, post-desktop model, creative model, meta-

post desktop model, and six-senses based model. In the following sections we explain
the property of the mentioned architectures.
A. Desktop Model: desktop model human computer interaction is the
traditional method of interactions. In this method interactions have a low level
of transparency. This form of interaction is not quiet secure and reliable. A
simple form of desktop model human computer interaction. As the figure
shows the human and computer have an explicit form of interaction. The
following list indicates some advantages and disadvantages of this kind of
human computer interaction:

Advantages :
 Low Cost
 Easy to Implementation
 Low Complexity of Computation
 Low Security
 Low Transparency
 Low Integrity
 High Complexity of Interaction

Figure 1:desktop model

B. Post-Desktop Model: In this form of human computer interaction we use
advanced device for communicating. The information can be captured by using a set
of sensors. The captured data must be analyzed and compiled to raw data. For this
purpose we use intelligent computation methods. There is a short conversation
between user and machine. The conversation also must be translated to raw data. The
raw data will be processed by soft-wares and hard wares. For this purposes we use the
intelligent computation and algorithms. The following list indicates some advantages
and disadvantages of this kind of human computer Interaction:
 High Security
 High Transparency
 Low Complexity of Interaction
 High Integrity
 High Complexity of Computation

Figure 2: post desktop model

C. Creative Model: Similar to the previous model, in this form of human computer
interaction, the machine and user have a conversation too. This conversation usually
is very long and complicated. The machine helps to the user to make a decision order
to provide the service that the user needs. For this purpose the cognation based
algorithms will be very useful. Fig 3 indicates a simple example of a creative model
of human computer interaction. In this example the person wants to take some money
from ATM. We assume that the user does not know how much money he needs. He

only tells his plan to machine and the machine will give the enough money to buy
what he needs.

Figure : 3 examples of creative model

D. Meta-Post-Desktop Model In this form of human computer interaction we use
advanced sensors for communicating. It can be implemented similar to a brain
interface model. The query can be captured from human brain directly. For this
purposes a set of intelligent sensors would be used. In this case the interactions have a
high level of transparency. The captured information will be analyzed and translated
to the raw data. The raw data will be processed by low level soft-wares and hard
wares. After that the low level software and hard-wares provide responses. The
provided response will be translated to a higher level response. For this purposes a set
of middle wares is required. Finally, the high level responses will be considered as a
feedback of captured queries.

Figure 4:meta post desktop model

E. Six-senses Based Model: In this form of human computer interaction we assume
that that the computers are able to predict natural phenomena. Then by using the
predicted information the computers will be able to match the natural phenomena with
the human requests. We also assume a brain computer interface model in order to
captured the requests of the users. Fig below is indicates a general architecture for
six-senses based model human computer interaction. The following list indicates
some advantages and disadvantages of the six-senses based model human computer
 Legality Problems
 Very Flexible
 Risk-able Security
 High Cost
 Difficulty of Implementation
 Very High Transparency
 Complexity of Computation

Figure 5: Six-senses Based Model

2 Entertainment and Game User Interface

2.1 Introduction :

Human-Computer Interfaces is a sub-discipline of Computer science study, design,
construction and implementation of human-centric interactive computer systems. A
user interface (UI) is how a human interacts with includes designing screens
and menus that are easier to use, Studies reasoning behind building specific
functionality and Long-term effects that systems will have on humans
User interface in games purpose is to allow a user to carry out a task within a game
world either through an action on a heads up display. The user interface is section of a
program that allows for human computer interactions. User interface must be
designed with care and understanding for human psychology and physiology, this is
because the colour ,shape and way a program is used dictates how well a user
interface is crafted.
The colour choices in UI design should be based on colour psychology theory to give
the user a certain feeling while interacting with each area of the UI, the shape of a UI
is equally as important in crafting certain feelings in a user
UI purpose should always be made with idea of enhancing the user experience and
simplifying task. The shape used in a UI are just as important as the size, weight,
curvature and more minuscule features may make a user perceive the design in a
different way and will play into their emotions differently. Colour psychology is
carefully considered in the design of the user interface as a way of using a players
emotions to indicate meaning from the UI.

2.2 Personalization and choices through the UI inputs

Personalization allows for users to feel much more comfortable with their UI as
adjustments can be made by a user to make the UI work much better on their devices
or more suited for their needs, it can also give users a positive feeling if they think
they have a lot of control when UI is designed with personilization.
UI designs also can either be intelligently adaptive designs, meaning users have much
more control over how the UI will look and behave and allows for more
personilization. it also means that the UI will auto adapt to different screen sizes and
machine types itself meaning designers only have to create broad outline for how it
must work
3 Describe the main disciplines which have contributed to HCI

The human computer interaction is field covers an extensive range of topics and its
progression is dependent on a number of disciplines. Disciplines that have contributed
significantly to the growth of human computer interaction include:

