Sensors: Detection of Diabetic Eye Disease From Retinal Images Using A Deep Learning Based Centernet Model

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Detection of Diabetic Eye Disease from Retinal Images Using a
Deep Learning Based CenterNet Model
Tahira Nazir 1 , Marriam Nawaz 1 , Junaid Rashid 2, * , Rabbia Mahum 1 , Momina Masood 1 , Awais Mehmood 1 ,
Farooq Ali 1 , Jungeun Kim 2 , Hyuk-Yoon Kwon 3, * and Amir Hussain 4

1 Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Taxila 47050, Pakistan; (T.N.); (M.N.); (R.M.); (M.M.); (A.M.); (F.A.)
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kongju National University,
Gongju 31080, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea;
3 Research Center for Electrical and Information Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
4 Centre of AI and Data Science, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh EH11 4DY, UK;
* Correspondence: (J.R.); (H.-Y.K.)

Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is an eye disease that alters the blood vessels of a person suffering

 from diabetes. Diabetic macular edema (DME) occurs when DR affects the macula, which causes
fluid accumulation in the macula. Efficient screening systems require experts to manually analyze
Citation: Nazir, T.; Nawaz, M.;
Rashid, J.; Mahum, R.; Masood, M.;
images to recognize diseases. However, due to the challenging nature of the screening method and
Mehmood, A.; Ali, F.; Kim, J.; Kwon, lack of trained human resources, devising effective screening-oriented treatment is an expensive
H.-Y.; Hussain, A. Detection of task. Automated systems are trying to cope with these challenges; however, these methods do
Diabetic Eye Disease from Retinal not generalize well to multiple diseases and real-world scenarios. To solve the aforementioned
Images Using a Deep Learning Based issues, we propose a new method comprising two main steps. The first involves dataset preparation
CenterNet Model. Sensors 2021, 21, and feature extraction and the other relates to improving a custom deep learning based CenterNet
5283. model trained for eye disease classification. Initially, we generate annotations for suspected samples
s21165283 to locate the precise region of interest, while the other part of the proposed solution trains the
Center Net model over annotated images. Specifically, we use DenseNet-100 as a feature extraction
Academic Editors: Sheryl
method on which the one-stage detector, CenterNet, is employed to localize and classify the disease
Berlin Brahnam, Loris Nanni and
lesions. We evaluated our method over challenging datasets, namely, APTOS-2019 and IDRiD, and
Rick Brattin
attained average accuracy of 97.93% and 98.10%, respectively. We also performed cross-dataset
Received: 8 July 2021
validation with benchmark EYEPACS and Diaretdb1 datasets. Both qualitative and quantitative
Accepted: 23 July 2021 results demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods due to more
Published: 5 August 2021 effective localization power of CenterNet, as it can easily recognize small lesions and deal with
over-fitted training data. Our proposed framework is proficient in correctly locating and classifying
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral disease lesions. In comparison to existing DR and DME classification approaches, our method can
with regard to jurisdictional claims in extract representative key points from low-intensity and noisy images and accurately classify them.
published maps and institutional affil- Hence our approach can play an important role in automated detection and recognition of DR and
iations. DME lesions.

Keywords: diabetic retinopathy; diabetic macular edema; medical imaging; deep learning; retinal images

Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article 1. Introduction
distributed under the terms and
Diabetes is a disorder in which the glucose level of patients is higher than the normal
conditions of the Creative Commons
level. Diabetes victims are at risk of various eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
(DR), diabetic macular edema (DME), cataract, and glaucoma. DR is an eye disease that
affects blood vessels of the retina of diabetic patients, and its signs include microaneurysms,

Sensors 2021, 21, 5283.

Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 2 of 18

hemorrhages, and soft and hard exudates. Microaneurysms are due to distortions in the
boundary of blood vessels and appear as small red dots on the retina. Soft exudates are
white lesions on the retina that occur due to occlusion of the arteriole, while hemorrhages
are due to blood leakage from damaged vessels and appear as dark red spots. Hard
exudates are yellow, brighter spots with a waxy appearance on the retina, which are
formed because of the leakage of blood from vessels. DR is categorized into two main
types, non-proliferative (NPDR) and proliferative DR (PDR) [1]; details are given in Table 1.
NPDR is a common and early form of DR and is further divided into three types, which are
mild, moderate and severe. The advanced level of DR is called PDR and is characterized
by the development of abnormal fresh blood vessels in the retina; the new vessels may
break out and leak into the retina causing vision loss. DME is the advanced stage of DR,
which occurs when DR affects the macula region. DME results in the accretion of fluid in
the macula area causing the swelling of the macula. The central region of the retina is the
macula, which is responsible for our central and sharp vision [2,3].

Table 1. DR stages description.

Severity Level Description

No DR No abnormality
Mild NPDR Microaneurysms are present
Moderate NPDR Microaneurysms, hemorrhages, hard exudates are present
Observable beading in 2 or more quadrants/intra-retinal microvascular
Severe NPDR abnormality (IRMA) in 5/more quadrants/intra-retinal hemorrhages
(more than 20) in each of the 4 quadrants
PDR Neo-vascularization or vitreous hemorrhages

