History and Perspective Medicine

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History and Perspective Medicine

I. Prehistoric to Ancient Egypt

 Life expectancy 35-40 yrs
 El Sidron Cave in Spain – Neanderthal Man Fossil
 Fossil evidence of earliest known medicine found in teeth
plaque debris
 Yarrow- bitter herb with astringent and anti-bleeding
 Chamomile anti-inflammatory relaxant
 Orchid bulbs- digestive problems
 Willow bark- natural source for aspirin; eases fever and pain
 Herb poultices were applied to wounds with animal hide
bandage strips
 Broken bones reset with smeared clay, hardens into a
protective casts
 Army ants used ass sutures, healers used ants as staples for
wounds by forcing ants to bite then breaking off the body.
 Trepanning 10000 BC
Hole drilled in skull to expose brain tissues
If you suffered from mental problems or epilepsy it was believed
that you have evil spirits inside your brain and the only way to
cure you was putting hole on skull to release evil spirits.
Probably the oldest surgical procedures
For relief of pressure from head trauma, to treat seizures or
mental disorders.
Some instruments used:

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