3.1 Cognitive psychology: is concerned with Limitations, information

processing, performance, prediction and cooperative of user.
It is one of the majors contributor to human -computer interaction research by
providing and applying psychological principles to understand and help develop
models that explain and predict human performance. According to the cognitive
science based guidelines, human memory limitations, attention, learning, decision
making and perception had to be taken into account when designing an effective
graphical user interface .
It is providing knowledge about what users can or cannot be expected to do and also
identify and explain the nature or cause of problems users were facing supply
modeling tools and methods help by interface that easier to use
working and capabilities

3.2 Computer science: it is all about graphics, technology, prototyping tools,

user interfaces management systems. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a sub-

field within computer science concerned with the study of the interaction between
people (users) and computers and the design, evaluation and implementation of user
interfaces for computer systems that are receptive to the user's needs and habits. It is a
multidisciplinary field, which incorporates computer science, behavioral sciences, and
design. A central objective of HCI is to make computer systems more user-friendly
and more usable. Users interact with computer systems through a user interface,
which consists of hardware and software that provides means of input, allowing users
to manipulate the system, and output, allowing the system to provide information to
the user. The design, implementation and evaluation of interfaces is therefore a central
focus of HCI.

3.3 Ergonomics
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the
understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the
profession that applies theory, principles, data, and methods to design in order to
optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
An Ergonomically friendly environment is essential within the workplace as it
promotes higher staff morale, less absences amongst employees from the workplace;
due to pain felt from working on a computer and increased productivity, which
ultimately increases profitability. Ergonomics is about ‘fit’ within a working
environment. It is essential that employees are aware of ergonomics which enables
them to consider the health and safety aspects when operating computers. Only when
end users are aware of all aspects of ergonomics can companies benefit from an
ergonomically friendly environment within the workplace. This dissertation has been
divided into two main sections. The first section concerns Ergonomics and the second
section is concerned with Human Computer Interaction. Even though each of these
sections is large in themselves and could have a whole dissertation dedicated to them;
they are related to each other. Ergonomics and HCI are related to each other because
ergonomics is the working environment the end user is operating within and HCI is
the interaction the end user actually has with the computer system. The computer is
the sole physical interface between the end user and the information, which they are
inputting into the computer system

3.4 Linguistic

Understanding the structure (syntax) and meaning (semantics) of human languages is
important in HCI application E.g. AI (artificial intelligence) is built on understanding
of human problem solving approaches and the use of natural language

3.5 Philosophy,Sociology, Anthropology :These ‘soft sciences’ do not

directly affect the design of computer system However, they do have impact on how
well the HCI design is accepted

3.6 Social and organizational psychology

studying the nature and causes of human behavior in a social context to inform
designers about social and organizational structures and about how the introduction of
computers will influence working practices Provide knowledge about context of use
Explain how people work together and what sort of computer systems are needed to
support collaborate working

4 find an everyday handled device (remote control, digital camera,

smartphone) and examine how it has been designed , paying
particular attention to how the user is meant to interact with it
a) From your first impressions, write down what first comes to mind as to
what is good and bad about the way the device works.
b) Give a description of the user experience resulting from interacting with it.
Handheld Device : Digital Camera
A. From your first impressions, write down what first comes to mind as to what is
good and bad about the way the device works.
Layout/Design of the camera, allows for great usability as buttons are clearly
labeled and placed.
An external memory source is needed in order to store photos, meaning that,
the more photos you want to store, the larger memory source you will need.

B. Give a description of the user experience resulting from interacting with it.

Interaction with the device was quite simple as you press the “On/Off” button, the
camera turns on and simply allows you to start using it and taking photos straight
away. Other buttons on the camera which were simple to use while operating the
camera were the zoom function and the flash function.

Usability Goal: Inbuilt memory which allows for users to take photos and store them
on the camera without having to purchase an external source of memory such as an
SD card. It Supporting all video formats, therefore making it easier for users of
different software applications on their computers to view digital images.

User Experience Goal: A larger screen on the digital camera would allow for users to
view images taken easier. A touch screen would allow for a larger screen on the

Second handled device :remote control for my Samsung Smart TV.

A) First impressions - Very ordinary and functional; it is almost impossible to reach

all buttons with one hand; logical button groups are scattered; some buttons have
physically raised nodes but again no logical grouping to these; no real colour-coding
system; small text that is unexplained/technical in description. Also from a physical
evaluation there is no balance to device when held, no sense of grip, poor feedback
from buttons, no conclusive sense of action such as light blinking when instruction

B) Give a description of the user experience resulting from interacting with it -

Requires attention to press right buttons; regularly unresponsive; requires stretch or
other hand to reach all buttons; unwieldy; poor build quality; no feedback from
device; because of its utilitarian colouring and slimness it is easy to lose and slips
between sofa cushions with worrying ease! Devalues investment in overall product.

Third handled device was iPhone.