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as the prevalence of diabetes

increases rapidly in the coming years, the proportion of those with DR is estimated to grow
to 33% [4,5]. DR starts with minor abnormalities, in which vascular permeability increases.
This can lead to PDR, in which new blood vessels are formed on the retina and later on the
surface of the vitreous. However, DR is often undetected until it progresses to an advanced
stage and leads to DME, which results in severe loss of vision. DME is a severe complication
of DR and progresses when the retina gets thicker due to leaking blood vessels. According
to a study conducted by the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) [6],
the timely detection of DR and its level of severity can decrease the risk of blindness by
90%. Studies emphasized regular eye examinations for diabetic patients and suggested
laser photocoagulation when needed to reduce visual complications. However, for the
detection of DR, there are some implementation challenges, which include the need for
human assessors, sociological and educational and financial sustainability [7,8]. Patients
who have mild DR do not require any specific medical treatment, however they should
ensure their diabetes is well controlled. They should be monitored periodically, to prevent
the development of advanced stages of DR.
Techniques in the literature are unable to identify and classify DR and DME under
intense light, color, size and angle variations. They also do not generalize well to unseen
examples. Furthermore, existing studies are unable to accurately recognize early DR lesions
due to their significantly small size. In this study, to cope with the challenges of existing
work, we analyzed the risk of DR and DME by using Custom CenterNet. More specifically,
we introduced DenseNet-100 as the backbone network for CenterNet to compute deep
features from fundus samples. Retinal images can be significantly magnified to obtain the
inner view of the eye and lesions related to DR and DME. The presented Custom CenterNet
can detect all types of lesions, including early and severe signs of eye diseases. Below is
the main contribution of our work:
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 3 of 18

1. A single method can detect the abnormalities or lesions of both diseases (DR and
DME), which demonstrates the robustness of our method.
2. Efficient performance of proposed framework, due to improved CenterNet
lesions detector.
3. Accurate localization of lesions, due to effective feature computation power of
DenseNet-100 feature extractor.
4. Robust ability to detect the early stages of diseases, as CenterNet employs central
pixel details.
5. Computationally effective framework, due to the simple and elegant architecture of
CenterNet, as it employs a single-stage lesion detector.
6. We compared our method with the latest state-of-the-art techniques and achieved
higher performance results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the proposed method;
Section 3 consists of the experimental results and comparative analysis; Section 5 concludes
our proposed work.

2. Related Work
Several machine learning (ML) approaches have been presented for DR and DME
detection from retinal images. Seoud et al. [9] presented a method to automatically classify
DR lesions by employing the concept of dynamic shape features (DSF). A multi-scale ring-
shaped matched filter is applied to extract the features. The classification is performed using
an RF classifier. The approach [9] exhibits superior lesion detection accuracy even under the
presence of light and resolution variations in the input samples. However, the technique
can only detect red lesions. Imani et al. [10] proposed a methodology to locate and classify
DR lesions. Initially, the input image is pre-processed to obtain the green channel and
to remove the unwanted artifacts from it by employing the Otsu thresholding algorithm.
Then, the morphological component analysis (MCA) method is applied to compute the
features from the images, which are later employed to train the support-vector machine
(SVM) classifier. The technique [10] outperforms the challenging database; however, it
may not perform well over the samples with post-processing operations. Zou et al. [11]
introduced a method for DME detection from fundus images. Both feature and position
properties are combined by employing SVM and the Bayesian probability theory to locate
the DME from the input samples. The technique in [11] works well for DME-affected
images; however, the performance requires further improvements. In [12] a hand-coded
technique comprised of Dual-tree complex wavelet transform together with Gaussian
data description (GDD) is employed for key points computation to determine various
DME stages. The approach in [12] needs a performance improvement. Marin et al. [13]
introduced a methodology for DME detection based on the Gaussian and difference of
Gaussian filter bank. A regularized local regression (RLR) classifier is used to classify
the possible DME regions. The approach in [13] is robust in DR screening; however, the
performance needs to be further improved.
Deep learning (DL) techniques of artificial intelligence have been recognized as great
innovations [14,15], in the medical field. These algorithms have been used in numerous
areas, such as pathology [16], radiology [17] and dermatology, age-related macular de-
generation (AMD) and premature retinopathy [18,19], etc. In ophthalmology, analysis
of color fundus photographs (CFPs) has been used by DL algorithms for DR grading
and heart disease risk factors [20]. DL models use representation learning methods to
obtain meaningful patterns from the huge collection of retinal colored images. Li et al. [20]
presented the latest dataset of fundus samples, namely, DDR, over which DL-based five cat-
egorization and five segmentation frameworks, namely, VGG-16, ResNet-18, DenseNet-121,
SE-BN-Inception, DeepLab-v3+, HED, RCNN, YOLO and SSD, respectively, are evaluated.
It is concluded, in [21], that DL-based approaches perform well for DME classification
and segmentation; however, for small-size lesions, these techniques require further im-
provement. Perdomo et al. [22] proposed a framework for DR screening by employing
ported a better performance, compared to simple hand-coded-based techniques. Gargeya
et al. [24] proposed a fully automated framework by employing the DL approach for DR
recognition. The work in [24] explained the possible application of DL frameworks in DR
screening. Tan et al. [25] proposed a 10-layer CNN framework to both segment and dif-
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 ferentiate exudates, hemorrhages and microaneurysms. Although extensive research 4 of 18
work has been presented for DR screening, how these approaches work in real-world sce-
narios needs to be explored. Moreover, existing literature on DR and DME detection is
unable to achieve better classification performance over complex databases, as fundus
a two-stage CNN architecture. Initially, deep features are computed from the input sam-
samples change greatly because of varying fundus cameras, acquisition settings and DR
ple through an eight-layered CNN framework, based on which AlexNet architecture is
trained there
classify the is stilland
healthy a need to developimages.
DME-affected a more effective and efficient
The approach DR and
in [22] works
DME screening method.
well for DME classification; however, it requires a huge training set. Abramoff et al. [23]
introduced a DL approach for the automated identification of DR. The approach in [23]
3. Proposed
reported Methodology
a better performance, compared to simple hand-coded-based techniques. Gargeya
The proposed
et al. [24] proposed amethod is comprised
fully automated of two by
framework main phases, i.e.,
employing the DLtransfer learning
approach for DRand
localization and
recognition. The classification. The complete
work in [24] explained the functionality is shownofinDL
possible application Figure 1.
frameworks in
The presented
DR screening. Tan etwork comprises
al. [25] proposed two main parts.
a 10-layer CNN The first is ‘dataset
framework to both preparation’
segment and and
the other is an
differentiate improved
exudates, CenterNet network
hemorrhages trained for eyeAlthough
and microaneurysms. disease classification. Firstly,
extensive research
work has been
we develop presented for
annotations for images
DR screening, how these
with disease, approaches
to specify the exact work in real-world
region of interest,
while the needs to beofexplored.
other part Moreover,
the established existingtrains
framework literature on DR[26]
CenterNet and DME
over thedetection
unable to
employedbetter classification
Custom performance
CenterNet over complex
with DenseNet-100 as itsdatabases,
base networkas fundus
for fea-
samples change greatly
ture computation. The because
features of varyingof
extractor fundus cameras,
the Custom acquisition
CenterNet settings and
framework, DR
victims. Therefore,
DenseNet-100, thereimage
accepts is stillsample
a needand
to develop
locationaof more effective region
the affected and efficient DR and
in the input im-
DME screening method.
age. Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of the presented method. In the beginning, an
input sample, along with the bounding box (bbox), is passed to the DenseNet-100 frame-
3. Proposed Methodology
work. The bbox recognizes the region of interest (RoI) in CNN key points. Following this,
The proposed
the Custom method
CenterNet is comprised
is trained of two
to classify main phases,
the located areas. i.e., transfer
Finally, learning
accuracies areand
mated for all and classification.
units as per metricsThe being
complete functionality
utilized in the areais of
shown in Figure
computer 1.

Figure Flowdiagram

The presented work comprises two main parts. The first is ‘dataset preparation’ and
3.1. Annotations
the other is an improved
To ensure CenterNet
an efficient trainingnetwork
process, trained for eye disease
it is mandatory classification.
to accurately specifyFirstly,
the po-
we develop annotations for images with disease, to specify the exact region of interest,
sition of the affected region from the input retinal samples. For this purpose, we utilized
while the other part of the established framework trains CenterNet [26] over the annotated
the LabelImg [27] software to build the sample annotations. The generated annotations
samples. We employed Custom CenterNet with DenseNet-100 as its base network for
are stored in an XML file which comprises two important details: (i) class associated with
feature computation. The features extractor of the Custom CenterNet framework, namely,
each affected region and (ii) box values for drawing a rectangular box over the detected
DenseNet-100, accepts image sample and location of the affected region in the input image.
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of the presented method. In the beginning, an input
sample, along with the bounding box (bbox), is passed to the DenseNet-100 framework.
The bbox recognizes the region of interest (RoI) in CNN key points. Following this, the
Custom CenterNet is trained to classify the located areas. Finally, accuracies are estimated
for all units as per metrics being utilized in the area of computer vision.

3.1. Annotations
To ensure an efficient training process, it is mandatory to accurately specify the
position of the affected region from the input retinal samples. For this purpose, we utilized
the LabelImg [27] software to build the sample annotations. The generated annotations
are stored in an XML file which comprises two important details: (i) class associated with
each affected region and (ii) box values for drawing a rectangular box over the detected
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 5 of 18

region. In the next step, a train. record file is produced from an XML file, which is utilized
for training the model.

3.2. CenterNet
Efficient key-points computation is needed to precisely categorize eye diseases into
numerous classes. However, computing a discriminative set of the feature vector is a
challenging task because of the following reasons: (i) models can result in over-fitting
by employing the large size key-points vectors; (ii) while utilizing a small key-points set,
the technique may miss learning some important object behaviors, i.e., texture and color
changes, which make affected regions of disease indistinguishable from the healthy portion.
To achieve the discriminative and robust set of features, it is mandatory to employ
an automated features computation technique without the need of using hand-crafted
features calculation. The models using handcrafted key points are not robust in correctly
identifying and recognizing eye diseases because of extensive changes in the size, texture,
color and position of lesions. To deal with the challenges, we employed a DL-based
framework, namely, Custom CenterNet, because of its ability to directly compute the
efficient features from the input samples. The convolution filters of CenterNet calculate
the key points of the suspected image by analyzing its structure. The motivation for using
CenterNet [26] over the RCNN, Fast-RCNN [28] and Faster-RCNN [15,29] approaches
for eye disease recognition is that these approaches perform classification by following a
two-stage object detector. In [29], initially, a Region Proposal Network (RPN) is employed
to locate the regions of interest (RoIs), which possibly surround an object. Then, using
the collective key points intimate with each RoIs, separated identification heads of the
framework detect the category of object and draw the rectangular box. Therefore, these
methods are computationally inefficient, as they are not robust for real-time object detection
requirements. CenterNet better addresses the limitations of RCNN, Fast-RCNN and Faster-
RCNN by specifying both features and location boxes of objects in input samples at
the same time. Therefore, the one-stage object detection power of CenterNet makes it
computationally efficient and better at generalizing real-time object detection.
For eye disease classification, it is a complex task to identify the key points of interest
due to the following reasons: (i) locating the actual position of the affected region from
the input sample, due to intense light and color variations, and (ii) determining the class
associated with each object. The CenterNet technique can efficiently detect and classify
affected regions of different classes by employing its heat-maps and by replacing the two-
stage object detection with a one-stage recognition algorithm. The heat-map module works
by employing the center of key points and achieves higher recall rates, which helps to
reduce the features computation cost of the proposed framework.