The good list:

 easy to learn and use most functionality 

 fast access to most important device features 

 leverages natural gestures for smooth and fluid interactions 

 touch screen interactions are responsive and accurate

 easy to organize and add content and applications

The bad list:

 inability to run multiple applications at once 

 missing cut & paste functionality 

 lack of ability to switch battery 

 missing tactile feedback from physical device

 limited support of file types

2. Give a description of the user experience resulting from interacting with it. From
user experience using the device. The first thing you notice when you power up the
device is the size, vividness and crispness of the screen where the images look great.
Then you start interacting with the device via the smooth and responsive touch screen

5 Compare the following:

 a paperback book and an e book
 a paper-based map and a smartphone map.
a) What are the main concepts and metaphors that have been used for each
(think about the way time is conceptualized for each of them)?
b) How do they differ?

c) What aspects of the paper-based artifact have informed the digital app?
d) What is the new functionality?
e) Are any aspects of the conceptual model confusing?
f) What are the pros and cons?

5.1 Paperback book and an ebook:

A paperback book was designed on a conceptual model of reading by turning a set of

physical pages that are bound together. It is typically set up in the format of some
short reviews/praise, other books by that author, a title page, the publishers page,
acknowledgements, sometimes a table of contents, the actual chapters, and at the very
end of the book, sometimes there is an about the author section, a preview of the next
book in the series, or even an index. With a paperback book, the covers are a thick
form of card stock, and usually printed with an illustration that catches the reader’s
eye and says something about the book.

An ebook an ebook has additional functionality as well as electronic. The conceptual

model of an ebook is to provide a way to read text and to be able to turn from page to
page. Ebooks are roughly the same size as a paperback, and the page is similar to an
actual paperback by it is black text on a white background, but again, an ebook is
electronic – to turn the pages you press a button or swipe across the screen. To obtain
your reading material, you purchase directly on the device from an app. In the new
ebooks, you can adjust the page size, font size, brightness of the back light, look up
work definitions, see which page you are on and how many there are left, as well as
other functions. The purchased books are saved on your device.

5.2 Paper-based map and a smart phone map:

A paper-based map is designed to be a visual representation of a geographical area.

They are typically 2D and have features of the environment (such as a river or
mountains) and if you are using a road map to navigate with, the roads. Today if you
print out a paper map, you will get the actual map, and you will also get step by step
instructions on where to go, but if this isn’t available, you will need to have some map
reading skills.

A smartphone map is based on a conceptual model of the physical map using similar
elements a paper-based map, such as showing the terrain. Smartphone maps have
quite a bit more functionality added. They can be used while driving, biking, walking,
etc. because a gps is tracking the phone. You can see how far you have gone and how
far you have to go, as well as h

ow long it will take. If you take the wrong turn, the smart phone map will
automatically re-route you. You can have the directions in list

(a) What are the main concepts and metaphors that have been used for each?
Paperback book: a book with physical aspects where you cannot edit or change but
you can always fold and write on the page.

eBook: Printed paper on a device with additional features. With eBooks you can take
multiple books to one place and read, enhance, and edit everything the book as to

(b) How do they differ?

Paperback: can be folded form a corner and you can physically write on it and bought
at a physical store while in case of

ebooks : these are downloaded from the online store and it is stored on your device.
The size of text can be reduced or enhanced and you can increase the brightness on
your device but these all cannot be done in paperback.

(c) What aspects of the paper-based artifacts have informed the digital app

All the looking and UI of a paperback is been done on the digital app like you can
move pages as you do in paperback. All the text is in black on the white screen same
as the paperback book. With the physical book you are able just about all the same
things just a little neater. For instance, you can save a page in both books. One you
have to use a bookmark or fold a page while they ether you just have to tag the page
number. Another example is how many books you have. You can take all the books
physically in a cart that you want but, if you have an eBook, they are al stored in one
place and less difficult to carry.

(d) What is the new functionality?
New functionality is that now you can increase the size of text and you can mark any
text. You can copy text form ebook. You can move to specific pages directly. There is
no way of losing ebook because it is stored on your device rather than a physical

(e) Are any aspects of the conceptual model confusing?

The conceptual model of ebooks is to provide the means of reading text from a device
where you can have many books at the same time. But the aesthetic appeal of reading
is not same as of a paperback book.

(f) What are the pros and cons?

Paperback Book: The pros of a paperback book is not having to worry about the
battery, all books are available, you can physically turn the page, and cost efficient.
Dissimilarity, cons include, susceptible to damage, kills trees, and they take up too
much space.

eBook: The pros of eBooks are being able to change and edit text, increase/ decrease
size of book and letters, and never losing a book. In contrast, eBooks does have
downsides like, strained eyes if read for too long, not being able to physically turn the
page, battery issues, and not every book has an eBook version.

Smart phone map is based on a concept and metaphors of the physical map, using the
slimier approach elements to show a geographical terrain. The main concept is to
provide all the maps in your device and to be able to manage and see the direction on
your divide like mobile phones, iPad etc.

Paper-based map cannot be folded and you can trace on it physically with a pen but
in case of smartphone map you cannot write on them can these maps are being
downloaded from the internet which is provided by Google and it is stored on your
device. You can see the real-time location on phone map which cannot be done on the
paper-based map.


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