3.3. Custom CenterNet

The traditional architecture of CenterNet [30] employed ResNet to compute image
key points and conduct image medical analysis. However, the ResNet framework utilizes
skip-connections and employs identity methods to avoid non-linear transformations, which
cause the direct flow of gradient from the back layers to the front ones by using the identity
function. Figure 2 shows the structural description of the ResNet-101 framework. The
ResNet-101 model comprises huge parameters, which eventually causes the vanishing
gradient problem. To cope with the problem of the ResNet-101 framework, we present
a densely associated convolution framework, namely, DenseNet, as the base network of
the conventional CenterNet technique, by substituting ResNet-101 with DenseNet-100.
The presented feature extractor, namely, DenseNet-100, has fewer parameters and has a
thinner layer network, in comparison to ResNet-101, which makes it more cost-efficient.
DenseNet contains several dense blocks (DBs) successively joined to each other through
additional convolutional and pooling layers between consecutive DBs. The DenseNet
framework can show the complicated transformation which helps overcome the problem
of the deficiency of the resultant location information for the top-level features, to some
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17

Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 6 of 18

framework can show the complicated transformation which helps overcome the problem
of the deficiency of the resultant location information for the top-level features, to some
extent. Furthermore,
extent. Furthermore, DenseNet
supportsthe thefeature
their reusability,which
fastens the
fastens the training process.
process. Therefore,
proposedsolution, DenseNet-100
solution, [31]
DenseNet-100 is em-
[31] is
ployed as as a key-points
a key-points calculator
calculator forfor CenterNet.

Figure ResNet-101Architecture.

The CenterNet approach

The Algorithm worksthe
1 shows by steps
performing the following
for CenterNet steps:

1 Steps to1train
Stepsthe to Custom
train theCenterNet
Custom CenterNet
model model
TS, annotations
TS, annotations
RoI, CM, RoI, CM, Classified
Classified lesion lesion
TS–training set.TS–training set.
annotations–Position of DR andannotations–Position
DME lesions in retinalof DR and DME lesions in retinal im-
ages location in the output
Localized RoI–lesion
CM–CenterNet model with DenseNet-100 Localized RoI–lesion
backbone. location in the output
Classified lesion–Class associated
CM–CenterNet with with
model each DenseNet-100
detected lesion.backbone.
imageSize ← [x y] Classified lesion–Class associated with each detected lesion.
// Approximation
imageSizeof←Bounding[x y] box
← AnchorsEstimation
//αApproximation (TS, annotation)
of Bounding box
// CenterNet Modelα ← AnchorsEstimation (TS, annotation)
CM ← DenseNet100Based CenterNet (imageSize, α)
// CenterNet Model
[It , Is ] ← division of samples into training and testing dataset
CM ←DenseNet100Based CenterNet (imageSize, α)
// Training Unit of lesions Identification
[It, Is] ← division of samples into training and testing dataset
For each image i from → It
// Training Unit of lesions Identification
Compute DenseNet100 keypoints → ts
End For For each image i from → It
Training CM over ts, andCompute calculate DenseNet100 t_dense →ts
training time keypoints
End For
η_ dense ← PreLesionPosition(ts)
Ap_ dense ← Training
Evaluate_AP CM (DenseNet-100,
over ts, and calculate training time t_dense
η_ dense)
For each sample I from←→PreLesionPosition(ts)
η_ dense Is
Ap_ dense ←
(a) extract Evaluate_AP
features through(DenseNet-100,
trained framework € → βI
η_ dense)
(b) [bounding_box,
For each sample I from → Is score, output label] ← Predict (βI)
(c) show sample along with bounding_box,
(a) extract output
features through label framework €→βI
(d) η ← [η bounding_box]
(b) [bounding_box, objectness_ score, output label]
End For ←Predict (βI)
Ap_€ ← Evaluate framework € using η (c) show sample along with bounding_box, output label
Output_class ← CM (Ap_€).
(d) η← [η bounding_box]
End For
Ap_€ ← Evaluate framework € using η
Output_class ←CM (Ap_€).
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 7 of 18

3.3.1. Feature Extraction Using DenseNet-100

DenseNet-100 comprises four densely associated modules with the same number of
layers as ResNet-101. However, the DenseNet-100 framework contains fewer parameters,
which gives it a computational advantage over the ResNet-101 model. The structural
details of the DenseNet-100 are demonstrated in Table 2.

Table 2. Details of DenseNet-100.

Of Maps Layer
First layer 32 × 32 × 24 3 × 3 conv
DB 1 32 × 32 × 216 1 × 1 conv
× 16
3 × 3 conv
32 × 32 × 108 1 × 1 conv
Transition layer 1
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 × 16 × 108  2 × 2 ave_pool
 7 of 17
DB 2 16 × 16 × 300 1 × 1 conv
× 16
3 × 3 conv
16 × 16 × 150 1 × 1 conv
Transition layer 2
8 × 8 × 150
3.3.1. Feature Extraction Using DenseNet-100  2 × 2 ave_pool

DB 3 8 × 8 × 342 1 × 1 conv
DenseNet-100 comprises four densely associated modules3with × 16
× 3 conv same number of
layers as ResNet-101. However, the DenseNet-100
1 × 342 framework contains fewer parameters,
8 × 8 ave_pool
Final layer
1 × 10over the ResNet-101f ully_connected
which gives it a computational advantage model. The structural de-
tails of the DenseNet-100 are demonstrated in Table 2.
The DBisisthe
essential element
element of of DenseNet-100,
DenseNet-100, as presented
as presented in Figure
in Figure 3, in3,which
in which
N × N × M0 exhibits the features maps (FMs) of the n-1 layer. The size of the FMsis N,
N × N × M0 exhibits the features maps (FMs) of the n-1 layer. The size of the FMs
iswhile the total
N, while channels
the total are represented
channels are representedwith with
M0. A non-linear
M0. transformation
A non-linear H(.)com-
prises severalseveral
H(.)comprises methods, for example,
methods, a batch
for example, normalization
a batch normalizationlayer (BN),
layer a Rectified
(BN), Linear
a Rectified
Unit (ReLU)
Linear activation
Unit (ReLU) function,
activation function, 1 × 1 convolution
a 1 × 1aconvolution layer (ConvL), employed
layer (ConvL), to minimize
employed to
the total the total channels,
channels, and a 3 ×and a 3 × 3 utilized
3 ConvL, ConvL, utilized for key-points
for key-points rearrangement.
rearrangement. The long-
The long-dashed
dashed arrows
arrows are used aretoused
show to the
show the dense
dense links,links,
whichwhich are employed
are employed to combine
to combine the n-1
the n-1 layer to the n
layer to the n layer and perform concatenation by using the output of the H(.).H(.).
layer and perform concatenation by using the output of the In theInend,
the end, N × N × (M0 + 2M) is the outcome
N × N × (M0 + 2M) is the outcome of the n + 1 layer. of the n + 1 layer.

Figure DenseNet–architecture.

Table extensive
2. Details dense links increase FMs; therefore, the transition layer is introduced
of DenseNet-100.
to reduce the key-points dimension from the previous DB, as discussed in [32,33]. The
computed features from DenseNet-100 OfareMaps
down-sampled with the stride Layer
rate R = 4 and
First layer
are then passed 32 ×of32heads,
to compute three types × 24 described in the following
3 × 3 conv
1×1 conv 
DB 1 32 × 32 × 216   ×16
 3 × 3 conv 
32× 32 ×108 1 × 1 conv
Transition layer 1
16 ×16 ×108 2 × 2 ave _ pool
1×1 conv 
DB 2 16 × 16 × 300   ×16
 3 × 3 conv 
16 × 16 × 150 1× 1 conv
Transition layer 2
8 × 8 × 150 2 × 2 ave _ pool
1× 1 conv 
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 8 of 18

3.3.2. Heatmap Head

Heatmap head presents a features estimation over the down-sampled deep features
from the DenseNet-100 framework to locate the affected regions of disease together with the
respective class. Key points are bbox center in case of object detection, which is computed
by using Equation (1):

(i − p̂i )2 + ( j − p̂ j )2
Ôi,j,c = exp − (1)

where i and j are the actual key point coordinates, p̂i and p̂ j are the locations of predicted
down-sampled key points, σp shows the object size-adaptive standard deviation, c is the
number of classes and Ôx,y,c represents the center for a candidate key points, if it has a
value of one; otherwise, it is marked as background.

3.3.3. Dimension Head

The dimension head is responsible for predicting the coordinates of the box. The
dimension of the bbox for a candidate object k with class c having coordinates (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 )
can be estimated through the L1 norm, which is (x2 –x1 , y2 –y1 ).

3.3.4. Offset Head

The offset head is computed to minimize the discretization error which occurs because
of performing down-sampling over the input sample. After computing the center points,
these points are again mapped to a higher dimensional input image.

3.3.5. Multitask Loss

CenterNet is an end-to-end learning technique that employs multi-task loss methods to
improve its performance and accurately localize the affected region with the corresponding
class. For this purpose, the proposed model uses a multi-task loss L on each sampled head,
defined as in Equation (2):

Lcenternet = Lmap + λdim Ldim + λo f f Lo f f (2)

where LCenterNet is the total loss computed by CenterNet, Lmap , Ldim and Lo f f are the
heatmap, dimension and offset head losses, respectively. λdim and λo f f are constants with
the values of 0.1 and 1, respectively.
The heatmap loss Lmap is computed using Equation (3), as follows:
( α
−1 (1 − Ôi,j,c ) log(Ôi,j,c ) i f Ôi,j,c = 1
Lmap = ∑
n i,j,c
(1 − Oi,j,c ) β (Ôi,j,c ) log(1 − Ôi,j,c ) otherwise

where n is the total number of key points, Oi,j,c is the actual candidate key point center, and
Ôi,j,c is the predicted key point center. α and β are the hyperparameters of heatmap loss
with the values of 2 and 4 for all our experiments, respectively.
The dimension head loss is calculated using Equation (4):

1 n
Ldim = ∑ b̂k − bk (4)

n k =1

where b̂k is the predicted bbox coordinates, bk is the actual dimensions of bboxes from
ground truths and n is the total number of the samples.
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 9 of 18

Finally, the offset-head loss is calculated with Equation (5):

1 p
Lo f f = ∑ F̂p̂ − ( − p̂) (5)

n p R

where F̂ is the predicted offset value, p is actual and p̂ is the down-sampled key point and
R is the output stride.

3.3.6. Bounding Box Estimation

At the inference stage, the computed peaks against each class from the heatmaps
are taken independently. In our case, the responses having a value larger or equal to its
8-connected neighbors are considered and the top 100 peaks are selected. Suppose Q̂ is
presenting N identified center points of category c given by Equation (6):
Q̂ = x̂ j , ŷ j j =1

where (x̂ j , ŷ j ) is an integer coordinate, showing the position of each detected keypoint. In
our method, we employ all keypoints values (represented by Ôx,y,c ) as the computation of
its identification confidence and the final bounding box is generated by using Equation (7):

ˆ j − ŵ j /2, ŷ j + ∂y
( x̂ j + ∂x ˆ − ĥ j /2,
ˆ ˆ (7)
x̂ j + ∂x j + ŵ j /2, ŷ j + ∂y j + ĥ j /2)
ˆ j , ∂y
where ∂x j is the offset prediction denoted by Ôx̂,ŷ , while (ŵ j , ŵ j ) is the size predic-
tion denoted by dˆx̂,ŷ . The resultant bounding box is generated directly from the estimation
of the features without employing IoU-based non-maxima suppression (NMS).

3.4. Detection Process

CenterNet is a DL-based framework that is independent of the approaches, such as
selective search and proposal creation. Therefore, the suspected image, along with the
bbox, is passed as input to the trained model, of which CenterNet calculates the center
points of the eye diseases portion, the offsets to the x and y coordinates and the dimensions
of bboxes along with the associated class. In our work, the hyper-parameters employed for
model training are Epochs, which are set to 150 and 0.001 value of learning rate.

4. Performance Evaluation
In this section, we detail the database evaluation metrics utilized in our experiments.
We describe the experimental results and comparative analysis with other techniques.

4.1. Dataset
For performance assessment of the introduced technique, we used two different
datasets, i.e., APTOS 2019 and IDRiD.
To evaluate the DR and DME detection and classification performance of our proposed
methodology, we employed the two publicly available datasets, namely, APTOS-2019 [34]
and Indian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset (IDRiD) [35]. The first dataset, namely,
APTOS-2019, is provided by the Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society in the Kaggle
challenge. This database is comprised of a total of 3662 retinal samples, which are cate-
gorized into five classes, namely, negative, mild, moderate, proliferative and severe DR,
as shown in Figure 4. For the first class, namely, negative DR, there are 1805 samples; for
the other classes, namely, mild, moderate, severe and proliferative DR, there are 370, 999,
193 and 295 images, respectively. The IDRiD dataset consists of a total of 516 images, in
which 413 samples are from the training set and the remaining 103 are from the testing set.
Each sample has a grading ground-truth for two types of eye abnormalities, namely, DR
(5 classes) and DME (3 classes).
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW

Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 10 of 18

set. Each sample has a grading ground-truth for two types of eye abnormalities, n
DR (5 classes) and DME (3 classes).

Figure 4. 4. Class-wise
Class-wise distribution
distribution of the APTOS-2019
of the APTOS-2019 dataset. dataset.

4.2. Evaluation Metrics

4.2. Evaluation Metrics
We evaluated our proposed technique using different evaluation metrics, e.g., Inter-
overevaluated ouraccuracy,
Union (IOU), proposed technique
precision, using
recall and different
mean averageevaluation metrics, e.g
precision (mAP).
section over Union (IOU), accuracy, precision, recall and mean average precision (
Accuracy = (8)
TP + FP + TN + FN
where, TP, TN, FP and FN show the Accuracy = true negative, false positive and false
negative, respectively.
true positive,
TP + FP + TN + FN
Equation (9) shows the mAP, in which AP denotes the average precision of each class
where, TP, TN, FP and FN show the true positive, true negative, false positive an
and q is the query or test image. Q is the total number of test images:
negative, respectively.
Equation (9) shows the mAP, in which AP(qdenotes
AP i) the average precision of eac
DSC = mAP := ∑ (9)
and q is the query or test image. Q is thei=total
Qnumber of test images:

4.3. Results 𝑄𝐴𝑃(𝑞𝑖 )

𝐷𝑆𝐶 = 𝑚𝐴𝑃 ∶= ∑
𝑄 object identification
We evaluated the detection performance of different DNN-based
frameworks for eye disease classification. We checked the recognition power of these
approaches for various cases, i.e., for the occurrence of numerous lesions in a single sample
or forResults
the moles of various classes (DR and DME) to analyze whether these networks can
identify the healthy and affected eye regions with complex background settings.
We evaluated the detection performance of different DNN-based object identif
To accomplish this, we considered two types of object detection models, namely,
one-stage for eyeand
(CornerNet) disease classification.
two-stage We checked
detectors (Faster-RCNN andthe recognition
Mask-RCNN). Thepower
key of th
difference for various cases,isi.e.,
both models thatfor the occurrence
two-stage of numerous
detectors work lesions
by first locating in a single
of forprimary
the moles
an image classes (DR and
via employing DME)
several toproposal
region analyzetechniques,
whether which
these netwo
are later narrowed
identify down;
the healthy andthen, the final
affected eyeclassification
regions with taskcomplex
is performed. While in settings.
background the
case of single-stage detectors, both the class and location boxes of primary objects in input
To accomplish this, we considered two types of object detection models, name
samples are defined in a single step.
stage (CornerNet) and two-stage detectors (Faster-RCNN and Mask-RCNN). The k
ference between both models is that two-stage detectors work by first locating po
of the primary object in an image via employing several region proposal tech
which are later narrowed down; then, the final classification task is performed. W
the case of single-stage detectors, both the class and location boxes of primary ob
input samples are defined in a single step.
To conduct the performance analysis of all object-detection models, we used th
metric, as it was selected by many researchers as a standard metric in object identif
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 11 of 18

To conduct the performance analysis of all object-detection models, we used the mAP
metric, as it was selected by many researchers as a standard metric in object identification
problems. Moreover, we compared the test time of all the models to analyze them in
the aspect of computational complexity. From the reported results, it can be seen that
the presented framework has attained the highest mAP value with minimum test time.
The Mask-RCNN with ResNet-101 has attained comparable results with the presented
technique; however, it is computationally more expensive due to its two-stage detector
network. Moreover, in the case of single-stage detectors, the Corner model is unable to
locate lesions of small sizes. The presented technique better addresses the limitations of
existing one-stage and two-stage detectors by introducing the custom CenterNet with
DenseNet-100 base network model. The DenseNet allows CenterNet to learn the more
representative set of features, which assists in better locating the eye lesions of various
categories. Moreover, the one-stage detector nature of CenterNet gives it a computational
advantage over other models. The comparative results are presented in Table 3, which show
that our proposed method achieves 96% mAP which is higher than the other methods.

Table 3. Performance comparison of our technique with other RCNN approaches.

Technique mAP IoU Time (s)

Faster RCNN 0.942 0.939 0.25
Mask RCNN 0.910 0.920 0.23
CornerNet 0.956 0.951 0.23
Proposed 0.970 0.974 0.21

4.3.1. Localization of Disease Lesions

The correct detection of eye diseases is important to build an effective model for the
automated recognition of eye lesions. For this purpose, we investigated the localization
power of the presented technique by using an experiment. To quantitatively measure the
localization power of the presented technique, we employed two metrics, namely, mAP
and IOU. These metrics help to analyze how well the system can recognize eye lesions
of several types. To localize the lesions of DR and DME from retinal images, lesions are
considered as positive while the rest of the regions, including background, are considered
as negative. The overlapped portion is marked using threshold IOU and greater than
0.7 regions are marked as affected. When the IOU value is less than 0.3, the regions are
included in the background.
In our experiments, we utilized the Custom CenterNet approach for the localization of
DR and DME lesions from retinal images. In the case of DR, we recognized the four types
of lesions, i.e., hemorrhages, microaneurysms, hard and soft exudates, while, in the case
of DME, only the macula region was localized. The localization results of both diseases
are shown in Figure 5, showing lesion location, class and confidence score for each region
which was localized by the proposed method. More precisely, we attained the mAP of
0.96 and 0.965 and the IoU of 0.973 and 0.975 for DR and DME lesions, respectively. Both
the qualitative and quantitative results show that the presented technique can be reliably
employed to localize and classify eye diseases.
021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 12 of 18

Figure 5. Test results of the proposed method. (a) Input images. (b) Localization results of DR
Figure 5. Test results of the proposed method. (a) Input ima
regions; blue color shows hard exudates, green color shows microaneurysms and red color shows
hemorrhages. (c) Input images of the IDRiD dataset. (d) Localization results of DME, which shows
gions; blue color shows hard exudates, green color shows m
the macula region.
hemorrhages. (c) Input images of the IDRiD dataset. (d) Loca
4.3.2. Classification
theThe macula region.
ability of the presented technique in identifying the severity of eye disease was
also evaluated in our experiments. The trained Custom CenterNet model is utilized over
the input test samples of both datasets for the classification of DR and DME. The stage-wise
4.3.2. Classification
results are reported in Figure 6. In terms of precision, recall and accuracy, according to the
results, we can say that method has achieved remarkable performance for classification
The ability of the presented technique in identifyi
and recognition of DR and DME from retinal images. Moreover, our prosed technique can
efficiently find the severity level of eye disease because of accurate feature extraction using
also evaluated in our experiments. The trained Custom
DenseNet-100. Our method precisely detects the DR and DME disease along with the early
stages of DR, which was a challenging task, due to their small size. The AP results are
the input test samples of both datasets for the classific
plotted in the boxplot graph (Figure 7), as a boxplot can better demonstrate the obtained
output by exhibiting the maximum, minimum and median of the AP achieved over the
wise results are reported in Figure 6. In terms of precisi
five categories of lesions.

to the results, we can say that method has achieved rem

cation and recognition of DR and DME from retinal im
nique can efficiently find the severity level of eye disea
traction using DenseNet-100. Our method precisely d
along with the early stages of DR, which was a challen
The AP results are plotted in the boxplot graph (Figure
case of DME, only the macula region was localized. The localization results of
eases are shown in Figure 5, showing lesion location, class and confidence scor
region which was localized by the proposed method. More precisely, we attained
of 0.96 and 0.965 and the IoU of 0.973 and 0.975 for DR and DME lesions, resp
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 13 of 18
Both the qualitative and quantitative results show that the presented techniqu
reliably employed to localize and classify eye diseases.

Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW

Figure 6. 6. Stage-wise
Stage-wise performance
performance of our proposed
of our proposed technique. technique.

4.3.2. Classification
The ability of the presented technique in identifying the severity of eye dis
also evaluated in our experiments. The trained Custom CenterNet model is util
the input test samples of both datasets for the classification of DR and DME. T
wise results are reported in Figure 6. In terms of precision, recall and accuracy, a
to the results, we can say that method has achieved remarkable performance fo
cation and recognition of DR and DME from retinal images. Moreover, our pro
nique can efficiently find the severity level of eye disease because of accurate fe
traction using DenseNet-100. Our method precisely detects the DR and DM
along with the early stages of DR, which was a challenging task, due to their s
The AP results are plotted in the boxplot graph (Figure 7), as a boxplot can bette
strate the obtained output by exhibiting the maximum, minimum and median
achieved over the five categories of lesions.

Figure 7.
Figure Averageprecision resultsresults
precision of the proposed method.
of the proposed method.
Furthermore, to show the class-wise categorization power of the presented tech-
nique, to show
we report the confusion the which
matrix, class-wise
can assistcategorization
in showing how wellpower of the prese
the Custom-
CenterNet has predicted the actual class (Figure 8). It can be seen,
nique, we report the confusion matrix, which can assist in showing how well th from the confusion
matrix, that Custom CenterNet attains the best classification performance for class and class
having a positivehas rate
predicted the whereas
(TPR) of 97%, actual the
class (Figure
proposed 8). Itexhibits
technique can be seen,
lower from the
for class that Custom
(no disease) CenterNet
because attains
of its textural the with
similarity bestclass
classification performance
(microaneurysms). From fo
Figure 8, it can be seen that the presented approach shows an average
class having a positive rate (TPR) of 97%, whereas the proposed technique exh FPR of 2.16%, which
results for class (no disease) because of its textural similarity with class (microa
From Figure 8, it can be seen that the presented approach shows an average FP
which shows the robustness of our framework. While, for the rest of the class
Furthermore, to show the class-wise categorization power of the presented tech-
nique, we report the confusion matrix, which can assist in showing how well the Custom-
CenterNet has predicted the actual class (Figure 8). It can be seen, from the confusion
matrix, that Custom CenterNet attains the best classification performance for class and
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 class having a positive rate (TPR) of 97%, whereas the proposed technique exhibits 14 of 18 lower
results for class (no disease) because of its textural similarity with class (microaneurysms).
From Figure 8, it can be seen that the presented approach shows an average FPR of 2.16%,
showsshows the robustness
the robustness of our framework.
of our framework. While, forWhile,
the restfor theclasses,
of the rest of the
classes, the pre-
sented method also shows remarkable
method also shows remarkable performance. performance.

Figure 8.
Figure Confusion matrix.
8. Confusion matrix.
4.3.3. Comparative Analysis
We implemented the proposed method in Python TensorFlow on a GPU-based ma-
chine. We compared our method results with other techniques on both datasets, namely,
APTOS-2019 and IDRiD. For the APTOS-2019 database, we considered the reported re-
sults of the comparative techniques, i.e., Bodapati et al. [36], Chaturvedi et al. [37] and
Bodapati et al. [38], and the results are reported in Table 4. While, for the IDRiD dataset,
we compared our results with the approaches of Wu et al. [39] and Luo et al. [40] and an
accuracy comparison is demonstrated in Table 5.

Table 4. Comparison with state-of-the-art approaches over the Aptos-2019 dataset.

Method Accuracy (%)

Bodapati [36] 97.41
Chaturvedi et al. [37] 96.51
Bodapati et al. [38] 84.31
Proposed 97.93

Table 5. Comparison with state-of-the-art approaches over the IDRiD dataset.

Method Accuracy (%)

Wu et al. [39] 80.00
Luo et al. [40] 67.96
Proposed 98.10
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 15 of 18

The reported results show that our method achieved better performance than the
comparative approaches, in terms of accuracy. It can be seen that our method achieved an
average accuracy of 97.93% on the APTOS-2019 dataset and 98.10% on the IDRiD dataset,
which is higher than other methods. The comparative methods achieved an average
accuracy of 92.74 on the APTOS-2019 dataset and 73.98 on the IDRiD dataset; therefore, we
can say that our methods achieved a 5.19% and 24% performance gain on the APTOS-2019
and IDRiD datasets, respectively. The approaches are suffering from high computational
cost and may not locate the lesions of varying sizes under intense light and color variations.
However, the presented framework provides an efficient set of features that assists in
locating the lesions even under the presence of post-processing attacks, i.e., blurring, noise,
light, color and size variations. Moreover, the proposed method gives a computational
advantage over the comparative methods due to its single-stage object detector network.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the presented approach is both efficient and effective
for eye disease classification.

4.3.4. Cross-Dataset Validation

We experimented to check the identification performance of our framework over a
cross-database scenario. The basic reason for executing cross-database validation is to check
the generalization performance of the presented method. To accomplish this, we trained
our technique on the APTOS-2019 and IDRiD datasets and tested it over the EYEPACS [41]
and Darietdb1 [42] databases. EYEPACS is a challenging dataset that contains a total
of 88,704 samples with five classes of lesions. The results are shown in Figure 9, which
contains the class-wise test results of the EYEPACS and Diaretdb1 datasets. We plotted the
results in terms of ROC curves. Figure 9a describes the test results of five classes over the
EYEPACS dataset in terms of AUC, while Figure 9b shows the AUC values of the Diaretdb1
dataset having 4 classes or lesions. From these experiments or class-wise performance
of both datasets, we can say that the presented work is robust in lesion detection from
unseen images. Hence, it can be said that the introduced approach is robust in DR
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 and
of 17
DME identification and categorization.

Figure 9.
Figure 9. Cross
performanceof of
ourour technique.
technique. (a) Test
(a) Test overover the EYEPACS
the EYEPACS dataset.
dataset. (b)
(b) Test Test
over theover the Diaretdb1
Diaretdb1 dataset.
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
The manual localization of DR and DME lesions requires experienced human experts
The finer
to locate manual localization
points of from
of interest DR and DMEfundus
colored lesionsimages,
experienced human
classify them intoexperts
to locate finer points of interest from colored fundus images, and classify them
priate groups through a grading system. To cope with the challenges of a manual detection into ap-
propriate groupsautomated
system, a robust through atechnique
grading system. Toa cope
based on customwith the challenges
CenterNet of a amanual
model and de-
100 feature extractor is introduced in the proposed work. We evaluated our approach ona
system, a robust automated technique based on a custom CenterNet model and
DenseNet-100 feature extractor is introduced in the proposed work. We evaluated our
approach on two benchmark datasets, namely, APTOS-2019 and IDRiD, and achieved ac-
curacies of 97.93% and 98.10%, respectively. Our reported results demonstrate the capa-
bility of our method for accurately detecting and classifying both DR and DME lesions. In
comparison to existing DR and DME detection techniques, our proposed framework can
Sensors 2021, 21, 5283 16 of 18

two benchmark datasets, namely, APTOS-2019 and IDRiD, and achieved accuracies of
97.93% and 98.10%, respectively. Our reported results demonstrate the capability of our
method for accurately detecting and classifying both DR and DME lesions. In comparison
to existing DR and DME detection techniques, our proposed framework can compute
representative key points from low-intensity and noisy data images and accurately classify
them to their respective classes. Hence, our approach can play an important role in the
automated detection and recognition of DR and DME lesions. In future, we plan to evaluate
our technique on more challenging datasets and adapt it for the detection of other diseases.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.M., T.N., F.A., M.N. and A.M.; data curation, M.M.,
T.N., R.M., M.N. and A.M.; formal analysis, J.R., J.K., H.-Y.K., A.H.; funding acquisition, H.-Y.K.;
investigation, J.R., H.-Y.K. and A.H.; methodology, T.N., J.R. and M.N.; project administration, T.N.,
J.R.; resources, A.H., J.K.; software, A.M. and M.M.; supervision, J.R.; validation, T.N.; visualization,
J.R.; writing—original draft, M.M., T.N., M.N., J.R.; writing—review and editing, M.M., T.N., M.N.,
A.M., J.R., J.K., H.-Y.K. and A.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)
grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2018R1C1B5084424), and in part by the Basic
Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the
Ministry of Education (No. 2019R1A6A1A03032119).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing not applicable to this article as authors have used publicly
available datasets, whose details are included in the “experimental results and discussions” section
of this article. Please contact the authors for further requests.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the anonymous reviewers who helped to improve the quality
of the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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